Read The Last Bite Page 2


  Gabriel ran his fingers through his jet black hair. It was incredibly long, almost down to his waist. Guys envied it and the girls couldn't resist touching it. He ran his fingers along his chiselled jaw one more time as he concentrated on what records to take tonight. He always insisted on using vinyl, it wasn't as convenient as CDs or MP3s but he considered the sound to be far superior. Vinyl had such warmth compared to the cold digital alternatives, it made the music sound so alive. Turning the black discs over in his hands reminded him of the time he'd spent in his Grandfather's study and the magical moment when he listened to his first gramophone record.

  Anna appeared at the bedroom door. Gabriel looked up and saw a weariness in her eyes. Her skin looked dull and grey, and her shoulders were slumped.

  "You're not ready?" he asked. There was surprise and a hint of anxiety in his voice. Anna was always ready on time but she hadn't made any attempt to get changed or do her makeup.

  "I don't think I'll go tonight..." she whispered, her eyes looking down at the dusty floor.

  "You must go! You always go!" Gabriel said, working himself up into a panic.

  "Gabe, I can't..." Anna said with a sigh.

  "Of course you can! You must! You always come!" Gabriel grabbed Anna by the shoulders and shook her as if it would make her come to her senses. Anna just shook her head. "You look ill, have you eaten?" Gabriel brushed Anna's blonde hair from her face. She looked weak and tired, a shadow of her usual self.

  "No, I'm not hungry. You go on your own tonight, I'll stay here and rest..." Anna mumbled. Gabriel opened his mouth to argue but Anna just stared right through him. Reluctantly he let her go and she turned to walked out of the door.

  "I'll bring you a bite to eat when I come home," he said. Anna nodded and walked back down the stairs to her room.

  Gabriel's hands clenched into fists. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves. Anna was always there, she was part of his routine, they looked out for each other. He felt naked without her. He wanted to march into her room and command her to get dressed and go to the club with him, but the thought of her weary eyes prevented him. He'd have to go alone tonight, he couldn't let the crowd down.

  Anna sat on the edge of the armchair and tried to maintain her composure. Even though her hands were clasped on her lap she couldn't stop them from shaking. She'd felt uneasy for the past few days but the image she'd seen reflected in the bowl of water had disturbed her. It wasn't her own reflection, it's was Gabriel's and she had an overwhelming sense that something terrible was going to happen and she was powerless to stop it. She looked up and saw Gabriel standing in the doorway, his heavy case of vinyl records in his hand.

  "Are you sure you won't come?" he asked. Anna shook her head. For a second his blue eyes shone almost purple as he pleaded with her, but unlike the girls at the club she was immune to his charms. He sighed. "I'll be back before dawn." Gabriel turned to go but Anna called after him.


  "What?" he asked.

  "I love you," Anna said. The corner of her lips raised in half a smile.

  "I love you too," said Gabriel smiling back. He put his black velvet jacket on, picked up his case of records and walked out into the cool night air.

  Seren walked up to the bar and bought herself a coke. She was surprised that the place was still quite empty. She'd left her digs at quarter past ten but it looked like the clientele liked to be fashionably late.

  "When does the DJ start?" she asked the bartender.

  "Midnight," he replied and went to serve another customer. Seren kicked herself for being so stupid. The club wasn't called After Midnight for nothing!

  She perched herself on a barstool and tried to look inconspicuous as she surveyed her surroundings. It was difficult to make things out in the low light. Everything was painted black, the walls, the ceiling, the bare wooden floor and the booth seats at the back of the club. There was a compilation CD playing through the clubs PA system, old punk tracks mostly, The Ramones, The Clash and some others that she didn't recognise.

  Seren felt a draught as the door opened and a group of people came spilling in. From the sounds of their voices they'd been drinking already. Seren jumped as someone tapped her on the shoulder.

  "So you found it alright then?" said a girl with bright pink hair. Seren narrowed her eyes and tried to place the her.

  "I'm sorry, you are?"

  "I'm Kate. You were in the shop the other day, asking about this place."

  "Oh, yeah!" said Seren smiling. "Sorry, I didn't recognise you without the hood and everything. I love your hair!"

  "Cheers! My boss, Anna, did it for me. She's dead good with hair and stuff. She says she'll do it blue next week for me, if I want..." Kate never finished her sentence, her boyfriend called her over and they took their drinks to the booth in the corner.

  Seren started to relax a little as the club filled up with more people. Pretty soon the place was buzzing and the bar was getting pretty crowded.

  "What brings a divine beauty to a humble dive such as this?" a deep voice whispered in her ear. Seren slowly she turned her head and recoiled at the putrid smell of the man's breath. She looked him up and down with distain. He was overweight, in his late forties and dressed in the most ridiculous tie dyed shirt which barely covered the beer gut that spilled over the top of his skinny jeans. His greasy, receding hair was slicked back and he wore green cat's eye contact lenses.

  He winked at Seren and smiled showing a glimpse of an elongated canine and running his thick tongue over the sharpened point. For a second Seren wondered if he was a real vampire. No, his breath was hot on her neck and she noticed sweat stains under his arms as he casually leaned on the bar. He was human, at best a role player, at worst a deluded soul who really thought that cosmetic dentistry would make him more attractive to women. He reached up to touch Seren's face.

  "Fuck off!" she said, knocking his hand away.

  "Now, that's no way for a lady to behave!" he said catching her wrist. Seren squealed. She struggled and tried to pull away from him but he was stronger than he looked.

  "Let me go!" she screamed.

  "Do as the lady says!" commanded a voice from behind her. She had no idea where her rescuer had come from but she was glad of his intervention. The wannabe vampire released Seren's arm as he stared blankly over her shoulder. "Barry, it's about time you learned to treat ladies with a little more respect." Seren saw how Barry's red complexion had turned a pallid shade of grey. "Perhaps you should go home and get an early night," said the voice. "And don't forget to brush your teeth!"

  Barry slowly nodded, then he turned away and walked towards the doors. It was as if he was hypnotised. Seren let out a sigh of relief.

  "My sincerest apologies," said Gabriel as he took Seren's hand. She looked up into his eyes and melted. It might have been a reflection from the disco lights but Seren could have sworn they flashed purple for the briefest moment. "My name is Gabriel, I'm the proprietor of this establishment. May I get you a drink? It's on the house."

  "Thank you. Coke please," she said smiling. She was mesmerised by Gabriel's countenance. Everything about him was beautiful. The way his long hair fell in soft waves down his back, the glimpse of his hairy chest through his open shirt, and his smouldering eyes that seemed to change colour at will. He very presence awoke a burning desire in Seren. She felt giddy as the bartender placed her new drink on the bar.

  Gabriel took her hand, gently rubbing it with his thumb. "I hope our friend Barry didn't hurt you?"

  "Oh, no, not at all," said Seren as she felt the colour come to her cheeks.

  "I'm afraid he overestimates the effect he has on the opposite sex. He's mostly harmless but I'll make sure he doesn't bother you again," Gabriel said, his voice smooth and sincere. Seren didn't doubt him for a second. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she succumbed to his charms. She'd never met a man quite as
handsome as Gabriel before, but there was something about him that made her feel a little uneasy.

  "May I ask your name?" Gabriel asked.

  "Seren. My name is Seren," she replied. Her doubts vanished and she felt rather coy.

  "What a rare and beautiful name!"

  "It's short for Serendipity," Seren said, blushing once more.

  "How apt! Well, Seren, I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm afraid I must leave you now but I'll make sure that Andrew takes care of your every need." Seren looked up at the barman and he nodded.

  This was all a little too surreal. She'd never been treated like this in any of the clubs she'd been to before. She turned to thank Gabriel but he'd already gone. She felt a little sad but a moment later she heard his voice echoing over the PA system.

  "Welcome, one and all, to After Midnight!" his voice boomed over the fast drum beat and thumping bass line. The music was so incredibly loud Seren could feel the vibrations in her chest. Kate and her friends all jumped to their feet and congregated on the dance floor, throwing shapes in the strobe lights. The atmosphere was electric and Seren lost track of time as she absorbed the sights and sounds.

  As soon as she set her glass down on the bar Andrew replaced it with another drink. She took a sip but this wasn't Coke. She turned to ask the barman if he'd made a mistake. He anticipated her question, leaning forwards and speaking loudly in her ear he said,