Read The Kingdom of Ecstasy Page 6

  The morning wind carried the distinct scent of storms. Dark clouds rolled over the horizon, and before the sun could breech the thick blanket and usher in dawn, rain descended on the estate.

  Fylus wasn't ignorant of Rylieq's schemes. From the dais he sometimes caught the dark-skinned man stalking through the Tenchmok's halls like a cautious ibis in shallow water. He cast his gaze on him whenever Rylieq strayed near. Because he was clutching something, and Fylus suspected it was a dagger.

  He knew Rylieq wanted him dead, but it didn't bother him. He watched the young man meander into another hall, and returned to jingling a little bell over a smoldering bowl of incense at Mokallai's feet.

  The air of the temple was hazy. The smell of the incense calmed his nerves, as the temple darkened around him. The air chilled and stagnated. With each exhalation his breath turned to fog, and a sensation all too familiar gripped him, like glacial fingers raking across his belly.

  He closed his eyes. The gilded luster of Mokallai's irises burned brilliantly into the black of Fylus's mind. To think there was a time all this used to frighten him senseless. Not anymore.

  ? Gather the people one last time. I am at my strength, and there will be no more delay.

  "What about Rylieq?" Fylus asked.

  ? Make him your captive, but don't harm him. I've decided his body is the one I'll use.

  "Consider it done." He prostrated himself at the statue's feet, kissed the toes.

  In that moment Rylieq rounded the dais. "Oracle?" he asked, his voice calm, masking the vexation between his hearts that Fylus was still Mokallai's instrument.

  "Yes?" Fylus straightened.

  "I've been having some disturbing thoughts lately, and I'm wondering if you can help me overcome them."

  "Is it the same as before, what it was that you felt ignored over?"

  "Yes, it is. I've spoken with Mokallai about it since, and he has not eased my pain. In fact he tasked me with something so difficult I can't ever see carrying it out."

  "I'm sorry to hear. What is it he's asked you to do?"

  "Kill Rollond."

  Fylus scoffed. "That man is hard to kill."

  "So I've learned. Perhaps you can share my pain."He hooked an arm around Fylus, then flipped the dagger in his free hand, stepped forward, and thrust it fast, hard, into Fylus's —

  In less than a second, Fylus's sick, jaundiced-pink eyes flashed. The blade touched his chest. He grinned at Rylieq. "For a moment there, I thought you were going to do something really stupid." He plucked the dagger from Rylieq's halted hand and brushed his arm off. "You should be thankful Mokallai likes you."

  Rylieq struggled to move. It was something like a compelling fear that locked all his muscles in place. Even his jaws were tight, gritting his teeth, a scowl fixed to his features.

  "Go sit over there while I do the will of Destiny," Fylus commanded.

  Rylieq turned, strode towards the entrance and knelt on a cushion.

  Between these two men, time passed gradually. Fylus enjoyed Rylieq's frustration as he prepared for the assembly. There was nothing more satisfying than seeing the ire in that brat's eyes. He whistled while he placed four goblets on the sacrificial altar, and poured water in the golden basin where the blood-offerings were burned.

  The very nature of Aelyth was a mystery, even to him. The ash residues mixed into the water like powdered juice. Instead of a gross, coagulating blood-goop, the water remained pristine, save that in it swirled unusual streaks of light, like eels in a churning vat. The water he initially poured in was very little. Yet as he stirred the basin became full.

  By that time people were funneling through the entrance, taking their places. He stopped to see if anyone bothered Rylieq. The young man sat, his poise reflecting obedience, as his head was bowed and his hands were folded in his lap. It seemed he was patiently awaiting something.

  Fylus knew better. He ducked into the Oracle's room to change.

  When he emerged from the back and came to the fore of the dais, the whole crowd went hush. "It is time to reveal the meaning of the shattered ceremonial dagger. But first, know that I wanted to take this opportunity to offer the finest to those in charge, so that the hierarchy of Mokallai's elect will remain intact."

  He spotted Allondt standing towards the back. There was no telling what the blond looked for, or why he stayed just beyond the entrance, watching. But this time he was certain that the blond would be swayed to join them. Who could resist uncanny power?

  "Two-hundred thirty-eight years ago, I thought the key to power lay in Man's use of nano technology. That it was possible to horde these animals and draw the power of their aelyth from them. Since then I have learned: the way to power is by bonding with Aelythian Ones. True, I've been a host for Mokallai in the past, and I've witnessed things great and terrible. Now the time has come for Fate to take someone as his vessel, not just sharing the body, but completely inhabiting it.

  "In like manner, the rest of us will receive our dues. You were promised power and authority over this world, and in just a moment you will have it. But first, there is one final ritual.

  "Behold, Destiny's chosen one." He raised his hand towards Rylieq. "Come here."

  At once Rylieq rose. He staggered without control over himself towards the dais. Fylus knew what that was like, being a marionette under the megynsei's control. It was worse than rape, a kind of violation that went beyond one's self. Because it was impossible to resist, even despite his wanting to. Each step brought him forward, each breath took him farther into Mokallai's will.

  Until finally Rylieq stood before Fylus, one step from the dais, and all he could do to show his unwillingness was accept the tears trickling down his cheeks.

  Fylus wiped a tear from the young man's face. "It is what you wanted, no?"

  "No," Rylieq said, his voice hushed.

  "Strip, and get in the Basin," he commanded.

  The young man did as told. He untied the sash of his robe and peeled the clothes from his body. In abject, rebellious silence, the tears kept flowing. He wanted someone to stop him, but the crowd remained at their cushions.

  Finally, he stepped into the golden bowl, and knelt, facing the onlookers. The water rose almost to his chest.

  "How sweet life is," Fylus continued. "Who can give a sacrifice greater than this? That our Megynsei may walk among us in flesh! This is the will of Fate!"

  A great bolt of aelyth, like silvery lightning, shot up from the mouth of the bowl. Rylieq died in an instant, slumping backwards. The contents of the basin bubbled and rolled, like boiling water and the white lights snaked through the air. They stabbed into the corpse's eyes, and the body shook violently.

  Then it stopped. As if nothing had taken place Rylieq's body straightened with the uncanny lissomness of a cooked noodle, as though he had no bones. He ran his hands through his hair, licked his lips, opened his eyes:

  His Irises had the luster of polished gold, and his corneas were black as an abyss.

  Then everyone in the crowd prostrated themselves before Mokallai.

  "You've waited patiently for a sign, this is it." He cupped a goblet, dipped it in the basin, and held it out to them. "Whoever wants to share in my power will drink from my cup." He passed the first one down, then took the second, dipped it, and handed it off, until all the cups were circulating among the people.

  This was all ludicrous folly until the cup came into Allondt's hands. He thought he'd hand it back to the woman who gave it to him with a mere nod and no-thanks, but something odd caught his attention. He peered into the contents, the elixir of water and light.

  Whispering filled his ears. He couldn't make out what was being said, because there were many voices, and the longer he spent observing the mixture, the louder those whispers became. Until they echoed, like a stadium full of screaming people:

  I am waiting! Drink me!

  Among the voices came a burning image: It was like an alligator, only it stood upright. From its back sprouted
several bony appendages, like skinless bat wings. In its mouth dangled a thick, fleshy tongue forked many times over. Fire sprouted out of its hollow eye sockets.

  The image was hunched over, almost crawling towards Allondt.

  I'm going to fill you, and rub your skin all over me —

  The goblet slipped from his fingers. He didn't realize it until it shattered on the floor. His hands trembled, palms laden with sweat. For that matter, his whole body shook, and he paled. The people stared at him, as did Mokallai and Fylus.

  Without a word he staggered into the Estate.

  Panting, Allondt steadied himself against a statue of Rylieq. He fumbled his cell out of his pocket and peeked over his shoulder. No one followed him. "I-ielase," he muttered.

  Within moments his sister answered. "Yellow?"

  "W-where are you?" he asked.

  "I'm at the twenty-eighth, visiting with Rah'ii and the guys. What's the matter? You don't sound right."

  "I'll explain it when I get there. W-wait for me."

  "Right, I will. We'll be on the first floor." With that she hung up.

  By the time Allondt arrived at the Spire of the 28th Enclave, rain thrashed the ground. There wasn't a kyusoakin soul at work. In fact a small group of them gathered. They were without their collars and shackles, beating drums and dancing, rattles tied around their ankles. The deep bass of a zaedyf horn filled the air.

  That all stopped when Allondt set foot out of the elevator. He was pale enough that Sanci ceased singing. Rah'ii and Ashenzsi quit their dancing, and one after another the kyusoa turned their attention to the blond.

  His eyes were bloodshot and he was drenched in sweat to the extent that his stringy golden tendrils were plastered to his head. He looked as though he'd been out in the rain, and it had beaten him half to death without leaving so much as a bruise. His sister hugged him at first, but loosed her embrace and took a half-step back.

  "You're cold as a corpse," Ielase said.

  "I — I…" He couldn't think of where to begin, of what to explain. For that matter he had no idea what he'd seen, he just knew that he had to tell them. "Rollond, you said Dyiij told you about what's going on here?"


  "Do you think… the Alyi could e-explain something to me?"

  "Why don't you ask her?"

  "I don't know the first thing on how to go about doing that."

  "Neither do I." Rollond shrugged. "Maybe you could start with what's got you so bugged?"

  "Alright," Allondt sighed, sat down with his sister. "I was just at the Tenchmok. They gathered like they usually did, Papa, Rylieq, Fylus, and the many others. Only this time it was different. Fylus told Rylieq to get into the golden bowl. Well, he got in naked, and then there were sparks and all sorts of crazy freig. Well after he got out he was different, you see. His eyes were… weird.

  "Then he said something about the sign, you know, the one Fylus's been preaching about for years. Well he dipped these goblets in the bowl and started passing them around. I didn't think nothing of it, you know, people sipping at some bathwater for all I knew. But then one was given to me.

  "Man, I — I swear on me nan — it wasn't right. I mean I looked into whatever that crap was, and I heard voices. Not just one, but many of them, and then I saw… some kind of freak-animal thing, and it was talking to me. Like — like it wanted to do something to me, possess me or some weird freig like that. And then…" He started gesturing with his hands.

  — That was an Iisae, the animal-thing that you saw, Dyiij said, her voice resonating with everyone on the first floor. It is the least of us Aelythian Beings, inferior creatures subject to the Megynsei.

  "T-then… what was it doing in a cup?"

  — What do you think? The ways to possess someone are infinite. Since we are Aelyth it could be as complex as visions and dreams, rituals and pacts, or as simple as coming into contact with someone.

  "But why us? Why humans?"

  — Simply put: you're easy targets. Between an egocentric nature and an innate need to idolize whatever suits your fancy, Humanity is the key to what Mokallai wants. Kyusoas and the Xei on the other hand aren't built like you are.

  Her last words left a sour taste in Allondt's mouth. He focused on Rollond, because he was across from him, and he felt the two of them were on the same page.

  "I wasn't sure how to tell you, but I'm leaving," Rollond said. "I told you I wanted nothing to do with this, because I'm not the one who can stop Mokallai."

  Allondt nodded. "Then wherever you go, I'm going with you."

  "Lonty!" Ielase cried. She grabbed for his arm, but he stepped out of her reach.

  "It won't be like living in the comfort of your father's Estate," Rollond said.

  "Who said living here was comfortable? Sleeping under a bush would bring me more peace than all my time spent here. I can't do this anymore," Allondt said.

  "Take me with you!" Ielase blurted.

  "No." Allondt glared her down. "The wilderness is no place for a lady."

  "Chivalry be damned, Lonty. If what you've said is true and they're possessing people, then I can't stay here either!"

  "And what about Rah'ii?" Rollond asked.

  "If Ielase is going, I am too," Rah'ii said.

  Rollond counted his fingers. "Then that makes five of us…"

  "Six," Sanci added.

  "Then it's settled, we're going with you," Allondt said. "But first I want to free the kyusoa. The collars can't be released remotely, since they require the touch of a human. But, the holding pits can be opened by remote. Also the barriers can be deactivated. I just need someone to go with me, you know, to cover my back."

  "Alright, Ashenzsi and I will do that. Rah'ii, I want you to stay here with Sanci and Ielase. When you see the rest of them running, you get going. We'll rendezvous southwest of here, on the other side of the river."

  Allondt nodded. "Right. Let's go."

  Not long after the three of them disappeared behind the elevator doors, Sanci flattened her ears and ran her knuckles down the front of her stomach. She watched Ielase call down the lift, enter, and go to one of the upper floors.

  She thought Rah'ii would've went with her. Instead, he stepped over to her.

  "Suu'u, is something wrong?" he asked.

  "I need the uutaijen." She wanted to ask Ashenzsi for an opinion. It was something she figured impossible, but her stomach was starting to bloat.

  "I'm an uutaijen, what is it?"

  "Feel here and tell me what you think." She hopped up on the long table, stretched back, and made a circle around the swelling area.

  He pushed the tips of his fingers into her flesh, then carefully raked them across her skin. "Tsche, fluid," he said with a nod. Then he stopped, flattened his palms to her belly and splayed his fingers.

  Her suspicions were almost confirmed by the confused look on his face. He touched her neck to feel for her pulse, and at the same time pushed his palm down on her belly.

  It wasn't normal for a kyusoa to have two pulses. Especially not an arrhythmic one that was isolated to a specific area of the body. Unless she was stuffed full of parasites. But the ones that would take to the reproductive area only affected males.

  "Uutai au?" he asked: 'You've bred?'

  "Nai humaad… da'o bajiid uunanijyn." 'I didn't think… it was possible with a man.' She got off the table. "Do you think I should tell him?"

  "I don't know." Rah'ii put his hands up. "It could be mock-up swelling and there's actually nothing there. Maybe you should wait and find out."

  She nodded. He was probably right, and it wasn't worth worrying Rollond over a little belly-swelling. After all, he seemed to have more important things to fret over.

  Far from the 28th enclave, the Estate was eerily quiet. Because the operatives who were normally busy at the consoles were slumped over, if not sprawled on the floor. Rollond knelt beside someone and checked for a pulse. Their hearts thrashed, and when he lifted their eyelid, only the whites of th
eir eyes showed.

  "Don't touch them!" Ashenzsi smacked Rollond's hand away. "'Contact', remember?"

  "Like something's going to get me."

  "Don't be so sure of yourself," he said, carefully stepping around the bodies.

  The operatives were unconscious. They were also steaming, their bodies beyond feverishly hot to the point that their sweat was wafting off of them.

  While this made things easier for the three of them, Rollond couldn't shake this awkward apprehension. Like being in the den of vicious, mutilated aliens waiting to spring an ambush at any moment. For the first time in his life, he understood genuine anxiety. "How much longer?" he asked.

  Allondt flicked commands into the holographic light of the console. "Just a few more minutes." There were 30 enclaves, and he had to access each one manually. It didn't take him long. By the time Rollond asked, he was already at the 24th. "I've just got to get the generators offline and then we'll be —"

  "Oh Blondie-boy!~" The soft cyan light flashed red. The consoles locked and Fylus's disembodied face appeared. He gave Allondt a toothy grin. "I had a feeling you'd try and cause me some pain. Can't have that, you understand, so I've taken the liberty of botching the remote access to the generators. You try and turn them suckers off, and every holding pit goes ka-blooie! Consider it the finale of all that sacrificing we did."

  "Duan estch heiknamel!" Allondt swore, slammed his fists on the console.

  Rollond stepped over. "What's the matter?"

  "This!" He threw his hands up at Fylus.

  "I reckon you're not going to be too happy about that, and will want to come turn the generators off manually. Just know that I'm waiting for you —"

  "Shut up." In one quick thrust, Rollond put his fist through the console. "That's how you handle that."

  Allondt stood there, a sure look of disbelief on his face.

  "Did you get the pits opened?" Rollond didn't skip a beat. He went to Ashenzsi, put his thumb to the back of his collar and then slid it along the band. The collar glowed, hissed, and fell to the floor with a hollow clank.


  "Then lets get to those generators."

  "You sure that's a good idea?" Allondt asked, a twinge of fear marked his voice.

  "Look, when you drop your freig in the toilet, you've go to flush it."

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "Finish what you start." He grabbed Allondt's arm and pulled him onto the warp receptor. In an instant the three of them were gone.

  The generators were kept at the Crawler dock. It was the safest place for them among the towering sentinels. But tonight the docks were like the rest of the estate, silent and motionless. Fylus made sure the sentinels were at rest, each one hung in its designated bay, and that the lights were off for dramatic effect.

  He was waiting beneath the bridge that spanned between the maintenance and command stations. Where normally there would be people hard at work, but they too were comatose. Then the receptor glowed hot, and the blond emerged.

  "Allondt, my child!" He said, opening his arms as if to embrace him. "I see you've come —" disdain awakened within him when he noticed Rollond and Ashenzsi — "ugh, you two," he seethed.

  "Don't try and stop us," Allondt shouted.

  "I never said anything about stopping you."

  "Then why are you here?"

  Fylus shook his head and chuckled. "You should know by now, boy, all the time you spent loitering in the back of the temple! This is part of Fate's plan. I know I won't be the end of you, Mokallai has told me. I'm here because I want you to stop and think, when you've walked far down the road you're taking, how much of this couldn't be avoided, because that insensible She-Alyi forced it down your throats!"

  He cast his sick, yellowed-pink gaze at Rollond. "You already know what I speak of: 'There are certain things that will not be avoided' —" He didn't have time to finish before Rollond lunged, his fist ready to smash into Fylus's skull.

  Fylus caught his fist. There were few things more pleasing to him than the look on Rollond's face in that moment, when the strength of the white-haired man was halted by someone of a lackluster physical constitution.

  "Save your strength," Fylus said. He sidestepped and released Rollond.

  "You'll regret this," Rollond growled.

  "All things are for the Love of Fate." He gave a nod to the blond. "Go on."

  He turned and watched Allondt the entire time he was at the generators. "I will say, there is nothing quite like standing beside you, my former prince," he said, not bothering to look at Rollond, because he knew in the present moment the man was incapable of revealing the depth of his being. It must've been confusing, he imagined, since they were anticipating a fight.

  Yet, when the generators gave that powering-down groan, there was nothing to exchange blows over. In fact, the blond passed him studiously, looking perplexedly at him.

  To that Fylus smiled. "Run along now."

  The three of them departed with steady gaits. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and puckered his lips. Only after they were out of his sight did he stop to ask: "How long do we let them go for?"

  Mokallai was hidden in the darkness. "Until his delusions wear off. He'll return to me, make no mistake about that."


  Melvas, the 29th day in the month of Doryil;

  What happened at a lonely bar in Trenthoni;

  Summer of the 691st year of the Second Epoch of Dyjian.