Read The King of Diamonds: A Tale of Mystery and Adventure Page 10


  _A Step Higher._

  "This is the boy, sir," said the policeman.

  "Oh, is that him?" observed the inspector, sticking his thumbs into hisbelt and gazing at Philip with professional severity.

  Philip met their scrutiny without flinching. He leaned against the wallwith his hands in his pockets, one fist clinched over the pouchful ofgold, the other guarding a diamond bigger than the Koh-i-Noor.

  "I am sorry I have only one chair, gentlemen," he said, apologetically.

  "That's all right, my lad," said the inspector. "The constable heretells me that you very pluckily helped him to capture a notoriousburglar. The man was hiding in this mews, and it seems you first saw himlooking in through your window. What were you doing at the time?"

  "Packing my portmanteau."

  "Oh, packing your portmanteau."

  "Yes. That is it."

  He stooped and nonchalantly threw it open. His clothes and boots, andsome of the other contents, were exposed to view. The inspector laughed.

  "Not many diamonds there, Bradley."

  "No, sir. I told you Mason was talking rubbish."

  "Did he say any more about me being the boy who found the meteor?" askedPhilip, with a first-rate attempt at a grin.

  "Wouldn't talk of anything else," volunteered P. C. Bradley.

  "Judging by the way he dropped when I hit him, I expect he saw stars,"said Philip.

  "Are you leaving here?" asked the inspector.

  "Yes, I must. The company which owns these premises intends to pull themdown on the first of next month."

  "What is your name?"


  "Ah! I think I remember hearing something about your mother's death.Very nice woman, I was told. A lady, too."

  "Yes, all that, and more."

  "Of course, that accounts for your manners and appearance. Have youfound some friends?"

  The inspector's glance roved from the serviceable portmanteau toPhilip's tidy garments, and it was his business to make rapiddeductions.

  "Yes, most fortunately."

  "Anybody connected with Sharpe & Smith?" the constable put in.

  "Sharpe & Smith! Who are they?"

  "Don't you know? Their young man certainly didn't seem to know muchabout your movements. He has been here twice looking for you. The firsttime was, let me see, last Monday, about four o'clock. I was on duty inthe main road, and he asked me for some information. We came and lookedin, but your door was locked. The man on this beat this afternoon toldme that the same clerk was making further inquiries to-day, so as soonas I came on night duty I strolled into the mews to find out if youwere at home. That is how I happened to see you."

  He turned toward the inspector.

  "He was packing his bag at the moment, sir, and Mason had evidently beenscared from the window by my footsteps in the arch."

  The inspector pursed out his under lip.

  "The whole thing is perfectly clear," he said. "Boy, have you got awatch?"

  "No," said Philip, surprised by this odd question.

  "Bradley, he hasn't got a watch," observed the inspector. He againaddressed Philip.

  "Where are you going to-morrow?"

  "I am not quite sure, but my address will be known to Mrs. Wrigley, theJames Street Laundry, Shepherd's Bush."

  "Ah! The constable says you do not wish to be mixed up in the arrest ofMason. There is no need for you to appear in court, but--er--in suchcases as yours, the--er--police like to show their--er--appreciation ofyour services. That is so, Bradley, isn't it?"

  "Yes, sir. If it hadn't been for him, I shouldn't be here now. Jocky hadme fairly cornered."

  "You had no time to summon assistance?"

  "I barely heard he was here, before the window was smashed, and I knewhe was trying to get out the other way. You heard him, Anson?"

  Philip looked the policeman squarely in the eyes.

  "You had just taken off your greatcoat when the glass cracked," he said.

  Police Constable Bradley stooped to pick up his coat. He did not wishthis portion of the night's proceedings to be described too minutely. Inmoving the garment he disturbed the packet of letters. Instantly Philiprecalled the names of the solicitors mentioned by the constable.

  "You said that a clerk from Messrs. Sharpe & Smith called here twice?"he asked.


  He picked out one of the letters, opened it, and made certain of hisfacts before he cried, angrily:

  "Then I want to have nothing whatever to do with them. They treated mymother shamefully."

  The inspector had sharp eyes.

  "What is the date of that letter?" he inquired.

  "January 18th of this year."

  "And what are those--pawn tickets?"

  "Yes, some of my mother's jewelry and dresses. Her wedding ring was thelast to go. Most of them are out of date, but I intend to--I will try tosave some of them, especially her wedding ring."

  Jocky Mason's romance was now dissipated into thin air. The contents ofthe portmanteau, the squalid appearance of the house, the date of thesolicitor's letter, the bundle of pawn tickets, offered conclusiveevidence to the inspector's matter-of-fact mind that the ex-convict'sstory was the effect of a truncheon rapidly applied to a brain excitedby the newspaper comments on a sensational yarn about some boy who hadfound a parcel of diamonds.

  This youngster had not been favored by any such extraordinary piece ofluck. Simple chance had led him to put the police on the track of amuch-wanted scoundrel, and he had very bravely prevented a member of theforce from being badly worsted in the ensuing encounter.

  A subscription would be made among the officers and men of the division,and they would give him a silver watch, with a suitable inscription.

  The inspector noted the address given by Philip. It was on the tip ofhis tongue to ask his Christian name, when the constable suggested thatthey should examine the stable in which Mason had hidden.

  They went up the mews. Philip locked his door, extinguished the candle,and lay down on the mattress, fully dressed, with his newly bought rugfor covering.

  He was so utterly tired, so exhausted physically and mentally by the_sturm und drang_ of this eventful day, that he was sound asleep whenthe two men returned.

  They saw him through the window.

  "He's a fine lad," said the inspector, thoughtfully. "I wonder what heis going to make of himself. We might have asked him who his friendswere, but they are not badly off, or he couldn't have got that bag andhis new clothes. What on earth caused Mason to connect him with thatdiamond story?"

  "It's hard to say," observed the constable.

  "I will look round and have a chat with him in the morning. Poor, littlechap! He's sleeping like a top now."

  The inspector called at No. 3, Johnson's Mews, soon after ten nextmorning, but the door was locked and the bird flown. He spoke to Masonafter that worthy was remanded for a week, but a night's painfulseclusion had sealed the burglar's lips. He vowed, with fearfulemphasis, to "get even" with the kid who "ahted" him, for thepoliceman's evidence had revealed the truth concerning the arrest. Butnot another word would Mason say about the diamonds, and for a littlewhile the inspector placed his overnight revelations in the category ofmyths familiar to the police in their daily dealings with criminals.

  * * * * *

  Philip awoke shortly before seven.

  He was cold and stiff. The weather was chilly, and there was no ardentmeteor in the back yard to keep the temperature of the house at agrateful point during the night.

  But his active, young frame quickly dissipated the effects of a deepsleep on a draughty floor. He washed his face and hands at the sink inthe scullery, and his next thought was for breakfast, a proof, if proofwere needed, that he arose refreshed in mind and body.

  In the Mile End Road there are plenty of early morning restaurants. Atone of them he made a substantial meal, and, on his return to the mews,he lost not a moment
in carrying out a systematic search through allparts of the house and yard for any traces of the meteor which mighthave escaped his ken in the darkness.

  Amidst the earth and broken stones of the excavation there were a fewfragments of ore and some atomic specimens of the diamantiferousmaterial--not sufficient, all told, to fill the palm of his hand. But hegathered them for obvious reasons, and then devoted five vigorousminutes with O'Brien's spade to the task of filling up the deep holeitself.

  By lowering the flagstones and breaking the earth beneath, he soon gavethe small yard an appearance of chaos which might certainly puzzlepeople, but which would afford no possible clew to the nature of thedisturbing element.

  At best they might imagine that the dread evidence of some weird crimelay in the broken area. If so, they could dig until they were tired.But, indeed, he was now guarding against a most unlikely hypothesis. Theprobability was that Johnson's Mews would soon cease to exist and becomealmost as fabulous as the Island of Atlantis.

  Moreover, he had a project dimly outlined in his mind which might becomedefinite if all went well with him that day. Then the ownership of No.3, Johnson's Mews, would cease to trouble him, for Philip was quite surethe whole power of the law would be invoked to prevent him from dealingwith his meteor if once the exact place where it fell became publiclyknown.

  O'Brien's shop was scarcely open before Philip was there with hisremaining portmanteau.

  "Arrah, Phil, me bhoy, where in the name of goodness are ye gatherin'the bee-utiful, leather thrunks from?" asked the pensioner.

  "This is the last one," laughed the boy. "I am off now to find a cab,and you won't see me again until Monday."

  "Faix, he's a wonderful lad entirely," commented the old man. "What sortof plundher has he in the bags, at all at all?"

  In idle curiosity he lifted the last addition to the pile. It wasnormal, even light in weight. Then he nodded knowingly.

  "A lot of ould duds belongin' to Mrs. Anson, I'll be boun'. Ah, well,the Lord rest her sowl, 'tis she was the fine woman. I wish I had someone as cliver as her to write for me to that thafe of the worruld whothried----"

  As there are no signs in the art of literature similar to those whichserve the needs of musicians, whereby thoughts can be expressed _dacapo_, like a musical phrase, without risk of wearying the reader, itmust be understood that Philip had returned from far-away FenchurchStreet Station with a four-wheeler before O'Brien exhausted the firsttirade of the day against the War Office.

  With a cunning that amounted to genius, the boy placed the large, lightportmanteau and the two small, heavy ones on the roof of the vehicle,where the driver did not notice the least peculiarity in their weight.

  The two large, heavy bags he managed to lift into the interior, one ofthem needing all his resources to carry it from the shop door to thecab. Were he not fresh and untired, he could not have done it. As itwas, the effort was a splendid success.

  The cabman knew little, and O'Brien less, of the tremendous avoirdupoisof this innocent-looking baggage. A long-suffering horse may have hadhis private views, but he did not express them.

  Saying good-by to the pensioner in the shop, Philip took good care thatnone overheard his direction to the driver. In about three-quarters ofan hour he lumbered into Charing Cross Station without a soul in theEast End being aware of his destination.

  "Where to, sir?" asked a porter who opened the door for him.

  "I only want these bags to be taken to the luggage room," said Philip."You had better get some one to help you with these two. They are veryheavy. They contain specimens of iron ore."

  The man took a pull at the solid one.

  "By gum," he grinned. "You're right. That would surprise anybody whotried to pick it up and run away with it."

  "Rather," agreed Philip. "I am glad to say it is not going veryfar--only to a laboratory for analysis."

  He saw his belongings wheeled away on a barrow before he paid the cabmanliberally. He only gave the porter sixpence. The man believed thatPhilip was a clerk in charge of the minerals; he was grateful for evenso small a sum.

  On leaving the station, with the receipt for his luggage in his pocket,Philip saw the four-wheeler turning into the Strand, on its way back toFenchurch Street. He smiled. The tie between East and West was severed.No matter what else might happen to it, his meteor had left Johnson'sMews forever.

  It was now a few minutes past nine, but he still had a good deal to dobefore he presented himself at Isaacstein's at eleven.

  It was necessary to change his skin once more before the metamorphosishe contemplated was complete. He was acquainted with a large outfittingemporium in Ludgate Hill which exactly suited his requirements, so herode thither on a 'bus.

  Passing Somerset House, he recalled the Jew's remark about getting hisletter "stamped." He did not know what stamping meant in a legal sense,but he guessed that it implied the affixing of a seal of some sort.There was no need to hurry over it, he thought.

  At eleven o'clock Isaacstein would either keep his word about the fivethousand pounds or endeavor to wriggle out of the compact. In eitherevent, Philip had already determined to consult Mr. Abingdon.

  He had now in his pocket about thirty-eight pounds. Half an hour laterhe was wearing a new tweed suit, new hat and new boots; he had acquireda stock of linen and underclothing, an umbrella and an overcoat. Some ofthese articles, together with his discarded clothes, were packed in twonew, leather portmanteaux, on which his initials would be painted bynoon, when he would call for them.

  He paid twenty-six pounds for the lot, and the man who waited on himtried in vain to tempt him to spend more. Philip knew exactly what hewanted. He adhered to his program. He possessed sufficient genuineluggage and clothing to be presentable anywhere. He had enough money tomaintain himself for weeks if necessary. For the rest, another couple ofhours would place it beyond doubt whether he was a millionaire or not;for, if Isaacstein failed him, London was big enough and wealthy enoughto quickly decide that point.

  He entered the Hatton Garden office as the clocks struck the hour.

  Some boys of his age might have experienced a malicious delight when theyouthful Israelite on guard bounced up with a smirk and a ready:

  "Yessir. Vat iss it, sir?"

  Not so Philip. He simply asked for Mr. Isaacstein, but he certainlycould not help smiling at the expression of utter amazement when hisidentity dawned on his hearer.

  The "Yessir, vil you blease valk in," was very faint, though; theoffice boy ushered him upstairs as one in a dream, for he had beenwarned to expect Philip, a Philip in rags, not a smart, young gentlemanlike a bank clerk.

  Isaacstein on this occasion looked and acted the sound man of businesshe really was.

  He awaited Philip in his private office. He seemed to be pleased by thechange effected in the boy's outward appearance. There was less ofburlesque, less outrage to his feelings, in discussing big sums of moneywith a person properly attired than with one who wore the garments of atramp.

  "Good-morning," he said, pleasantly. "You are punctual, I am glad tosee. Have you been to Somerset House?"

  "No," said Philip.

  "Why not? If you are going to control a big capital, you must learnbusiness habits or you will lose it, no matter how large it may be."

  "Would Somerset House compel you to pay me, Mr. Isaacstein?"

  "Not exactly, but the stamping of important documents is a means towardan end, I assure you."

  "I will see to it, but I wanted primarily to be certain of one of twothings: First, will you pay the five thousand pounds as promised?Second, will you give me a fresh purchase note for my diamonds whichwill not indicate so definitely that I am the boy concerning whom therehas been so much needless publicity during the last few days?"

  It was of no avail for Isaacstein to bandy words with Philip. A boy offifteen who casually introduced such a word as "primarily" into asentence, and gave a shrewd thrust about "needless publicity" to theperson responsible for it, was not to b
e browbeaten, even in businessaffairs.

  The Jew whipped out a check book.

  "Am I to make out a check for five thousand pounds to 'Philip'?" heasked.

  "No; to Philip Anson, please."

  "Thank you; and now, shall I put any address on the contract note whichI will hand you?"

  "The Pall Mall Hotel."

  Isaacstein with difficulty choked back a comment. The Pall Mall Hotelwas the most expensive establishment in London. He tossed the check andanother document across the table.

  "There you are," he said. "Come with me to my bank. You will excuse thehurry. I have a lot to do before I leave for Amsterdam to-night."

  Philip saw that the acknowledgment of his diamonds appeared to be inproper form.

  "There is no need at this moment to explain to the bank manager that Iam the hero of the police court affair?" he said.

  "None whatever. I am lending you the money, and will be paying you agood deal more very soon. That will be sufficient. He may draw his ownconclusions, of course."

  Philip was now looking at the check.

  "Why do you put 'account payee' between these two strokes?" he said.

  The Jew explained, and even found time to show him how to cross andindorse such important slips of paper.

  Then they walked to the bank, a few doors away. The elderly manager wasobviously surprised by the size of the check and the youth of the"payee."

  "Oh, this is nothing--a mere flea bite," said Isaacstein. "In a few dayshe will have ten times the amount to his credit."

  "Dear me. Are you realizing property on his behalf?"


  "Well, Mr. Anson," said the manager, pleasantly, "I hope you will takecare of your money."

  "I want you to do that," smiled Philip, who was slightly nonplused bythe prefix to his name, heard by him for the first time.

  "Oh, if you leave it with me it will be quite safe."

  "I cannot leave all, but certainly I will not spend five thousand poundsin a week. I mean to buy some property, though, and--can I have ahundred now?"

  "By all means."

  Philip wrote his first check and received twenty crisp five-pound notes.Isaacstein stood by, smiling grimly. He had not yet got over thefarcical side of this extraordinary occurrence, and he was wonderingwhat the bank manager would have said could he but see Philip as he,Isaacstein, saw him no later than the previous day.

  "By the way," said Philip, whose heart was beating a little now,"suppose I wish to give a reference to anybody, will you two gentlemenanswer for me?"

  "The bank wall always say whether or not your check will be honored to astated amount. In other respects, Mr. Isaacstein, who brought you here,will serve your purpose admirably--none better in the city of London,"replied the banker.

  Isaacstein placed both feet together and his head sank between hisshoulders. He again reminded Philip of a top. The boy fancied that in asecond or two he would begin to spin and purr. The bank manager'sstatement flattered the little man. It was the sort of thing heunderstood. Philip privately resolved to make this human top wobble whenalone with him in the street again.

  "One more question, and I have ended," he said. "Where is the best placeto store some valuables?"

  "It all depends on their nature. What are they? Plate, jewels,paper----"

  The Jew's ears were alert now, and the boy smiled faintly.

  "Oh," he explained, "I have a very large quantity of rich ore which Iwish to lodge in some place where it will be secure and yet easy ofaccess."

  "I would recommend you to rent a strong-room in the safe deposit acrossthe street. There you have absolute security and quick access duringbusiness hours."

  Philip expressed his thanks and quitted the bank with his agent.

  In the middle of Holborn, in the midst of the jostling, hurryingoccupants of one of the busiest thoroughfares in London, he pulled thegiant diamond out of his pocket and suddenly held it under the Jew'snose.

  "I told you I had them as big as hen's eggs," he cried. "What do youthink of this one?"

  Isaacstein glanced at it for one fascinated second. Then he lookedaround with the stealthy air of a man who fears lest he may be detectedin the commission of a terrible crime.

  "Are you mad?" he whispered.

  "No, not mad," answered Philip, coolly, as he pocketed the gem. "I onlywanted you to wobble."

  "You wanted me to wobble!"

  "Yes. You look so like a big top at times. When do we meet again, Mr.Isaacstein?"

  "You are not going away by yourself with that stone in your pocket?"

  "Why not! It attracted no special notice from the people as I came here.Nobody can smell it. It won't explode, nor burn a hole in my clothes. Itis quite safe, I assure you."

  "But let me take it to Amsterdam. Boy! boy! It must weigh four hundredcarats!"

  "Enough of business for to-day. I have a lot of things to attend to.Shall we say Tuesday?"

  "No. Wednesday at eleven. One word. Let me put it in my safe."


  Philip hailed a hansom and drove off to Ludgate Hill, smiling graciouslyat Isaacstein as he whirled away.

  The Jew swayed gently through the crowd until he reached the office,when he dropped limply into his chair. Then he shouted for hisconfidential clerk.

  "Samuel," he murmured, "take charge, please. I'm going home. I want torest before I start for Harwich. And, Samuel!"

  "Yes, sir."

  "While I am away you might order another scales. In future we will selldiamonds by the pound, like potatoes."