Read The Lamp in the Desert Page 32



  Punctually at eight o'clock Tessa arrived, slightly awed but supremelyhappy, seated in a 'rickshaw, escorted by Bernard, and hugging thebeloved Scooter to her eager little breast.

  Her eyes were shining with mysterious expectation. As her cavalierhanded her from her chariot up the red-carpeted steps she moved as onewho treads enchanted ground. The little creature in her arms wore an airof deep suspicion. His pointed head turned to and fro with ferret-likemovements. His sharp red eyes darted hither and thither almostapprehensively. He was like a toy on wires.

  "He is going--p'raps--to turn into a fairy prince soon," explainedTessa. "I'm not sure that he quite likes the idea though. He wouldrather kill a dragon. P'raps he'll do both."

  "P'raps," agreed Bernard.

  He led the little girl along the vernadah under the bobbing lanterns.Tessa looked about her critically. "There aren't any other children, arethere?" she said.

  "Not one," said Bernard, "unless you count me. We are going to dinetogether, you and I, quite alone--if you can put up with me. And afterthat we will hold a reception for grown-ups only."

  "I shall like that," said Tessa graciously. "Ah, here is Peter! Peter,will you please bring a box for Scooter while I have my dinner? He wantsto go snake-hunting," she added to Bernard. "And if he does that, Ishan't have him again for the rest of the evening."

  "You don't get snakes this time of year, do you?" asked Bernard.

  "Oh yes, sometimes. I saw one the other day when I was out with MajorRalston. He tried to kill it with his stick, but it got away. AndScooter wasn't there. They like to hide under bits of carpet like this,"said Tessa in an instructive tone, pointing to the strip that had beenlaid in her honour. "Are you afraid of snakes, Uncle St. Bernard?"

  "Yes," said Bernard with simplicity. "Aren't you?"

  Tessa looked slightly surprised at the admission. "I don't know. Iexpect I am. Peter isn't. Peter's very brave."

  "He has been more or less brought up with them," said Bernard."Scorpions too. He smiled the other day when I fled from a scorpion inthe garden. And I believe he has a positively fatherly feeling forrats."

  Tessa shivered a little. "Scooter killed a rat the other day, and itsquealed dreadfully. I don't think he ought to do things like that, butof course he doesn't know any better."

  "He looks as if he knows a lot," said Bernard.

  "Yes, I wish he would learn to talk. He's awful clever. Do you think wecould ever teach him?" asked Tessa.

  Bernard shook his head. "No. It would take a magician to do that. We arenot clever enough, either of us. Peter now--"

  "Oh, is Peter a magician?" said Tessa, with shining eyes. "Peter, dearPeter," turning to him ecstatically as he appeared with a box in whichto imprison her darling, "do you think you could possibly teach mylittle Scooter to talk?"

  Peter smiled all over his bronze countenance. "Missy _sahib_, only theHoly Ones can do that," he said.

  Tessa's face fell. "That's as bad as telling you to pray for anything,isn't it?" she said to Bernard. "And my prayers never come true. Doyours?"

  "They always get answered," said Bernard, "some time or other."

  "Oh, do they?" Tessa regarded him with interest. "Does God come and talkto you then?" she said.

  He smiled a little. "He speaks to all who wait to hear, my princess," hesaid.

  "Only to grown-ups," said Tessa, looking incredulous.

  Bernard put his arm round her. "No," he said. "It's the children whocome first with Him. He may not give them just what they ask for, butit's generally something better."

  Tessa stared at him, her eyes round and dark. "S'pose," she saidsuddenly, "a big snake was to come out of that corner, and I was to say,'Don't let it bite me, Lord!' Do you think it would?"

  "No," said Bernard very decidedly.

  "Oh!" said Tessa. "Well, I wish one would then, for I'd love to see ifit would or not."

  Bernard pulled her to him and kissed her. "We won't talk any more aboutsnakes or you'll be dreaming of them," he said. "Come along and dinewith me! Rather sport having it all to ourselves, eh?"

  "Where's Aunt Stella and Uncle Everard?" asked Tessa.

  "Oh, they're preparing for the reception. Let me take your Highness'scloak! This is the banqueting-room."

  He threw the cloak over a chair in the verandah, and led her into thedrawing-room, where a small table lighted by candles with crimson shadesawaited them.

  "How pretty!" cried Tessa, clapping her hands.

  Peter in snowy attire, benign and magnificent, attended to their wants,and the feast proceeded, vastly enjoyed by both. Tessa had never been so_feted_ in all her small life before.

  When, at the end of the repast, to an accompaniment of nuts andsweetmeats, Bernard poured her a tiny ruby-coloured liqueur glass ofwine, her delight knew no bounds.

  "I've never enjoyed myself so much before," she declared. "What a duckylittle glass! Now I'm going to drink your health!"

  "No. I drink yours first." Bernard arose, holding his glass high. "Idrink to the Princess Bluebell. May she grow fairer every day! And mayher cup of blessing be always full!"

  "Thank you," said Tessa. "And now, Uncle St. Bernard, I'm going to drinkto you. May you always have lots to laugh at! And may your prayersalways come true! That rhymes, doesn't it?" she added complacently. "DoI drink all my wine now, or only a sip?"

  "Depends," said Bernard.

  "How does it depend?"

  "It depends on how much you love me," he explained. "If there's any oneelse you love better, you save a little for him."

  She looked straight at him with a hint of embarrassment in her eyes."I'm afraid I love Uncle Everard best," she said.

  Bernard smiled upon her with reassuring kindliness. "Quite right, mychild. So you ought. There's Tommy too and Aunt Stella. I am sure youwant to drink to them."

  Tessa slipped round the table to his side, clasping her glass tightly.As she came within the circle of his arm she whispered, "Yes, I lovethem ever such a lot. But I love you best of all, except Uncle Everard,and he doesn't want me when he's got Aunt Stella. I s'pose you neverwanted a little girl for your very own did you?"

  He looked down at her, his blue eyes full of tenderness. "I've oftenwanted you, Tessa," he said.

  "Have you?" she beamed upon him, rubbing her flushed cheek against hisshoulder. "I'm sure you can have me if you like," she said.

  He pressed her to him. "I don't think your mother would agree to that,you know."

  Tessa's red lips pouted disgust. "Oh, she wouldn't care! She never careswhat I do. She likes it much best when I'm not there."

  Bernard's brows were slightly drawn. His arm held the little slim bodyvery closely to him.

  "You and I would be so happy," insinuated Tessa, as he did not speak."I'd do as you told me always. And I'd never, never be rude to you."

  He bent and kissed her. "I know that, my darling."

  "And when you got old, dear Uncle St. Bernard,--really old, I mean--I'dtake such care of you," she proceeded. "I'd be--more--than a daughter toyou."

  "Ah!" he said. "I should like that, my princess of the bluebell eyes."

  "You would?" she looked at him eagerly. "Then don't you think you mighttell Mother you'll have me? I know she wouldn't mind."

  He smiled at her impetuosity. "We must be patient, my princess," hesaid. "These things can't be done offhand, if at all."

  She slid her arm round his neck and hugged him. "But there is theweeniest, teeniest chance, isn't there? 'Cos you do think you'd like tohave me if I was good, and I'd--love--to belong to you. Is there justthe wee-est little chance, Uncle St. Bernard? Would it be any goodpraying for it?"

  He took her little hand into his warm kind grasp, for she was quiveringall over with excitement.

  "Yes, pray, little one!" he said. "You may not get exactly what youwant. But there will be an answer if you keep on. Be sure of that!"

  Tessa nodded comprehension. "All right. I will.
And you will too, won'tyou? It'll be fun both praying for the same thing, won't it? Oh, mywine! I nearly spilt it."

  "Better drink it and make it safe!" he said with a twinkle. "I'm goingto drink mine, and then we'll go on to the verandah and wait forsomething to happen."

  "Is something going to happen?" asked Tessa, with a shiver of delightedanticipation.

  He laughed. "Perhaps,--if we live long enough."

  Tessa drank her wine almost casually. "Come on!" she said. "Let's go!"

  But ere they reached the French window that led on to the verandah, asudden loud report followed by a succession of minor ones coming fromthe compound told them that the happenings had already begun. Tessagave one great jump, and then literally danced with delight.

  "Fireworks!" she cried. "Fireworks! That's Tommy! I know it is. Do let'sgo and look!" They went, and hung over the verandah-rail to watch amasked figure attired in an old pyjama suit of vivid green and whitewhirling a magnificent wheel of fire that scattered glowing sparks inall directions.

  Tessa was wild with excitement. "How lovely!" she cried. "Oh, howlovely! Dear Uncle St. Bernard, mayn't I go down and help him?"

  But Bernard decreed that she should remain upon the verandah, and,strangely, Tessa submitted without protest. She held his hand tightly,as if to prevent herself making any inadvertent dash for freedom, butshe leapt to and fro like a dog on the leash, squeaking her ecstasy atevery fresh display achieved by the bizarre masked figure below them.

  Bernard watched her with compassionate sympathy in his kindly eyes.Little Tessa had won a very warm place in his heart. He marvelled at hermother's attitude of callous indifference.

  Certainly Tessa had never enjoyed herself more thoroughly than on thatevening of her tenth birthday. Time flew by on the wings of delight.Tommy's exhibition was appreciated with almost delirious enthusiasm onthe verandah, and a little crowd of natives at the gate pushed andnudged each other with an admiration quite as heartfelt thoughcarefully suppressed.

  The display had been going on for some time when Stella came out aloneand joined the two on the verandah. To Tessa's eager inquiry for UncleEverard she made answer that he had been called out on business, and toBernard she added that Hafiz had sent him a message by one of theservants, and she supposed he had gone to Rustam Karin's stall in thebazaar. She looked pale and dispirited, but she joined in Tessa'sdelighted appreciation of the entertainment which now was drawing to aclose.

  It was getting late, and as with a shower of coloured stars the magicianin the compound accomplished a grand _finale_, Bernard put his armaround the narrow shoulders and said, with a kindly squeeze, "I am goingto see my princess home again now. She mustn't lose all herbeauty-sleep."

  She lifted her face to kiss him. "It has been--lovely," she said. "I dowish I needn't go back to-night. Do you think Aunt Mary would mind if Istayed with you?"

  He smiled at her whimsically. "Perhaps not, princess; but I am going totake you back to her all the same. Say good-night to Aunt Stella! Shelooks as if a good dose of bed would do her good."

  Tommy, with his mask in his hand, came running up the verandah-steps,and Tessa sprang to meet him.

  "Oh, Tommy--darling, I have enjoyed myself so!"

  He kissed her lightly. "That's all right, scaramouch. So have I. I mustget out of this toggery now double-quick. I suppose you are off in your'rickshaw? I'll walk with you. It'll be on the way to the Club."

  "Oh, how lovely! You on one side and Uncle St. Bernard on the other!"cried Tessa.

  "The princess will travel in state," observed Bernard. "Ah! Here comesPeter with Scooter! Have your cloak on before you take him out!"

  The cloak had fallen from the chair. Peter set down Scooter in hisprison, and picked it up. By the light of the bobbing, coloured lanternshe placed it about her shoulders.

  Tessa suddenly turned and sat down. "My shoe is undone," she said,extending her foot with a royal air. "Where is the prince?"

  The words were hardly out of her mouth before another sound escaped herwhich she hastily caught back as though instinct had stifled it in herthroat. "Look!" she gasped.

  Peter was nearest to her. He had bent to release Scooter, but like astreak of light he straightened himself. He saw--before any one else hadtime to realize--- the hideous thing that writhed in momentaryentanglement in the folds of Tessa's cloak, and then suddenly reareditself upon her lap as she sat frozen stiff with horror.

  He stooped over the child, his hands outspread, waiting for the momentto swoop. "Missy _sahib_, not move--not move!" he said softly above her."My missy _sahib_ not going to be hurt. Peter taking care of Missy_sahib_."

  And, with glassy eyes fixed and white lips rigid, Tessa's strainedwhisper came in answer. "O Lord, don't let it bite me!"

  Tommy would have flung himself forward then, but Bernard caught and heldhim. He had seen the look in the Indian's eyes, and he knew beyond alldoubting that Tessa was safe, if any human power could make her so.

  Stella knew it also. In that moment Peter loomed gigantic to her. Hisgleaming eyes and strangely smiling face held her spellbound with afascination greater even than that wicked, vibrating thing that coiled,black and evil, on the white of Tessa's frock could command. She knewthat if none intervened, Peter would accomplish Tessa's deliverance.

  But there was one factor which they had all forgotten. In those tenseseconds Scooter the mongoose by some means invisible became aware of thepresence of the enemy. The lid of his box had already been loosened byPeter. With a frantic effort he forced it up and leapt free.

  In that moment Peter, realizing that another instant's delay might befatal, pounced forward with a single swift swoop and seized theserpent-in his naked hands.

  Tessa uttered the shriek which a few seconds before sheer horror hadarrested, and fell back senseless in her chair.

  Peter, grim and awful in the uncertain light, fought the thing he hadgripped, while a small, red-eyed monster clawed its way up him, fiercelyclambering to reach the horrible, writhing creature in the man's hold.

  It was all over in a few hard-breathing seconds, over before either ofthe men in front of Peter or a shadowy figure behind him that had comeup at Tessa's cry could give any help.

  With a low laugh that was more terrible than any uttered curse, Peterflung the coiling horror over the verandah-rail into the bushes of thecompound. Something else went with it, closely locked. They heard thethud of the fall, and there followed an awful, voiceless struggling inthe darkness.

  "Peter!" a voice said.

  Peter was leaning against a post of the verandah. "Missy _sahib_ isquite safe," he said, but his voice sounded odd, curiously lifeless.

  The shadow that had approached behind him swept forward into the light.The lanterns shone upon a strange figure, bent, black-bearded, clothedin a long, dingy garment that seemed to envelop it from head to foot.

  Peter gave a violent start and spoke a few rapid words in his ownlanguage.

  The other made answer even more swiftly, and in a second there was theflash of a knife in the fitful glare. Bernard and Tommy both startedforward, but Peter only thrust out one arm with a grunt. It was agesture of submission, and it told its own tale.

  "The poor devil's bitten!" gasped Tommy.

  Bernard turned to Tessa and lifted the little limp body in his arms.

  He thought that Stella would follow him as he bore the child into theroom behind, but she did not.

  The place was in semi-darkness, for they had turned down the lamps tosee the fireworks. He laid her upon a sofa and turned them up again.

  The light upon her face showed it pinched and deathly. Her breathingseemed to be suspended. He left her and went swiftly to the dining-roomin search of brandy.

  Returning with it, he knelt beside her, forcing a little between therigid white lips. His own mouth was grimly compressed. The sight of hislittle playfellow lying like that cut him to the soul. She wasuninjured, he knew, but he asked himself if the awful fright had killedher. He had never seen so
death-like a swoon before.

  He had no further thought for what was passing on the verandah outside.Tommy had said that Peter was bitten, but there were three people tolook after him, whereas Tessa--poor brave mite--had only himself. Hechafed her icy cheeks and hands with a desperate sense of impotence.

  He was rewarded after what seemed to him an endless period of suspense.A tinge of colour came into the white lips, and the closed eyelidsquivered and slowly opened. The bluebell eyes gazed questioningly intohis.

  "Where--where is Scooter?" whispered Tessa.

  "Not far away, dear," he made answer soothingly. "We will go and findhim presently. Drink another little drain of this first!"

  She obeyed him almost mechanically. The shadow of a great horror stilllingered in her eyes. He gathered her closely to him.

  "Try and get a little sleep, darling! I'm here. I'll take care of you."

  She snuggled against him. "Am I going to stay all night!" she asked.

  "Perhaps, little one, perhaps!" He pressed her closer still. "Quitecomfy?"

  "Oh, very comfy; ever--so--comfy," murmured Tessa, closing her eyesagain. "Dear--dear Uncle St. Bernard!"

  She sank down in his hold, too spent to trouble herself any further, andin a very few seconds her quiet breathing told him that she was fastasleep.

  He sat very still, holding her. The awful peril through which she hadcome had made her tenfold more precious in his eyes. He could not haveloved her more tenderly if she had been indeed his own. He fell todreaming with his cheek against her hair.