Read The Legend of the Blue Eyes Page 11

  During the last movie, Arianna often took the time to steal glances at Turner as he explained everything. By the time they made it through it, things were getting clearer. Given the extent of his knowledge, there was no reason for him to be at the school taking classes.

  “Why are you here if you know so much?” Arianna asked.

  “To meet you,” he replied mischievously. He changed the subject as Arianna became uncomfortable with his reply. “I really wish I could take you back to where I grew up. Everyone in the city knows, or is, a night human. It’s completely different than here. Most stores are open all day long to serve both humans and night humans. We are free to be ourselves, and never worry that some bystander might figure out what we are.”

  “You miss it, don’t you?” Arianna asked, noticing the sadness in his voice as he explained everything.

  “A bit,” he replied.

  “How long have you been here?” she asked.

  “Since August, so about eight months.” Turner stood and collected the movies. “Seems like forever. I’ve been home twice since I moved into the dorms, but only for a weekend.”

  “Doesn’t your family miss you?” she wondered.

  “My father does,” Turner replied. “My brother, not so much, I think. We haven’t always gotten along so good. I’m the younger brother after all. No responsibility. I think he’s jealous, but there’s nothing I can do about it. He’s the heir to the family whether he wants to be or not.”

  “Like me?” Arianna asked, and Turner nodded.

  “Do you have a boyfriend?” Turner suddenly asked. Arianna tried to look away to hide her embarrassment, but he was sitting right next her. Turner caught her face as she tried to turn. Arianna had surprisingly found that being with Turner felt easy. Every other boy she had met, and liked, in her life was always hard to talk to. Even though she was picking up his intentions, she still felt at ease with him.

  Arianna listened in on the room next door, knowing that Devin stood on the other side of the doorway. “Well,” she replied, unsure how to answer. Turner quickly leaned forward and gently kissed her before she could reply.

  “I hope everything makes a little more sense now,” Turner said, standing. “Tonight was fun. We should do it again sometime. I had better get back, it’s already past curfew.” Flustered, Arianna could not reply as he left.

  Arianna sat on the couch, staring at the blank TV screen. He just kissed me, she thought. In her almost sixteen years alive before moving to her grandfather’s home, she had never kissed a boy before, and now, she had been kissed by two. Arianna closed her eyes and leaned back. What was she supposed to do? Two very different boys had kissed her in the past three days. Stop, she thought. Why can’t life just stop for a moment, and let me catch up. Everything was moving fast past her. It was all new, night humans, boys, family, life, everything. Devin or Turner, she asked herself. Which one should I choose? Arianna listened to the people walking around the house. Everyone was heading off to bed. Down a long corridor, a clock was chiming. The door to her sitting room opened softly.

  “You should get some rest,” Devin recommended. Arianna jerked her eyes open, and looked at him. He seemed unaffected by what had just happened, even though she knew he was listening to everything. He was as neutral as always. Slowly, tears began to drip from the corners of her eyes. Everything was just too confusing. Why isn’t Devin mad or jealous? Devin moved around the couch, gently picking her up.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked, and she shook her head no as she laid against his chest, wanting to fight back, but finding herself lulled by the beat of his heart. “You should get some sleep.” Arianna nodded as the tears continued to dribble down her cheeks.

  The next day, Arianna arrived at school minutes before class was to start. She had overslept and didn’t have enough time to get ready. Closely following behind Molina, Arianna dreaded returning to the classroom where all the people snickered at her behind her back. Surprised, her classmates were no longer filled with contempt and hatred of her but now with curiosity and some with fear. Arianna looked around as she moved to the back of the classroom, trying to understand the change.

  The girl up front from the day before tried to offer Arianna her seat now. Arianna quietly shook her head no and headed to the back of the room to sit next to Turner.

  “Someone told their parents about the new student, and they all now know who you are,” Turner explained while Arianna sat beside him. He acted as if the kiss had never happened. Arianna looked around the room. The atmosphere had changed, but Arianna wondered if it was for the better or not. “I found one more movie to watch,” Turner explained as he stood up. “If you can find everything wrong in this one, then you are ready for the test.”

  Arianna glanced at him. “Already?” she asked, and he nodded as he offered to take her bag. Arianna followed him into the hallway. Behind her, she listened to the students talking as they shut the door.

  “She really is Lord Randolph’s granddaughter,” a boy replied. “I’ve seen her guards before. The female one tested out of the training at the age of fourteen. They say she’s the best non-purebred to ever come along.”

  “And the guy. I’ve seen him often with Lord Randolph,” a quiet girl said. “My mom works in the Randolph estate.”

  “I suppose it can’t be helped then,” the girl from the day before replied to her friends. “I was really hoping Turner would ask me to the next dance.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it now,” her friend answered.

  Arianna was surprised as Turner walked towards the library at the end of the hallway.

  “You just don’t seem like the library type,” Arianna replied, hurrying to catch up with him.

  “I’m not, but the head of the boy’s dorm is in his room sick today. If I take you back to the dorms, you will get in trouble with your grandfather,” Turner replied.

  Arianna spent the first half of her school day watching the terrible horror film that Turner had brought with him in the library. Arianna expected things to be awkward between her and Turner after he had kissed her, but it was like nothing happened. He was the same happy-go-lucky guy she had met the day before.

  “There wasn’t anything correct in this movie,” she complained after they finished it.

  “So?” Turner replied. “Seeing the blood spurt like it was streaming out of a fountain was worth it.”

  “That was horrible,” she replied, laughing at the scene replying in her mind. “Why are you here at this school?” she asked a second time. “You already seem to know everything.” Turner smiled but didn’t reply.

  Arianna sat down at the computer at the back of the room. Turner had pulled up the exam, and convinced her she was ready to try it. As she started to read the questions on the screen, Arianna was surprised to find she could actually answer them. She had jumped into this new world without any idea of what it meant, but with the help of Turner, things were now starting to become clear. As she finally finished the last question, Arianna was surprised to find it was already time to leave school for the day.

  “So, was it as hard as you thought it would be?” Turner asked from the doorway. Arianna turned to him. She hadn’t heard him enter the library test room, nor did she know that he spent most of the time sitting with Devin, watching her.

  “Nope,” she smiled as she replied. Walking to the printer, she took the sheet that had just printed. “Only one question wrong,” she added handing the sheet to Turner.

  “See, you kept complaining that this was too confusing and so unrealistic,” Turner teased.

  “Turner,” a boy yelled as he entered the library. “Are you coming or not?” Arianna looked to find Turner was no longer wearing his school uniform.

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” Turner yelled back. “As a reward, I’ll take you on a date,” he offered.

  “But,” Arianna started to turn him down.

  “Tomorrow after school,” Turner said, before kissing her forehead, and r
unning out the door behind the other student.

  “But,” Arianna said, as he left her without waiting for an answer. Arianna turned to Devin who was uninterested in their conversation.

  Huffing, Arianna ignored Devin too. She walked back home with Devin and Molina in silence. What am I supposed to do, she wondered. It wasn’t that she disliked Turner, she just didn’t know about her relationship with Devin. She felt something for Devin each night as she lay down to sleep, her heart beat uncontrollably, and the butterflies in her stomach tumbled and twirled. Devin had told her he liked her, and yet, the night before after Turner kissed her, Devin had no reaction. Not anger, not jealousy, nothing. Arianna hurried to her room and changed out of her school uniform while pondering her new predicament. Does Devin really like me, she thought. Arianna lay on her fluffy bed and tried to sort everything out. Devin was always caring, and treated her like she came before everything, but was that because he liked her, or was it just his job? He did kiss me. She didn’t notice the time passing as she was stuck in thoughts about the day.

  “You should get some sleep,” Devin suggested, opening her bedroom door and interrupting her silence. Arianna nodded as he sat down on the edge of the bed next to her.

  “Doesn’t it bother you Turner asked me on a date?” Arianna asked, lying down in bed to avoid his eyes.

  “No,” Devin replied, lying down next to her.

  “But didn’t you say you like me?” she asked, still trying not to look at him.


  “Then, shouldn’t it bother you?” she pondered, sitting up to finally judge his reaction. “Did I misunderstand?”

  “You are not an object I can own and do with as I please. I have no right to decide your life for you,” he explained. “And I promise, I’ll never ask to be your boyfriend. So you may kiss anyone you please.”

  “Then you don’t like me?” Arianna asked, confused by his response.

  “No, I like you very much,” he replied.

  “Then why don’t you ask me out?”

  “No reason,” he replied. His serious face didn’t flinch as he replied. Through his voice sounded like he was telling the truth, his hand, placed on top of hers, told another story. Arianna felt his heartbeat slightly increase as she inquisitively stared at him, wondering whether to believe him or not. He had been truthful with her all along, but now she got the feeling that he was lying.

  Arianna laid her head down, and listened to the soft pounding of the heart beneath her head. He likes me, but doesn’t want to be my boyfriend, she thought. How can that make sense? Arianna looked up to find Devin watching her as her eyes became heavy, and she fell asleep.

  Arianna quietly sat up as the first rays of the sun beamed through her bedroom window. Devin, still asleep on the bed, did not move as she climbed out from under the covers. Silently, she walked around to the nightstand that was still holding the papers he had been reading the night before. Curiosity overcame her as she picked them up. Without waking Devin, Arianna looked through the folders. Arianna read the names at the top of each before realizing they were all files on her classmates at school. She slowly looked from one paper to the next. The details of each student were written in Devin’s handwriting. He knew everything about each. As she neared the end of the pile, she found Turner’s page.

  Brenton Turner Winter, she read. Arianna tried to remember. She had heard the last name Winter before. Lord Winter, she reminded herself. Arianna thought back, and finally remembered the red-bearded man she had met at her party. Arianna finished reading the paper on Turner, and flipped it into the pile with the rest. There was nothing new on him. Lazy and rebellious were both accurate descriptions of him. Devin was keeping close tabs on her, so it was not surprising her knew about everyone in her class. Arianna picked up the novel placed under the file. He’s reading a novel, she mused, unable to picture Devin reading anything but the files he was constantly going over. As she turned to the page with the book mark, Arianna stopped in shock. Two young boys stared back at her from the old tattered photo that was being using as the bookmark. Arianna looked closely at the faces. The young blond-haired boy was Devin and the dark-haired boy was Turner.

  Arianna put the book back carefully, and hurried to get dressed. Turner and Devin are friends, she thought. Is that why Devin doesn’t mind Turner asking me out on a date? Maybe Turner asked Devin for permission? No, Turner isn’t the type to ask permission for anything. Devin would have said something if he really cared. Does Devin really care, or am I just his assignment? Arianna pondered her options, but none made sense. I can’t ask Devin, she thought, knowing he would lie to her again. Lies, they all lie, Arianna thought. Devin watched over her carefully, but now he was withholding information. Arianna grew angry as she thought more about it. Everyone was keeping secrets from her, and now Devin even lied to her.

  Arianna quietly snuck out of her apartment. It was still too early for anyone to be awake. Arianna walked the wooded path from her home to the school dorms. Though no one was up yet, she was determined to wait until Turner woke for the day to ask him her questions. It was the first time since she had come to her grandfather’s that she was truly alone. No one was following her. Arianna paused in the woods and listened to the animals waking up for the day: the nest of squirrels rummaging in the leaves, the birds chirping to wake their neighbors, and the small rabbit munching on his morning meal. No humans, night or otherwise, around, she thought. Arianna sat down, leaned against a tree, and watched the sun shine through the budding branches overhead. It was peaceful to get away from everything. Closing her eyes, Arianna listened to the sounds around her. She could hear someone approach, but she wasn’t startled by his presence.

  “Running away from home?” Turner asked.

  “I wish,” she replied. “This place is a fortress. I managed to get out of the house, but I doubt I could leave the grounds without anyone knowing.”

  “Something bothering you?” Turner replied, sitting beside her.

  Arianna glanced around the forest, searching for anyone else. They were alone. “This is all a bit overwhelming,” she replied, not directly answering. “I feel like everyone knows a secret that no one is telling me. I thought Devin was honest and would answer all my questions, but I’m pretty sure he was lying to me last night. It’s weird, I am constantly surrounded by people, but I feel all alone.”

  “Do you want to run away? I haven’t been home in a while. We could ditch school and go visit my father.” Turner offered seriously.

  Arianna quickly shook her head no. There was no way her grandfather would let her leave.

  Almost sensing her dilemma, he offered, seeing her hesitation, “I know a way out where no one would be able to stop us,” Arianna paused. “We can just take a long weekend. I’m sure my father would like to meet you.”

  “But grandfather would be so mad if he knew,” Arianna replied.

  “Do you always do what everyone else wants you to do?” Turner asked. “What about what you want?”

  Arianna felt her heart beat faster as he talked. Turner was the first person she’d met in her new life that had even asked her what she wanted. She hadn’t really ever thought about it.


  Arianna sat next to the window in their private room on the train. Turner was right. He had easily snuck them off of the Randolph estate and to the train station without anyone stopping them. Guilt tugged at Arianna as she stared into the busy train station. Arianna was hesitant to leave without telling anyone, but her anger easily made her follow Turner. Turner sat next to her, watching out the window as well.

  “How long before they know?” Arianna asked.

  “It shouldn’t take them too long. We left your phone in my room. Once they find that you’re not there, they’ll know we left,” Turner explained as his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and smiled. “It seems like Devin figured it out already.”

  Arianna took the phone and stared at Devin’s name. She carefully ope
ned the phone.

  “What the hell are you doing? Where are you?” Devin yelled through the phone. Arianna dropped the cell. She had never heard Devin get mad before. He was always so quiet and composed, Arianna hadn’t even been sure that he could get mad.

  Turner picked up the phone. “Well, hello, Honey,” Turner said, smiling to Arianna as he talked. “It’s so nice of you to finally return my call. What has it been, almost three or four days since I called you and you never returned my call? That’s a bit rude. I was beginning to think you didn’t like me anymore.”

  “Is she with you?” Devin desperately asked, a little calmer.

  “Of course,” Turner replied. “She would never had made it off the estate without me. You seem to keep her caged in well.”

  “Stay where you are,” Devin ordered.

  “Well, we would, but I have a feeling we will be moving, not of our own accord, really soon,” Turner replied before shutting his phone and turning it off. “They’ll be here soon. Should be fun to see if they make it on time.” Turner looked over to Arianna who was still staring, shocked, at the phone.

  “Never heard him yell before, I suppose,” Turner added. “It’s good for him. He’s always too serious. Keeping emotions bottled up inside is never good for anyone. Besides, we should do things like this to keep him on his toes.” Turner easily relaxed her. Arianna smiled and nodded. Turner was right. Devin was always too serious, but was it okay for her to leave without telling anyone? Arianna was starting to regret her decision after hearing the genuine panic and concern in Devin’s voice.

  Arianna stared at Turner, finally remembering her questions. “Are you friends with Devin?”

  “We were very close at one time. We kind of grew up together. Your grandfather and my father are friends and visit each other often. We just kind of ended up together all the time,” Turner explained.

  Arianna listened to the whistle blow, signaling that the train was closing the doors, and she disappointedly watched as six people hopped out of a car and ran to stop the train. Arianna waited to be escorted off the train, but to her surprise it began to move. Arianna glanced to Turner, who also knew who had just boarded the train.