Read The Legacy of Kilkenny Page 34


  I turn my attention from her to the window. And even though it’s not right, even ethical, I think about how I’ll trick the General out of the combination. Two can play the game, I know because I have a secret I haven’t shared with my friends. I’ve been able to read thoughts, and not just werewolf thoughts, I can hear human thoughts too. I don’t hear every thought and I’m not exactly an expert at it, but if I concentrate I can pick up their thoughts. The first time I realized I could do it was when I asked my mom if I could go over to Shane’s house. She told me “No,” and gave no explanation. I asked “why,” and she said, “I have my reasons and I’m not sharing them with you.” I heard, “He tested positive on a drug screen my doctor’s office ran on him because his parents thought he was smoking pot.” I’ll talk to the General and tell him about my plight. If he gives me grief, I’ll just mention the safe and tell him I’ll figure out the combination, that should force him to think about it and I’ll just break into it later. I’m so tired of everyone telling me they are protecting my family, when I’m the one who will.

  We pull up and park behind Oakley’s truck, Pru said she’d meet me inside in a minute. I find my way into the gym (aka the basement) where we all are meeting. I sit in one of the metal folding chairs that is oddly a bright red. I’ve never seen a red folding chair and I think they are actually pretty cool looking. I scooted my chair making that loud screeching noise just to fit into the semi-circle that is surrounding the General. I like how he can stand there all casual and still have the respect from everyone in the room.

  “I think everyone is here so I’m going to start.” General Phelan said. “Listen up, we have a couple of rogue wolves in our area. Don’t worry, I already know who it is and actually you do too. Sean Youngblood and Bruce Holten decided to approach Pru and Abel tonight.” I hear everyone catch their breath. “Sean made a direct threat to Pru, I think he must have suffered some brain damage out there on his own.” Pru shakes her head up and down, agreeing with her dad. “I have someone taking care of that right now. He did however have another bit of information…. we have visitors. Apparently the nightwalkers of the Durand clan from Baton Rouge have decided to take up territory in Oklahoma.” A few people looked around at each other, stunned at this revelation. “Rumor has it they bought some land in Stillwater. I’ve sent word via Alecia Bumgardner, she is part of the local coven and apparently has a good rapport with the nightwalkers. We’re hoping to have a meeting with them.”

  Pru stood up and told everyone about the encounter with Sean, I am impressed she didn’t play down my part in taking him down. I look over at Oakley and can tell he is pissed about the threat. I focus on him to see if I can dip into his thoughts, all I really gather from him thoughts is ‘Their ass is mine’.

  “I want everyone to go out for a run tonight, I want ya’ll in pairs. Oak and Pru will run here in Piedsville taking care of Abe’s house and this one. Everyone else, you’ll be sent to different areas within a 50-mile radius of the farm. We need to establish where they are entering from and where they’re going. There is a new night club in Bricktown, I want a couple of you to check it out. I hear they have a couple of private rooms for Goth wannabe’s. With all of the romanticizing of vampire’s and werewolves with humans in the movie theatres, it’s started a supernatural phenomenon among teens.” He wipes his forehead with a bandana as he looks out at everyone, taking in the reactions. “It’d be a good cover for them, and finding a willing participant in blood exchanges would most likely happen there. What is it they call it? Oh, yeah. We’re pop culture. Go figure!” He shakes his head in disbelief. “Okay, you’ve been given your orders. I implore you to be diligent and keep in mind they’re here to find Abel, remember this is our legacy and we must protect it no matter what! Go in peace.” General Phelan said. Everyone disbursed, pairing up for the evening run.

  “Hey Pru, I’m sorry I came down on you so hard earlier, it’s just frustrating when everyone is telling me how to live, and in my case, die.” I put my arm around her and pull her in for a hug. I can’t help but wish she had feelings for me, it is getting a little old not having a girlfriend. Everyone at school thinks we’re dating and I don’t deny it to anyone just because I don’t want to look like a pansy.

  “Abel, I hear you want to talk to me.” General Phelan came up and put his hand on my shoulder scaring the living daylights out of me.

  I stammered around trying to find my words. “I, uh, well, uh, Sir I just, well; I uh want to see the codex.” Mentally crossing my fingers I blurt out, “I know you have it locked up in the safe but I’d really like to see it.” .

  “What he wants to know about is, if he has to die, he doesn’t understand why he has to put his parents through the death. He figures that he is a wolf but is still unsure of being TGW so he doesn’t want to do it.” Pru interjected giving me one of her sarcastic eyebrow lift looks. For a pretty girl, she sure has some mean looks.

  “Thanks for being my attorney Pru.” I pull away from her and stand up straight looking General Phelan in the eye, the one thing I’m not supposed to do. I try to focus straight into his thoughts but apparently I can’t hear his thoughts. Damn.

  “There is a simple answer to that. No. You kids drive safe. Pru, you and Oakley get back by three, send me a text so I know you’re safe. Good night.” He turns around and walks away.

  “What the what?” How did that just happen, he totally blew me off. As he walked away he lifts his hand, shaking his finger back and forth as if he was telling me, no, no.

  “And that is when we say, the Alpha has spoken. Sorry Abe, I knew he was going to say no, you didn’t really think he was going to agree did you?” We start picking up chairs and stack them in the corner. “I need you to be careful around Allie for right now. I don’t think she is dangerous, yet, but we need to figure out how we’re going to call her out. We’re not telling everyone in the Pack about her, we need to figure things out with her first, or we’ll have a witch hunt on our hands. She is technically in our territory so she is breaking the law by not notifying us. It seems that she is a fledgling or will be made one soon. Bright side of it all, we are weres, we’re bad asses and we’ll save her if we can.….. you see, there is a bright side to every dark night. Come on, I’ll drop you off. Oak, grab our robes so we can go run.” We stacked the final chairs before we headed back out into the night.