Read The Legend of the Blue Eyes Page 15


  Turner sat, begging Arianna with his eyes. Molina was sitting behind him nodding her head. Arianna was in a predicament. It would be safe to take Turner’s blood, but she’d promised Devin she wouldn’t take any blood unless he said it was okay. Arianna instinctively closed her eyes as the pain began again. In the dark, she could hear Turner’s heart beat louder. Arianna sighed as she caught her breath. “When you do find Devin, tell him I’m sorry for breaking my promise.”

  “Why can’t you tell him yourself? I promise that I’ll bring him right back here,” Turner replied, confused.

  “If you are as powerful as Gabriel says, I don’t think he’ll believe me, even if I mean it,” Arianna responded, gently moving the collar of his shirt to expose the vein in his neck. “Brenton,” she said quietly. “I’m sorry if this hurts.”

  Arianna moved to kneel beside Turner. Feeling the pain increasing again, she leaned against him and shuddered. Turner gently helped her balance beside him, waiting for the bite. He’d never been bit by a night human before, but it was too late to change his mind. Arianna needed blood to stop the pain, and Turner was willing to do anything to help her. Closing his eyes, Turner felt her teeth pierce the skin. After the slight pinch, he could barely move as a strange feeling came over his body. Surprisingly, it wasn’t painful. After only a few moments, Arianna pulled away. Molina moved the computer screen in front of Arianna and her eyes glazed over, deep in thought. After a few moments, Arianna pointed to a street on the screen.

  “He is moving this way,” Arianna said, tracing the street with her finger.

  “Oak Street, heading east,” Molina said rapidly into her phone.

  “I can go help,” Turner offered, trying to stand, but Arianna clung to his arm.

  “Turner tastes like chocolate,” Arianna said giggling. She had held on to her senses as long as she could, but now everything around her seemed funny. She was drunk on blood again.

  “Stay with her,” Molina ordered Turner as she left the room.

  Pulling Turner back onto the couch, Arianna climbed onto his lap.

  “More please?” she asked sweetly. Turner was unable to respond as Arianna picked up his hand and licked his wrist. Arianna looked up at Turner waiting for a reply.

  “I think I understand why he doesn’t want you drinking other blood now,” Turner replied. “Did the pain stop?”

  “Pain,” she asked, distracted from taking more blood. Arianna pondered the question. “Pain?” she repeated.

  “I guess you aren’t feeling much of anything right now,” Turner replied.

  “I’m feeling happy,” she responded, flopping over his lap to lay on the couch. She scrambled up and pulled his face near hers. “I have a secret,” she said, pulling his ear close. “Turner likes me,” she said whispering.

  “Yes, he does,” Turner replied, putting her close enough to hear his heart beating again, just as Devin had done to make her sleep on the train.

  Arianna quickly pushed herself away. “I’m not sleepy, silly.” Arianna sat up and looked around the room. She could hear Devin coming near. Arianna smiled as she lay down across Turner’s lap and closed her eyes.

  Bursting through the door, Devin hurried over to Arianna, kneeling beside her to pick up her limp arm.

  “How long has she been like this?” Devin asked Turner.

  “A whole five seconds,” Turner replied, answering the question. Devin’s face fell as he assumed he was too late. “I doubt there’s anything to worry about,” Turner reassured him.

  “Hey,” Arianna said, sitting up and startling Devin. “You ruined my surprise.” Arianna pouted.

  Relief spread across Devin’s face. “How much did she take?” he asked as Arianna began to giggle at Devin’s sudden change in emotions.

  “Not much,” Turner replied. “She told me before she took it to tell you she’s sorry for breaking her promise. Now I see why you made her promise.”

  “Come here, you,” Devin said, picking Arianna up. Arianna wiggled in his arms.

  “No, Devin is a meanie,” she replied.

  “Are you still hungry?” Devin asked, knocking his head against hers to get her attention.

  “Mm hmm,” she replied, licking her lips.

  “Thanks,” Devin called over his shoulder to Turner as he walked away with Arianna. As Devin gently placed her on the bed, Turner and Molina left the room.

  “What have you been doing to use up your blood so fast?” Devin asked.

  “I dunno,” she replied with a giggle. “How do you use up blood?”

  Devin sighed. It was difficult to deal with her as she was, but he wanted to get an answer. “Were you listening to anyone?”

  “Like you when you didn’t come out to get me after you were a jerk?” she asked. “Or when Gabriel left me all alone?”

  “You knew he was gone?” Devin asked.

  “He told me to be a good girl and listen to you, but why should I listen to a meanie?” Arianna crawled away, across the bed, to the opposite side. “You’re just a meanie, keeping me here in the world locked away with my scary grandfather. I want to go home. Back with my aunt. At least she loves me.”

  “Come here,” Devin said gently to Arianna, who stared at him from across the bed.

  “No,” she replied with a pout. “You’re going to be nice to me now, and then later you’ll just be mean again. I’m sick of being confused by all of this. I want to go back home to Aunt Lilly and Uncle Dean where everything is less confusing. Where I can be a normal teenager.”

  “I’m sorry,” Devin replied quietly. “I don’t mean to confuse you. I just don’t know how to handle it myself.”

  “I can tell Turner is as confused as you are at times, but he’s never mean to me,” Arianna responded. “Why are you?”

  “I wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings, but I needed you to get closer to Turner,” Devin replied.

  “If you like me, why do you want me to like Turner? Most guys aren’t in the habit of wanting the girl they like to like other guys.”

  “It’s not something I want to happen, but it’s something that must happen for you to achieve what everyone is expecting,” Devin cryptically replied.

  “Again with the puzzles. Why can’t you just tell me the truth?” Arianna sighed, determined to stay on her side of the bed.

  “The legend states that for the blue-eyed one to reach full power, he or she must take five companions: each of a differnt race. The guys told me that you agreed to take Turner as your custodian.” Arianna nodded her head. She already knew that nothing got past Devin. He’d always watched her every move. “I’m sorry I was mean to you last night, but this is what I was hoping would happen. Granted, I didn’t think he’d act as fast as this, to ask you to allow him to be your custodian.”

  “But why? Did you ever like me? Or was this all a game to get me to trust Turner?” Arianna felt tears begin to well up in her eyes.

  Devin moved across the bed and took her hands in his own. “My feelings have never been a lie. I’ll love you until the day we die.”

  “Then why did you push me to Turner. Now I have feelings for him too. This is way too confusing,” Arianna complained.

  “If I told you last night, I wanted you all to myself, and didn’t want you to ever speak to Turner again, what would you have done?” Devin asked. Arianna didn’t reply as she thought the answer. “You would have never gotten close to him. I’ve known all along that I won’t be the only man beside you. For the legend to come true, and I truly believe you are the one to make it come true, you need to take on five keepers. I know I could have told you earlier, and you would have listened. You’ve always been good at obeying orders. But that wouldn’t have been enough. Do you know why you like the taste of my blood so much?”

  “’Cause you were bit by a baku?” Arianna guessed.

  “That’s only part of it. The main part is because blood tastes differently when the person loves you,” Devin explained. “
I love you, your uncle loves you, Turner loves you, and in his own way, your grandfather loves you.”

  “But his blood tasted sour,” she complained.

  “Sorry. He’s a bad example. He does love you, but I won’t lie when I say, your grandfather is an evil man. He’s had to do things that have hardened his soul, and he no longer feels emotions like you and I do. I’m sure he loves you, but his blood will never show it,” Devin explained.

  “But why do you only love me sometimes, and not at other times. I can tell,” Arianna complained.

  “First and foremost, I have a job to do. I was hired by your grandfather to make sure you stay safe. That’s my main concern, and my first priority. When we’re safe and alone, I can let that part go and just be beside you. Like now. Otherwise, I have to do my job. My feelings for you don’t just disappear, but my priorities of love versus safety have to interchange depending on the moment. Outside of these walls, I can never be that boyfriend you always wanted.”

  Arianna rested her head against Devin. She was beginning to see how complicated everything was. Devin really did love her after all. But now it was even more baffling.

  “This is too confusing,” she complained. “It’s almost like I have two boyfriends now. And that’s just wrong.”

  Devin laughed. “Think of it this way. Not two boyfriends, but two boys you’re dating. It’s just that we’ll never make you choose between us.” Devin softly stroked her head. “Now, you really do need to feed more.”

  “Uh huh,” she replied, listening to his heartbeat. The sound filled her ears as she began to get lightheaded and dizzy. Without trying, she could smell the scent of his blood. It was intoxicating. Arianna carefully pushed his shirt away from his neck and watched the blood she had been listening to flow through his body. Devin sat still, waiting for her to bite. He was only a child the first time he was bit. The emotions he felt then were completely different from those he felt now. Filled with terror, he had pretended to sleep silently as a man entered his room. The man had viciously attacked Devin’s older brother in the bed next to him before he turned to Devin. He could remember the pain as the teeth pierced into his neck. It was nothing like the sensation he felt as Arianna began to gently lick the same spot now. Careful not to touch anything other than the vein she was aiming for, Arianna bit down tenderly.


  Arianna glanced across the private compartment she was sharing on the train ride home with Devin and Turner. Devin was explaining the contents of the box he had just handed Turner. Arianna looked from one to the other. She could see the friendship between them as they talked about each item.

  “When alone with Arianna, it’s best to turn one of these on,” Devin picked up a small cylinder with a clip. Turning the cap, the bottom blinked red. “Mori can then track you and send someone to your location, if needed. His blood readout from last night should be enough for him to really know where you are, but these are to be on the safe side.”

  “Why doesn’t he track Ari based on her blood readout?” Turner asked. “Wouldn’t that be easier?”

  “He tried, but because she is both baku and dearg-dul, there seems to be a problem with it,” Devin replied.

  “Here,” Devin picked up the ring in the box. “Everyone wears one of these at the Randolph estate.” Turner put the ring on, and the stone changed from red to white.

  “Wait a second,” Turner said, and it caught Arianna’s attention.

  “Why did it change colors?” Arianna asked.

  “A blood stone,” Tuner replied. “I’ve never seen one before in person.”

  “For night humans, it changes to be the color of the family member you are loyal to. Since you are loyal to Arianna it’s white, just like everyone on her security team,” Devin explained.

  “Except yours,” Arianna added, pointing at Devin’s ring.

  “For humans, the color doesn’t change,” Devin replied.

  “What does blue mean?” Arianna questioned.

  “Blue was the color of people loyal to your mother. Red is for your grandfather. As far as I know, I’m the only person with a blue ring. It was given to me by the head of your mother’s security team. Your grandfather went and changed the rest of the rings the non-night humans were given, since it doesn’t change color on its own when we wear them,” Devin replied.

  Arianna went back to staring out the window. As the train bounced on the tracks, the scenery passed outside. They sped by farm after farm before heading back into a tunnel again.

  “I didn’t realize there were so many tunnels on the way,” Arianna commented.

  “That would be because you slept through the ride here,” Turner added, moving to sit beside Arianna. “Are you feeling better?” he asked.

  After Devin returned, Arianna had fed and slept through the rest of the weekend. Turner stopped by several times to check on her, but she had been sleeping.

  “Mm hmm,” she said, nodding her reply. “Good as new.” Arianna tipped her head and rested it on his shoulder. “I guess not quite good as new. I’m still a little tired.”

  “Are you hungry?” he asked, concerned.

  “No, just tired,” she replied, still watching outside. The scenery stopped as they entered another tunnel.

  “You can take a nap,” Turner suggested, putting his arm around Arianna.

  “But I slept on the way here. I want to watch outside,” she answered. “This sure is a long tunnel,” she added, as the windows were still dark.

  “This is one of the longer ones,” Turner added. “It’s a few miles long I think.”

  Arianna quickly sat up and looked around. She was sure she heard several thumps on the tops of the cars.

  “What’s wrong?” Devin asked, instantly putting his earphone on.

  “It sounded like several thumps on the ceiling,” she said. “Up at the front end of the train.” Turner closed his eyes and listened. He opened his eyes and put his earphone in just as fast.

  Arianna heard the front door to the train open. Listening carefully, she counted the set of footsteps.

  “It sounds like there are two groups,” she said. “One is moving down the cars this way and the other is staying in place.”

  “How many?” Devin asked, repeating Mori’s question, as Molina entered the room.

  “Eight in each group,” Arianna replied. Arianna ignored the conversation between Mori and Devin while she listened to the group approaching.

  “It’s a purebred vamp,” Turner said, suddenly pulling Arianna’s attention back to the people around her. The group had moved close enough for Turner to find them. “Six cars ahead.”

  “How much further is the other group?” Devin asked Arianna.

  “I’m not sure how many cars, but it’s about the same distance as the first group is to us right now,” Arianna explained. Devin nodded with a quick, reassuring smile as he relayed the information to Mori.

  “Can you tell who it is?” Devin asked Turner and Mori at the same time.

  “No,” Turner replied. “He’s still too far away for me to be certain.”

  “Are you sure?” Devin asked Mori. Quickly searching in his pocket, Devin removed a small vial. Popping the lid, Arianna immediately recognized the scent: her grandfather’s blood. “Arianna, can you give Turner a small drop of your blood?” Devin asked.

  “But grandfather said…” Arianna replied staring at Molina.

  “He won’t do anything to Turner now. You’ve already announced he was going to be your custodian,” Devin replied.

  “I’ll be gentle,” he promised.

  Turner gently picked up Arianna’s hand. Pulling her finger to his mouth, he partially changed forms. Arianna watched curiously, as she hadn’t seen his lycan form before. His reddish brown hair slightly lengthened and small hairs began to grow on the back of his neck. Arianna felt a slight prick as he bit the tip of her finger. He changed back as soon as he let go of her hand.

  “Thank you,” he said softly, feeling
the strength of her blood rush through his.

  “Turner, sit down beside Arianna,” Devin directed. “Arianna, sit between Turner and the window and lean against him. Close your eyes and pretend to be sleeping.” Arianna followed his instructions. “It’s Michael Seeger,” Devin said to Turner.

  “But if he’s here, then that means…” Turner trailed off.

  Arianna lifted her head from his shoulder and looked at the two exchanging glances.

  “Arianna, pretend to sleep, or we’ll have to make you actually sleep,” Devin replied.

  Arianna pouted as she closed her eyes again. She didn’t want to be left out of the conversation, but Devin was serious. Placing her hand on Turner’s chest, Arianna suddenly had a plan to be part of the conversation. Using her nail, Arianna cut her own finger and Turner’s chest. Placing her bit finger over the cut on Turner’s chest, she connected.

  ‘Can you hear me?’ Arianna asked Turner.

  Turner smiled. “When did you learn how to do that?” he asked. Devin stared at Arianna and Turner. Devin nodded, as he understood.

  “When Gabriel visited me,” she replied, lifting her head and getting a stern look from Devin. “Okay, I got it. Sleep.” Arianna laid her head back down and listened to the group walking through the train cars toward the one she was in. As the footsteps neared, she tried to relax and picture everything without seeing it. Arianna listened to the slight clicking of Molina’s shoes as she met up with the second group that was waiting several cars away. Devin stood and opened the door.

  “Welcome,” he said, bowing his head slightly to the young man standing in the hallway.

  ‘Why is he being so nice?’ Arianna asked.

  ‘Because even Devin has to behave in front of purebreds,’ Turner replied.

  Arianna listened as the man entered and sat down next to Turner.

  “Been a while since I last saw you Michael,” Turner said, also standing and bowing to the men. “You didn’t make it down for her party.”

  “No, father was too busy,” the young man replied.