Read The Last Roman (The Praetorian Series - Book I) Page 70

  Admiral John Paul Sterling,

  This could be big, J.P., so I’ll dispense with the usual pleasantries. Word has been sent to OSSI that our Chinese friends have encountered an anomaly along ISLAND Transit Route AlphaCOL–BetaCOL. The spooks haven’t been able to get anything specific out of the Chinese yet, but it has The Star Destiny Corporation, at least, very concerned.

  They’re going to lose contact with the ISLAND Liner Sierra Madre on the aforementioned course very soon, and while OSSI isn’t saying much, we could be talking about another rumored contact with alien technology aboard an ISLAND. That or they may have simply experienced their first mishap with WeT Tech.

  Consider this your unofficial readiness report. Prepare the Third Fleet for immediate redeployment back to Earth and launch the Alcestis as soon as possible. I don’t think I need to remind you to keep your wits about you, John Paul. There’s more at play here than even I’m aware of, and I can’t offer you much more advice than that. This won’t be some silly sim we mucked about with back at the Academy. Something big is about to happen and something about it stinks.


  First High Admiral Alexander Mosley, ASN

  Admiralty Board, Chair

  Washington Aerospace Naval Headquarters, Luna

  P.S. Should we get through whatever this thing is, I’ll get you a case of that ancient Jamison swill you love so much.
