Read The Legend of the Blue Eyes Page 19

  “And my family has several baku and tengu in it,” Tish added. “Though the gene was lost somewhere in my parent’s generation.” Tish grabbed a fry also.

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Arianna complained, taking the fries from her friends and holding them hostage. “This past week has been so confusing. No one told me any of this before, and then it was just plopped on me.”

  “Your aunt asked us not to,” Mary Ellen explained like it was a logical answer.

  “She told me I couldn’t be your friend if I told you,” Tish replied with a better answer.

  “Then everyone was in on the secret but me?” Arianna asked. Mary Ellen looked to Tish and nodded.

  “But we didn’t know you were a purebred,” Mary Ellen quickly explained. “We just thought you were another dearg-dul who needed to be protected since your parents were gone.”

  “I’m not just a dearg-dul,” Arianna added glumly, grabbing another fry. Her friends hadn’t lied to her on purpose, but on orders from Aunt Lilly.

  “Of course not. You are the blue-eyed dearg-dul,” Tish added to what she had heard through the gossip.

  “Yeah, but after tonight I’ll also be a baku,” Arianna explained. “That’s why my aunt probably had to let you be my friend, Tish, even though she hates baku and tengu.”

  “I always wondered why they would let me be a friend with you once everyone knew you were a dearg-dul,” Tish replied. Tish actually didn’t take sides like most people and didn’t care what Arianna was going to be once she changed.

  “That makes no sense. How can you be both?” Mary Ellen asked. “It is so unfair. I just want to be one and you get to be both.” Arianna laughed, not being able to reply to her friend and her absurd suggestion.

  “It isn’t as fun as it seems,” Arianna replied. Tish nodded in empathy.

  “My cousin complains all the time. He said that it’s the blood that drives him nuts,” Tish reached over and grabbed another fry. Arianna’s mind drifted at the mention of blood. Turner and Devin were coming back now.

  “Do you know about everyone in school then?” Arianna asked. How much did her friends know since they were just day humans?

  “I don’t know who is, specifically,” Mary Ellen explained. “But in general, the jocks are mostly lycan and the musically inclined students are baku.”

  “Dearg-duls are mostly the smart students in student council and tengu are the artist students,” Tish added. “You won’t leave us for the student council, will you?” Tish complained. “Now that you can fit in with the other ones?”

  “I’m not musically inclined or smart, so I guess I don’t fit in with either,” Arianna assessed.

  “What’s it like having a keeper?” Mary Ellen asked, changing the subject after hearing the two boys return.

  “Do you get alone time whenever you want?” Tish added. Arianna’s cheeks flushed.

  “He’s not my keeper yet,” Arianna explained. “I just agreed last weekend to take him as a keeper someday.” Arianna tried to emphasize the word ‘someday.’

  “What about the blond one?” Tish asked. “Blonds are more my type.”

  “He’s just part of my PPU,” Arianna replied, remembering the conversation with Devin over the weekend. Outside the bedroom, he would only be her protector.

  “You’ve kissed them, haven’t you?” Mary Ellen was too perceptive. Arianna couldn’t reply.

  “Which one?” Tish asked, wanting the details now that they were getting somewhere.

  Arianna closed her eyes to answer, “Both.”

  “Both?” Mary Ellen and Tish asked in unison before they all burst into laughter.

  Maybe some things won’t change, Arianna thought, watching her friends.

  “Which one do you like?” Mary Ellen asked when she finally caught her breath.

  Arianna shook her head no, she wasn’t going to talk. Arianna began to blush as her friends jumped on her to tickle the truth out of her. Arianna squirmed and laughed more as they continued to tickle her and asked questions which she refused to answer. After all three girls were exhausted, they just lay on the floor and continued to giggle.

  “Girls,” Aunt Lilly said as she knocked on the door. “The game starts in fifteen minutes, if you’re going.”


  Arianna stood between her two best friends as they cheered the basketball team on. Devin had protested her choice of seat within the crowd of people, but she ignored him and decided to have a good time with her friends. Arianna wanted to be normal. Around her, the crowd was mainly lycan like Tish and Mary Ellen had explained. Down in the far corner was the baku, Andrew, from the morning choir room. He wasn’t watching the game at all, but just her. Arianna felt uncomfortable, but he wasn’t the only one watching her. Turner stood right behind her, cheering for the team and keeping her distracted from all the glances her way.

  “It’s ‘cause I’m so good-looking,” he explained, and Mary Ellen agreed.

  “Just keep ignoring them,” Tish replied. “Or see it as a sign of worship. You’re a goddess to them,” Tish teased. Arianna tugged on her friend’s ponytail.

  “I can ignore most of them, but I find Andrew’s stares hard to ignore.” Arianna looked across the gym and found him smiling more after her comment.

  “How about this,” Turner slid his arms around her waist, and Arianna blushed at the public display of affection. Andrew’s smile faded as he glared at Turner.

  “Not your boyfriend?” Mary Ellen complained only to Arianna.

  Arianna wanted to push his arms away, but with all the stares and curiosity around her, Turner’s arms were like a shield. Until the timer buzzed to end the game, Arianna stood with Turner’s arm around her. Cheers erupted around them as their school won by only three points. Turner raised an arm to cheer with the students around them but made sure to keep one around her. Arianna was actually relieved to not be left alone in the gym full of night humans.

  “Let’s go congratulate Chris,” Tish suggested. “Since he invited you to the game and all.”

  “She could at least leave one cute one for us,” Mary Ellen complained. Arianna punched her friend playfully on the arm.

  Tish grabbed one hand, and Mary Ellen the other, as they dragged Arianna across the court, which was now filled with people congratulating the team. Turner followed close behind. Arianna was so glad to use the excuse that she had hurried across the gym to explain her red cheeks to the captain of the basketball team, who was standing in his group of friends.

  “Hey girls,” Chris said, walking over to them.

  “Great job,” Mary Ellen added, smiling sweetly at the large guy towering over the three girls.

  “Hey, we couldn’t disappoint when we had such cute fans,” Chris responded.

  “Who are you calling cute?” Turner asked, hitting Chris up for a high-five.

  “The youngest Winter son,” Chris added, smiling at Turner. “Are you hanging around? We could always use another guard.”

  “I think we head back in a couple days. Sorry man,” Turner added. “Not technically enrolled here.”

  “Too bad. I heard you’re pretty good,” Chris replied and Turner shrugged. “So, is it true?” Turner smiled in response to the vague question. “Man, you royalty always get the good ones.” Arianna turned a brighter shade of red, knowing they were talking about her. “This is sort of embarrassing, but would you mind coming to meet my parents?” Chris asked, turning to Arianna. “They’re seated up towards the top in the parent’s section.” Arianna looked around the room. Devin was in the corner near the door.

  “It’s part of who you are now,” he said quietly, urging her forward.

  Turner smiled and grabbed her arm. “Of course,” Turner replied, also hearing Devin.

  Arianna climbed the stairs slower than her four longer-legged friends. While Mary Ellen and Tish chose to trail behind with Arianna, the two boys climbed ahead, continuing their conversation about the game. At the top of the stai
rs sat a couple that looked like they were ready for a fancy dinner, not a basketball game. Arianna couldn’t fail to see the resemblance between Chris and his father.

  “Hey dad,” Chris hugged the man who was smiling proudly at his son.

  “Great game,” he added. “And the winning shot, even. You played so well tonight.”

  “How could we not play well when we have the Randolph heir watching?” Chris added. Arianna was unsure if she liked the sound of that, the Randolph heir. “Mom, Dad, this is Arianna.” The two parents stared in both shock and awe at Arianna.

  “And I’m Turner Winter,” Turner added. “Sherwood? From the east coast?”

  Mr. Sherwood was pulled away from staring at Arianna to finally respond and shake Turner’s hand. “Yes, yes,” the gray-haired man replied.

  “I think I have a cousin living over that direction that talked about Sherwoods,” Turner explained. “A winery, if I remember right.” Turner turned on the charm, and fit right into the world she was now part of, where everyone knew everyone but she knew no one. Mary Ellen and Tish talked to Chris as Arianna drifted over, watching the people still milling around the school basketball court. The people were mainly human or lycan. Every now and then was a dearg-dul, and in the corner Andrew still sat with his constant baku companions. His blue eyes twinkled under his dark curls. An older man arrived through the exit door, and multiple heads turned to the slick-haired baku that entered with his personal guards. Andrew stood immediately, and followed the man as he left. At the door, Andrew paused and didn’t turn around as he said one word.


  Arianna shivered at the message meant for her.

  “Sorry we can’t join you,” Turner said, grabbing Arianna’s hand and pulling her close. “We have a previous engagement to attend.”

  “Would you mind…?” Mrs. Sherwood barely whispered her request.

  Arianna looked to Turner to try to understand what they were talking about, as she had been distracted by Andrew. Turner smiled before checking with Devin, who nodded his assent.

  “She’d like to see your eyes,” Turner explained. Arianna blushed more. The center of attention was getting more and more embarrassing. Her friends had stopped talking with Chris, and were now also staring at her.

  “It’s so embarrassing,” Arianna complained, though in reality, she just didn’t want to scare her friends. Everything would really change if they saw her as a blue-eyed monster. The more perceptive Mary Ellen understood and grabbed Tish’s arm.

  “Let’s go get our coats,” Mary Ellen suggested. Tish suddenly understood and agreed. Once they were back down the bleachers, Arianna turned to the Sherwoods. Her blue eyes gleamed in the well-lit gym. Mrs. Sherwood grabbed her husband’s arm in shock. Around her, Arianna heard the talking stop as every night human in the room turned to her.

  “We need to leave,” Devin said quietly from his position on the floor, as Molina’s boots clicked from her pacing behind the door.

  Arianna released her dearg-dul form and turned around to find everyone in the room staring at her. Awe and wonder filled the night humans as they bowed their heads towards her when she passed through them. Turner kept a tight grip around her as they made their way through the people milling around that were now frozen, watching her. Devin met her halfway, and created a protective bubble around her with Turner. Turner and Devin ushered Arianna outside to a waiting car. Tish and Mary Ellen said their goodbyes as they left also. Arianna climbed into the car and sat next to her uncle.

  “This is it?” Arianna asked as the car began to move. “I get to join yet another secret society?” she joked to hide her nervousness.

  “There’s no rush,” Gabriel replied. “We don’t have to do that tonight.”

  Arianna sighed. It made no difference now. She was already different. The people that walked down the streets were now different from her. Humans were different. Arianna watched each passing face: a girl smiling at a boy, a child holding their parents’ hands, an old man crossing the street. They had one thing in common: humanity. The stares in the gym told her that. As much as she wanted to return to her normal life, she couldn’t. She was no longer human.


  Arianna walked into the dimly-lit yard behind her uncle. The backyard of her uncle’s house had a large tent and tables put up. She wasn’t surprised to find more than a couple of hundred people milling around the backyard. Curious eyes looked up to her briefly, but most people continued chatting away with the person they were talking to. Towards the middle of the crowd, Andrew sat with the greasy-haired man from the gym. He was dressed in a formal tux, like the rest of the guests, but unlike all the curious glances, he continued to stare. Arianna shrank behind her uncle, and tried to hide behind his large frame. Molina walked around the perimeter, obviously irritated to be around so many of her enemies. Devin and Turner stood in the shadows, each watching the situation calmly.

  Gabriel ushered Arianna to the front of the tent, past all the guests. Now standing in front of another large crowd, Arianna wanted to hide, but Gabriel wouldn’t let her.

  “You don’t have to do this today,” Gabriel explained again, noticing her hesitation.

  “It’s the crowd,” Arianna replied. She could feel the hateful glares from the people that now realized she was a dearg-dul. Gabriel also noticed the stares.

  “After tonight it should get better,” Gabriel explained, and Arianna nodded. Arianna focused on the one person not staring hatefully, Andrew. His face was stoic, like the rest of the people around him, but he didn’t have any hate towards her. Instead, he radiated the complete enjoyment of being near her, as he had in the choir room. Arianna looked across the crowd to him, and he smiled slightly.

  “Then let’s do it,” Arianna replied, hiding her shaking hands. “What do we have to do?”

  “We need to do a blood test on you while you are awake and sleeping, in front of witnesses. Then, you will drink baku blood to cause the transformation,” Gabriel explained, his back still turned to the hostile crowd. Arianna nodded and wrapped her hands in her skirt to keep them from shaking.

  “Does it hurt?” Arianna asked, remembering the pain of transforming into a dearg-dul the first time.

  Gabriel shrugged. “We use the blood of the high baku to transform people. Our ancestors say that if you use the strongest blood it won’t hurt. With your level though, no matter what we do, it might hurt some for you.” Arianna nodded at her uncle’s honest reply. “Are you ready?”

  “Let’s get this over with,” Arianna replied.

  Gabriel turned and faced the guests. “Greetings everyone, and welcome to my home tonight. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves.” Gabriel’s gaze challenged anyone to object to his choice of guests. Molina took the brunt of the glares as she passed behind Arianna on her walk around the perimeter. Keeping her cool, Molina didn’t glare back. “I’ve asked you all here today to witness my niece as she joins us.” The room broke into whispers. Arianna listened from one group to the next.

  “Baku are male.”

  “Is she really his niece?”

  “But she’s a dearg-dul.”

  “Has the old man finally gone mad?” Arianna turned toward the sour voice beside Andrew. The greasy-haired man finally spoke. Andrew stared up at her.

  “No. She’s baku, uncle. I saw her asleep today,” Andrew replied. “And a very powerful one. More powerful than anyone before.”

  “But only one baku had that power. Travis’s daughter,” the man replied. “I thought she was dead.”

  Gabriel turned his head to the man who made the comment. He contained the anger that was beginning to flow out of him. The crowd quieted, assuming the anger was for their noise. Only Gabriel was listening to the greasy man.

  “Sixteen years ago, my nephew had a child. His wife was murdered the next day, and he went into hiding to protect his child. Travis was the strongest baku to come along in a century, but even more, his child was stronger than a
nything anyone had ever seen or heard of. Later, he was murdered also, so her grandfather and I decided to hide her,” Gabriel explained, and the murmur began again. Arianna turned to Andrew and his uncle, but the man didn’t say a word. “A week ago, she turned sixteen. We could no longer hide her, because she changed into her mother’s linage, dearg-dul. Today we will complete the change for her father’s linage, baku.”

  “That’s impossible,” someone in the front row commented.

  “Improbable,” Gabriel corrected. “Not impossible.”

  “But she can’t be both,” someone else complained.

  “This is why I have called so many witnesses,” Gabriel replied. “For she is both. Let’s begin.” Patrick walked to the front of the room with a bowl of water.

  “We need a drop of blood,” Gabriel explained. Arianna nodded and easily pierced the skin on her finger with her own sharp dearg-dul teeth before placing her hand in his. Gabriel dropped a bit of blood into the bowl and swirled it around. A faint blue shimmer occurred as it diluted into the water. “Dearg-dul.” Gabriel confirmed. “Next we need to put you to sleep and take another drop. Sit in that chair,” Gabriel pointed to a chair. A slight mist began to be blown onto it. Arianna walked over and sat down. She scanned over the crowd as she waited. She felt sleepiness coming over her, but every slight sound kept her eyes awake. The crowd watched and waited. Arianna waited in turn.

  Turner walked to the front of the room. “She won’t fall asleep that way,” he explained, as several people in the room hissed at him for talking. Gabriel nodded. “You just need her asleep, right?” Gabriel nodded again. Turner stretched out his hand to Arianna, who ignored the sleepy sensation and stood to take it. Outside the mist, her senses completely returned, and she was no longer sleepy.

  “I kind of have a problem sleeping,” she explained to her uncle. Turner pulled the chair out from beneath the mist and sat down, still holding her hand. Arianna sat down on his lap and carefully unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt. His skin was warm as she laid her face against his chest. It was warm and safe in his arms. Arianna unconsciously smiled as she pressed her face against his chest. In a room full of hateful and curious stares, there was nothing but love radiating from Turner. In what seemed like an instant to her, the beating of Turner’s heart had lulled Arianna to sleep.