Read The Lady Messiah Page 2

  "She changed her look well," He responded, turning sharply, following after the young woman he had happened to bump into. "But it's her eyes that gave her away."

  "Like her mama's?" The older woman asked again, unsure. "-'cause if she-"

  "Gracie. It's her." He said, sniffling a bit, the cold stinging his face. "She may have changed her hair and clothing style, but her eyes, her features; they are just like Linda's."

  "But-" She started to interject, but he cut her off.

  "And she mistook me for Gavin." He said with another cruel smile, trailing after the young woman quickly. "She took the bait so easily. I thought she was going to burst into tears right then and there."

  "Allen, ya really a'h sadistic." Gracie chided after a moment of silence, and he smirked slightly. "Now, how a'h ya gonna to get 'er back t'ah headquarters?"

  "I'm going to be honest." He said, getting even closer to the woman he was trailing. He began to speed up to match her pace. "After all, we did go to school together."


  I could feel it. Someone was following me. I dared not look behind me, as I couldn't pull out the gun and open fire in the middle of a street. There were too many people, someone could get hurt.

  I turned another corner, picking up my step, listening to the footsteps behind me carefully. They began to match my own in pace, but the stalker's were heavier. A male.

  I again turned another corner, not noticing I was leading myself into a dead end. Not until it was too late, that is. I stared wide eyed at the tall brick wall, graffiti streaking it in multicolor disarray, an eerie silence enveloping me. I slowly turned around, reaching for the 12 gauge a second too late.

  As I turned I was faced with a barrel of a gun, aimed right at my temple.

  "It's been a while Lima-bean."

  Chapter Six

  ..unfriendly old friends..


  "It's been a while Lima-bean." The man before me said in a low tone. It sent a shiver down my thinly clothed back, and I backed up a little in shock. It was the young man I had bumped into earlier, with the same grey eyes, now harsh and cruel, and dirty blonde hair, given the atmosphere, now a sickly color.

  "How do you-" I began to asked, but my words wouldn't come forth. I stood still as marble, staring between him and the gun pressed against my head. 'How does he know me? How does he know that name?' the normally calm and collected voice screamed in the back of my head.

  "I know a lot about you." He said stepping closer to me, gun still at my temple. I backed up again, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights. He again stepped even closer, a slight smirk brandishing his handsome face, only a breath away. "Luna Reyes~"

  I stared wide-eyed up at him, my back now pressed against the freezing wall, his body only a second away from mine. His smirk softened a bit as he leaned down, eyes staring deep into mine.

  "Do you not remember me?" He asked coolly, a hint of sadness breaching his collected tone. I pressed against the wall harder, trying to put some space in between us.

  "Do you not remember your boyfriend?" He spoke the words almost as if it were ironic. I stared into his chill grey eyes, and I could see my shocked reflection shining back at me, through the depth of his gaze. 'You only ever had one relationship like that,' the voice whispered, 'Remember? Back in military school?'

  I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them, only to receive another shock. The man before me was leaning closer, piercing gaze entwined in mine. For a moment his lips grazed my own and I let my eyes flutter closed, holding perfectly still.

  Yet the kiss never came.

  As I opened my eyes he pulled away, smirking down at me slightly. 'He's acting just like-

  -Allen!" I said with a fake pout, trying to hold back a smile, "You're such a tease!" He smiled at me, soft grey eyes shining with the brightness of the mood. He pulled me into his arms, kissing my forehead.

  "I have something to ask you love~" He murmured into my hair, pulled back into a clean braid. I laughed, pulling away, looking up at him.

  "Of course dear~" I said, a charming smile spreading across my face, as I straightened my uniform. He pulled a small black box out of his pocket, eyes locked on mine. I watched, smile growing grander, as he began to get down on one knee.

  "Will you-" He began to ask, before a loud yell pierced the once semi silence.

  "CADET REYES!!" A commanding officer yelled to me, and I looked over my shoulder. The urgency in his voice startled me a little. "THERE'S BEEN AN ACCIDENT!!"

  "What do you mean sir?" I said, turning away from Allen, who just stared at the officer and I, still down on one knee, clutching the small box in his hand.

  "Your mother and Gavin!" He wheezed, catching his breath. I stared at his pale face, normally full of color, collecting myself for any type of news.

  "What of them sir?" I said, trying to maintain my respect amidst the worry, and the aching feeling of something terrible that murmured through my breast, quickening my heartbeat.

  "They-" He paused taking another breath, looking at me desperately.

  I closed my eyes for a moment and took a breath. The next thing I found myself doing was speeding down the road in the officers car, on my way home, his words screaming in my head. 'They were shot'

  My gaze softened as I looked at him, and he noticed the change in my features, as the cruel look in his eyes faded a bit. Yet not enough to prove he could be who I thought he was.

  "Al?" I asked, my voice no more than a whisper, feeling my eyes burn with the awakening of tears. He frowned, gun pressing harder against my head, eyes flashing such a multitude of different emotions, I couldn't catch a single one. He again leaned down, and I shivered. In fear, or in relief, or maybe even in longing, I didn't know.

  "You never came back," He whispered lowly in my ear, a twinge of pain in his voice, and I squeezed my eyes closed tightly, feeling the fruit of my emotion escape my eyes. "I never was able to ask-"

  Chapter Seven

  ..a monster shouldn't feel love..

  "I never was able to ask-" He paused, his breath hot on my neck. I felt the pressure of the gun against my head increase to a painful amount before it was pulled away, and I no longer felt it. "-if you would marry me."

  I stared ahead, not really seeing anything in particular, the memory of that day crashing over me again and again. I had completely forgotten that detail, that moment that would have changed my life for the better. It was just the shock of seeing my mother and Gavin in such a mess of blood and death, that the thought of being happy, being with someone, seemed unreasonable. It seemed almost a dream.

  "Answer me!" His angry voice snapped me back to reality, and I blinked, unsure of what was going on. I lowered my eyes, looking at him silently. He repeated, shaking me slightly. "Answer!"

  "Answer what?" I asked, my soft voice barely above a whisper. He looked down at me, red faced. I stared back at him, the familiar feeling from long ago, aching inside of me. 'What is this?' the voice asked me, concerned, 'Is it possible that you can still feel love? A monster, as you are?'.

  "Why did you never come back?!" He exclaimed lowly, and I stared at him confused. "I thought you loved me!" He spoke the word 'love' with such a tone of admonition, I was unsure if he sincerely meant what the word implied. I felt the ache grow, and I tried to swallow a lump that had formed in my throat.

  "I did love you." I said matter-of-fact, trying to keep my emotions underway. He frowned and I watched him with gentle eyes.

  "Past tense." He stated, not as a question, but as a fact. I, for some unknown reason, shook my head.

  I couldn't deny that I had been very much in love with him, that my entire existence had been absorbed with him, with the love and passion he strikes in my heart and soul, but I also couldn't deny that I had forgotten him slightly, as I could never completely forget someone who I had wanted to give my entire life too. 'Who you still want to give your life too.' the voice whispered.

  "I still do." I whispered, f
eeling my eyes burn slightly. It had been so long, so many years since I had felt such an amount of feeling, good or bad, as it was. Why was it, that so recently all of this came crashing down on me? Never before had I remembered those memories so vividly, so deeply. I took a staggering breath.

  "What?" He whispered, grey eyes burning into mine, a crystal blue, now sparkling with the appearance of tears.

  "I still love you." I choked out, all of the words I wished I had been able to say before I left him, spilling out. "I missed you for so long, but I shoved it down inside my heart! I couldn't stand seeing everything I loved falling to pieces around me Allen!" I sniffed, tears staining my pale face, a blush from the rise of emotion spilled across the light peach color.

  "What?" He repeated and I bit my bottom lip slightly, tears still falling at a rapid place. I wanted to disappear, to shrink into a bottomless pit and just suffer alone.

  "I love you." I whispered hoarsely, taking another shaky breath, "I never stopped loving you."

  "For eight years?" He said lowly, grey eyes hardening in disbelief. I felt a twinge of pain rattle through me. He wasn't the same Allen from when we were younger; time and hardship had aged him, not only in body, but in mind and soul. And yet, he was still Allen, in and of the change.

  "Forever!" I cried, feeling my heart breaking at his coldness, "I wanted to marry you for God's sake!"


  "Forever!" She cried, her eyes flashing such a look of pain, I felt my heart beat a little faster. "I wanted to marry you for God's sake!" My heart beat sped up a little more. I stood silently.

  "Really?" I whispered, trying, but failing to steel myself against her and the emotion she inflicted on my already damaged heart.

  "Yes." She whispered back, and I felt my arms wrap around her, pulling her into an embrace. She held onto my tightly, and I had no will to let go. I leaned back a little, tilting her head up.

  "I know you're in a heap of trouble love." I said softly, and her eyes flashed a look of fear and I rubbed her back. This was going to be a very tricky situation.

  "I work for the FBI now Luna," I spoke ever so quietly, holding her tightly, "I know all about what you've been doing. I was charged to find you and bring you in."

  "You aren't going to-" She began, tears falling down her porcelain face and I wiped them away gently.

  "I have to, but for a different reason." I said, kissing her forehead. "I have a friend who's going to help you."

  "Why?" She asked, her eyes full of fear, and the familiar gleam of innocence flashed in the shimmering depth.

  "Because she and I," I paused, looking over my shoulder, before turning my head back to her. "We like what you're doing. A lot of the guys on our team do too." She stared back at me silently, and I decided to answer her unspoken question.

  "And because I-"

  Chapter Eight

  ..kindling a new flame..

  "And because I-" He paused. I looked at him gently, shaking with feelings I had so long buried beneath the pain of losing the things I had cherished the most, and the denial that I ever had loved and sought to be loved as well. I frowned.

  "Because you..?" I urged, but he remained silent. After a second of silence, I noticed why. I heard the shuffling of feet behind me, and ever so slowly I started to turn around. If only I had noticed the panicked look in Allen's eyes, the fear, the anger. I turned my back to him and stared at the man before me. It couldn't be...

  "Luna, is it?" He spoke smoothly, running his tongue over his tanned lips. My eyes flashed a look of malice, searching his. 'Why is he here?' the silent voice inside of my head growled. He smirked at me for a moment before looking past me. I dared not turn around again.

  "Antonio Marquis." I growled, and he returned his gaze to me. His deep brown eyes, large, and set deep beneath his attractive brow, pierced into me; sultry smile spread across his well shaped face, tanned naturally from his Spanish descent. I let my eyes trace the outline of his face, the 'five o'clock shadow' enhanced his chiseled features, and I acknowledged inwardly that he was indeed a very handsome man.

  "Sí señorita?" He said lowly, stepping closer. I glared up at him, backing up a little. Allen remained coldly quiet, unmoving like a marble statue. I, like Allen, was silent.

  "You know something little moon?" He spoke ardently, and his passion caught me off guard, and I heard Allen growl deep in his throat. The man shocked me even more so when he grabbed my hand pulling me to him, turning me to face Allen, and to see another sight. Behind Allen there were at least twenty or so men working, no doubt, for Antonio. "I like the way you say my name."

  "Allen behind-" I began to yell, but a hand was slapped over my mouth. I struggled to scream to him, but it was too late. The men were upon him in an instant, and in the next moment I was being dragged, kicking and screaming, to an awaiting car.

  "Calm down little moon," He whispered in my ear, thrusting me into the leather-clad back seat of the black, tinted windowed vehicle. "I don't want to break you yet. I like your fire." I growled, feeling hands restrain me from attacking him. Then the hands became metal; I had been handcuffed. I struggled wildly, as Antonio slid in next to me, closing the door.

  "Go." He said darkly to the driver, as his eyes drilled into me, the deep chocolate color dissolute.

  Chapter Nine

  ..a raven in it's cage..

  "Luna Reyes. Who is she? What is she?" Antonio whispered, leaning closer to me. I flailed my legs wildly, trying to attack him like a feral cat. I was without a weapon, without my arms, and feeling without a chance. My only way out was if he allowed it. I was under his control, his power. And I, a monster no better than him, was scared.

  "Feisty little moon." He smirked, pulling out some thick rope from below the dark leather seats. I leaned against the door, straining against the handcuffs, kicking even more crazily knowing what was going to happen next.

  He leaned closer, and a managed to graze his shoulder slightly. He winced, a dark look in his eye, as he grabbed the foot that had just struck him. I struggled, trying to pull it away from him, but he quickly wound the rope about my ankle tightly. I snarled at him like a wild animal, attempting to kick him with the other leg.

  "Chica mala!" He growled at my lack of submission, taking my other leg and binding it painfully tight to the other. "You're being a very bad girl!"

  Yet still I fought back. I swung my legs at him, yet he only scooted away from me for a second. I could feel my energy starting to diminish. I had wasted it in useless fighting back, in trying at the impossible. I took a breath and stopped kicking; instead, leaning against the door, head resting against the tinted glass, staring at my captor.

  He kept my gaze locked within his deep brown eyes. I felt a little ensnared, and I dared not to look away from him. After a moment of silence, in which my heart beat slowed, and I again was able to gather myself into composure.

  "Are you ready to behave my little moon?" He smirked at me again, his eyes flickering with the urges of a hunter.

  I was silent.

  "Come now Luna." He soothed lowly, inching a little closer to me. I tensed, my heart beating as loud as a drum. "Like I said before encanta, I don't want to break you yet." He kept his gaze locked on my desperate eyes, black hair falling, breaking his view. He reached a hand out to me, and I growled darkly, daring him to touch me again. He did.

  "You are the most interesting woman I have ever come across." He spoke almost to himself, brushing the hair behind my ears gently. "And I want you for myself."

  "Do you really expect me to agree?" I murmured with disgust, passed gritted teeth, and he smiled at me, raising an eyebrow slightly. He leaned back in his seat, looking me up and down, assessing me.

  "Of course not Luna," He said plainly, adjusting his jacket. "After all, you are full of a special type of fire, and a fighting spirit that has captured my attention." He ran his tongue over his lips, eyes gripping me again with a longing gaze. "You're also very sharp, and deceptive, from what I can
guess of our last encounter. Not to mention strong and quick-witted, from what los chicos told me."

  I remained silent.

  "Will you really keep quiet little moon!?" I spat at me, getting annoyed. I narrowed my eyes at him, and he scooted closer to me, pulling me into his arms. "Never have I met such a beautiful woman who was so stubborn!"

  "Stubborn?" I growled, tensing immensely against his touch. He stared down at me, his eyes narrowed into slits, the dark pupil digging into me. "How am I being stubborn?" He pulled me closer still, nearly sitting in his lap. I dared not attack or pull away, in fear of being restrained more.

  "Most women would have given in!" He said, leaning down slightly. "They are mere putty in my hands." I rolled my eyes sarcastically, and he leaned down more so, face inches from my own. I felt uncomfortable, strained, caged. My mind raced with thoughts of what might happen to me. My heart ached for Allen, who was either dead, or hurt very badly, alone in an alley.

  "Your point Mr. Marquis?" I said sarcastically. He looked down at me, his lips a moment away from mine, his breathe hot against my neck. A chill went up my spine, and I shivered in fear.