Read The Last House on Flamingo Road Page 3

would be the Rothschild's. They had lived on that road since the 1970's and were in their late 80's. They did not like the Jamison's and didn't have a problem letting anyone know. Beth thought it would be best to call on them earlier in the day since Victoria said they took their afternoon naps in the cool of the afternoon.

  "Mother, I am going to walk you back home. We will talk to the Rothschilds tomorrow morning, I do however, want to talk to Herbert. I don't expect he's going to tell me anything I don't already know, however, I can get a lot out of just reading his face. That is one man whose body language speaks volumes."

  The Jamison's home was visible from the front of Victoria's property. Her house sat in the middle of two plots, giving the house plenty of space around it if anyone should build up the vacant areas that had been idle for years. It wasn't until after dinner that there was any activity on the Jamison property. When Mrs. Jamison came home, she would walk the dogs and visit neighbors as she walked. She was the congenial one and more likeable of the two.

  "Mother, would you like to take a walk." Victoria's arthritis was kicking in, her osteoporosis gave a stoop to her upper body, but she wouldn't admit to any of these ailments bothering her.

  "Let's go. If Amanda is out, we might get more out of her, than her husband and I want to be there."

  To the delight of the mother-daughter duo, Amanda did have loose lips. Before she knew what she said, she admitted that her husband was looking at buying the house that the snowbirds used in the winter. Her husband had approached them and was looking favorably upon the deal. It appeared that Amanda was wondering if she said the right thing. Beth hurried her mother along after that, fearing she would press for more and tip the hand they had just been dealt.

  "What did you do that for? I was ready to see how much more we could get out of her." Victoria lashed out.

  "Mother, when you are trying to get the truth, you have to be sneaky as your victim. If she had given us any more she would have gone back to Herbert and told him about the conversation. I have other plans. I want to talk to Herbert. I might have to go to him though. I want to know more about this offer he has given you and why." They finished their walk and to their delight; on their way back home Herbert was out showing his son one of his dealership vehicles he had brought home that night.

  The duo sleuths walked up to him on his driveway. Herbert Jamison stopped talking to his son and addressed the women.

  "Why, Beth, how nice. You look wonderful, except for that bandage on your head. I heard about that. That was terrible. How are you?"

  "Well, thank you, except for the head. And you?"

  "Just great; couldn't be better. Victoria, you are as lovely as ever. Is there anything I can do for you ladies?"

  "Why, yes there is Herbert now that you mention it. Mother tells me that you made her several offers for her house."

  "Why, yes I did and the offers still stand."

  "I'm still not ready to sell." Victoria chimed in.

  "My curiosity question is this, Herbert, your second offer was $20,000 above the first, but I don't believe her two pieces of property and the house is worth that much at this time. The real estate market, especially on this side of the highway is not that sound."

  "Not yet, but I like to look at the future. Besides, I also like to know who my neighbors are. I want to live here for the rest of my life and I don't want any riff-raff moving in. You know I choose my renters very carefully." Herbert puffed out his chest and lit a cigar.

  The ladies decided at that point to make their exit. His arrogance was more than they could handle.

  "Thank you for your concern; we will be the first to let you know if mother changes her mind." They said their goodbyes and headed home.

  "Tomorrow after we visit the Rothschilds, you and I are going to take a trip downtown to city hall. I smell a rat and I want to do some checking on who might be interested in this section of town."

  "Good. I know a woman who is very involved in commercial real estate in this city. She is in the bridge club that I attend occasionally. Her name is Sheila Vickers." Victoria spouted.

  "You may want to call her. This plot is beginning to get very transparent and I don't like it." Beth said.

  The next day was a very busy and productive day. First, they visited the Rothschilds. The elderly couple was pleased for the company. They had some very unkind things to say about their neighbors and went so far as to accuse them of trying to control what happened on the street. It was their opinion that Jamison was buying up all the property they could for development to benefit them financially.

  Beth and Victoria had lunch together and then descended on city hall. They talked to several clerks and a department head and got all the cooperation they needed. After several hours of laborious searches and Beth making notes, she decided they had what they needed.

  Victoria's real estate acquaintance agreed to get the information she requested. She said it would be later in the day before she could get a thorough evaluation and would call her when compiled. When she called back, she announced that a big conglomerate from the west coast was looking to build a retirement community on a huge parcel in that sector.

  Mike was out of town on an assignment for his boss. That evening it was just the women. Brittany turned on the TV when a commercial appeared. It was a Jamison Dealership ad: with Herbert surrounded by six overly sexy women: "We'll treat you right. You get the best deal from Jamison. We'll do whatever it takes to win your business. Bring the missus and the whole gol darn family down to see our latest selections and get a free .test drive and enter to win a big screen TV."

  That is the most disgusting ad on TV. He's not only loud, I find he's obnoxious. I wouldn't by a car from him, even if I didn't know him. Did you see him jumping up and down like a gorilla with a cigar in his mouth? Yuck." Brittany said.

  "I agree, Brittany, but you have to admit, his tactics do win over the men, if not the women. He has been successful." Beth quickly turned the channel.

  "I still say he didn't make all his money through that dealership. He's as crooked as the day is long." Victoria expressed her opinion with distain.

  They found a movie they were all interested in watching while discussing the day's events. They put in the DVD and started the movie.

  "It appears that there is a large developer looking seriously into buying the woods behind us, including the deserted trail, the made to order retention pond plus several other pieces of adjoining land for development into a housing complex. Mother's property would give them access to Flamingo Road and an easement. Unfortunately, some families would be disturbed by this, especially Herbert Jamison and his future plans." Beth had indulged herself with a dry martini while giving her dissertation.

  "But mom that would mean grandmamma would have to move." Brittany was horrified.

  "First off, no one has said she's going to sell. We are only discussing the prospects of why this is all happening." Beth knew that Brittany and her grandmother were always fussing, but Brittany had to stay where she was until she graduated next year.

  Victoria didn't say anything, which was unusual. When she did, she said: "Listen. What's that dog barking about now?" Butch started with a growl and then a bark and then a yelp and all was silent. It was dark now and the women looked from one to the other. The clock on the mantle chimed 10:30pm.

  "Butch, come here." Victoria started for the lanai when two men dressed in black with black ski masks entered the room, pushing Victoria back to the living room tripping over the ottoman she fell.

  "Get on the floor all of you. Don't make a sound and keep your faces buried in the carpet and you won't get hurt." Their voices were gravely and struck terror in the women.

  Beth, out of instinct grabbed her mother and one of the men shoved her. She thought about fighting back until but spotted a gun. She put her arms around her mother and directed her back to the floor. She kept her arm aroun
d her mother the entire time, knowing that Victoria would be the one to lose control and confront the intruders. The men ransacked the house. There was breakage and furniture tossed about. The women stayed as quiet as they could until one of the men said: "That's it. Let's get out of her. Ladies, count to one hundred slowly before you get up. I wouldn't want anything to happen to three lovely fine upstanding people like you."

  The women did exactly as the masked men said. They were all too afraid to speak while the men were there. "Mother, are you okay."

  "I don't know. Call the police. Then I will see if I can walk. I hit my knee hard when I fell." Beth called the police and Victoria stumbled when she tried to get up. The house was a wreck. Every room had damage. They found Butch in the backyard. Blood was trickling from his mouth, from a hit on the head.

  "He's dead; those bastards. They didn't have to kill him." Brittany held him in her arms and wept. Victoria stroked his head and tears fell on his limp body. He had been her faithful and loyal companion for ten years.

  The police took the report, dusted for fingerprints and decided the break-in stemmed in a back bedroom window by slipping out the screen. The deputies told them to take inventory and let them and the insurance company know what might be missing.

  Victoria was propped in a chair with an ice pack and a pillow under her knee while