Read The Lamp in the Desert Page 29



  To Bernard, sprawling at his ease with a pipe on the verandah some hourslater, the appearance of a small girl with bare brown legs and a veryabbreviated white muslin frock, hugging an unwilling mongoose to herbreast, came as a surprise; for she entered as one who belonged to theestablishment.

  "Who are you, please?" she demanded imperiously, halting before himwhile she disentangled the unfortunate Scooter's rebellious legs fromher hair.

  Bernard sat up and removed his pipe. Meeting eyes of the darkest,intensest blue that he had ever seen, he gave her appropriate greeting,

  "Good morning, Princess Bluebell! I am a humble, homeless beggar, atpresent living upon the charity of my brother, Captain Monck."

  She came a step nearer. "Why do you call me that? You are not CaptainMonck's brother really, are you?"

  He spread out his hands with a deprecating gesture. "I never contradictroyal ladies, Princess, but I have always been taught to believe so."

  "Why do you call me Princess?" she asked, halting between suspicion andgratification.

  "Because it is quite evident that you are one. There is a--bossinessabout you that proclaims the fact aloud." Bernard smiled upon her--thesmile of open goodfellowship. "Beggars always know princesses when theysee them," he said.

  She scrutinized him severely for a moment or two, then suddenly meltedinto a gleaming, responsive smile that illuminated her little pale facelike a shaft of sunlight. She came close to him, and very graciouslyproffered Scooter for a caress. "You needn't be afraid of him. Hedoesn't bite," she said.

  "I suppose he is a bewitched prince, is he?" asked Bernard, as hestroked the furry little animal.

  The great blue eyes were still fixed upon him. "No," said Tessa, after athoughtful moment or two. "He's only a mongoose. But I think you are abewitched prince. You're so big. And they always pretend to be beggarstoo," she added.

  "And the princesses always fall in love with them before they find out,"said Bernard, looking quizzical.

  Tessa frowned a little. "I don't think falling in love is a very nicegame," she said. "I've seen a lot of it."

  "Have you indeed?" Bernard's eyes screwed up for a moment, but werehastily restored to an expression of becoming gravity. "I don't knowmuch about it myself," he said. "You see, I'm an old bachelor."

  "Haven't you--ever--been in love?" asked Tessa incredulously.

  He held out his hand to her. "Yes, I'm in love at the presentmoment--quite the worst sort too--love at first sight."

  "You are rather old, aren't you?" said Tessa dispassionately, but shelaid her hand in his notwithstanding.

  "Quite old enough to be kissed," he assured her, drawing her gently tohim. "Shall I tell you a secret? I'm rather fond of kissing littlegirls."

  Tessa went into the circle of his arm with complete confidence. "I don'tmind kissing white men," she said, and held up her red lips. "But Iwouldn't kiss an Indian--not even Peter, and he's a darling."

  "A very wise rule, Princess," said Bernard. "And I feel duly honoured."

  "How is my darling Aunt Stella this morning?" demanded Tessa suddenly."You made me forget. _Ayah_ said she would be all right, but _Ayah_ saysjust anything. Is she all right?"

  "She is better," Bernard said. "But wait a minute!" He caught her arm asshe made an impetuous movement to leave him. "I believe she's asleepjust now. You don't want to wake her?"

  Tessa turned upon him swiftly--wide horror in her eyes. "Is that yourway of telling me she is dead?" she said in a whisper.

  "No, no, child!" Bernard's reply came with instant reassurance. "But shehas been--she still is--ill. She was upset, you know. Someone in a carstartled her."

  "I know I was there." Tessa came close to him again, speaking in a tenseundertone; her eyes gleamed almost black. "It was the Rajah thatfrightened her so--the Rajah--and my mother. I'm never going to ask Godto bless her again. I--hate her! And him too!"

  There was such concentrated vindictiveness in her words that evenBernard, who had looked upon many bitter things, was momentarilystartled.

  "I think God would be rather sorry to hear you say that," he remarked,after a moment. "He likes little girls to pray for their mothers."

  "I don't see why," said Tessa rebelliously, "not if He hasn't given themgood ones. Mine isn't good. She's very, very bad."

  "Then there's all the more reason to pray for her," said Bernard. "It'sthe least you can do. But I don't think you ought to say that of yourmother, you know, even if you think it. It isn't loyal."

  "What's loyal?" said Tessa.

  "Loyalty is being true to any one--not telling tales about them. It'sabout the only thing I learnt at school worth knowing." Bernard smiledat her in his large way. "Never tell tales of anyone, Princess!" hesaid. "It isn't cricket. Now look here! I've an awfully interestingpiece of news for you. Come quite close, and I'll whisper. Do youknow--last night--when Aunt Stella was lying ill, something happened. Anangel came to see her."

  "An angel!" Tessa's eyes grew round with wonder, and bluer than thebluest bluebell. "What was he like?" she whispered breathlessly. "Didyou see him?"

  "No, I didn't. I think it was a she," Bernard whispered back. "And whatdo you think she brought? But you'll never guess."

  "Oh, what?" gasped Tessa, trembling.

  Bernard's arm slipped round her, and Scooter with a sudden violenteffort freed himself, and was gone.

  "Never mind! I can get him again," said Tessa. "Or Peter will. Tellme--quick!"

  "She brought--" Bernard was speaking softly into her ear---"a littleboy-baby. Think of that! A present straight from God!"

  "Oh, how lovely!" Tessa gazed at him with shining eyes. "Is it here now?May I see it? Is the angel still here?"

  "No, the angel has gone. But the baby is left. It is Stella's very own,and she is to take care of it."

  "Oh, I hope she'll let me help her!" murmured Tessa in awe-struckaccents. "Does Uncle Everard know yet?"

  "Yes. He and I got here in the night two or three hours after the babyarrived. He was very tired, poor chap. He is resting."

  "And the baby?" breathed Tessa.

  "Mrs. Ralston is taking care of the baby. I expect it's asleep," saidBernard. "So we'll keep very quiet."

  "But she'll let me see it, won't she?" said Tessa anxiously.

  "No doubt she will, Princess. But I shouldn't disturb them yet. It'searly you know."

  "Mightn't I just go in and kiss Uncle Everard?" pleaded Tessa. "I lovehim so very much. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

  "Let him rest a bit longer!" advised Bernard. "He is worn out. Sit downhere, on the arm of my chair, and tell me about yourself! Where have youcome from?"

  Tessa jerked her head sideways. "Down there. We live at The Grand Stand.We've been there a long time now, nearly ever since Daddy went away.He's in Heaven. A _budmash_ shot him in the jungle. Mother made a greatfuss about it at the time, but she doesn't care now she can go motoringwith the Rajah. He is a nasty beast," said Tessa with emphasis. "Ialways did hate him. And he frightened my darling Aunt Stella at thegate yesterday. I--could have--killed him for it."

  "What did he do?" asked Bernard.

  "I don't know quite; but the car twisted round on the hill, and AuntStella thought it was going to upset. I tried to take care of her, butwe were both nearly run over. He's a horrid man!" Tessa declared. "Hecaught hold of me the other day because I got between him and Motherwhen they were sitting smoking together. And I bit him." Vindictivesatisfaction sounded in Tessa's voice. "I bit him hard. He soon let goagain."

  "Wasn't he angry?" asked Bernard.

  "Oh, yes, very angry. So was Mother. She told him he might whip me if heliked. Fancy being whipped by a native!" High scorn thrilled in thewords. "But he didn't. He laughed in his slithery way and showed histeeth like a jackal and said--and said--I was too pretty to be whipped."Tessa ground her teeth upon the memory. It was evidently even-morehumiliating than the suggested punishment. "And then he kissed me--hekis
sed me--" she shuddered at the nauseating recollection--"and let mego."

  Bernard was listening attentively. His eyes were less kindly than usual.They had a steely look. "I should keep out of his way, if I were you,"he said.

  "I will--I do!" declared Tessa. "But I do hate the way he goes on withMother. He'd never have dared if Daddy had been here."

  "He is evidently a bounder," said Bernard.

  They sat for some time on the verandah, growing pleasantly intimate,till presently Peter came out with an early breakfast for Bernard. Heinvited Tessa to join him, which she consented to do with alacrity.

  "We must find Scooter afterwards," she said, as she proudly poured outhis coffee. "And then perhaps, if I keep good, Aunt Mary will let me seethe baby."

  "Wonder if you will manage to keep good till then," observed a voicebehind them.

  She turned with a squeak of delight and sprang to meet Everard.

  He was looking haggard in the morning light, but he smiled upon her in away she had never seen before, and he stooped and kissed her with atenderness that amazed her.

  "Stella tells me you were very brave yesterday," he said.

  "Was I? When?" Tessa opened her blue eyes to their widest extent. "Oh, Iwas only--angry," she said then. "Darling Aunt Stella was frightened."

  He patted her shoulder. "You meant to take care of her, so I'm gratefulall the same," he said.

  Tessa clung to his arm. "I'd like to come and take care of her always,"she said, rather wistfully. "I can easily be spared, Uncle Everard. AndI'm really not nearly so naughty as I used to be."

  He smiled at the words, but did not respond. "Where's Scooter?" he said.

  They spent some time hunting for him, but it was left to Peter finallyto unearth him, for in the middle of the search Mrs. Ralston came softlyout upon the verandah with the baby in her arms, and at once all Tessa'sthoughts were centred upon the new arrival. She had never before seenanything so tiny, so red, or so utterly beautiful!

  Bernard left his breakfast to join the circle of admirers, and when thedoctor arrived a few minutes later he was in triumphant possession ofthe small bundle that held them all spellbound. He knew how to handle ababy, and was extremely proud of the accomplishment.

  It was not till two days later, however, that he was admitted to see themother. She had turned the corner, they said, but she was terribly weak.Yet, as soon as she heard of the presence of her brother-in-law, sheinsisted upon seeing him.

  Everard brought him in to her, but for the first time in her life shedismissed him when the introduction was effected.

  "We shall get on better alone," she said, with a smile. "You comeback--afterwards."

  So Everard withdrew, and Bernard sat down by her side, his big handholding hers.

  "That is nice," she said, her pale face turned to him. "I have beenwanting to know you ever since Everard first told me of you."

  He bent with a little smile and kissed the slender fingers he held."Then the desire has been mutual," he said.

  "Thank you." Stella's eyes were fixed upon his face. "I was afraid,"she said, with slight hesitation, "that you might think--when you sawEverard--that marriage hadn't altogether agreed with him."

  Bernard's kindly blue eyes met hers with absolute directness. "No, Ishouldn't have thought that," he said. "But I see a change in him ofcourse. He is growing old much too fast. What is it? Overwork?"

  "I don't know." She still spoke with hesitation. "I think it is a gooddeal--anxiety."

  "Ah!" Bernard's hand closed very strongly upon hers. "He is not the onlyperson that suffers from that complaint, I think."

  She smiled rather wanly. "I ought not to worry. It's wrong, isn't it?"

  "It's unnecessary," he said. "And it's a handicap to progress. But it'sdifficult not to when things go wrong, I admit. We need to keep a verytight hold on faith. And even then--"

  "Yes, even then--" Stella said, her lips quivering a little--"when theone beloved is in danger, who can be untroubled?"

  "We are all in the same keeping," said Bernard gently. "I think that'sworth remembering. If we can trust ourselves to God, we ought to be ableto trust even the one beloved to His care."

  Stella's eyes were full of tears. "I am afraid I don't know Him wellenough to trust Him like that," she said.

  Bernard leant towards her. "My dear," he said, "it is only by faiththat you can ever come to knowledge. You have to trust withoutdefinitely knowing. Knowledge--that inner certainty--comes afterwards,always afterwards. You can't get it for yourself. You can only pray forit, and prepare the ground."

  Her fingers pressed his feebly. "I wonder," she said, "if you have everknown what it was to walk in darkness."

  Bernard smiled. "Yes, I have floundered pretty deep in my time," hesaid. "There's only one thing for it, you know; just to keep on till thelight comes. You'll find, when the lamp shines across the desert atlast, that you're not so far out of the track after all--if you're onlykeeping on. That's the main thing to remember."

  "Ah!" Stella sighed. "I believe you could help me a lot."

  "Delighted to try," said Bernard.

  But she shook her head. "No, not now, not yet. I want you--to take careof Everard for me."

  "Can't he take care of himself?" questioned Bernard. "I thought I hadtaught him to be fairly independent."

  "Oh, it isn't that," she said. "It is--it is--India."

  He leaned nearer to her, the smile gone from his eyes. "I thought so,"he said. "You needn't be afraid to speak out to me. I am discretionitself, especially where he is concerned. What has India been doing tohim?"

  With a faint gesture she motioned him nearer still. Her face was verypale, but resolution was shining in her eyes. "Don't let us bedisturbed!" she whispered. "And I--I will tell you--all I know."