Read The Last Bastion of the Living Page 59

Page 59


  “We’re almost there,” Cormier said excitedly. “And we’ve got a minute or two before the Scrags reach us. ”

  The carrier bounced up over the incline then was on the worn road again. The treads slid slightly, then caught the asphalt, the carrier fishtailing slightly. The tiltrotor was a welcome sight. Already the crew on board was lowering the desperately needed weapons.

  “Negative on those med-pods,” Mr. Petersen’s voice said in her ear.

  Maria had been watching the onslaught of the Inferi Scourge and her eyes flicked toward the spot where Dwayne’s precious face had been. Instead the completely bland, yet disturbing face of the SWD mystery man was on the feed.

  “I have two badly wounded soldiers, Mr. Petersen. ”

  “Are they able to fight?”

  “Yes,” McKinney said from behind her.

  She assumed the thumbs up was Holm agreeing.

  “Medic?” Maria glanced at Denman.

  Denman helped strap Holm and McKinney into some backup armor. “They’re Boon. They can keep going,” Denman said reluctantly.

  Despite her composure, Maria wanted to reach through the feed and strangle Mr. Petersen. His snake-like smug smile was infuriating.

  “Keep to the plan, Vanguard,” Mr. Petersen ordered.

  “Arrival in thirty seconds,” Cormier called out.

  Directing her attention to Mikado and Cruz, she saw they were crouched next to the door waiting.

  Cormier slammed on the brakes, pitching everyone forward. “We’re here!”

  “Go!” Maria ordered.

  Mikado slid the door open and vanished. Cruz followed. Their helmet cameras sent a feed to Maria’s screen. As they ran toward the squat black box on the road, she felt her heart speeding up. Twisting away from the console camera, she tried to discreetly wipe the sweat off her brow and upper lip.

  Outside the carrier, Mikado and Cruz reached the box. They activated it and squat wheels pushed out of the bottom of it. Gripping handles that unfurled from the box, Mikado and Cruz ran it toward the carrier as the tiltrotor began to fire at the wave of Inferi Scourge approaching from the city.

  The wildfire in the field beside the road was burning itself out and the Scourge that had been pursuing closed in once more.

  Mikado and Cruz reached the carrier and slid the box right up to the doorway. They activated the loading mechanism and claws extended from the carrier, gripped the box, then slid it up on a track into the carrier. The two soldiers scrambled in after it. Maria breathed a sigh of relief as Mikado slammed the door shut.

  “Go, Cormier!”

  “Yes, sir!”

  Cormier shoved down on the accelerator and the carrier lurched forward. Excited words were exchanged as Mikado and Cruz opened the box and handed out actual rifles.

  “Oh, sweet, baby. How I missed you so,” McKinney said and kissing sounds followed.

  Cruz handed one to Maria along with several clips. “Vanguard, it’s good to have actual weapons. ”

  “That it is,” Maria agreed. “Give me one for Omondi. Some of you double up on weapons for the survivors. ”

  The carrier accelerated on its course that would loop around the rock formation between the foothills and the city. All they had to do now was lose the horde of Scourge following them, make their way back to the hydroelectric station, and save the day.

  Chapter 29

  The acrimony in the command center was a distraction Dwayne didn’t need. It was insulting to have Mr. Petersen looming over the shoulders of the Constabulary officers. Dwayne literally felt Commandant Pierce’s fury burning every time Mr. Petersen insinuated himself into command decisions.

  The command center at the heart of the SWD facility was crackling with excitement. The usual boring day-to-day tasks were set aside as the men and women specifically selected to oversee the rescue of the stranded squad directed their attention and expertise to the task at hand. They were a combination of SWD and Constabulary personnel. The commandant had not put up much of a fight once she was able to pull in her own people and place Dwayne at the head of the operation.

  Leaning over a communication console, Lindsey was consumed with finding a way to reach Chief Defender Omondi. She was busy adjusting the communication dishes set around the valley in an attempt to locate his feed. If anyone could find a way to contact Omondi, that person was Lindsey.

  Meanwhile, Dwayne communicated directly with Maria. To see her in danger was difficult, yet he had to put aside his personal feelings and concentrate on the mission. Like any man, he wanted to protect the woman he loved, but he also felt a surge of pride at her strength and ability to lead her squad.

  Watching the feed from the tiltrotor, Dwayne felt his anxiety swell as a massive wave of Inferi Scourge rushed toward Maria’s position. The aircraft shredded the creatures moving on an intercept course with the carrier. The heavy guns pulverized the running corpses, creating a clear path for the carrier. The vehicle slid through the bloody remains of the Scourge and barreled down the abandoned road.

  “How many in that swarm behind them?” Dwayne asked the soldier at the console beside him.

  The young man promptly ran a program to calculate the number. “Close to ten thousand. ”

  Commandant Pierce leaned over his shoulder and peered down at the many screens before Dwayne’s post. All the information being gathered by their staff was relayed to his station. “It appears that their plan might work if they can get some distance on that horde. ”

  “Agreed, but they lost valuable ground securing the drop. ”

  “How are we doing on ammunition on that tiltrotor?”

  Dwayne tapped on the screens and a window popped up revealing the exact number. “The guns are down to half. ”

  Commandant Pierce pointed to the primary screen that revealed the carrier as it sped alongside the rock formation. The remaining Scourge from the group that had broken off from the crowd around the city fell behind the carrier, joining the larger horde. “Once they double-back, they should have a clear shot back to the hydroelectric station,” Commandant Pierce noted. “Have the tiltrotor fire at the leading edge of that horde. I want them to exhaust their weapons on the front of that crowd. It will give the carrier more distance, but also provide obstacles for the Scrags following behind. ”

  “Agreed,” Dwayne answered, then immediately transmitted the order to the tiltrotor pilots and gunners.

  “They’re performing well, aren’t they?” Mr. Petersen said, joining them. “I can’t help but admire Vanguard Martinez. She really is the exemplary soldier you said she was, Commandant Pierce. You were wise to recommend her to be the first of our Boon. ”

  Dwayne ignored the man. It was obvious that Mr. Petersen had heard the president’s accusation. And there was no reason to believe that Commandant Pierce would volunteer Maria as some sort of slight against Dwayne. He was sure she had been genuinely surprised to find out about his relationship.

  “Yes, I was. ” Commandant Pierce fastened her stony gaze on Mr. Petersen.

  With a slight smirk, the man walked on to check in with the SWD personnel at their stations.

  “We’re putting more ground between us and the Scrags,” Maria’s voice said. On one corner of his screen he could see her dark eyes glancing toward the camera. He loved how they glimmered like obsidian. He had missed that when-

  Dwayne sat up straight and stared intently at Maria’s eyes. Commandant Pierce was talking briskly to Lindsey. He stole a quick look in Dr. Curran’s direction, then returned his gaze to Maria. Maybe no one else noticed in the heat of the moment, but he knew Maria’s face intimately. Her eyes were as dark and clear as they had been when she had been alive.

  “Castellan Reichardt,” Commandant Pierce’s voice said, cutting through his flurry of thoughts. “We were able to get through briefly to Chief Defender Omondi. It’s confirmed he is still holed up in the
basement of the facility. ”

  “Relaying that information to Vanguard Martinez. Do we have the schematic of the hydroelectric station yet?”

  One of the SWD officers said, “Yes, sir. Transferring to you and Vanguard Martinez now. ”

  The commandant squeezed his shoulder as she leaned over him again. “Keep focused,” she whispered.

  He gave her a short nod. She probably thought he was ruffled by Maria’s presence on the mission, but it was her clear dark eyes that had him unsettled. As soon as he was able, he was going to have a word or two with Dr. Curran.

  On the screens around the command center, the carrier sped along its path toward the point where it would reverse course. Hopefully, the maneuver would be performed out of the sight of the pursuing Scourge.

  “Is our little surprise ready?” Commandant Pierce asked.

  Dwayne gave her a brisk nod.

  “Good,” she gave Mr. Petersen’s back a fierce look. “He’ll have a fit. I’m going to enjoy this. ”

  The cameras on the tiltrotor continued to transmit the aerial view of the carrier on its fast-paced journey toward the end of the rock wall. The old underpass appeared to be in good condition. Dwayne hoped the carrier would be able to maneuver swiftly around the curving road.