Read The King's Esquires; Or, The Jewel of France Page 40



  The doctor lost no time in thought, but returned to the outer apartmentwhich he had quitted only a few minutes before, to find that Saint Simonhad joined Denis and was watching by the bed where Francis layinsensible.

  "We must act at once," he said, as they joined him and he gazed at anarrow window through which the moonlight came. "Our King is in dangerof his life."

  Denis's hand went to his sword.

  "We will fight to the last," he said, "and die."

  "Boy!" exclaimed Leoni contemptuously. "Fight and die! Better act withcraft and live. What! Would you fight an army? Bah! It is not bythat means that we can save his Majesty from this perilous pass."

  "Then how?" asked Denis. "Order me to do anything and I will obey."

  "I know," said Leoni thoughtfully; "I know." And he took a pace or twoup and down the apartment with his eyes fixed on the floor, while thetwo young men watched him narrowly, seeming to be endeavouring to readhis innermost thoughts, the ideas which surged within.

  "There is but one thing to be done," said Leoni at last gravely."Francis is ill and closely guarded, and his life is doubly in danger,for Henry's intentions are lad." And as he spoke he looked hard atDenis, who said not a word.

  "And what is that one thing?" asked Saint Simon.

  Leoni thought a minute or two before replying.

  "It is this," he said at length quietly. "We his followers are free togo where we list, and Francis must be saved. I, alas, can be nothing inmy plan; but you," he went on, looking direct at Saint Simon, "or Denis,might save the King."

  "How?" exclaimed Denis again, as he firmly met the speaker's peculiargaze.

  Leoni turned from him, walked slowly to the outer door, opened it as ifabout to pass out, and then closed it again, to return quickly to histwo companions, and whispering softly in so low a voice that it was hardto hear:

  "By taking his place while he escapes, and personating him as he lieshere bandaged, his face half hidden in the shadows of the heavy hangingsof the bed in this darkened room."

  "I am ready," said Saint Simon huskily.

  "And I!" cried Denis. "But--the Comte?"

  "I have thought of that," said Leoni. "He is too ill to understand whatis done, and I can mould him to my wishes in every way. We are free, ashis servants, to come and go from the chamber, and there may be ways bywhich we can escape--three of us--that is, the Comte and two followers,while one brave devotee assumes his master's aspect as a wounded man.It may be days before the discovery takes place, and by that time allmay be safe. Denis, boy, will you do this thing and be for the timebeing the simulacrum of him we serve? Good: your face speaks. I knewit. It is not a question of likeness, but of wearing a heavy bandagethat will nearly hide your face."

  There was silence for a moment, and then Leoni spoke again.

  "What about the way?" he said. "It is night now, but if we could gainthe grounds--but how?"

  "The secret passage, sir," whispered Denis. "It availed once, why notagain?"

  "The passage!" cried Leoni. "No; once used, they will guard it safelynow. But stop; they do not know that we escaped that way, and it mightprove as sure an exit as it did before. I have seen no guard in thatcorridor since our return."

  "Nor I," said Denis eagerly.

  "But how to pass the gates?" said Leoni thoughtfully.

  "There is no need," cried Denis. "Follow the narrow alley leadingdownward to the river, and take the boat of which young Carrbroke spoke.The river! Surely you could escape that way."

  "Boy," whispered Leoni ecstatically, "you are the deliverer of France!Hah!" he added, in tones full of regret. "And you will not be with us!The river--yes. They would never dream that we escaped that way.Quick, then. There is not a moment to be lost. You will not flinch?"

  "I? No!" whispered Denis proudly.

  "Quick, then! The darkness is the best disguise." And leading the wayinto the sleeping chamber, he busied himself with torn-up linen andscarf, preparing the semblance of bandages, while Denis unbuckled hissword-belt and hurriedly threw off his doublet.

  A few minutes sufficed for the skilful hands of Leoni to strap andbandage the gallant lad's features, leaving him standing on one side ofthe bed while he went to the other to draw back the coverlet.

  In obedience to the thought that flashed through his brain the lad bentquickly forward, caught at the King's hand and raised it eagerly to hislips, half rousing him, to mutter in his sleep, while Leoni took out andunscrewed his little flask and applied it to the King's lips.

  "Drink this, sir," he said, and in strict obedience to his medicalattendant, the sick man drank till the vessel was withdrawn.

  "Ah!" exclaimed Francis wearily. "I am not well, Leoni. We pay dearlyfor our adventure. But we will hunt to-morrow at Fontainebleau. Is itnot so? Call the Master of the Chase."

  "You may do so, sir. But you feel stronger now?"

  "Yes, yes."

  "Then come, sir." And Leoni snatched the cloak which Denis had thrownon a chair and wrapped it round the King. "We will start at once, sir."

  "Yes," said Francis, "we will start at once--at once." And he leanedheavily on Leoni's arm, while the latter drew the heavily plumed hatwhich the boy handed him lower over the King's features.

  Denis accompanied them to the door.

  "Farewell," he said.

  Leoni turned and gazed at him, and for a second the saturnine expressionfaded and a look of tenderness came over his features.

  "Until we meet again," he whispered.

  Then the door closed and the lad stood wondering whether the plan wouldsucceed, whether the King would on the morrow be far on his way to thesea.

  The next minute he was in the inner chamber by a mirror, smiling athimself, before plunging into the King's place, turning on his side, anddrawing the coverlet right up to his ears.