Read The Legacy of Kilkenny Page 10

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  Our drive to my house is awkward and absent of conversation. Everything looks different to me yet the same. I can’t help but play it all in my head on the drive to my house. Honestly, Pru showing me the vision wasn’t all that bad; it was more like watching a movie. I just don’t know what to think. You’d think I’d have some clue I am a werewolf. I wonder if someone in my family is one. Maybe that is why my dad works nights. My mind is in overdrive, if my dad is a werewolf I’m sure they would have told me by now. Luckily my parents have gone out to a cheese and wine party. I’m sure they won’t be home until two or three in the morning.

  Reaching into my backpack, I pull out my IPod and pick my crazy angry music playlist. Flopping down on my bed, earbuds in place, I try to relax. It takes me a minute to realize that I don’t have to turn up the music as loud. Great, I’m already turning into a werewolf. I stare at my hands, waiting for hair to grow on my knuckles and turn me into a modern day teen-wolf. Shane is going to crap when I tell him I’m going to be turning into a wolfman.

  It’s three in the morning and I hear something outside. I check the driveway to see if my parent’s car is out there. No. Damn. The neighbor’s dogs are barking like something is out there. I take a flying leap across the room to turn off the light to see better. I look out the window again and I catch my breath, right there, standing in my yard is a large wolf. I’m not an expert on wolves but this one is bigger than your average wolf. It looks like a werewolf. Holy crap! I run and jump in my bed and throw the blankets over my head. I’m down like a girl, huddle up scared to peep out. I’m not ashamed, it’s a freakin’ werewolf, not a spider. Damn! Damn! Damn! Is he gone yet? I hide in bed for what seems forever. Wouldn’t you know it, my parents decide to pull up when there is a monster sized animal in our yard. I run to the window to see if he is still sitting out there, I let out the breath I’ve been holding when I don’t see him.

  My parents make it in the house safe and sound, without as much as one werewolf attack. It is probably prejudiced, thinking the wolf will kill my parents. I’ve read a couple of werewolf books, I’ve seen movies, and they aren’t cute little puppy dogs. I don’t know how I know it, but I’m certain that it wasn’t Pru, I don’t know who it was, but it wasn’t her.