Read The Last Chronicle of Barset Page 52



  It was now known throughout Barchester that a commission was to beheld by the bishop's orders, at which inquiry would be made,--thatis, ecclesiastical inquiry,--as to the guilt imputed to Mr. Crawleyin the matter of Mr. Soames's cheque. Sundry rumours had gone abroadas to quarrels which had taken place on the subject among certainclergymen high in office; but these were simply rumours, and nothingwas in truth known. There was no more discreet clergyman in all thediocese than Dr. Tempest, and not a word had escaped from him as tothe stormy nature of that meeting in the bishop's palace, at which hehad attended with the bishop,--and at which Mrs. Proudie had attendedalso. When it is said that the fact of this coming commission wasknown to all Barsetshire, allusion is of course made to that portionof the inhabitants of Barsetshire to which clerical matters weredear;--and as such matters were specially dear to the inhabitants ofthe parish of Framley, the commission was discussed very eagerly inthat parish, and was specially discussed by the Dowager Lady Lufton.

  And there was a double interest attached to the commission in theparish of Framley by the fact that Mr. Robarts, the vicar, hadbeen invited by Dr. Tempest to be one of the clergymen who were toassist in making the inquiry. "I also propose to ask Mr. Oriel ofGreshamsbury to join us," said Dr. Tempest. "The bishop wishes toappoint the other two, and has already named Mr. Thumble and Mr.Quiverful, who are both residents in the city. Perhaps his lordshipmay be right in thinking it better that the matter should not be leftaltogether in the hands of clergymen who hold livings in the diocese.You are no doubt aware that neither Mr. Thumble nor Mr. Quiverful dohold any benefice." Mr. Robarts felt,--as everybody else did feelwho knew anything of the matter,--that Bishop Proudie was singularlyignorant in his knowledge of men, and that he showed his ignorance onthis special occasion. "If he intended to name two such men he shouldat any rate have named three," said Dr. Thorne. "Mr. Thumble and Mr.Quiverful will simply be outvoted on the first day, and after thatwill give in their adhesion to the majority." "Mr. Thumble, indeed!"Lady Lufton had said, with much scorn in her voice. To her thinking,it was absurd in the highest degree that such men as Dr. Tempest andher Mr. Robarts should be asked to meet Mr. Thumble and Mr. Quiverfulon a matter of ecclesiastical business. Outvoted! Of course theywould be outvoted. Of course they would be so paralyzed by fear atfinding themselves in the presence of real gentlemen, that they wouldhardly be able to vote at all. Old Lady Lufton did not in fact utterwords so harsh as these; but thoughts as harsh passed through hermind. The reader therefore will understand that much interest wasfelt on the subject at Framley Court, where Lady Lufton lived withher son and her daughter-in-law.

  "They tell me," said Lady Lufton, "that both the archdeacon and Dr.Tempest think it right that a commission should be held. If so, Ihave no doubt that it is right."

  "Mark says that the bishop could hardly do anything else," rejoinedMrs. Robarts.

  "I daresay not, my dear. I suppose the bishop has somebody near himto tell him what he may do, and what he may not do. It would beterrible to think of, if it were not so. But yet, when I hear thathe has named such men as Mr. Thumble and Mr. Quiverful, I cannot butfeel that the whole diocese is disgraced."

  "Oh, Lady Lufton, that is such a strong word," said Mrs. Robarts.

  "It may be strong, but it is not the less true," said Lady Lufton.

  And from talking on the subject of the Crawleys, Lady Lufton soonadvanced, first to a desire for some action, and then to acting."I think, my dear, I will go over and see Mrs. Crawley," said LadyLufton the elder to Lady Lufton the younger. Lady Lufton the youngerhad nothing to urge against this; but she did not offer to accompanythe elder lady. I attempted to explain in the early part of thisstory that there still existed a certain understanding between Mrs.Crawley and Lord Lufton's wife, and that kindnesses occasionallypassed from Framley Court to Hogglestock Parsonage; but on thisoccasion young Lady Lufton,--the Lucy Robarts who had once passedcertain days of her life with the Crawleys at Hogglestock,--did notchoose to accompany her mother-in-law; and therefore Mrs. Robarts wasinvited to do so. "I think it may comfort her to know that she hasour sympathy," the elder woman said to the younger as they made theirjourney together.

  When the carriage stopped before the little wicket-gate, from whencea path led through a ragged garden from the road to Mr. Crawley'shouse, Lady Lufton hardly knew how to proceed. The servant came tothe door of the carriage, and asked for her orders. "H--m--m, ha,yes; I think I'll send in my card;--and say that I hope Mrs. Crawleywill be able to see me. Won't that be best; eh, Fanny?" Fanny,otherwise Mrs. Robarts, said that she thought that would be best; andthe card and message were carried in.

  It was happily the case that Mr. Crawley was not at home. Mr. Crawleywas away at Hoggle End, reading to the brickmakers, or turning themangles of their wives, or teaching them theology, or politics, orhistory, after his fashion. In these days he spent, perhaps, thehappiest hours of his life down at Hoggle End. I say that his absencewas a happy chance, because, had he been at home, he would certainlyhave said something, or done something, to offend Lady Lufton. Hewould either have refused to see her, or when seeing her he wouldhave bade her hold her peace and not interfere with matters which didnot concern her, or,--more probable still,--he would have sat stilland sullen, and have spoken not at all. But he was away, and Mrs.Crawley sent out word by the servant that she would be most proud tosee her ladyship, if her ladyship would be pleased to alight. Herladyship did alight, and walked into the parsonage, followed by Mrs.Robarts.

  Grace was with her mother. Indeed Jane had been there also when themessage was brought in, but she fled into back regions, overcome byshame as to her frock. Grace, I think, would have fled too, had shenot been bound in honour to support her mother. Lady Lufton, as sheentered, was very gracious, struggling with all the power of herwomanhood so to carry herself that there should be no outwardlyvisible sign of her rank or her wealth,--but not altogethersucceeding. Mrs. Robarts, on her first entrance, said only a word ortwo of greeting to Mrs. Crawley, and kissed Grace, whom she had knownintimately in early years. "Lady Lufton," said Mrs. Crawley, "I amafraid this is a very poor place for you to come to; but you haveknown that of old, and therefore I need hardly apologize."

  "Sometimes I like poor places best," said Lady Lufton. Then there wasa pause, after which Lady Lufton addressed herself to Grace, seekingsome subject for immediate conversation. "You have been down atAllington, my dear, have you not?" Grace, in a whisper, said that shehad. "Staying with the Dales, I believe? I know the Dales well byname, and I have always heard that they are charming people."

  "I like them very much," said Grace. And then there was anotherpause.

  "I hope your husband is pretty well, Mrs. Crawley?" said Lady Lufton.

  "He is pretty well,--not quite strong. I daresay you know, LadyLufton, that he has things to vex him?" Mrs. Crawley felt that it wasthe need of the moment that the only possible subject of conversationin that house should be introduced; and therefore she brought it inat once, not loving the subject, but being strongly conscious of thenecessity. Lady Lufton meant to be good-natured, and therefore Mrs.Crawley would do all in her power to make Lady Lufton's mission easyto her.

  "Indeed yes," said her ladyship; "we do know that."

  "We feel so much for you and Mr. Crawley," said Mrs. Robarts; "andare so sure that your sufferings are unmerited." This was notdiscreet on the part of Mrs. Robarts, as she was the wife of oneof the clergymen who had been selected to form the commission ofinquiry; and so Lady Lufton told her on their way home.

  "You are very kind," said Mrs. Crawley. "We must only bear it withsuch fortitude as God will give us. We are told that He tempers thewind to the shorn lamb."

  "And so He does, my dear," said the old lady, very solemnly. "So Hedoes. Surely you have felt that it is so?"

  "I struggle not to complain," said Mrs. Crawley.

  "I know that you struggle bravely. I hear of you, and I admire youfo
r it, and I love you." It was still the old lady who was speaking,and now she had at last been roused out of her difficulty as towords, and had risen from her chair, and was standing before Mrs.Crawley. "It is because you do not complain, because you are so greatand so good, because your character is so high, and your spirit sofirm, that I could not resist the temptation of coming to you. Mrs.Crawley, if you will let me be your friend, I shall be proud of yourfriendship."

  "Your ladyship is too good," said Mrs. Crawley.

  "Do not talk to me after that fashion," said Lady Lufton. "If you doI shall be disappointed, and feel myself thrown back. You know whatI mean." She paused for an answer; but Mrs. Crawley had no answer tomake. She simply shook her head, not knowing why she did so. But wemay know. We can understand that she had felt that the friendshipoffered to her by Lady Lufton was an impossibility. She had decidedwithin her own breast that it was so, though she did not know thatshe had come to such decision. "I wish you to take me at my word,Mrs. Crawley," continued Lady Lufton. "What can we do for you? Weknow that you are distressed."

  "Yes,--we are distressed."

  "And we know how cruel circumstances have been to you. Will you notforgive me for being plain?"

  "I have nothing to forgive," said Mrs. Crawley.

  "Lady Lufton means," said Mrs. Robarts, "that in asking you to talkopenly to her of your affairs, she wishes you to remember that-- Ithink you know what we mean," said Mrs. Robarts, knowing very wellherself what she did mean, but not knowing at all how to expressherself.

  "Lady Lufton is very kind," said Mrs. Crawley, "and so are you, Mrs.Robarts. I know how good you both are, and for how much it behovesme to be grateful." These words were very cold, and the voice inwhich they were spoken was very cold. They made Lady Lufton feel thatit was beyond her power to proceed with the work of her mission inits intended spirit. It is ever so much easier to proffer kindnessgraciously than to receive it with grace. Lady Lufton had intendedto say, "Let us be women together;--women bound by humanity, and notseparated by rank, and let us open our hearts freely. Let us see howwe may be of comfort to each other." And could she have succeeded inthis, she would have spread out her little plans of succour with soloving a hand that she would have conquered the woman before her. Butthe suffering spirit cannot descend from its dignity of reticence. Ithas a nobility of its own, made sacred by many tears, by the flowingof streams of blood from unseen wounds, which cannot descend from itsdais to receive pity and kindness. A consciousness of undeserved woeproduces a grandeur of its own, with which the high-souled suffererwill not easily part. Baskets full of eggs, pounds of eleemosynarybutter, quarters of given pork, even second-hand clothing from thewardrobe of some richer sister,--even money, unsophisticated money,she could accept. She had learned to know that it was a portionof her allotted misery to take such things,--for the sake of herchildren and her husband,--and to be thankful for them. She did takethem, and was thankful; and in the taking she submitted herself tothe rod of cruel circumstances; but she could not even yet bringherself to accept spoken pity from a stranger, and to kiss thespeaker.

  "Can we not do something to help you?" said Mrs. Robarts. She wouldnot have spoken but that she perceived that Lady Lufton had completedher appeal, and that Mrs. Crawley did not seem prepared to answer it.

  "You have done much to help us," said Mrs. Crawley. "The things youhave sent to us have been very serviceable."

  "But we mean something more than that," said Lady Lufton.

  "I do not know what there is more," said Mrs. Crawley. "A bit to eatand something to wear;--that seems to be all that we have to care fornow."

  "But we were afraid that this coming trial must cause you so muchanxiety."

  "Of course it causes anxiety;--but what can we do? It must be so. Itcannot be put off, or avoided. We have made up our minds to it now,and almost wish that it would come quicker. If it were once over Ithink that he would be better whatever the result might be."

  Then there was another lull in the conversation, and Lady Luftonbegan to be afraid that her visit would be a failure. She thoughtthat perhaps she might get on better if Grace were not in the room,and she turned over in her mind various schemes for sending her away.And perhaps her task would be easier if Mrs. Robarts also could bebanished for a time. "Fanny, my dear," she said at last, boldly, "Iknow you have a little plan to arrange with Miss Crawley. Perhaps youwill be more likely to be successful if you can take a turn with heralone." There was not much subtlety in her ladyship's scheme; but itanswered the proposed purpose, and the two elder ladies were soonleft face to face, so that Lady Lufton had a fair pretext for makinganother attempt. "Dear Mrs. Crawley," she said, "I do so long to saya word to you, but I fear that I may be thought to interfere."

  "Oh, no, Lady Lufton I have no feeling of that kind."

  "I have asked your daughter and Mrs. Robarts to go out because I canspeak more easily to you alone. I wish I could teach you to trustme."

  "I do trust you."

  "As a friend, I mean;--as a real friend. If it should be the case,Mrs. Crawley, that a jury should give a verdict against yourhusband,--what will you do then? Perhaps I ought not to suppose thatit is possible."

  "Of course we know that is possible," said Mrs. Crawley. Her voicewas stern, and there was in it a tone almost of offence. As she spokeshe did not look at her visitor, but sat with her face averted andher arms akimbo on the table.

  "Yes;--it is possible," said Lady Lufton. "I suppose there is not onein the county who does not truly wish that it may not be so. But itis right to be prepared for all alternatives. In such case have youthought what you will do?"

  "I do not know what they would do to him," said she.

  "I suppose that for some time he would be--"

  "Put in prison," said Mrs. Crawley, speaking very quickly, bringingout the words with a sharp eagerness that was quite unusual to her."They will send him to gaol. Is it not so, Lady Lufton?"

  "I suppose it would be so; not for long I should hope; but I presumethat such would be the sentence for some short period."

  "And I might not go with him?"

  "No; that would be impossible."

  "And the house, and the living; would they let him have them againwhen he came out?"

  "Ah; that I cannot say. That will depend much, probably, on whatthese clergymen will report. I hope he will not put himself inopposition to them."

  "I do not know. I cannot say. It is probable that he may do so. Itis not easy for a man so injured as he has been, and one at the sametime so great in intelligence, to submit himself gently to suchinquiries. When ill is being done to himself or others he is veryprone to oppose it."

  "But these gentlemen do not wish to do him ill, Mrs. Crawley."

  "I cannot say. I do not know. When I think of it I see that there isnothing but ruin on every side. What is the use of talking of it? Donot be angry, Lady Lufton, if I say that it is of no use."

  "But I desire to be of use,--of real use. If it should be the case,Mrs. Crawley, that your husband should be--detained at Barchester--"

  "You mean imprisoned, Lady Lufton."

  "Yes, I mean imprisoned. If it should be so, then do you bringyourself and your children,--all of them,--over to Framley, and Iwill find a home for you while he is lost to you."

  "Oh, Lady Lufton I could not do that."

  "Yes, you can. You have not heard me yet. It would not be a comfortto you in such a home as that to sit at table with people who arepartly strangers to you. But there is a cottage nearly adjoining tothe house, which you shall have all to yourself. The bailiff livedin it once, and others have lived in it who belong to the place; butit is empty now and it shall be made comfortable." The tears werenow running down Mrs. Crawley's face, so that she could not answer aword. "Of course it is my son's property, and not mine, but he hascommissioned me to say that it is most heartily at your service. Hebegs that in such case you will occupy it. And I beg the same. Andyour old friend Lucy has desired me also to ask you in her name."
  "Lady Lufton, I could not do that," said Mrs. Crawley through hertears.

  "You must think better of it, my dear. I do not scruple to adviseyou, because I am older than you, and have experience of the world."This, I think, taken in the ordinary sense of the words, was a boaston the part of Lady Lufton, for which but little true pretenceexisted. Lady Lufton's experience of the world at large was notperhaps extensive. Nevertheless she knew what one woman might offerto another, and what one woman might receive from another. "You wouldbe better over with me, my dear, than you could be elsewhere. Youwill not misunderstand me if I say that, under such circumstances, itwould do your husband good that you and your children should be underour protection during his period of temporary seclusion. We standwell in the county. Perhaps I ought not to say so, but I do not knowhow otherwise to explain myself; and when it is known, by the bishopand others, that you have come to us during that sad time, it will beunderstood that we think well of Mr. Crawley, in spite of anythingthat a jury may say of him. Do you see that, my dear? And we do thinkwell of him. I have known of your husband for many years, though Ihave not personally had the pleasure of much acquaintance with him.He was over at Framley once at my request, and I had great occasionthen to respect him. I do respect him; and I shall feel grateful tohim if he will allow you to put yourself and your children under mywing, as being an old woman, should this misfortune fall upon him.We hope that it will not fall upon him; but it is always well to beprovided for the worst."

  In this way Lady Lufton at last made her speech and opened out theproposal with which she had come laden to Hogglestock. While she wasspeaking Mrs. Crawley's shoulder was still turned to her; but thespeaker could see that the quick tears were pouring themselves downthe cheeks of the woman whom she addressed. There was a downrighthonesty of thorough-going well-wishing charity about the propositionwhich overcame Mrs. Crawley altogether. She did not feel for amoment that it would be possible for her to go to Framley in suchcircumstances as those which had been suggested. As she thought of itall at the present moment, it seemed to her that her only appropriatehome during the terrible period which was coming upon her, wouldbe under the walls of the prison in which her husband would beincarcerated. But she fully appreciated the kindness which hadsuggested a measure, which, if carried into execution, would makethe outside world feel that her husband was respected in the county,despite the degradation to which he was subjected. She felt all this,but her heart was too full to speak.

  "Say that it shall be so, my dear," continued Lady Lufton. "Just giveme one nod of assent, and the cottage shall be ready for you shouldit so chance that you should require it."

  But Mrs. Crawley did not give the nod of assent. With her face stillaverted, while the tears were still running down her cheeks, shemuttered but a word or two. "I could not do that, Lady Lufton Icould not do that."

  "You know at any rate what my wishes are, and as you become calmeryou will think of it. There is quite time enough, and I am speakingof an alternative which may never happen. My dear friend Mrs.Robarts, who is now with your daughter, wishes Miss Crawley to goover to Framley Parsonage while this inquiry among the clergymen isgoing on. They all say it is the most ridiculous thing in all theworld,--this inquiry. But the bishop you know is so silly! We allthink that if Miss Crawley would go for a week or so to FramleyParsonage, that it will show how happy we all are to receive her. Itshould be while Mr. Robarts is employed in his part of the work. Whatdo you say, Mrs. Crawley? We at Framley are all clearly of opinionthat it will be best that it should be known that the people inthe county uphold your husband. Miss Crawley would be back, youknow, before the trial comes on. I hope you will let her come, Mrs.Crawley?"

  But even to this proposition Mrs. Crawley could give no assent,though she expressed no direct dissent. As regarded her own feelings,she would much have preferred to have been left to live through hermisery alone; but she could not but appreciate the kindness whichendeavoured to throw over her and hers in their trouble the aegis offirst-rate county respectability. She was saved from the necessityof giving a direct answer to this suggestion by the return of Mrs.Robarts and Grace herself. The door was opened slowly, and they creptinto the room as though they were aware that their presence would behardly welcomed.

  "Is the carriage there, Fanny?" said Lady Lufton. "It is almost timefor us to think of returning home."

  Mrs. Robarts said that the carriage was standing within twenty yardsof the door.

  "Then I think we will make a start," said Lady Lufton. "Have yousucceeded in persuading Miss Crawley to come over to Framley inApril?"

  Mrs. Robarts made no answer to this, but looked at Grace; and Gracelooked down upon the ground.

  "I have spoken to Mrs. Crawley," said Lady Lufton, "and they willthink of it." Then the two ladies took their leave, and walked out totheir carriage.

  "What does she say about your plan?" Mrs. Robarts asked.

  "She is too broken-hearted to say anything," Lady Lufton answered."Should it happen that he is convicted, we must come over and takeher. She will have no power then to resist us in anything."