Read The Kin Page 6


  Junius was moving cautiously through the streets searching for the cause of the noise. He was heading for the area closest to the mountains, which was at the far end of the city away from the dilapidated buildings. Marius quickly caught up with him.

  “What kept you?” Junius asked quietly.

  “Oh, I had to convince the woman to look after our horses and not to eat them.”

  Junius snorted in amusement. “Did you?”

  “She says they’ll look after them for a moon, but after that she says we won’t need them, which I suppose we won’t. Seemed a strange thing to say though.”

  The sudden shrill sound was definitely louder, and it cut through Junius’s reply. They exchanged looks and Marius could see the battle fervour in his friend’s eye. His heart sank. Junius was terrified of being recalled to Rome to begin the political life that his family had planned for him. So far he’d avoided that summons, by virtue of his inherent ability and fearlessness in combat, which had not only earned him the respect of his superiors, but also of the men he commanded. Marius was one of those men and he knew that nothing would persuade him to turn back and seek shelter with the locals.

  “This way,” Junius told him, indicating with a nod the direction he believed the sound had come from. They continued quietly with swords drawn until Junius barked out a command.

  “Stop. Do you see that light up ahead?”

  Marius nodded and they resumed their approach, creeping stealthily along the deserted street until they came to a junction. They glanced at each other for confirmation and encouragement as they had countless times before a battle, then together they turned the corner and faced the source of the noise.

  They found themselves in the forecourt of a magnificent palace, which was bathed in glowing golden torchlight. At the centre, marble steps led to a terrace of columns that encircled the building. Beyond the pillars, marble walls glistened like living flesh in the light except at the centre of the portico, where the flames were reflected in two huge brass doors, which had been flung open to reveal dimly lit opulence beyond.

  For a moment both men were stunned by the radiance of the torches after the darkness of the city, but in the brightness, it was possible to discern a figure coming down the stairs towards them.

  His flowing robes and long black hair billowed out behind him, despite the stillness of the air and when he opened his arms in welcome, the night was instantly filled with a sweet scent that soothed their fears and stilled all qualms.

  Both men, despite their training, sheathed their weapons and automatically went to meet him.

  The stranger smiled down at them and his dark eyes twinkled in the torchlight. “Welcome to Persepolis. I am Isher–Dan, the leader of the free residents here in our city. Please enter and let us entertain and nourish you before setting you on your next journey.”

  The two Romans stared for a moment, still overwhelmed and confused by the opulence before their eyes after the desolation of the rest of the city. Isher-Dan smiled.

  “It is hot and arid. My Kin prefer to live by moonlight. It is more comfortable for us, as I’m sure you will come to understand.”

  As the commanding officer, it was up to Junius to make the introductions and he stepped forward now. “Thank you for your kindness. I am Marcus Junius Silanus, senior tribune of the Twentieth Legion and this is Marius Tullius Varens, my adjutant and centurion of the first cohort of the same legion. We’ve been sent by the Emperor of Rome to chart and map the land of Parthia, which is now a client kingdom of the Empire.”

  Isher-Dan beamed happily. “At last, so the Romans have finally arrived. We’ve been waiting a long time for this moment. This is good news for us. We will willingly share all the information we have and place it at your disposal. I’m sure that we can help and make the task in front of you much less daunting. It will be our pleasure. Come now and enter the Palace of Xerxes and leave your worries and concerns behind. We live a life of pleasure and ease, and we will happily share this with you both.”

  He lifted his arms, and instantly there was movement behind him. Several women in loose translucent robes, which revealed more than they concealed, ran lightly down the steps and surrounded the two bemused Roman officers. Junius glanced at his friend, delighted at the turn of events. Marius grinned in return but he happened to glimpse Isher–Dan as they were ushered past. The leader was smiling, but his eyes were cold and calculating.