Read The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull Page 29



  Freedom To Serve

  The hunger in Nala-Kahn’s eyes was only matched by Lancelot’s fierce and pathetic attempt at covering his fear. Rol’s arrival and words had changed the mood of the busy and joyous hall. Fear was always ever present but during these gatherings, which Nala-Kahn did to celebrate his dominance when entertaining guests from afar, everyone covered their fear with laughs and poor humour, but now all were silent and fearful. Crimson and Rol’s unannounced arrival had not angered Nala-Kahn, in fact he was pleased to see them and invited them to join in the festivities. 

  Rol had quickly told Nala-Kahn and Lancelot everything. He studied them using his gifts, eyes and mind. There was an obvious silent conversation going on between them. Lancelot covered his fear of Galahad he noticed annoyance and sadness when Rol had explained that the young Wielder was under Galahad’s protection. The news that Galahad’s son was also protecting the child seemed to mean nothing to Lancelot and yet Nala-Kahn seemed to recoil at the thought of them both protecting her, but after only a short while they had seemed forgotten and only Galahad seemed to be of any importance, which meant the legendary sword Excalibur. The fact that this younger wielder was stronger than either of her protectors which in turn meant that she was more powerful than Nala-Kahn himself seemed to be not as important as the thought of Excalibur. It was an item they feared, respected and wanted so desperately. Every other pair of eyes was watching Rol as he watched his master and his General silently debate the news given. Their silent conversation was intense Rol could only assume that Lancelot was being chastised as he had been when Rol had discovered the young Wielder in the village of Ne-ann. Rol had trained with Lancelot and knew just how powerful and skilled he was. But against Galahad and his son he would not see victory. 

  ‘My Lords?’ Rol began breaking the silence, both Nala-Kahn and Lancelot snapped their eyes to him, both angry. 

  ‘You are my Emperor, all of us are your subjects. Use us. You have fortified Heeden and the Emerald Skull. Fortify the Han Bridge, my master and my kin can hold the Emerald Skull and my Lord Crimson can cover the passage north.’ 

  ‘You speak out of turn young Rol! Remember your place!’ Lancelot seethed through his teeth. Anger boiled within him and he stepped forward towards his General. 

  ‘I AM A SERVANT OF DARZ!’ He shouted taking more purposeful steps towards Lancelot. 

  ‘WHO IN TURN IS YOUR SERVANT!’ Rol shouted facing Nala-Kahn. Snapping his eyes back he equalled Lancelot stare.  

  ‘You are consumed with rage and fear of this Galahad. In magic you are equals, maybe in sword as well, but in mind, you will be found wanting.’ Rol seethed. Rol could feel them both at the short distance, more than just their magic but their feelings, their fear, their hopes and their dread. He felt it all, not what they were but whom they were. Nala-Kahn was a whirlpool of emotions and thought where Lancelot was a raging inferno. 

  ‘My master would like nothing better than to see you die in battle. In fact Lancelot verses Galahad is a spectacle that even I would like to witness.’ Rol noticed a smirk pull at Nala-Kahn lips. 

  ‘You're a fool General.’ Rol turned his back to him baiting a strike that even though Lancelot wanted to unleash he knew would never come. 

  ‘With enough of my kin, Darz can stop them at the Emerald Skull. But if you do not want to risk such an action, then you can attack them now, but nothing short of a thousand men could possibly defeat them.’ Rol finished. 

  ‘Young Rol is correct, my Lord.’ Crimson finally waded in moving to Rol's side. 

  ‘As much as I would like to see that contest as well, your place is here General, at your master’s side.’ Crimson taunted. 

  ‘I can take command of the forces and Heeden and the Han Bridge. Darz can take the Emerald Skull. We will deliver them to you.’ Lancelot’s fury was obvious and pathetic in Rol’s view anyway. Nala-Kahn on the other hand had become unreadable which was normal for the Emperor. All the faces of Nala-Kahn's guests were dumbstruck. Damage had been done this day and Rol was the perpetrator and he knew it. It mattered little in the grand scheme of things but it had needed to be said. Nala-Kahn took a deep breath.

  ‘You have good reasoning skill young Rol, but you are also foolish in challenging your General.’ Rol glanced at the seething Lancelot.

  ‘As much as this may anger you more my General, you do not scare me.’ Nala-Kahn started to laugh at Rol's words. 

  ‘That makes you a bit more foolish than before, but also stronger. I understand your recommendation Crimson, it will be done, and we will follow your instruction young Rol.’ 

  ‘WHAT?!’ Lancelot exploded. 

  ‘You will give them their chance my friend.’ Nala-Kahn calmly muttered. 

  ‘Now go and prepare my forces.’ Lancelot stormed out of the hall without another glance at anyone. Crimson chuckled and winked at Rol as he turned to leave. For the longest of moments Nala-Kahn simply stared at him with a curious expression. And then he returned his attention to the gathered crowd behind Rol. 

  Rol walked into the Elemamtels’ barracks where Cul and Baran sat. His journey from Mielach had been painful and he had had no time for rest. They had been the closest to Jul and Rol knew that they had taken his death extremely hard. He had not described what he felt when he had relayed the news of Jul’s death but simply told them the fact that he was dead and that he was dead because of his orders. 

  ‘Cul, Baran come with me.’ Rol ordered. They both stood and followed as he led them outside and towards the training circles. Rol took a practice sword and so did they. 

  ‘Attack’ Rol ordered.

  They had shared a quick glance but their anger at Jul’s death overtook them and they charged. At first their attacks were wild, undisciplined and pitiful. However they started working together but still Rol was equal to all of it. Cul swung high, Baran low. Rol lifted his leg to avoid Baran’s sword in the same moment leaning back using magic to prevent his fall. He spun on the spot smacking Cul hard on the chest and bruising him. Two parries later he had swept Baran’s legs from under him sending him hard towards the ground. 

  ‘Baran, you are physically stronger than I, and you Cul have been gifted with greater speed and agility. So I ask, how did you not defeat me?’

  Both of them climbed to their feet rubbing their respective injuries. They were both in torrents of anger and hate all of which was being cast in the direction of Rol. 

  ‘Jul was your friend and because of me he is dead. You think knowing this information does not hurt?’ Rol fumed. He noticed no reaction to his words. 

  ‘For this reason you both will be in command of the Elemamtels here until either myself or our master returns, and I hope that none of our kin that you are responsible for, die. For your sakes.’ Rol threw his wooded sword at Cul’s feet and walked past him. He found Darz staring at him from the north balcony of the highest level of Heeden. It did not take long for Rol to join him. 

  ‘The seed has been planted master.’ 

  Darz grinned at Rol’s words. 

  ‘Your display at Mielach has angered and impressed. I have received orders from our Emperor.’ 

  Rol waited. He assumed he was to receive yet another mission or to continue to track Galahad and the young Wielder. 

  ‘He has ordered me to release you.’ 

  ‘WHAT?!’ Rol boomed failing to understand. He felt no anger from his master in fact he could feel nothing.

  ’I have not... I have never questioned your power master, I am your servant your slave.’ Rol almost pleaded. 

  ‘That is the problem young Rol.’ Darz grinned broadly turning to face him. A rush of fear, pain and panic flushed over him into his very core. So many questions ran through Rol's mind. 

  ‘What could he mean?’ did Darz want this or because he was Nala-Kahn’s servant he simply had to obey the order. Darz smirked as he noticed the turmoil going through Rol. 

>   ‘You are gifted Rol, beyond that which I have taught you.’ Darz started. 

  ‘Many of my Elemamtels are, it was not done by choice but it happened nonetheless. I and the Emperor have reaped the benefits of these gifts.’ Darz turned his attention to a group of his Elemamtels who had gathered around the training circles. 

  ‘Every single one of them would walked into the mouth of a volcano if I ordered them to do it.’ He looked back at Rol knowing he still did not understand. 

  ‘But as you say you, they, are slaves. In creating you, I have made you stronger and weaker in the same moment. By design every Elemamtel would die for me but Nala-Kahn and I believe you have grown beyond this young Rol.’ Darz stepped forward and placed his hands upon Rol's shoulders.

  ‘Rol, I hereby remove all bounds that bind you to me…’ 

  ‘You are free.’

  ‘You are free.’ Darz' voice powered into his mind. Rol buckled and fell to the ground as if knocked hard on the head. He pulled his knees to his chest and could do nothing to stop the dread and utter loneliness that had consumed him. 

  Questions shot through his mind, he was barely able to comprehend them before they were replaced by different ones. Memories also rushed into his thoughts but this was different to just remembering. The emotion he had and had not felt during the memories were far stronger and intense. The dissolving body of the magistrate Michael, the way the young Wielder Kirsty had fell to the ground twitching in agony and ageing in seconds. His first training bout with Lancelot, who was a brutal teacher. Darz was ever present in all of the memories, he could hear his voice muffled as if it was at a great distance or whispered in his ear as if he stood directly behind him. How he felt was different. Anger and fear was ever present when Rol remember Darz but hate and loathing had swept in as well. The raging waterfall of memory and emotion enveloped Rol and everything else became nothing and the bedlam took over. Each memory relived in their fullness as if when he did experience them the world was dull, everything had been dull. Now each memory exploded with every emotion he had ever experienced and more. He could not hope to control it and so for the first time in his entire live he gave up and let the darkness take him.        

  Rol woke with a start jumping forwards off his bed of straw. He was wide-awake seeing more than he ever saw before. He was in his chambers not knowing how he had got there or how much time had passed since his master had muttered those words. 

  ‘Come join me Rol.’ Darz said from the farthest stool at the small table where Rol would eat alone. He went to stand but stopped as a question shot into his thoughts. 

  ‘Why should I?’ His shock was obvious. He had never questioned his master before. Never had he said these words to himself or aloud. But the thought would not leave his mind. Darz was not his master anymore he did not have to follow his command. Rol eventually stood fighting off his rebellious thoughts and took his seat at his table. 

  ‘That took a long time.’ Darz muttered playfully. 

  ‘I have never questioned you and yet when you asked me to join you I asked myself why should I?’ Rol looked away in shame. Darz however merely smirked. 

  ‘When I created you, I concluded you. I created the boundaries in your mind of thoughts, emotions that you did not need to serve me as an Elemamtel but as a Man, they are parts that you will need.’ Rol stared at Darz in shock. 

  ‘You are no longer under my influence young Rol. You can question me. My orders, my thinking you can even disobey me. My orders can be wrong.’ Darz started but Rol started shaking his head violently. 

  ‘Your orders are always cor…’

  ‘NO!’ Darz boomed cutting Rol off.

  ‘To you as my underling I was always correct my word was law but now you do not serve me. We are equals now in standing and I ask for your allegiance. Will you serve me as an equal, will you choose to serve me?’ 

  The question returned more powerful than ever. The hatred he had felt for Darz was now warring with his thoughts of the need to obey. Darz had made him, made him stronger. Made him more and less. Now he had a choice, the choice. Never before had he felt this. He had made decisions within the confines of Darz's control but now that control was nothing, was empty. He willed all the happy memories he could find and quickly knew that there were few. One underlining thing bound them, his kin. They were his to command now as much as Darz. They were his family. 

  ‘I will serve you…’ Rol started looking up at Darz who was grinning broadly.

  ‘...for now.’ Rol added. 

  ‘HAHAHAHA!' Darz boomed standing and wrapping his arm around Rol. 

  ‘You are now the most powerful creature within the walls of Heeden apart from Crimson and myself.’ Darz squeezed him tighter then left ordering Rol to rest.   




  Alundi- A-lun-d-i (I sound not E sound)

  Assard- A-ssard

  Knorrest- Nor-rest (silent K)

  Alagon- A-lagon

  Morlek- Mor-lek

  Nala-Kahn- Nala-Karn

  Brisclim- Bris-clim

  Garaff- Ga-raff

  Foru- For-oo

  Brigan- Bri-gan (I sound not E sound)

  Paulk- Pal-k

  Galahad- Ga-La-Had

  Gawain- Ger-waine

  Tristan- Tris-ten


  Sagramore- Sa-gra-more

  Guinevere- Guwin-e-vere

  Excalibur- Ex-Ca-Li-ber

  Nasel- Nar-zel



  Darz- Dar-z

  Kraco- Krac-co

  Pousin- Pow-sin (rhymes with cow)

  Iruc- I-rook 

  Isacal-Teo- Is-a-cal-Te-oo

  Boahim-Buo- Boa-heem-Bo-a

  Calqui-Pao- Cal-quee-Pow

  Alec-Keo- A-lec-Kee-oo

  Fredren-Fro- Fred-dren-Frow (like throw)

  Gurean- Gur-reen

  Selec-Heo- Sel-lec-Hee-oo

  Elemamtel- Ele-mam-tel

  Dosia-Buo- Do-see-a Bo-a

  Angeli-Cuo An-jely-Coo-a

  Tarant-Quo Tar-ant-Qu-o

  Tei-Ore- Tea-Or

  Xias-Xao- Si-as-Sow (rhymes with cow) 

  Soni-Xao- Sony-Sow (rhymes with cow) 


  Nyorn- Ni-orn (Y is I Sound)

  Galen- Gay-len

  Natali-Po- Natalee-Po

  Granio-Bre- Gran-ee-o Brey

  Prem-Pre- Prem-Pree



  Rebuld-Dao- Re-bold-Dow (rhymes with cow)

  Dena-Cao- Den-a-Cow

  Toria-Cau- Tor-ria-Cor

  Rol- Roll

  Baran- Ba-ran 


  R’hop- R-rop 

  Heeden- Hee-den

  Harana- Ha-rana

  Paladin- Pala-din

  Han- Harn

  Ne-aan- Ne-an

  Mielach- Mil-loush

  Osia- Osi-er

  Wen-Fen-Nu- Wen-Fen-Noo

  Ulin- OO-lin

  Hansel- Han-sel


  Jessuin- Jess-u-een

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