Read The Legacy of Kilkenny Page 17

I have my mom drop me off at Pru’s house in Piedsville. Lately we have been doing a five mile run in the afternoons with Oakley. I notice that all of the curtains and blinds are closed. Pru answers the door all mysterious like.

  I smile at her as I enter the dark house. “Hey, are you planning on seducing me? Where is your mom?” I set my backpack down in the foyer.

  “Yeah, you foiled my evil plan of seducing you on the kitchen table. Don’t be a dork, just go with it okay. I have to get you ready for your first shift,” she says as she closes the door and exaggerates her movement as she turns the lock. “Muah ah ha ha ha ha,” she does some freakish attempt to sound like a vampire from the old movies.

  “And who is the dork?” I ask.

  “Before you ask, no I didn’t have a vision. I’ve told you about a dozen times, I won’t tell you when it is going to happen. If I interfere with the natural order it can screw it up. You don’t want to turn in to a half mutant do you?” She grinned and rolled her eyes

  “Really? That can happen?” I haven’t actually thought about that, well crap.

  She rolls her eyes. “Abel, stop OCD’ing on me.”

  She is always calling me OCD.

  She reaches in her purse and pulls out a handkerchief. “I know you are going to find this crazy but I want to blindfold you.”

  When a hot girl says they want to blindfold you, what else can you say but okay. “If that’s what turns you on, by all means do,” I say and suppress a grin at the look on her face.

  “Really, that’s how you want to go,” she says and playfully slaps my arm.

  I’m not going to lie; it is pretty intoxicating, I think this is a pretty cool game we are going to play. She ties the handkerchief around my head and squeezes the hell out my nose.

  “Are you trying to cut off circulation to my brain?” I try swatting her, but her advantage of sight gave her the opportunity to avoid it.

  “Oh, you have brain circulation? Let me tighten it up a little,” she giggles. I love her giggle. “I am going to guide you into the dining room and sit you down. I don’t want you to reach out; I promise I won’t let you fall.”

  “Huh? Are you going to put me in the dark and make out with me?” I tease but it won’t bother me if she wants to.

  “You might want to take this a little seriously Mr. Knowitall. We have to work on your senses. You have to be able to rely on your ability to navigate even if you are blinded. You have to know how to search for your enemy, your friends, your food. Okay?”

  “I’m the one blind folded sitting at a dining room table; I hope I don’t have to hunt for food.” I sit down with my hands on the table trying to get my bearings.

  “ABEL! You have to be serious for a little while okay?” She demands.

  “Okay, I’m sorry,” I finally cede. She’s so bossy, I think to myself.

  I feel her breath on my shoulder, and the heat of her body behind me. I hear what sounds like a shirt or something with buttons make a little thud as she sets it on the table. “Pick up the item I put in front of you and take a deep whiff.”

  I hold the material to my nose and smell. “What am I smelling for? All I smell is fabric softener.”

  “Smell it. Take a deep whiff and don’t exhale until it fills all of your senses. You’re trying to figure out who it belongs too.”

  I lean forward and take another whiff. I feel a little light headed as everything comes together. I actually feel the material inside of me, I can smell the pheromones on it. I can hear the person’s voice. I smell her mom.

  “Is this your mom’s shirt?” I blurted out.

  “Really? Is that all you got?”

  “What else do you want me to get? I can smell your mom; I can see her putting it on a hanger after it came out of the dryer.” I am a little annoyed that she is pushing me, this is my first time to even try to do this and she is acting like I should be an expert.

  “Hell, yeah! I knew you could do it, I knew you were ready!” I hear her voice going up and down, I’m pretty sure she is jumping up and down. “Here, who’s is this?”

  “Alistar? It smells like, ah, no offense but it smells like a dog. I don’t snuggle with him but I’m pretty sure he’s the owner of that smell.”

  “Fo Sho! Who’s is this?” She thrust something else in my hand.

  “It smells like Julie? How did you get something from her? We haven’t been in class since before Christmas.”

  “I swiped it on my first day of school. Bad habit, taking something from my enemy, so I will remember their smell in case we ever have to battle.”

  “You’re planning on battling Julie? Okay, kinda creepy, yet exciting. I love a cat fight, or is that wolf fight?”

  “It’s just a girl thing. I am so happy Abel. Thank you for being you!” She wraps her arms around me.

  “Sure. I’m glad you’re you too.” I really am. Pru has become my best friend and I’d do anything for her.

  We spent the rest of the evening playing ‘who’s smell is that’ until I finally can’t smell anything else. It is like walking past that lotion place in the mall; so many scents start to stink after a while.

  Chapter 6.