Read The Kidnapped President Page 7


  As soon as I realized the identity of the man before me, you may besure I did my utmost to appear at my best to him. So much, I knew,depended on his first impression.

  "I am exceedingly pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Trevelyan,"said the President, in a voice that struck me as being distinctlypleasant. "I fancy I saw your yacht from a distance this afternoon.She is a handsome craft, and, if I am not mistaken, was built on theClyde. Am I right in my conjecture?"

  For a moment I felt inclined to ask myself how it was this man wasable to discriminate between a boat built on the Thames and anotherbuilt on the Clyde. I subdued the inclination, however, and fell backupon my Trevelyan manner.

  "Quite right," I answered. "She hails from the Clyde, and, like mostboats launched on that river, she is a credit to her builders. I don'tknow that I have ever met with a better. I hope I may be able toinduce your Excellency to pay her a visit, in order that you mayinspect her for yourself."

  "It will give me great pleasure to do so," he answered, and when hehad conversed with me for a few moments longer, he left me in order topay his respects to a lady at the further end of the room. I was notsorry for this, as it gave me an opportunity of observing him a littlemore closely. He was certainly a remarkable-looking man, and each timeI glanced at him the conclusion was more forcibly borne upon me thathe was one with whom it would be better to be on friendly terms thananything else. Although there was an apparent kindliness in hismanner, one could not help feeling that it was only the velvet glovemasking the iron hand concealed below.

  He remained in the room for upwards of half-an-hour and then took hisdeparture, not, however, until he had crossed to me once more and hadrepeated his desire to visit the yacht, in order that he might inspecther more closely.

  "As I said just now, I shall be delighted to show her to you," Ihastened to reply, and thereupon suggested that he should breakfastwith me on board the next day, and that with his permission I wouldinclude General Sagana and his family in the invitation.

  "You are most hospitable, Senor Trevelyan," he answered, "and if youwill allow me I will also bring my niece, the Senorita Dolores dePerera. I am sure she will be most pleased to make your acquaintance."

  "I shall be more than honoured," I replied, in my best manner, feelingthat at last I was making real headway. "Would eleven o'clock suityour Excellency's convenience?"

  "Admirably," he returned. "Let us then say _au revoir_ until eleveno'clock to-morrow."

  I promised that a boat should meet them at the wharf, and then bowingto the ladies, and accompanied by General Sagana, he left the room.When the General returned he complimented me warmly upon the success Ihad made with the President.

  "A most remarkable man, Senor Travillion," he continued, twirling hisenormous moustaches, "the most remarkable man Equinata has yetproduced. His career has, indeed, been an extraordinary one in everyway."

  "Indeed?" I answered, with an endeavour to conceal the interest I wastaking in what he said. "May I ask whom he succeeded?"

  For a moment the situation possessed a flavour of embarrassment. I wasnot aware that the General had been one of Silvestre's principaladherents, and that it was only when he discovered the fact thataffairs were not as they should be with his master that he hadtransferred his allegiance to the stronger party.

  "His predecessor was a certain Don Guzman de Silvestre," the oldgentleman replied, but in a tone that suggested two things to me;first, that he was not aware of my connection with the man inquestion, and secondly, that the subject was a decidedly distastefulone to him. Realizing this I did not attempt to pursue it further.

  Having formally invited my hostess and host and their daughters to mylittle _dejeuner_ on the following day, I bade them farewell and tookmy departure. It was evident that my visit had been appreciated, andthat some importance was attached to it, for I found the General'sprivate carriage waiting outside to convey me back to the wharf. I wascareful to thank him for the courtesy he had extended to me, and thendrove off.

  When I retired to rest that night, it was with the feeling that my dayhad not been altogether wasted. Behind it, however, was a decidedimpression that President Fernandez was by no means the sort of man tobe caught napping, and that, if I wished to trap him, it would benecessary for me to have all my wits about me. Moreover, I fanciedthat when I _did_ catch him, I should find him a somewhat difficultcaptive to tame. As is very often the case in such matters, oneapparently inconsequent remark of his haunted me more than anythingelse that had fallen from his lips. Why had he declared the yacht tobe a Clyde-built boat? Was it only a statement made haphazard, or hadhe some previous knowledge of the craft in question? The mere thoughtthat he might know anything of her past made me anxious beyondmeasure. The possibilities were that he did not, but the fact that hemight have an inkling of my intention was sufficient to prevent mefrom sleeping and to cause me to tumble and toss in my bed, hour afterhour, endeavouring to find some satisfactory solution to the problem."I have seen what he can do to those who offend him," Hermanos hadsaid to me, "and I confess the picture did not please me." At the sametime I could not believe that it was possible that the President hadany idea of the real reason of my presence in Equinata. The secret hadbeen so jealously guarded that it could not have leaked out. Thesethoughts, however, did not prevent me from looking forward with thegreatest possible interest to the festivity of the morrow. Immediatelyon my arrival on board, I called Ferguson to a consultation. Heforthwith interviewed the chief cook, and the result was thepreparation of a repast that promised to equal anything ever seen inEquinata before.

  As you may suppose, the following morning was a busy one with us. Thearrangements were most elaborate. Flowers were procured from theshore, and with them the saloons were decorated. A string band wasengaged to play on the bridge during the repast, and in thePresident's honour the yacht was hung with bunting.

  Half-an-hour before my guests were due to arrive, I descended to mycabin and made my toilet. I had scarcely returned to the deck before Iwas informed by the chief mate, who was on the look-out, that theboats we expected were putting off from the shore. Ferguson stoodbeside me and watched them come alongside. Out of compliment to thePresident he had caused the flag of Equinata to be hoisted, and haddrawn up a Guard of Honour from the crew on either side of thegangway. The first boat to come alongside contained the President, his_aide-de-camp_, and a lady, whom I argued must be none other than hisniece, the Senorita Dolores de Perera. The President was the first toset foot upon the deck, and, as he did so, the band struck up theNational Air of Equinata. His Excellency shook me warmly by the hand,and then, turning to the lady who accompanied him, presented me toher. I have met some very beautiful women in my time, but I amdoubtful whether I have ever seen one who could compare with the ladyI then had before me. She was slightly above the middle height, withraven hair and dark flashing eyes, and carried herself with the gracethat is so characteristic of her nationality. Her manner towards mewas distinctly cordial, and under its influence I began to think thatour luncheon was not destined to be as dull an affair as I had fearedit might be. I escorted them to a cool spot under the awning, and thenprepared to receive my other guests. Upon their arrival, we proceededto the saloon for lunch. That the President was impressed, I couldplainly see. He paid me many compliments upon the beauty of the yacht,and vowed that, when times improved in Equinata, he would have justsuch another built for his own private use.

  "How I envy you your lot, Senor Trevelyan!" remarked the SenoritaDolores, when we had seated ourselves at the table, and as she saidit, she threw a beaming glance at me. "How beautiful it must be toskim over the seas like a bird, to be always seeing new countries, andreceiving new impressions. Yours must be an ideal life, if ever therewere one."

  "I fear you have omitted to take into your calculations the existenceof Custom House officials, the engagement of crews, and the fact thata yacht, however beautiful, needs coaling, in order to be able toproperly perf
orm her functions. There are also storms to mar one'spleasure, Port Dues, Harbour Regulations, Quarantine, and a thousandand one other little matters that, though not important in themselves,are, nevertheless, sufficient to play the part of crumpled rose-leavesin your bed of happiness."

  "But in these seas you have all smooth sailing. You came herefrom----?"

  She asked the question so innocently that I felt sure it was withoutany sinister intention.

  "From Havana to Key West, and thence to Jamaica, Barbadoes, and so toEquinata!"

  "And your plans after leaving here?"

  "I have scarcely formed any plans yet," I answered, and then I addedwith a fair amount of truth, "You see, Senorita, it all depends uponcircumstances. I may go on to Rio, thence to Buenos Ayres, and perhapsround the Horn to the Pacific Islands, or I may return to England atonce."

  "While we remain on here leading our humdrum life," said thePresident, toying with his champagne glass as he spoke, "and endingthe year almost as we began it, seeing few strangers and interestedonly in our own little mediocre affairs."

  "I fear your Excellency must speak ironically," I said. "What granderor more interesting occupation can there be in the world, than thework of building up a new country, a country which may ultimately takeits place among the greatest of the earth? While I am fluttering likea butterfly from place to place, you are guiding, helping, andbenefiting your fellow-man, and through him the entire human race."

  "You are an idealist, I perceive, Senor Trevelyan," the Presidentreturned, with one of his peculiar smiles. "Unfortunately for yourtheory, my fellow-man does not always wish to be benefited, as yourwords would lead one to suppose. To my thinking he is very like thatnoble animal, the horse, who, while being capable of great things,must first learn the principles of subjection. What say you, GeneralSagana?"

  "I agree with your Excellency," replied the General with some littleembarrassment, though why he should have felt it I could not at thetime understand.

  I turned to the Senorita Dolores.

  "You are deeply interested in politics, of course, Senorita?" I said,as innocently as I knew how.

  "No, I do not mind admitting that I take no sort of interest inpolitics," she answered. "I find it better for many reasons not to doso. So long as I am not publicly insulted in the streets, and the mobdo not attempt to shoot my uncle, or to come to the palace and breakour windows, I am content to let whichever party pleases hold thereins of power. But there, I feel sure, Senor Trevelyan, you did notcome to Equinata to talk politics. We must discover a way of amusingyou, and of making your time pass pleasantly while you are with us,without that!"

  As she said this, she glanced down the table at the two daughters ofGeneral Sagana, who returned her smile with a look that said asplainly as any words could speak, that if they were given theopportunity, they would take care that my time was spent as pleasantlyas possible.

  All things taken into consideration, my little _dejeuner_ was adecided success, and the affability of the President, when the ladieshad withdrawn, helped to confirm me in this opinion. Nothing couldhave exceeded his geniality. He narrated several amusing incidentsconnected with his past life, and once even unbent so far as tocomment on a certain act connected with the reign of his predecessor.

  "Silvestre was a clever man; a very clever man," he said; "but, asevents proved, entirely wanting in a proper appreciation of hisposition. Had he used his opportunities as he might have done, hewould, in all probability, be occupying the position he held then andwhich I hold to-day."

  "And may I ask what has become of him?" I inquired, not without somecuriosity as to what his answer would be.

  The President, however, shook his head.

  "No one seems to have any idea where he is," he said. "After the lastcrisis he disappeared from Equinata, but where he went I cannot tellyou. Very probably he is dead. Men of his calibre do not, as a rule,make old bones."

  His manner was so open, his speech so frank, that my suspicions thathe was aware of my errand in his capital were fast dying away.

  Later on we left the saloon and joined the ladies on deck. A cool windwas blowing, and it was very pleasant under the awnings. Afterhalf-an-hour's conversation, followed by an inspection of the yacht,the President declared his intention of returning to the shore. Theboats were accordingly ordered alongside, whereupon, having thanked mefor my hospitality, the President and the Senorita, attended by their_aide-de-camp_, the latter a great lady-killer, took their departure.General Sagana and his party followed suit a little later, and then Iwas free to discuss the success of our entertainment with Ferguson.

  "If all goes on as it is doing now," I said, lighting a fresh cigar,and handing my case to him, "it should not prove a very difficultmatter to inveigle him on board to dinner some night, when we mightsettle the affair once and for all."

  "Unfortunately, the chances are a hundred to one that, if he came, hewould bring an _aide_ with him, as he did to-day. What should we dothen?"

  "Take the _aide_ to the island with us," I replied promptly. "One moreprisoner would make little or no difference to Silvestre."

  Next morning I was the recipient of an invitation from the Presidentto dine at the palace on the Thursday following. Needless to say, Ihastened to accept, and in due course presented myself at hisExcellency's magnificent abode. I was met in the hall by the_aide-de-camp_ who had breakfasted with us on board the yacht, and byhim was conducted to the great drawing-room where the President andhis niece were receiving their guests. Some thirty or forty peoplewere present, among the number being General Sagana and Madame, andtheir two fair daughters, who welcomed me like old friends. ThePresident took the General's wife in to dinner, while, for some reasonbest known to them, I was permitted the honour of escorting theSenorita.

  "So you have not grown tired of Equinata yet, Senor Trevelyan?" saidmy fair companion, as we made our way in our turn along the statelyhall in the direction of the dining-room.

  "On the contrary, I grow more charmed with it every day," I replied."Who could help liking it, when its citizens are so hospitable tostrangers?"

  "Before you praise us, remember that you set us a charming example,"she continued. "It will be long before I forget the pleasant morningwe spent on board your yacht. I can assure you that my uncle alsolooks back on it with the greatest pleasure."

  "I trust it may not be the last time he will visit her," I answered,with more truth than is usually attachable to an idle compliment.

  The room in which we dined was a magnificent apartment, furnished witha grandeur that gave it an almost regal dignity. The President's_chef_ was evidently a treasure, for the dinner could scarcely havebeen excelled. During its progress the President addressed himself onseveral occasions to me, and invited me to accompany him on a visit tosome celebrated copper mines in the neighbourhood, also to a review ofthe troops which was to take place in the Great Square in a week'stime. As may be supposed, I was quick to accept both invitations.

  "And at the end of the week there is to be a grand ball at the OperaHouse," the Senorita continued, when her uncle had finished speaking."It is in aid of the convent of the Little Sisters of the Poor, and isone of our recognized gaieties of the year. I wonder if we shall beable to persuade you to be present?"

  "I shall be more than delighted," I replied. "That is, of course,provided I am not compelled to leave Equinata in the meantime."

  "You must not leave us too soon," she said, and then paused andexamined her plate attentively. I was about to answer her, when herattention was attracted by her neighbour on her right, and I wasaccordingly left to my own thoughts.

  I looked down the long table, glittering with glass and plate, and asI did so, I endeavoured to apprize the value of my extraordinaryposition. Who at that board could have guessed the errand in Equinataof the man whom, doubtless, so many of them envied for his wealth andfor his magnificent floating home? I could not help wondering what myown feelings would have been had I known only three months or sobefore
, when I was standing watch as a mail-boat officer, that in afew short weeks I should be the honoured guest of the President of theRepublic of Equinata, and the presumptive owner of a yacht valued atupwards of a hundred thousand pounds.

  I looked across the room and examined the pictures hanging upon thewalls. That exactly opposite me riveted my attention. I felt that Icould not be mistaken as to the likeness. It was the portrait of DonGuzman de Silvestre, and the artist had managed to depict him to thelife. How it called me back to other days! As I looked at it, I seemedto be sitting in the old inn garden at Falstead, listening to hisinstructions for the campaign, and wondering how long Molly would beat the choir practice.

  "You have suddenly become very silent, Senor Trevelyan," said theSenorita, rousing me from my reverie.

  "I was thinking that I shall often look back with pleasure upon thisevening," I replied.

  The look she gave me would probably have encouraged many men to embarkon a course of the maddest flirtation. I, however, was adamant.

  "In reality," she said, "I suppose you are like all the other visitorswe have, and, as soon as you are away from Equinata, you will forgetus altogether."

  "I assure you I shall never forget your beautiful city as long as Ilive," I answered, and with more truth than she imagined.

  She threw a quick glance at me and then, looking down thedinner-table, gave the signal to the ladies to rise. I must confesshere that the Senorita interested me very strangely. At first I hadthought her merely a very beautiful woman, well fitted by nature toperform the difficult task asked of her; it was not long, however,before I came to have a somewhat better understanding of her realabilities. In what light I regard her now, you will be able to realizefor yourself when you have read my story.

  As had been arranged, three days after the dinner I have justdescribed, I accompanied the President and a considerable party to thefamous copper mines in the mountain range that began behind the cityand extended well-nigh to the further limit of the Republic. We wereonly absent three days, yet in that short space of time I waspermitted an opportunity of studying the real character andpersonality of Equinata's ruler more closely than I had yet done. Atfirst I must confess I had been prepared to dislike him, but little bylittle, so gradually indeed that I scarcely noticed the change, Ifound that he was managing to overcome my prejudices. Under theinfluence of these new impressions I also began to see my own part ofthe business in a new light. From what Silvestre had said to me, I hadup to that time regarded him as a traitor to his friends, and as atyrant and enemy to his country. I now discovered that he was neitherthe one nor the other. He ruled according to his lights, and if heheld his people in an iron grip, it was for the good and sufficientreason that he knew their character, and the sort of government theyrequired. My own position, when I came to overhaul it properly, Idiscovered to be by no means edifying. I accepted his hospitality andhis kindnesses, yet I was only waiting my chance to prove myself atraitor of the worst kind. I was posing as his friend, yet at the sametime was preparing to prove myself his worst enemy. Such thoughts asthese kept me company by day and night, and made me regard myself witha contempt such as I had never dreamed of before. And yet I knew that,at any hazard, I must go through with it. Had I not taken Silvestre'smoney and pledged myself to serve him? Therefore I could not drawback.

  On our return to the city from the mountains, I was present at thereview of the troops in the Great Square, and witnessed theredoubtable army of Equinata, headed by General Sagana, as you maysuppose in the fullest of full uniforms, march by and salute itschief. That ceremony over, I returned to the yacht to while away thehours as best I could until it should be time to dress for the greatball that was to take place at the Opera House that evening.

  Having rigged myself out for the occasion, I was rowed ashore, and, asI had plenty of time to spare, I determined to walk to the GreatSquare in preference to taking a cab. To do this it was necessary forme to pass a certain fashionable _cafe_, whose little tables decoratedthe broad pavement outside. At one of these tables two men wereseated, playing dominoes as they sipped their coffee. One of themlooked up at me as I passed. As my eyes fell on his face I gave astart, for I recognized him instantly as a well-known Rio merchant,who had made several voyages with me in the old _Pernambuco_, and withwhom I had been on the most friendly terms. He stared at me as if hethought he ought to know my face, but, I suppose on account of theabsence of my moustache, could not quite remember where he had seen itlast.

  I hurried on, with my heart in my mouth, as the saying has it, but Ihad not gone very far ere I heard some one bustling after me. A fewseconds later a hand was laid upon my arm, and I turned to find theindividual I had seen seated at the table standing before me.

  "Ten t'ousand pardons, senor," he began in English, "but am I mistakenif I say your name is 'Elmsworth?"

  I had to make up my mind.

  "I'm afraid you're making some little mistake," I replied, and thenadded what was worse than a lie, that is to say, a half-truth, "I knowno one of the name of 'Elmsworth."

  "Den I must beg of you ten t'ousand more bardons," he continued. "It'ought you vas one of mine old vriends dot I vas at sea mit. Forgiveme dat I interrupt you in your valk."

  I willingly forgave him and passed on.

  The question that kept me company for the rest of the evening was--Hadmy assurance satisfied him? If not, what would he be likely to do?