Read The Last Straw Page 2

Her job also only provided her with the income she needed with little room for luxury. She felt horrible to think it, but she also would lose Jack, and she could not lose any more men in her life because of her son. She always hoped she would never have to make that decision. Now it looked like her worst fear was coming true.

  She knew she would not get the answers she needed on the phone so she headed for the jail. As expected, she shifted from one department to another; then one person to another, until she found a sympathetic female sergeant who steered her to the DA's office. Because he had not been fully processed and arraigned, she could not see her son. His arraignment was scheduled for that afternoon. According to the DA's office, he was caught "red handed" and confessed. They were going for second-degree murder. They were just waiting for a public defender and then a hearing.

  She was leaving the building when she heard her name from behind her. She stopped and turned to see Nicky Montaigne walking her way.

  "Oh my, a voice from the past." They hugged and then stood at arm's length to survey each other. Nicky had a very real sexual vibe for Aileen once. She could have gone for him, except he was the arresting officer when Bobby broke into the bar and the timing was just not right. He had a body that ached to be caressed and she would have loved to be the one to do it. They had not spoken in several years.

  "I'm a detective now and no, I'm still not married. I'm still waiting for the chance to woo you when the time is right. I see you're still as pretty as ever." Nicky loved to flirt and good at making a woman feel special.

  "You always did have a way with words, you old devil." Aileen said.

  "What are you doing here, if I may ask?" Nicky inquired.

  "It's quite a story, if you have the time."

  "How about we talk over a cup of coffee? I'd like to say a beer but it's a little early."

  They proceeded to the cafeteria and found a table in the far corner where they could talk privately.

  When Aileen finished telling him the reason for her being there, he said, "I can't promise anything, but I've got a bit of clout around here. I'll make some inquiries and see what I can do. It sounds pretty cut and dry, but I would think that he should be able to get some leniency because it was an accident or so he says. I couldn't help but like Bobby, but he certainly had his issues with authority."

  Thanks, Nicky. You do know I appreciate anything you can do?"

  "I've got to go, but I will call you if anything comes up. By the way, are you seeing anybody right now?"

  "Jack Haggerty, for about a year now. I believe you two know each other."

  "Yeah, if I remember correctly, he's into horses. Is it serious?"

  "Guess for a New York kind of guy, you've got to know most of the locals. We're pretty tight."

  "Tis a shame; oh well, my day will come, mark my words."

  They went their separate ways and Aileen headed for home. She stopped at the store on her way home to pick up essentials for dinner. As she opened the front door and deposited her groceries on the kitchen counter, her phone played "Hey Jude." This time it was Jack.

  "Hi baby doll. I'm at the Florida-Georgia border. I should be rolling into your place before midnight. That okay?"

  "I'm looking forward to it. I'll be expecting you. Is everything okay?" Aileen was noticing Jack's short quip sentences and found she was using them more and more.

  "Just peachy, looking forward to a nice hot shower, a good home cooked meal and some sugar. This truck is beginning to smell like a wet dog and old garbage." Jack made her laugh. She knew that he really loved her, even without the need for a commitment. As simple as he made life seem, he had a college degree from the University of Florida in Economics. He helped maintain his parents thriving horse farm behind the scenes but wanted nothing to do with the steady responsibility. Being in their seventies's his parents wanted Jack to take a bigger part in the company, but he had rejected their pleas each time. Being an only child did not help. He knew that the day would come when he would not be able to turn them down. This was not a day that he was looking forward you. Driving truck gave him not only the freedom he craved but also the opportunity to get away from the responsibility he did not want.

  "Tell you what, I'll put a plate in the frig and you can warm it when you get in. I may be asleep, but wake me when you come to bed." After last nights' fiasco, Aileen had the first smile on her face that she could muster from the day's trauma.

  "Yes ma'am. You can count on it." After Jack hung up, Aileen turned and saw Joyce starring at her."

  "When are you going to tell him?"

  "Certainly not on the telephone; and to tell the truth, I don't know. It looks like it's going to be another one of those nights. One nice thing did happen today." She proceeded to explain about Nicky.

  "And how are you going to explain Nicky to Jack?" Joyce knew that Jack had a jealous side, but Aileen always got him out of it with a good meal and affection.

  "I'd like to say, I'm not going to tell him, but Jack and I always promised that we wouldn't keep anything from each other. I will tell him everything. They know each other but not well. Ocala isn't really as big as some people would think." Aileen proceeded with the spaghetti she had planned and when she was finished, she prepared a plate as promised for Jack then she and Joyce sat down and discussed the day's events. The Horsey was not that busy, but with only one server, Joyce kept very busy. She was ready for an early night also. They watched a little TV then went to bed.

  Jack was later than he expected. It was 1:30 am when he slid between the sheets and nuzzled her neck. Aileen threw her leg over his and responded to his advances. Her breasts brushed his check and his lips soon found them responsive. Aileen knew that this was not the time to discuss Bobby. There was only desire to fulfill each other and make up for the ten days apart.

  When Aileen and Joyce decided to share a residence, they found a split bedroom house. Because of Jack, Joyce agreed that Aileen would have the master bedroom on the far side of the house. For this, she was glad, especially on nights like this. They took full advantage of the privacy. Tomorrow would have to take care of itself.

  The next morning they both slept in and continued their love making from the night before. Jack was in great physical condition, in spite of his time behind the wheel. He rode horses and worked s on his parents' ranch when possible and though he didn't do as much as he once did, the muscles still showed. Aileen hated exercise, but when she wasn't waiting tables, she ran. She started running in her early twenties. She used running to relieve stress.

  "I am sorry to break this up, but I have the lunch crowd today and time waits for no hungry cow poke." Aileen announced. "Besides, there is something I want to tell you before we go our separate ways today."

  "Okay' darlin' we'll talk over coffee. I'll just take a quick shower and meet you in the kitchen. I want to check on the folks when I leave here."

  Bless Joyce; she knew Aileen needed space this morning. She left her a note, saying she was at the children's ward at the hospital if they needed her.

  Jack sat down to his favorite giant mug filled with coffee across from Aileen.

  "That's a pretty serious face you're wearing this morning. Especially after last night"

  "I didn't want to break the mood, but now I don't have any choice. I got a call from Bobby the night before last. There was a fight between him and Kathy, she went after him with a butcher knife and he pushed her. She fell on the knife and died before he could get help. He's being held without bail on second degree murder charges."

  Jack just starred at her with his mouth open. No words came out.

  "This is why I couldn't call you and tell you about it. I didn't know what to say at first. Then I felt that I didn't have enough information to tell you everything. I went to the jail yesterday to see if I could learn anything. I ran into Nicky Montaigne before I left and he said he would do whatever he could to help" Aileen was waiting for some sort of remark about Nicky, bu
t he had not recovered yet and sat quietly.

  "What about the kids?" Jack finally spoke.

  "DCF took them. Kathy's parents are supposed to be getting them. It's ironic; I always said Kathy would be the one to take them away where I would not get to see them, now this. It didn't quite end up the way I perceived it, but it looks like they are out of my life, at least right now."

  "So what happens next? Is there anything we can do?

  "Not really. He pled guilty. He is going to prison. He should have had his hearing by now. I took off work yesterday; I can't do that to Charlie again today, so I will just have to wait until I hear something."

  "Are you going to be okay?" Jack went over to her and put his arms around her. She turned to face him. Put her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest.

  "That's the strange part, I don't feel a thing. It's like the straw that broke the camel's back. I do need your strength though Jack, now more than ever. I am sadder for the children than anything. But I am also sad that I could never be what Bobby wanted me to be, whatever that was."

  "I will see you after work. Call me if you need anything or hear anything.

  I'll be off by 3 30. If I don't hear anything by then, I will stop by the jail."

  How about if I pick you up and we go together. You don't have to go through this alone, you know."

  "I'd like that. I'll meet you back here at 3:45 if that's okay?"
