Read The Legacy of Kilkenny Page 26

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  I felt goose bumps as she told me the story of virgin kid blood lovers. Before the day Pru told me and showed me the werewolf life, I’d never put thought into other faerie tales. Of course I’d thought about vampires and witches but I’d never really thought about folklore. Since that day, I’ve done nothing but think about it. Well, that, and my death. I’m starting to think this is the week I’ll die. Pru isn’t going to have the chance to kill me because the O’Connell’s came for a fight.

  Everyone played nice for the first half of the evening; the second half notsomuch. Everyone came in for dinner, the guys that have been stationed outside went to pick up some barbeque for everyone. The coven kept watch at the perimeters prepared with charms to protect them from any supernaturals who are lurking in the night.

  I’ve never gone to one of the Pack meetings; it feels awkward because I still don’t identify with all of the issues that complicate Pack life. The O’Connell’s act as if it is a done deal for me to go back with them to Ireland. They don’t care nor did they want to hear what I have to say. HELLO doesn’t anyone get it? I have a family that will notice if I’m missing. That issue doesn’t seem to matter. I am really ticked off and feel like my temper is going to get out of control any minute.

  I am in the kitchen helping Banba clean up, she is a human from Ireland that has worked for the family for over 20 years. I hear Patrick on the porch talking to Ernie when voices start getting loud. Not just because my hearing is keen, no… because they are shouting at each other. It is Alpha versus Alpha and I feel my skin prickle. Banba dries her hands and comes over to put her arms around me.

  “Don’t worry Abel, your future is in good hands.”

  I hug her back and thank her for the vote of confidence.

  “How are you training him when he is in the kitchen like hired help!” Patrick yelled.

  “He isn’t acting like hired help! He doesn’t feel entitled like you do! He is a helpful kid!” General Phelan yelled back. Oh no, it is going to be an interesting night.

  “He is entitled. If he is the damn Great Wolf, he will be the king Alpha of all the Packs and you’re letting him act as if he is just a dog. Throw him a bone and he’ll fetch too I’m sure! He should be training and obviously you’re not equipped mentally or within your own Pack to train him. I’m booking the next flight out and he is coming with me!” His voice got louder and louder until almost all of the Pack was outside on guard waiting for a showdown.

  “Don’t ever say we’re treating him like a dog. No one told him to go in there, he went on his own. You’re not taking him anywhere! You can’t just traipse into my territory and make announcements thinking my Pack is going to stand for it. He has been trained well.” Ernie’s voice is getting lower and lower, I knew it meant he is really pissed off. The tension in the air is thick.

  “Abel, can you come out here please.”

  Oh shit, here it goes; and now I’m about to be tested. I can feel Pru trying to mentally scream at me to be cool and concentrate. I walk outside. On my left I not only hear something but know someone is about to attack. He leapt over the railing and is in the process of trying to grab me by the shoulders to throw me over the porch. I reacted faster than him, my instinct jumped in, and I did the millstone palm chain Oakley had practically drilled in my head. It’s a temple blow he wasn’t expecting, and it rendered him unconscious. No one moved, they just stood staring at me. I looked over at Oakley, he gives me a slight head nod, and then I heard General Phelan’s voice.

  “I think that was a pretty good demonstration on how not to sneak up on the Great Wolf, just in case you are wondering what that is. Abel…that was excellent work. Oakley, remind me to give you a raise.” He winks at me and I mentally jumped up and down.

  With that, all hell breaks loose.

  A couple of the Omega’s shifted to their wolf form, growling and waiting for the hand motion from Patrick. Our group is really all I can think about. I hadn’t realized until that very moment that I considered the Pack as my Pack. I feel my skin crawling and feel an overwhelming desire to rip someone’s throat out. I look over at Pru and she slowly scooted closer to me.

  “What’s wrong?” she whispers.

  “We’ll talk about it later” I concentrate on breathing, calming myself down. No one is going to order my Alpha around, my head is spinning, and I can feel sweat beading up on my forehead.