Read The Last Valentine’s Day Page 3

and didn’t know the difference between chardonnay and merlot. White, rose, red? She had no idea which one to choose. Kim was the one who usually chose the wine so Jen was lost. Maybe she would just pick the prettiest bottle or the wine with the least calories? She was out of her element. She thought about calling Kim but decided against it, she would try this one time.The bright pink heart shaped sign above the wine caught her attention.



  Well at least she would get a deal. She figured it was the least Cupid could give her since he hadn’t given her anything else this Valentine’s Day.

  “Jen?” A man’s voice said from beside her.

  She turned quickly and saw an old classmate of hers from her second year of college. His name slipped her mind, but his face was all too familiar.

  “It’s Ben, from Chemistry. We were lab partners for a semester.” He smiled revealing his deep dimples. “Do you remember me?”

  He was dressed casual but he looked anything but simple. His face was charming, complementing his toned body, it was obvious he worked out. She caught a wisp of his scent. Whether it was his cologne or aftershave, she couldn’t tell but one thing was sure, she felt like hugging him.

  “I remember you Ben. You did all the work while I messed around and talked.” She said moving closer to him. He didn’t attempt to hug her so she stayed put.

  Ben laughed and said “Yeah didn't look like you liked science much.” Their time together had been short. They were lab partners for that semester and she saw him every week in class but they had never spent any time with each other outside of class and after that semester ended, never saw him again.

  “I used to love to come to chemistry class just so I could sit next to you.” Ben told her. “You were the only thing that made that class endurable.”

  “Well thank goodness you did because I would have never passed that class without you,” Jen thanked him. “Those labs were so hard but you got us through them. What happened to you? I expected to see you in Chemistry Two but you never showed up. You know I could have used your help in that lab.”

  Jen smiled at him. He had really been a good help to her that semester and she remembered regretting not being able to thank him after the class ended. They probably would have been good friends but she didn't have the chance to get to know him.

  “After that semester I switched colleges,” he told her. “And sadly I never got to see you again.”

  He would have liked to see me again? She thought.

  A quiet moment passed where the two looked at each other as though they were realizing something for the first time.

  “You know I always hoped to run into you somewhere in town but it just never happened,” he said then shook his head like he was thinking of their past time spent together in class.

  “Really?” She said blushing a little with surprise and gladness. “I don’t go out much. My classes are pretty demanding and I work part-time at the hospital. It just seems like I never get a chance to go anywhere.”

  “Yeah I just figured you were busy or something,” he said. “Or your boyfriend was keeping you indoors to protect his treasure? I wouldn't blame him anyway.” His eyes looked deep into hers waiting for a response. She remembered something she’d read recently about the ‘length of a man’s gaze’. How it can tell how a man really felt about you.

  “Boyfriend?” She shook her head and laughed a little. “No boyfriend for me. I am very single,” she said then cleared her throat before saying, “I mean...I am single.”

  “Seriously? You are single? I figured a beautiful girl like you must have guys lining up at the front door to take her out.” His brown hair was perfect for his tanned skin and Jen couldn’t help notice how good looking he was. Why hadn’t she noticed back in lab when he was mixing solutions and helping her solve the periodic table?

  “I am in a liquor store alone, on Valentine’s Day,” she told him. “Not one guy waiting in a line at my door back home. In fact, I have never had a date on Valentine’s day.”

  “It is because you intimidate men with your good looks and intelligence,” he said. “They think you are above their standards and they don’t take a risk and try to talk to you.”

  “That is not true,” she said laughing as her cheeks grew pink. “That is so not true.”

  “Well that’s why I never tried before. You’re a gorgeous girl Jen. You have a way about you that says that you deserve the best and I was always afraid that I was not deserving of you. ”

  Jen looked at Ben for a long moment. He was tall and handsome with a boyish charm and daring smile. The blue shirt he was wearing complemented his ocean colored eyes. His athletic built body looked strong and tempting. She couldn’t believe that he would think that she was above his standards. The quiet moment grew too long so Jen changed the subject. ‘The Length of a man’s gaze’

  “Do you know anything about wine? I have no idea what to buy.” She asked as she focused on

  the glass bottles in front of her instead of his enchanting eyes (‘The Length of a man’s gaze’). “They all taste the same to me.”

  “I am more of a beer guy, so I can’t really say,” he said as his big hand reached for a bottle. “Is it just for you?”

  “My friend Kim and I are spending tonight together for Valentine’s Day,” she explained. “Well she is my roommate so we spend every day together but we are both alone today and have been for every single Valentine’s Day during college. We decided to have a great dinner and some wine together. She is back at our apartment making dinner and I am here picking out the wine.”

  “I can’t believe a pretty girl like you doesn’t have a date.” Ben sat the bottle he was looking at back down on the rack and looked at her. “I had the biggest crush on you sophomore year.”

  “You never acted like it. You barely even looked at me during lab.” She remembered how focused he would be on their work.

  “Like I said, I was intimidated by you,” he said. “You were so beautiful and I was afraid that you would just reject me and turn me down.”

  “I would have never turned you down.” Jen confessed, her heart now racing.. “I just never knew that you were interested in me.”

  “Well great. I guess I blew my chances,” he said then winked as Jen felt her skin flush with heat. He was so cute and she wished she would have known how he felt back then. Everything happens when they do for a reason Jen. She remembered her mother’s words.

  “So what are you doing to celebrate Valentine’s Day tonight?” She pointed to his case of beer and bag of potato chips. “Besides spending it with your frat brothers.”

  “No,” He laughed. “I am not in a frat. But just like you I am planning on drinking and eating my sorrows away.”

  “Sounds familiar,” she smiled.

  “Yeah but at least you get to share your booze and food with your friend. All of my friends are out buying roses and cute teddy bears. They are all taking their girlfriends out. One of them is even proposing tonight.” Ben threw his hands up helplessly in the air. “So I plan on watching some reruns of Seinfeld while drinking a few beers.”

  “I know the feeling. Other than Kim, all of our friends are going on a huge double date to dinner and bowling. We are the outsiders. They didn’t even bother asking us because they are used to us not having dates. Sometimes I think I will never spend Valentine’s with a guy, ever.”

  Their conversation got interrupted by a hand in hand couple that was shopping for a bottle of wine also. The man was kissing her neck as she looked over the wines and the woman was giggling like his lips tickled her skin. It was yet another reminder, sent from Cupid himself, to flaunt the Valentine’s Day curse.

  “This is a great bottle if you two are looking for a nice glass to complement your date,” the woman said to Ben and Jen. Elmtown folks were like that, always giving advice, helping wi
th directions, asking if you were alright even if they didn’t know you. They were called The City of the Good Neighbours for a reason.

  “Yeah.” The man added. “It will definitely help lighten the mood.” He raised his eyebrows playfully.

  “Oh no, we aren’t-” ben started but was cut off by Jen when she stepped in front of him to speak.

  “We aren’t fans of red wine. We are more of a white wine couple. Thanks anyway.” She grabbed two bottles and turned to Ben. “Let’s go, dinner should be done soon.”

  When they had walked far enough away from the couple Ben stopped Jen.

  “I am confused.” He said.

  “Look, I would not have turned you down back in sophomore year. You are nice and cute and

  too good to be alone on Valentine’s Day. Come back to my apartment and have dinner with Kim and me.”

  “I’d love that.” His face lit up and his dimples sunk in with his large smile.

  “Good.” Jen was happy too. She desperately needed the company of a man and Ben was cute, nice, and interested in her. She couldn’t wait to spend the evening with him.

  “Are you sure that your friend Kim won’t mind?” he asked. “I know that you two planned an evening with each other because neither of you had dates for Valentine’s Day. I hope she doesn’t get upset or feel left out.”

  “Kim isn’t the jealous type. She will be fine with it.” Jen was hoping. “Besides, we have wine. She will just be happy to have