Read The Kidnapped President Page 16


  Strange to say, the populace of La Gloria did not appear to troublethemselves very much, either one way or the other, concerning theirPresident's re-appearance. The officials, however, were, as behovedthem, considerably more demonstrative. They were well acquainted withFernandez' temper, and, like sagacious mortals, realized that it wouldbe wiser for them to allow him to suppose that, whatever their ownprivate opinions might be, they desired no better leader than himself.With Hermanos, and his fellow-conspirators, he was not likely, as heobserved, to have very much trouble. They professed to have seen theerror of their ways, and were as enthusiastic in Fernandez' praise asthey had hitherto been in his detriment. As for my own part in thissingular business I allowed Fernandez to tell the story in his ownfashion. This he did, to such good purpose that in a very short time Ifound myself the hero of La Gloria, an honour with which I could verywell have dispensed. Monsieur Maxime and his crew were most liberallyrewarded by the President, as were Matthews and his fellow-sailor.They remained in Equinata for a short time, but what became of themlater I cannot say.

  "My dear Trevelyan," said Fernandez to me one morning, "I reallyintend that we should have a serious talk together. Now you know thatwhenever I have broached the subject of a recompense to you for thetrouble you have taken, you have invariably put me off with someexcuse or another, but I will be denied no longer. Forgive me if I sayI am well acquainted with the state of your finances."

  "It is not a fine prospect, is it?" I said, with a laugh.

  "If you had stood by Silvestre and had left me to my fate, you wouldhave been a comparatively rich man. And even if you did turn thetables upon Silvestre, why were you so quixotic as to hand him backthe money?"

  "I think you can guess," I answered. "If you can't, I am afraid I mustleave you to work the problem out."

  "And if you would not take _his_ money, why should you be equallyparticular in my case? It is only fair that I should recompense youfor the inestimable service you have rendered me."

  "I am afraid that it is impossible," I answered, for, as I havealready said, I had long since made up my mind upon this subject.

  Fernandez endeavoured to press me, but I remained adamant. Nothing hecould do or say would induce me to change my mind. I knew that it wasonly by adhering to my resolution that I could salve my conscience. Ihad still sufficient money of my own left to pay for my passage toEngland.

  Important as the capital of Equinata may appear in the eyes of itsinhabitants, it is, nevertheless, scarcely so prominent in themaritime world as certain other places I could mention on the SouthAmerican coast. It was true I could wait for the monthly mail-steamerwhich would connect with a branch line at La Guayra, or I might takeone of the small trading-boats and proceed along the coast until Icould find a vessel bound for Europe. But having had sufficient oftrading schooners in _La Belle Josephine_ to last me a lifetime, Ieventually made up my mind to await the coming of the mail-boat,which, if all went well, would put in an appearance in a fortnight'stime.

  During that fortnight I was permitted a further opportunity ofstudying the character of the Senorita under another aspect. Since herreturn to La Gloria she seemed to have undergone a complete change.Her temper was scarcely alike for two days at a time. She wascapricious, wilful, easily made angry; then she would veer round, andbe tender, repentant and so anxious to please, that it was impossibleto be vexed with her.

  "The President will miss you very much when you leave us," she said tome on the evening before my departure, as we stood together on themarble terrace overlooking the palace gardens.

  It was a lovely night, and the air was filled with the scent of theorange blossom. I do not think my companion had ever looked morebeautiful than she did at that moment. Indeed her beauty seemed to meto be almost unearthly.

  "I fancy every one likes to feel that he or she will be missed," Ianswered. "You may be sure I shall often think of Equinata. Perhapssome day I may be able to return."

  "Who knows where we shall be then?" she replied gloomily.

  "What do you mean?" I asked in a tone of surprise. "You will, ofcourse, be here, leading the Social Life of Equinata as you do now!"

  "I am afraid that even now you do not realize how quickly affairschange in South America," she replied. "Some one else may manage tocatch the Public Fancy, there will be a Revolution and we shall go outof power--perhaps to our graves!"

  "I cannot believe that. In any case your uncle would take care yoursafety is assured!"

  She gave a little impatient tap with her foot upon the stones.

  "Of course he would protect me if he could," she answered, "but hemight not be able to do anything. Had you not come to our rescue onthat island, what use would his protection have been to me? How do Iknow that we may not be situated like that again? Oh, I am tired ofthis life--tired--tired!"

  Almost before I knew what had happened she was leaning on thebalustrading, sobbing as if her heart would break. I was so taken bysurprise, that for a moment I did not know what to say, or do, tocomfort her. Then I went forward and placed my hand gently upon hershoulder.

  "Senorita," I said, "is there anything I can do to help you?"

  "No, no," she answered. "You can do nothing! Leave me to my misery.Does it matter to you, or to any one, what becomes of me?"

  "It must matter a good deal to your friends," I replied.

  "Friends?" she cried, facing me once more and speaking with a scornimpossible to describe. "I have no friends. The women hate and fearme, the men cringe to me because of my influence with the President.Even he may grow tired of me before long, and then----"

  I allowed this speech to pass uncommented on. At the same time Iwished the President would make his appearance and put an end to whatwas becoming a rather dangerous _tete-a-tete_. When she spoke again itwas in a fierce whisper.

  "Do you remember that night when we stood together in the balcony ofthe Opera House, and talked of ambition and of what a man might riseto? Senor Trevelyan, I tell you this, if I loved a man I could helphim to rise to anything. Do you hear me? To anything!"

  There was only one way to treat the matter, and before I answered herI knew perfectly well what the result would be.

  "Enviable man!" was all I said.

  She drew herself up to her full height. Then, turning on her heel, shemade her way swiftly towards the house. My silly compliment hadsucceeded where expostulation or reserve would have failed.

  Next morning the mail-boat which was to carry me away from Equinatamade her appearance in the harbour. She was to sail at midday, and upto eleven o'clock I had seen nothing of the Senorita. About tenminutes before I left the palace, however, she made her appearance inthe President's study. Her face was somewhat paler than usual, andthough she endeavoured to lead me to suppose that she had forgottenour conversation on the previous evening, I could see that the memoryof it still weighed heavily upon her. The President had declared hisintention of personally escorting me on board the steamer, and at thelast moment, not a little to my surprise, the Senorita decided toaccompany him. We accordingly set off, and in due course reached thevessel, a miserable packet of some six hundred tons, whose captain, onhearing of our arrival, hastened forward to receive his distinguishedguests. After he had paid his respects he offered to show the Senoritathe saloon, and thus gave me a few minutes alone with the President.

  "It is needless for me to say how sorry I am that you are going," saidthe latter. "I wish I could have persuaded you to stay with us. But Isuppose you know your own business best. Remember this, however!Should you ever need a friend, there is one in La Gloria to whom youcan always turn!"

  I thanked him and promised that I would not forget, and then theSenorita rejoined us. We had only time to exchange a few words beforethe whistle sounded for strangers to leave the ship.

  "Good-bye," said the President, giving me his hand. "Think sometimesof Equinata."

  "You may be sure I shall do that," I answered, with a glance at thewhite town

  Then the Senorita in her turn held out her little hand. I took it, andas I did so looked into her eyes.

  "Good-bye," she said, and in a low voice added:--"May the Saintsprotect you."

  Then she followed the President to the gangway. A quarter of an hourlater we were steaming between the Heads, and in half-an-hour LaGloria was out of sight.