Read The Legacy of Kilkenny Page 14

Chapter 5.


  The first lesson was not exactly what I expected. I thought we were going to hold hands again, and she was going to show me something cool, not so much. It was more of a lecture then a lesson.

  Do…. be on time. Don’t discuss anything, with anyone, for any reason, at any time, including dreams. She actually tells me I can’t discuss our training in my dreams. Seriously? Who says that? I try to argue with her that I can’t control what happens in my dreams. Her reply was to learn how to control them, as I don’t have the luxury of dreaming all willy nilly. Hot girl who is my friend, turned into hot trainer that is kinda bitchy. I won’t dare tell her she is bitchy, she can kick my ass. I’m not allowed to take my notes home with me, she will be the keeper of my notes. She tells me that my house isn’t a protected zone and I can’t leave top secret information just lying around.

  “My house isn’t secure? What does that mean?” I pace back and forth, hiding the fact my hands are shaking in my pockets.

  She looks at me like I have lost my mind. “Your house isn’t safe, we will do anything and everything to protect you, but until you die, you won’t be safe there.”

  “Die? W.T.H.” I fling my hands in the air, slightly more dramatic than intended.

  “Abel, as long as you’re still alive, you’re in danger. We have to kill you, and you will fully change after a few days. If we kill you before, or someone else kills you before we do, you run the risk of losing your soul. You can’t successfully lead the Pack if you’re soulless. I know that is a lot to take in but you don’t have a lot of time. We have to teach you everything from martial arts to business plans; you have to be able to speak two languages fluently, pick locks, hotwire cars, sew, and dance. There will be a lot of long hours and a lot of sweat. I hope you’re up to it.”

  “You lost me at killing me. I thought you don’t kill people in your Pack, and why on earth do I have to know how to sew and dance? Is this some type of alternative living training?”

  Girls are aggravating.

  “As a full blooded were and the one that all of our Pack has been waiting for over the last oh I don’t know… hundred years or more, the process is more complicated.”

  “But, ah…”

  “Don’t interrupt me please. Your mortal life has to end; you will have to sever your ties to your parents, family, and friends. Don’t worry, I’ll be with you throughout it all. Your physical change will be you but beefed up you. During our training, you’re going to learn how to keep control of your emotions. All leaders have to lead their Pack with strength, both mentally and physically,” she tosses me an orange. “Good catch! Where were we… oh yeah. You have to know how to dance, so you can take me to prom, dork. I want your mom to have some pictures of you in a tuxedo; she will treasure them and will be comforted that you got to do a real teenage activity. That isn’t the only reason you need to know how to dance, you have to be able to be graceful on your feet when fighting and when courting. Sewing? Well, let’s just say, it pays to be able to piece together a couple of pieces of items to cover our adult parts,” She laughs shyly. We both fidgeted a little at the mention of our adult parts. It just occurred to me that she is going to be seeing my adult parts, geez.

  “You said courting, who uses that word? Dorks do Ms. Pru, queen of the dorks,” I joke around. I’m not sold on the idea of a pretend death, I’ll address it later.

  “Come on, let me take you home. We won’t be coming out here to do all of the training. Josie, Oakley, and I turned the basement of our house in Piedsville into a gym. It will be easier on us with our school schedule to do our training there. My mom is living out there with Oakley and me.” I got a whiff of her hair as she tosses it over her shoulder sending chills down my spine.

  “Oakley as in glasses? Who is that?” The way she said his name gives me a tinge of jealousy.

  “Yeah, he wears them too, he feels entitled. He is my mentor and bodyguard when I’m away from the Pack. Sounds crazy I’m sure, but you’ll get it. Speaking of Piedsville, I better get you home.” She lowered her voice and put her hand on my shoulder “Abe, I am sure we’re right and I know it is a lot of info but you have to trust us. We believe in you and we’re so relieved that you’re untainted by other Packs. You’ll understand what I mean by that soon.”

  We drive in silence to my house. My mind lingers to the things her dad said to me and can’t shake the feeling that someone isn’t telling me everything. I hate, absolutely hate the idea my parents have to mourn my death. I feel the burn in my nose, the one I get right before my eyes water up. I’m not going to cry in front of her.

  “Abel?” She turns to look at me as we pull in the driveway of my house.


  “No matter what happens, you can’t tell anyone about any of this. Even though I see stuff, things are always subjective to change, so be careful. Don’t befriend any new people and trust your instincts. Right now that is all you have until you completely change. Okay?”

  “Yeah. See ya tomorrow,” I say and push the door of the Camero open.

  I get home before curfew but still walk into a dark and silent house. I check and see my mom soundly asleep on the couch. I snicker as I see she still has a book in her hand, apparently waiting for my dad to get home from work as she does most nights. I kiss her on the forehead before running up to my room.

  I’m so worried about controlling my dreams I can’t sleep. I decide to check the internet out to see if there are any suggestions.