Read The Knight Of Gwynne, Vol. 2 (of 2) Page 5


  Mr. Heffernan possessed many worldly gifts and excellences, but uponnone did he so much pride himself, in the secret recesses of hisheart,--he was too cunning to indulge in more public vauntings,--as inthe power he wielded over the passions of men much younger than himself.Thoroughly versed in their habits of life, tastes, and predilections, heknew how much always to concede to the warm and generous temperamentof their age, and to maintain his influence over them less by theascendancy of ability than by a more intimate acquaintance with all thefollies and extravagances of fashionable existence.

  Whether he had or had not been a principal actor in the scenes herelated with so much humor, it was difficult to say; for he would glossover his own personal adventures so artfully that it was not easy todiscover whether the motive were cunning or delicacy. He seemed, atleast, to have done everything that wildness and eccentricity had everdevised, to have known intimately every man renowned for such exploits,and to have gone through a career of extravagance and dissipation quitesufficient to make him an unimpeachable authority in every similarcase. The reserve which young men feel with regard to those older thanthemselves was never experienced in Con Heffernan's company; they wouldventure to tell him anything, well aware that, however absurd the storyor embarrassing the scrape, Hefferuan was certain to cap it by anothertwice as extravagant in every respect.

  Although Forester was by no means free from the faults of his age andclass, the better principles of his nature had received no severe orlasting injury, and his estimation for Heffernan proceeded from a verydifferent view of his character from that which we have just alludedto. He knew him to be the tried and trusted agent of his cousin,Lord Castlereagh, one for whose abilities he entertained the greatestrespect; he saw him consulted and advised with on every question ofdifficulty, his opinions asked, his suggestions followed; and if,occasionally, the policy was somewhat tortuous, he was taught to believethat the course of politics, like that "of true love, never did runsmooth." In this way, then, did he learn to look up to Heffernan, whowas too shrewd a judge of motives to risk a greater ascendancy by anyhazardous appeal to the weaker points of his character.

  Fortune could not have presented a more welcome visitor to Forester'seyes than Heffernau, as he entered the room of the inn where theyouth had been conducted by the sergeant of police, and where he satbewildered by the difficulties in which his own rashness had involvedhim. The first moments of meeting were occupied by a perfect shower ofquestions, as to how Heffernan came to be in that quarter of the world,when he had arrived, and with whom he was staying. All questions whichHeffernan answered by the laughing subterfuge of saying, "Yourgood genius, I suppose, sent me to get you out of your scrape; andfortunately I am able to do so. But what in the name of everythingridiculous could have induced you to insult this man, O'Halloran? Youought to have known that men like him cannot fight; they would bemade riddles of if they once consented to back by personal daring theinsolence of their tongues. They set out by establishing for themselvesa kind of outlawry from honor, they acknowledge no debts within thejurisdiction of that court, otherwise they would soon be bankrupt."

  "They should be treated like all others without the pale of law, then,"said Forester, indignantly.

  "Or, like Sackville," added Heffernan, laughing, "when they put theirswords 'on the peace establishment,' they should put their tongues onthe 'civil list.' Well, well, there are new discoveries made every day;some men succeed better in life by the practice of cowardice than othersever did, or ever will do, by the exercise of valor."

  "What can I do here? Is there anything serious in the difficulty?"said Forester, hurriedly; for he was in no humor to enjoy the abstractspeculations in which Heffernan indulged.

  "It might have been a very troublesome business," replied Heffernan,quietly: "the judge might have issued a bench warrant against you, ifhe did not want your cousin to make him chief baron; and Justice Conollymight have been much more technically accurate, if he was not desirousof seeing his son in an infantry regiment. It's all arranged now,however; there is only one point for your compliance,--you must get outof Ireland as fast as may be. O'Halloran will apply for a rule in theKing's Bench, but the proceedings will not extend to England."

  "I am indifferent where I go to," said Forester, turning away; "andprovided this foolish affair does not get abroad, I am well content."

  "Oh! as to that, you must expect your share of notoriety. O'Halloranwill take care to display his martyrdom for the people! It will bringhim briefs now; Heaven knows what greater rewards the future may have instore from it!"

  "You heard the provocation," said Forester, with an unsuccessful attemptto speak calmly,--"the gross and most unpardonable provocation?"

  "I was present," replied Heffernan, quietly.

  "Well, what say you? Was there ever uttered an attack more false andfoul? Was there ever conceived a more fiendish and malignant slander?"

  "I never heard anything worse."

  "Not anything worse! No, nor ever one half so bad."

  "Well, if you like it, I will agree with you; not one half so bad. Itwas untrue in all its details, unmanly in spirit. But, let me add, thatsuch philippics have no lasting effect,--they are like unskilful mines,that in their explosion only damage the contrivers. O'Reilly, who wasthe real deviser of this same attack, whose heart suggested, whose headinvented, and whose coffers paid for it, will reap all the obloquy hehoped to heap upon another. Take myself, for instance, an old time-wornman of the world, who has lived long enough never to be sudden in myfriendships or my resentments, who thinks that liking and disliking areslow processes,--well, even I was shocked, outraged at this affair;and although having no more intimacy with Darcy than the ordinaryintercourse of social life, confess I could not avoid acting promptlyand decisively on the subject. It was a question, perhaps, more offeeling than actual judgment,--a case in which the first impulse maygenerally be deemed the right one." Here Heffernan paused, and drewhimself up with an air that seemed to say, "If I am confessing to aweakness in my character, it is at least one that leans to virtue'sside."

  Forester awaited with impatience for the explanation, and, notperceiving it to come, said, "Well, what did you do in the affair?"

  "My part was a very simple one," said Heffernan; "I was Mr. O'Reilly'sguest, one of a large party, asked to meet the judges and theAttorney-General. I came in, with many others, to hear O'Halloran; butif I did, I took the liberty of not returning again. I told Mr. O'Reillyfrankly that, in point of fact, the thing was false, and, as policy,it was a mistake. Party contests are all very well, they are necessary,because without them there is no banner to fight under; and the manof mock liberality to either side would take precedence of those morehonest but less cautious than himself; but these things are great evilswhen they enlist libellous attacks on character in their train. If thecourtesies of life are left at the door of our popular assemblies, theyought at least to be resumed when passing out again into the world."

  "And so you actually refused to go back to his house?" said Forester,who felt far more interested in this simple fact than in all theabstract speculation that accompanied it.

  "I did so: I even begged of him to send my servant and my carriage afterme; and, had it not been for your business, before this time I had beensome miles on my way towards Dublin."

  Forester never spoke, but he grasped Heffernan's hand, and shook it withearnest cordiality.

  "Yes, yes," said Heffernan, as he returned the pressure; "men can bestrong partisans, anxious and eager for their own side, but there issomething higher and nobler than party." He arose as he spoke, andwalked towards the window, and then, suddenly turning round, and with anapparent desire to change the theme, asked, "But how came you here? Whatgood or evil fortune prompted you to be present at this scene?"

  "I fear you must allow me to keep that a secret," said Forester, in someconfusion.

  "Scarcely fair, that, my young friend," said Heffernan, laug
hing, "afterhearing my confession in full."

  Forester seemed to feel the force of the observation, but, uncertain howto act, he maintained a silence for several minutes.

  "If the affair were altogether my own, I should not hesitate," said heat length, "but it is not so. However, we are in confidence here, andso I will tell you. I came to this part of the country at the earnestdesire of Lionel Darcy. I don't know whether you are aware of his suddendeparture for India. He had asked for leave of absence to give evidenceon this trial; the application was made a few days after a memorial hesent in for a change of regiment. The demand for leave was unheeded, buthe received a peremptory order to repair to Portsmouth, and take chargeof a detachment under sailing-orders for India; they consisted of menbelonging to the Eleventh Light Dragoons, of which he was gazetted toa troop. I was with him at Chatham when the letter reached him, andhe explained the entire difficulty to me, showing that he had noalternative, save neglecting the interest of his family, on the onehand, or refusing that offer of active service he had so urgentlysolicited on the other. We talked the thing over one entire nightthrough, and at last, right or wrong, persuaded ourselves that anyevidence he could give would be of comparatively little value; and thatthe refusal to join would be deemed a stain upon him as an officer, andprobably be the cause of greater grief to the Knight himself than hisabsence at the trial. Poor fellow! he felt for more deeply for quittingEngland without saying good-bye to his family than for all the rest."

  "And so he actually sailed in the transport?" said Heffernan.

  "Yes, and without time for more than a few lines to his father, anda parting request to me to come over to Ireland and be present at thetrial. Whether he anticipated any attack of this kind or not, I cannotsay, but he expressed the desire so strongly I half suspect as much."

  "Very cleverly done, faith!" muttered Heffernan, who seemed far moreoccupied with his own reflections than attending to Forester's words;"a deep and subtle stroke, Master O'Reilly, ably planned and as ablyexecuted."

  "I am rejoiced that Lionel escaped this scene, at all events," saidForester.

  "I must say, it was neatly done," continued Heffernan, still followingout his own train of thought; "'Non contigit cuique,' as the Roman says;it is not every man can take in Con Heffernan,--I did not expect HickmanO'Reilly would try it." He leaned his head on his hand for some minutes,then said aloud, "The best thing for you will be to join your regiment."

  "I have left the army," said Forester, with a flush, half of shame, halfof anger.

  "I think you were right," replied Heffernan, calmly, while he avoidednoticing the confusion in the young man's manner. "Soldiering is nocareer for any man of abilities like yours; the lounging life of abarrack-yard, the mock duties of parade, the tiresome dissipations ofthe mess, suit small capacities and minds of mere routine. But you havebetter stuff in you, and, with your connections and family interest,there are higher prizes to strive for in the wheel of fortune."

  "You mistake me," said Forester, hastily; "it was with no disparagingopinion of the service I left it. My reasons had nothing in common withsuch an estimate of the army."

  "There's diplomacy, for instance," said Heffernan, not minding theyouth's remark; "your brother has influence with the Foreign Office."

  "I have no fancy for the career."

  "Well, there are Government situations in abundance. A man must dosomething in our work-a-day world, if only to be companionable to thosewho do. Idleness begets ennui and falling in love; and although thefirst only wearies for the time, the latter lays its impress on all aman's after-life, fills him with false notions of happiness, instilswrong motives for exertion, and limits the exercise of capacity tothe small and valueless accomplishments that find favor beside thework-table and the piano."

  Forester received somewhat haughtily the unasked counsels of Mr.Heffernan respecting his future mode of life, nor was it improbable thathe might himself have conveyed his opinion thereupon in words, had notthe appearance of the waiter to prepare the table for dinner interposeda barrier.

  "At what hour shall I order the horses, sir?" asked the man ofHeffernan.

  "Shall we say eight o'clock, or is that too early?"

  "Not a minute too early for me," said Forester; "I am longing to leavethis place, where I hope never again to set foot."

  "At eight, then, let them be at the door; and whenever your cook isready, we dine."