Read The Legacy of Kilkenny Page 38

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  Pru sent me a message “It’s all good.” I wasn’t going to reply because I didn’t want it to turn into a conversation where I had to lie to her.

  On my drive I thought about the night Pru told me about being a wolf. I wondered how she was able to astral project. I looked it up but never had a good grasp how it was done. Pru had so many facets to her that I had a tough time trying to understand how it all worked. Just like my questions about me, why haven’t I shifted yet? Who did I get the gene from, if it is a recessed gene? What parent had a werewolf in their family? I wondered if either of my parents had any idea they had a wolf in the family. I’m sure my mom would’ve said something about it by now if she knew. What if I’ve been around wolves all of my life?

  I think it is the first time I’ve gone to Olive Garden and there isn’t a line to get in and no space age device with flashing lights to tell me my table is ready. I told my waiter my name in case Allie didn’t get the text I sent letting her know where my table is. I hear a phone vibrate and look towards the door and see my sister being escorted in by some guy. Breathe I tell myself. My first one on one with a real vampire, what the hell am I thinking.

  “Hey Abe.” She tosses her purse into the booth before sliding into her seat. “How come we’re at a booth? I thought your friends were coming. ” She looks between me and her friend. “Arien, this is my brother Abel. Abel, this is Arien.”

  I stand up and put my hand out to shake his hand but he doesn’t reciprocate.

  “Oh sorry Abel, Arien doesn’t like to touch other people, he is slightly OCD about germs.” She shrugged and winked at me.

  “It’s all good. Pru can’t make it, she has something else going on tonight. Hey nice to meet you Arien.” I motioned for him to have a seat.

  “Relax Abe, we don’t bite.” She giggled.

  I am not giggling, I am trying to keep from throwing up. The waiter brought the all-you-can-eat bread sticks. Who can turn down freshly baked sticks of love?” I grab a bread stick and slide the basket to Arien, he shakes his head back and forth turning his nose up. Apparently a vampire can reject hot sticks of love.

  Arien looked over to me and said “I don’t touch carbs, you can have mine. I’m sure your metabolism is faster than mine.” He rubbed his chin and winked at me.

  Holy cow, he knows. I know he knows, and he knows I know he knows, shit. I definitely don’t know what to do. I look over at the entrance and in walks the most glorious sight I have ever seen. Her beautiful red hair flowing over her shoulders, her mini-skirt is short, showing off a pair of black leather boots up to her knees. Trouble, pure trouble. She walks over to me, her assets were looking oh so sexy in her barely there shirt. She smiles at me and winks. What’s up with all the winking?

  “Pru, you were able to make it.” I stand up allowing her to slide into the booth.

  “Oh Abel, I told you I’d try my best to get here in time. I did get here in time, didn’t I? It doesn’t even look like anyone has eaten yet.” She reaches for the bread basket, grabs a breadstick and takes a quick bite. The corners of her mouth lift ever so slightly as she looks between each of us. “I didn’t interrupt anything did I?”

  “No, not at all. We are just getting acquainted with Abel. Are the two of you dating?” Arien asked.

  Kill me now. I can’t believe he just asked that question, I think to myself. “No, we’re just really good friends.” I said while trying my best not to choke on my words. “Pru this is Allie’s friend Arien, they were just telling me about going to New Orleans to meet some of his family.”

  “Wow, that’s cool.” I hear Pru inhale sharply to compose herself before saying anything else. “You have family here in Oklahoma Arien?”

  The rest of the night we listen to Arien telling stories about him and his brother moving to Stillwater with their uncle and how he just started going out and about just in the last few weeks. Well that didn’t add up. Allie would have been bitten several months ago. My mind was spinning but I held my own during dinner. I did dread the ride home since Pru assured me we would have a ‘nice long talk’ later. I was tingly with anticipation.

  Arien leaned over with a mischievous grin and whispered in Allie’s ear, “My little Valentine, I can’t wait until I’m alone with you and we can make mad passionate love, you’ll be begging me like last night.”

  Oh, he is a dirty-minded jackass! He knows I can hear him, oh I want to kill him right there on the table in the middle of Olive Garden.

  At least the color in Allie’s cheeks let me know she is still human. She leaned in whispering back “Stop it, they might hear you.” She put her hand in his lap. Well, that’s where her hand better be.

  “Oh Valentine, they can’t hear me, only dogs can hear that well.” He lifted his glass of wine and took a sip, his eyes locked with mine. “Allie tells me you and Pru met in high school, how charming.” He looked in Pru’s direction “You have a big family don’t you? Allie told me you moved from Choctaw, now that is a small town. Your father… I think I’ve heard of him before, but I just can’t put my finger on how I know that name. Is he into politics or anything like that?”

  “He dabbles in political issues between different parties, not what I’d call a politician though. Our family does a lot for the community. His name is in the papers quiet often. I’m sure that’s where you’ve heard of him before.” Her hand went up to toss her hair over her shoulder.

  Arien shook his head back and forth, “No, I don’t usually read the newspapers here in Oklahoma, they lack sustenance for me.” He rubbed his imaginary mustache and said “Does he raise dogs? I like to go to dog shows, so I was thinking maybe he’s into dogs and that’s where I would’ve seen him.”

  I can tell Pru is about to blow a gasket, the tension is thick, so thick I think breathing is getting painful to do. He is a piece of work, one I am ready to stake in the middle of Olive Garden.

  “No Arien, sorry we’re not into showing dogs. I guess it’s just a mystery.” She said through gritted teeth.

  “They have prom next weekend!” Allie said with too much enthusiasm. I can’t help but stare at her mouth trying to imagine what it would look like with lipstick on fangs.

  “Isn’t that charming, you’re a general’s daughter and you’re going slumming to a prom. I’m sure you’ll look like a little princess with that lovely red hair of yours. Is that real or do you have it colored?”

  I shaking my head, knowing I’m about to go left on this imbecile, but I had to keep my cool. “Arien, surely you wouldn’t ask a lady if their hair color is real or not. As a matter of fact she will look like a princess I’m sure.” What I really want to do was rip his throat out. In due time, it will happen.

  “I’m sorry if that offended, I wouldn’t ever intentionally offend the date of Allie’s brother.” He bowed his head to Pru. “Prudence, I am sorry if that offended you. It is Prudence correct?”

  Oh no, trouble is going to happen at any minute. “Allie I’ll call you tomorrow, Pru and I better get back before it’s too late.”

  “Okay. You’ll have to come out and stay the night with me. Arien and I’ll take you to one of the parties, you’ll totally freak!”

  Obviously the tension in the room didn’t faze her at all. “Yeah, sounds like fun.” I look around the room to see all the normal people eating their normal food, having normal conversations. Here I am, having dinner with a vampire and werewolf. Where’s the normal in that?

  Our check arrived and Arien insisted on paying. After a few minutes of the male-macho bantering. I finally agree although I’m not very happy about it. Allie put her arms around me and squeezed me tight in saying her good-byes. I’m not going to lie, she is strong. I still don’t smell anything different about her, so my guess is she hasn’t turned into a vampire yet.