Read The Legacy of Kilkenny Page 36


  Josie and I were going through my dream journals trying to find any link to vampires. I didn’t think I’d dreamt of any soul-sucking, life-snatching, blood fanatics. We went back as far as two years and only found one recurring dream that could remotely be affiliated with a vamp clan. I’d had several dreams about Mardi Gras and the man with the eyes. I do remember his eyes, they were so golden not in a yellow way, more hazel. The man was always in a black designer suit with a heavily-starched white shirt. Because I was having a hard time recalling the dream in detail, Josie suggested we cast a circle and meditate together to see if I could pull some of the memory to the surface. We gathered her crystals, candles, incense, and my mom. Although shifters don’t typically practice witchcraft, we aren’t opposed to its use. All of us were so in touch with the earth, we thrived off of it.

  We went into the basement and folded up the cushioned pads off of the floor so we could set up shop. Although our circle is imaginary it is still as powerful as a drawn one…we visualize it on the ground, we place a candle and quartz crystal in four points, each to represent the four elements: earth, wind, fire, and water.

  “We are casting a circle; those that enter the Circle will enter with complete love and utmost trust.” Josie announced.

  I light the candle that represents the East and say:

  “To the East, I call unto you,

  Powers of wisdom brought forth by Air,

  I ask that you watch over us within our circle

  Let all that enter do so in complete love and utmost trust.

  I bow my head holding the candle straight in front of me and set it down on the ground.

  My mom lit a candle and said:

  “To the South, I call unto you

  The power of will brought forth by Fire,

  I ask that you watch over us within our circle

  Let all that enter do so in complete love and utmost trust.

  She bowed her head holding the candle out in front of her and set it on the ground.

  I took my place at the next corner.

  “To the West, I call to you

  Power of emotion guided by Water,

  I ask that you watch over us within our circle

  Let all that enter do so in complete love and utmost trust.

  I bowed my head, holding the candle straight out in front of me then placed it on the ground.

  Josie lights the final candle and says:

  “I call unto the North

  The power of strength, guided by Mother Earth

  I ask that you watch over us within our circle

  Let all that enter do so in complete love and utmost trust.

  The Circle has been cast. Prudence how do you enter?”

  “I enter with complete love and utmost trust,” I say.

  Josie nods her head and I take one step forward stepping over the imaginary circle.

  “Dolly, how do you enter?” Josie says to my mom.

  “I enter with complete love and utmost trust.”

  Josie nodded and my mom stepped over the circle and the three of us held hands while Josie said a silent prayer. I never bothered asking her who she was praying to, I figured if she wanted me to know, she would say it so a wolf can hear it. Once she is finished praying she tells us to focus on the journal entries and wills my guidance to see the truth. We stood there for what seemed a lifetime and my arms were tired from holding their hands. All of the sudden Josie collapses to the floor.

  “What’s wrong! Wake up Josie! Mom, do something!” I dropped to the floor trying to feel for a pulse, none. “She doesn’t have a pulse! Oakley! Call 9 1 1. I’m going to start CPR!”

  I couldn’t believe what was happening. We all took CPR training from the Red Cross in order to be able to help anyone that may have heart failure, but I never expected I’d really have to use it. Our instincts had kicked in, leaving little to guess work. My mom was most beautiful when she was under pressure, the concentration on her face and her ability to know exactly what to do made her an amazing second-in-command.

  “Mom, where is the athame? We have to cut the circle before anyone comes in here.”

  As quickly as Josie had collapsed, she opened her eyes and sat up.

  “Abel. He must be guided, he is on the wrong path. Pru, you have to be careful, the Pack has never been up against such power. Dolly, oh my beautiful sweet Dolly. I’m so sorry. Hand me the atheme.” She held her hand out to my mom.

  My mom put her hand on Josie’s shoulder and another hand out to help her stand. “What did you see?” Her face was covered in terror. Mom held fast to her command but Josie continued to evade the question.

  “I can’t, it’s against the rules. I have to go. I love you both. Pru, sometimes what looks like the right way, is wrong, keep that in mind. Dolly, you’re my friend; remember that no matter what happens. I have to go. Pru, you know how to reach me.” She leaned over and cut the imaginary line and ran out the door.

  Oakley was coming in the gym, “Whoa, what’s the hurry Jos? Wait up!” He ran after her.

  My heart was shattering in a million pieces. I couldn’t help but feel unexplained dread. Watching Oakley run out the door chasing after her was killing me slowly. I ran up to my room to forget the look on his face when he saw her running away.