Read The Last Look: A Tale of the Spanish Inquisition Page 3



  The young couple, now formally betrothed, appeared everywhere togetherin public, and it was understood that before long their marriage wouldbe solemnised. Many of the places, however, frequented by people oftheir rank, they avoided--the bull-fights and the religious spectacles--the one tending to brutalise the people, the other to foster thegrossest superstition. Among the houses at which they visited atSeville was that of the widow Dona Isabel de Baena. Her guests,however, it was understood, only came by invitation. Most of themapproached her house cautiously--sometimes alone, or only two or threetogether--generally when it grew dusk, and muffled in their cloaks sothat their features could not be discerned. Often there was a largeassemblage of persons at Dona Isabel's house thus collected, though thespies of the Inquisition had not observed them assembling. Thoughsedate and generally serious in their manner, they were neither sad norcast down; indeed, a cheerfulness prevailed among the company not oftenseen in a Spanish assembly. Dona Leonor was there with her mother. DonAntonio Herezuelo set out from his lodgings with the purpose of goingthere also. He had not gone far when, suddenly turning his head, hefound that he was closely followed. Under ordinary circumstances thiswould have caused him little concern, but at present he knew theimportance of being cautious. He remembered that by going down a lanenear at hand he might return home again. This he did, and walking onrapidly, got rid, as he supposed, of his pursuer. After remaining ashort time he again sallied forth, and taking a circuitous way to DonaIsabel's house, arrived there safely, and, as he hoped, without beingobserved. Leonor had become anxious about him. She told him so when hearrived.

  "Do not on similar occasions fear, my beloved," he answered, with thatbrave smile which frequently lighted up his countenance. "God protectsthose who put their whole trust in Him--not a half trust, but the wholeentire trust."

  "Yes, I know, and yet surely many of those who were tortured andsuffered in the flames in the Low Countries put their trust in Him,"answered Leonor. "I shudder when I think of the agonies those poorpeople must have endured."

  Again that smile came over Herezuelo's countenance. "Sometimes Herequires those whom He loves best, and who love Him, to suffer for Himhere, that He may give them a brighter crown, eternal in the heavens--the martyr's crown of glory," he answered.

  "Ah, yes, I know that thought should sustain a person," she remarked;"yet all tortures must be hard for poor, frail human bodies to bear."

  "Yes, if people trust to their own strength and courage they will mostlyshrink at the time of trial, but if they trust to the strength God givesthem, they will as surely bear with fortitude whatever He may allow tobe layed on them," was the answer. "Not one, but a hundred suchassurances He gives us in His holy Word. `My grace is sufficient forthee,' He says to all who trust in Him, as He said to the Apostle Paul.It is not moral, nor is it physical courage which will sustain a personunder such circumstances. No, dear one, it is only courage which firmfaith, or rather, the Holy Spirit of God, can give."

  "I know that--I feel that; yet it is very dreadful to think that thosewe love and honour may be brought to undergo such suffering."

  "Not if we remember that they may thus be enabled to honour and glorifytheir loving Lord and Master," answered Herezuelo. "But see, here comesDon Carlos de Seso, one of the noblest of our band of evangelists. Iheard that he was about to visit Seville. To him I owe my knowledge ofthe truth. He has, since his marriage with Dona Isabella de Castilla,who is, you know, a descendant of the royal family of Castile and Leon,settled at Villamediana, near Logrono. His evangelistic efforts at thatplace have been as greatly blessed as they were at Valladolid; and amongmany others, the parish priest of his own village has been converted tothe truth. At Pedroso also, the parish priest, Pedro de Cazalla, hasbeen brought to a knowledge of the truth, and now preaches it freely inhis own and the neighbouring villages. Oh, it is glorious work; wouldthat this whole nation might receive the Gospel!"

  "Say rather the whole earth," said Leonor. "If Spain becomes themistress of the world, she will spread everywhere the glorious light oftruth."

  "But if she puts out that light, she will as surely spread darkness anderror," observed Antonio, with a sigh. "See, De Seso is about toaddress us. Let us pray that, whatever God in His wisdom orders, we maybelieve in His justice, and submit to His will."

  A large number of persons had by this time assembled in Dona Isabel deBaena's rooms. Among them, strange as it may seem, were a considerablenumber of monks, and even several nuns, though such rather in theiroutward garb than in reality. The latter belonged to the nunnery ofSaint Elizabeth, while the monks had come from the Hieronomite conventof San Isidoro del Campo, situated about two miles from Seville. Therewas also present Domingo de Guzman, a son of the Duke of Medina Sidonia,and preacher of the Dominican monastery of Saint Paul. As soon as hehad embraced the reformed principles, he became more zealous inpropagating them. Such, indeed, was generally the case with all thosein prominent positions who embraced the Gospel. They were in earnest.They had counted the cost, and well knew that should the Inquisitiondiscover their proceedings, the stake would be their doom. Both DonCarlos de Seso and Don Domingo de Guzman addressed the congregation ofearnest believers on this occasion. They prayed also with all thefervour of true believers, and hymns were sung of praise to Him who hadcalled them out of darkness into His marvellous light. Don Carlos haddeplored the want of books, and of Bibles especially, by which the truthmight the more rapidly be made known, and had prayed that God wouldsupply that want. Scarcely was the service concluded, when there was acommotion among the guests, and it was announced that a brave Christianfriend, Julian Hernandez, after undergoing many dangers anddifficulties, and great fatigue, had arrived with a supply of the bookswhich were so much required.

  A short time afterwards there was a cry of Julianillo, or little Julian,and a remarkably small but stoutly built man, dressed as a muleteer,entered the room. The guests crowded eagerly around him to hear hisadventures. He had many to relate. How often he had narrowly escapedcapture with his precious burden! but the Lord had preserved him. Hadhe been taken, he and his books together would have been committed tothe flames. God had determined that the seed of those books should takeroot in the hearts of many natives of Spain, to bring forth fruit to Hisglory. Julianillo's success made him resolve to set forth again tobring a fresh supply across the Pyrenees. Some of the more timid of hisfriends advised him not to make the attempt. "Satan and his priestswill not like me to bring them," he answered laughingly. "ThoseTestaments and Luther's writings are the arms they dread more thananything else. That makes me feel sure that I am doing God's work inbringing them, and that He will take care of me while I am so employed."A brave and faithful answer, little Julian. Oh, what noble, truehearts there were in Spain in those days! and though many were crushedand destroyed, still some survived, and their descendants at the presentday may yet become the salt of their native land--lights set on a hillto enlighten their long benighted countrymen.

  Before the guests separated another short prayer was offered up, and aGospel hymn was sung. Scarcely had the notes of the last verse diedaway, when a servant who had been sent out on a message hurried into theroom. "Bad news! bad news!" he exclaimed. "We are all lost; the causeof the pure faith is lost; the inquisitors will have their way."

  The guests gathered round the man with anxious looks, for they knew wellthat at any moment they might be placed in the perilous position heannounced.

  "The widow Dona Maria Gomez is the cause of it all," the man answered,to the eager questions put to him. "She is acquainted with every one ofus, and we all thought her a true Christian. Every one here is alsoacquainted with the learned Doctor Francisco Zafra. The poor lady had,it appears, gone mad, and had been placed by her friends under DoctorFrancisco's care. As he is with us, this would not have been of muchconsequence, had not Dona Maria managed to escape from his custody.Now, h
orrible to relate, she has made her way to the Inquisition atTriana, and has denounced all the Protestants in Seville. As she wasmaking her way to the Inquisition, she cried out what she was going todo, accusing all her former friends, and declaring that she should haveno rest till she had seen every one of them committed to the flames.Doctor Zafra has never even been suspected by the inquisitors offavouring the Lutherans. Now, as he will be among the first denouncedby the wretched widow, he has no chance of escaping. What shall we do?what shall we do?"

  "Do!" exclaimed a voice; "put our trust in God, and act like men! Do!pardon me for speaking, senors--keep together and defy our enemies!"

  It was Julianillo who uttered these brave words.

  "But then we may all be captured together like fish by one net,"observed a gentleman.

  "Let us pray, friends, for guidance and protection to the loving Saviourwhom we serve," said Don Carlos de Seso. "He will direct us, and enableus to undergo whatever He may think right for His own honour and glory."

  Don Carlos setting the example, the whole party sank on their knees,while he offered up a deeply fervent, though short, prayer for theassistance all needed. Refreshed, the company arose.

  "I cannot agree with our friend Julianillo that it will be wise to keeptogether," observed the lawyer Herezuelo. "Should the unhappy widowbring the accusation she threatened, and the officers of the Inquisitionfind us all together, they will naturally suspect that the informationis well founded. No; let us retire each one to his own house, avoidingobservation as much as we can. There let us be together in spirit,praying for each other. We should fear no harm when God is with us."

  Another short prayer was offered up and the Christian friends left thehouse as they had come--two and three together, in different directions,hoping thus to avoid observation. The monks returned to their convent,not, however, without having first been supplied with books from therich stores which Julianillo had brought, and for which their brethrenwithin its walls were eagerly looking. All the other guests went ladenin the same way, and thus the Holy Bible and the works of Luther, andothers, were quietly and secretly distributed throughout the surroundingtowns and villages. Herezuelo begged that he might accompany DonaMercia and her daughter to their home, for it was fearfully possiblethat even on their way they might be seized by the officers of theInquisition and carried off to its dungeons. The last to leave thehouse was Julianillo. The lady of the house inquired where he wasgoing.

  "To bring to my famishing countrymen a fresh supply of food for thesoul," he answered.

  "But surely you have done enough, Julianillo. You run a fearful risk oflosing your life," observed the lady.

  "Enough, Signora! enough service to our loving Lord and Master!"exclaimed the little muleteer. "Oh, no, no! As long as there arepersons in Spain desiring to learn about the blessed Jesus, so long willI try to bring them books which tell them about Him. And as to fearingthe dangers which may overtake me, I am in the hands of One who canprotect me through far greater than are in my path at present; andshould He ever require me to witness to the truth of His gospel, I knowthat He will give me strength to undergo all the trials and tormentswith which its foes may seek to afflict me."

  Brave Julianillo! He went along the street singing a joyous air. Tothe words, however, he wisely did not give utterance. He took the wayto the lodgings of the advocate, Herezuelo. Don Antonio had notarrived. After waiting some time, Julian became anxious. Could he havebeen seized by the officers of the Inquisition? It was too likely.Herezuelo had, he knew, openly preached the doctrines of the Reformationin his part of the country. At last, Julian thought that he mightpossibly be at Dona Mercia's. "Why did not that occur to me before?" hesaid to himself. "Of course, if I knew that there was danger, I shouldstay by the side of my intended wife."

  He hurried off to Dona Mercia's abode. He was at once admitted. Hefound the family in some consternation, for it was reported that DoctorZafra had himself been seized, and, if so, there could be little doubtthat he would be put to the torture and made to confess that the personsdenounced by the poor mad woman were really guilty of entertainingLutheran opinions. Herezuelo was endeavouring to comfort his friends.He could not but feel that the reports were possibly true. Of humanhelp, therefore, he could not speak. An attempt to flee from thecountry would be hopeless, but he could point to Jesus Christ, to theGod of mercy and love.

  "Ah, my dear friends," observed Don Antonio, "never let us forget thatHe has redeemed us and washed our sins away; and if He thinks fit tocall us to Himself, even through fiery trials, He will give us strengthto endure all that we may be called on to suffer, that we may glorifyHis name."

  "Just the remark I lately made, senors," observed Julianillo, who atthat moment entered the room. "Satan tries to frighten us, and to makeus believe that He is stronger than our Master; but praised be God, weknow that we serve One all-powerful to save, and who can, if He will,crush Satan under His foot."

  "The truth, brave Julianillo," exclaimed Herezuelo, who in the volunteermuleteer found one whose heart sympathised cordially with his own. "Andwhat do you propose doing?"

  "Wait till daylight, and see what comes of this matter," answeredJulianillo. "Those who fly will be the first suspected. Doctor Zafrais a wise man. Sense may be given to him to outwit the inquisitors, orshould he fail to do that, he will, I have hopes, suffer torture ratherthan betray his friends. In the meantime, cavalheros, let us be wise,and seek for strength and endurance from the Giver of all power andmight."

  Following the advice of the muleteer, or rather the example of theapostles of old, those assembled knelt down in prayer, thus gainingstrength and courage for what they might have to undergo. Oh, thatChristians at the present day would remember that by earnest, frequent,persevering prayer, mountains will be removed, guidance obtained,difficulties overcome!

  The greater part of the night was thus spent in prayer. As soon as themorning dawned, and people were once more passing to and fro in thestreets, Herezuelo and Julianillo went forth to try and ascertain thefate of Doctor Zafra, on which apparently their own and that of so manyof their friends depended. Should the mad widow's story be believed,there could be no doubt that such an _auto-da-fe_ would take place ashad seldom been witnessed in Spain. They kept at a distance from eachother, lest being seen together they might be suspected; thus, thoughfearless for themselves, wisely taking every precaution to avoid danger.

  Herezuelo, as he walked along, thought of his beloved Leonor, sodelicate, so gentle, so faithful. He himself was ready to undergo anytorture the cruel inquisitors might think fit to inflict on him, but howwould she be able to endure their barbarities? His heart rose in hisbosom as he thought of this, and he could not help praying that a powermight arise by which the foes of freedom would be driven from the land.At first he thought of an arm of flesh, carnal weapons--that some heromight arise who would liberate long-enslaved Spain; but, by degrees, abetter spirit exerted its influence. "Through the sword of the Spirit,the Word of God, can error, superstition, tyranny alone be conquered."He said to himself, "Ah! Julianillo is a greater hero than I am or canever become, inasmuch as he does more to spread the Holy Biblethroughout Spain than any other man."

  Hour after hour the friends waited in the neighbourhood of theInquisition, in vain endeavouring to ascertain what had become of thewidow and Doctor Zafra. In despair, they were about returning, when a_caleche_ appeared, in which sat the doctor, with the widow by his side.He seemed calm and unconcerned, his attention being apparently whollyoccupied in calming the agitation of the poor woman. Not a glance didhe bestow on either the advocate or Julianillo. They had good hopesthat the inquisitors had been satisfied; or, thought Herezuelo, "Can thedoctor have become a traitor; and is he allowed by the inquisitors to gofree that he may the more readily entrap others into their toils?" Itwas too probable that such an idea was correct; but Herezuelo quicklybanished it as ungenerous from his mind, and hurried back to DonaMercia's house with t
he satisfactory information that Doctor Zafra wasfree. Julianillo arrived soon after, and expressing his belief that allwere safe, stated that he intended to re-commence his perilousexpedition to Germany. Still some hours must elapse before the truthcould be ascertained for a certainty, as it would not be safe to visitDoctor Zafra's house till dark. Much of the interval was spent inreading the Scriptures and in prayer. At length the truth was known.The sagacious Zafra, on being summoned, went boldly to the inquisitors,with a fearless, self-satisfied countenance. He laughed when the namesof those denounced by the widow were read over to him.

  "She has been mad for many a day, and a strong proof of her madness isthat she should have picked out persons the most unlikely in Spain to beguilty of such heresies," he replied. "Devout and exemplary I know theyare; and those among them with whom I am acquainted are especiallylovers of the true faith, and are persons in whom I have unboundedconfidence." The inquisitors, on hearing this, were so fully convincedthat the poor widow's representations had no other foundation than thevisionary workings of a disordered brain, that they allowed the learneddoctor to depart with her under his charge. Thus was the danger to theinfant Church at Seville for the time mercifully removed, and while itgained strength to endure the coming persecutions, the number ofChrist's true disciples was much increased.