Read The Lady with Blue Lips Page 5

Olivia was hesitant to enter her apartment after work. She played with the thought of heading over to her sister’s or maybe going to her coworkers going away party at a local tea house not too far away, anywhere but her apartment.

  The lock clicked back slowly and she eased the key back into her purse. With a heavy sigh and a hand of led she turned on the doorknob. Lexington was still inside her apartment and she wasn’t going to just leave him alone.

  The door slid open across the carpet wide enough for her to see no signs of a threat. It was well lit from the sun, which had kept the room nice and warm while she was away. It was a pleasant change from the cold room she had woken up in.

  She poked her head in calling out to Lexington who didn’t rush at her for food or appear to be up in his little box on the shelf. With one heavy and slow step she inched her way around the door to look for him, but he still did not come.

  “Where are you hiding?” she asked frustrated now standing in the center of the room with the door at her back.

  “Talking to your cat?” The sudden appearance of Austin’s voice sent her flying forward with a gasp. Between laughs Austin had manage to walk into the room to get a better look at Olivia, who was on her hands and knees on the floor gasping for breath. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to scare you!”

  “I’m fine!” She gasped waving her hand towards him and managing a laugh. “I was trying to find Lexington, my cat, and you--”

  “Suddenly appeared. Got it.” He laughed offering her his hand.

  “Thanks.” He helped her to her feet when the smell of something covered in BBQ hit her senses and instantly she was salivating. Her quickly looked passed him and to the small coffee table where he had set a bag down. The smell caused her stomach to growl loudly revealing the fact she hadn’t eaten all day.

  “My timing is perfect.” Austin announced happily reaching for the bag. “I brought you something to eat.”

  “You didn’t have to do that.” She said, again her stomach growled. “I’m just about to make something for myself…” He sat down on her couch nodding away at her while he pulled out two styrofoam boxes setting them side by side on the table. He popped open the top of the containers revealing the BBQ soaked ribs, a side order of mash potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and a roll.

  “Why make food when you can enjoy some of Mama’s BBQ from down the road for free! My treat.” He smiled holding out the plastic utensils. Olivia looked up to the open apartment down and back down to the food. With a smile and a sigh she grabbed the plastic utensils and walked over to shut the door.

  “Okay.” She plopped down next to him on the couch. She stabbed her fork into the mash potatoes first lifting a big spoon full. It was creamy and buttery with a dash of salt. She involuntarily smiled savoring her first bite for as long as she could until it was gone and instantly she replaced it with another bite.

  “You know I hear the ribs are good too.” Austin pointed out waiting for her before taking a bite of his rib.

  “I’m sorry. I was just so hungry and didn’t want to make a mess.” She admitted.

  “Okay, I’ll be the first to make a mess.” Austin took a bite out of his rib and breaking the ice between them. Olivia took one last bite from her side dishes before putting down her fork and eating with her fingers, something she hadn’t done in a while.

  “I guess I should have gotten us drinks.” Austin commented licking off his fingers about to get up for a drink, but Olivia stopped him.

  “I’ll get us something. It’s the least I can do since you brought food.” She wiped her hands off on a napkin.

  “Are you sure? I can get myself something to drink.”

  “You’re good.” She quickly headed around the couch and into the kitchen grabbing two glasses from the cabinets.

  “So where’s your cat?” He asked.

  “He hiding somewhere. I’ll find him in a minute.”

  “I’ll help.” He offered.

  “Thanks. Would like water of soda?”

  “Some water with some ice would be great. Thanks.” He said looking over the back of the couch. “I really could have gotten my own drink.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’ve got--” Her words interrupted with a sudden scream as she stared into the freezer. Austin jumped the couch and flew into the kitchen pulling Olivia against him while looking at the horrific sight. Lexington laid frozen stiff, his fur appearing to be wet before he was shoved into the freezer.

  “Let’s get you out of here.” Austin shut the freezer and set the two glasses Olivia had clutched in her hands so tightly he thought she was going to break them.

  Olivia was inconsolable as he pulled her into the hall and out of the apartment.

  “Who’d do that?” She cried when he could finally make out words between her running tears and contorted face. Olivia clutched onto his shirt certain to fall over if he hadn’t had ahold of her waist.

  “Olivia?” The landlord’s voice emerged from the elevator. He had just stepped off with a clip board in his hand. “What happened?”

  Olivia looked towards the man. His timing couldn’t be more perfect she thought and the questionable expression on his face seemed almost out of place. She locked eyes with his and clenched her jaw. Could he be capable of pulling such a heinous crime she wondered unclenching her hands from Austin’s shirt.

  “Cat got your tongue?” The moment the last word slipped off the landlord’s lips Olivia had closed the distance between them angrily ready to punch him if Austin hadn’t caught her arm.

  “You’re a monster! Why’d you even let me stay here if you hated me that much?” She screamed, red faced and teary eyed. “What the hell’s wrong with you? Why?”

  “Olivia calm--”

  “Don’t you tell me to calm down! He’s a murderer!” Olivia screamed at Austin. The landlord stood before her with an expression of shock, confusion, and irritation. “You’re a murderer and a trespasser! I’m gonna call the cops!”

  “Murderer? What’s going on?” The landlord demanded tight lipped spitting saliva with every word on the verge of losing control.

  “Lexington.” She covered her face for a moment to try and get herself back together for a minute to speak, but Austin took over.

  “Her cat was found in the freezer.” Austin touched her back just as she turned to find little comfort in his chest again. He wrapped his arms around her to sooth her.

  “In the freezer?” The landlord gasped in shock. “And you think I’m sick enough to do something like that? I haven’t even stepped on this floor since yesterday!”

  “What’s going on?” Another tenant stepped out into the hall having heard the commotion.

  “Everything’s okay.” He said waving at the woman and reaching out towards Olivia who stayed pinned to Austin. “Olivia you might want to wait in my office. I need to call the cops and report this.”

  “How can I?” She mumbled.

  “Miss I can assure you that I am not capable of such cruelty no matter the animal or person. I did not do this.” He assured her.

  “But you’re the only one who could.” She wiped at her eyes.

  “Maybe you should consider living somewhere else.” He suggested pushing the button for the elevator. “I can’t have another missing person on my hands.” He rubbed at his face when the elevator opened. He held the doors opened waiting. “Are you coming?”

  “Yeah.” Austin answered for Olivia pulling her into the elevator next to the older man.

  The rest of the afternoon was a blur of accusing and almost pointless questions which drove Olivia mad before coming to the conclusion that she shouldn’t stay there. The landlord, though he was against the thought, decided that it was in his best interest to have Olivia be his last tenant in that room. He couldn’t afford the incident to get around and loose his anymore clients.