Read The Legend of the Blue Eyes Page 22

  “You are saving her grandfather, so be it, but why Tricity also?” A tengu spoke up and asked about the city that was the center of their sworn enemies.

  “I feel the hatred everyone here has for my grandfather. That hatred also seems to be aimed at Tricity, but I doubt even one of you have ever been there. How can you judge that something is not worth saving if you have never seen it?” Arianna scanned the crowds, and no one would meet her glare. “Tricity is a place where any night human is welcome. They don’t discriminate against you, even if you choose not to visit. They welcome anyone to their city, and will as long as Lord Winter controls it. Can you even imagine someplace where you can walk around freely, unafraid that a day human that does not know will see your night form? Everyone there, night human or not, knows about this world. It’s the most inviting place for our kind that exists. If you can truly hate such a place, you are stupid, because you have never truly felt the freedom of a place where you can be yourself.” Arianna followed her uncle through the crowd that was now parting for them; he paused beside the family that was going to sacrifice their daughter.

  “If you want to repay your father’s debt, then become Arianna’s tengu for the year, and I’ll consider it repaid,” Gabriel said to the dark haired teenager, the older brother of Arianna’s sacrifice. His mother wanted to protest, but he held out his hand.

  “Is that a deal?” the teen asked, and Gabriel shook his hand.

  As they neared the cars waiting in the driveway, Andrew stepped forward from the shadows to follow them. Gabriel ushered Arianna into the waiting car and turned to the young man.

  “Do you need some help?” Andrew asked sincerely. Gabriel paused at the car door and stared at the young man.

  “You’d do that to impress a girl?” Gabriel replied.

  “I’ve already impressed her. I’m offering to help because it’s something she wishes to do,” Andrew replied.

  “And yet you also are still a minor, and I doubt your uncle will allow you to help us,” Gabriel moved to get into the car.

  “Actually, technically, I’m not,” Andrew pulled out a paper from his coat. Gabriel looked at it and gave it back.

  “Then head over to the airport with Patrick. He will need the most help at Tricity. I’ll go to the Randolph estate and put everything in order there. Turner’s older brother isn’t cut out for leading warriors. Get to their house and help him get the city back under control,” Gabriel ordered, and Andrew nodded. Arianna looked through the open car door to see Andrew nod and disappear as easily as he came.

  After a quick ride to the airport, Gabriel ushered Arianna from the car and into the waiting plane. Arianna sat nervously beside Turner as the plane took off. Turner reached over and took her hand to comfort her.

  “We will get there in time,” Turner replied. Arianna wondered where the confidence came from, as his father had also been poisoned.

  “It might not matter,” Arianna replied, remembering that her grandfather said that one would have to die to save the other.

  “Ari,” Gabriel interrupted, as the fasten seat belt sign clicked off. “You need to take some blood after doing everything tonight.” Arianna wanted to protest, but Turner stopped her. Turner began to unbutton the top of his shirt.

  “But I don’t use up my blood now,” Arianna complained.

  “You still use it up, just not as fast,” Devin explained. “Listen to your uncle.”

  “Feed, and then rest.” Gabriel directed. “This might take a while to sort out.” Gabriel tossed two packs of blood to Turner to drink before returning to his seat next to the young tengu from the party. Arianna listened to Gabriel talk to the boy as she bit down on Turner’s neck.

  “That doesn’t bother you?” Gabriel asked as the new teenage Thomas stared across the aisle.

  “I’ve never seen a dearg-dul feed before,” Thomas replied, still curiously watching the scene. “It’s not like everyone described. He doesn’t fear her at all. In fact it seems as if he is actually enjoying it.”

  “Were you waiting for Turner to run in terror?” Gabriel replied with a laugh. Thomas nodded slightly.

  “Does it hurt at all?” Thomas wondered.

  “Actually, no,” Gabriel replied, and Arianna was happy to hear someone actually say that.

  “Not even a prick, like a shot?” Thomas was astonished.

  “Not when there’s a connection between two people. It would hurt, let’s say, if she were fighting and bit someone, but as she is now, it does not hurt,” Gabriel replied, still laughing at the young man beside him. “When you choose a partner someday, baku do the same, but they just put you to sleep first.” Thomas nodded and continued to watch until Arianna was finished. She slid her head down to Turner’s chest and dozed off to sleep as he ripped open the packet of blood for himself.


  Arianna stepped down from the car and onto the long driveway that led to the Randolph estate. Molina and Devin were in front of her surveying the area, and Gabriel was behind her, protecting their backs as he made his own assessment. Nixon and Jackson were on one side, with Mica and Turner on the other, forming a complete circle around her.

  Molina briefed everyone as they began to slowly walk up the driveway, approaching the mass of injured people spread out on the estate lawn. “Mori said that the rebellion has been stopped for the time being, and many people are hurt. He is trying to track where it started to find out who is the leader, but someone erased all the surveillance footage. His advice is to proceed with caution, as the rebels may still be inside the estate.” The people on the lawn who were still conscious and able to move had organized into two lines to welcome Arianna back. From the front of the house a tall, thin man ran down the steps.

  “Molina, Devin,” the man called. “There’s been a rebellion. Lord Randolph is safe, along with Lord Winter, in complete lockdown in his apartment while we try to sort out all of the traitors. We are so fortunate Miss Arianna was not around.”

  “Situation?” Molina asked the head of the estate security.

  “At least fifty injured. I’ve found almost as many killed, but I haven’t been any further inside the house than the front rooms. We currently can’t get into Lord Randolph’s quarters to assess the situation there, but I expect there are no causalities inside, as he was at dinner with just Lord Winter.” Molina nodded, not giving away any of the information that they had. “Have you been able to make contact with your grandfather?” he asked Arianna, reaching forward to move Molina and Devin out of the way to talk to her. The flash of his estate ring caught Arianna eye.

  ‘Blue,’ Arianna said softly to Turner, who nodded and pushed her protectively behind him. Devin and Gabriel caught the same gesture and moved in on the tall man. Arianna swiftly hit the man’s knees before anyone else could react. The group all fell to the ground. A high-pitched sound whizzed overhead. Bullets hit the ground behind the group.

  “Where?” Molina asked.

  Arianna pointed northeast. “Tall building, three people; one whose voice I recognized.” Molina was instantly conveying the message to Mori.

  Devin looked to Turner, who was still holding down the chief of security. Turner picked up his hand and pointed to the ring. Devin nodded. Gabriel looked at the ring and then to Turner and Devin.

  “I have the only blue ring,” Devin explained. “The rest are fakes.”

  “That makes that simple enough,” Gabriel replied, as he switched to his baku form and quickly yet silently moved through the front yard, retrieving anyone with a blue ring and bringing them back unconscious. Molina couldn’t keep her mouth from dropping as the yard was cleared and they were left with a pile full of traitors. In only minutes, without making a sound, Gabriel had gathered everyone.

  “That should be everyone outside. Now, that is done, we need to get to the old man.” Gabriel returned to his human form. “How do we get inside the apartment?” he asked Molina, still-stunned.

  “Mori can give Arianna acce
ss from the roof. Once she’s inside, the system can be opened,” Devin replied for Molina.

  “But how do I get to the roof?” Arianna asked.

  “It’s easy for me in baku form, but you have never used that form yet. I brought you your own bird to fly you anywhere,” Gabriel pushed Thomas forward. “First, use your connection with Andrew to tell him the way to find the traitors, and then Thomas will take you to the roof.”

  ‘Andrew?’ Arianna asked, trying to focus on his blood, miles away.

  ‘One second,’ Andrew replied, and she closed her eyes to help visualize his movements. He moved quicker than Gabriel, and his movements were just as precise. ‘Is everyone fine there?’ Andrew asked.

  ‘Yes, the traitors are all wearing blue Randolph rings. White and red are the only colors that are real.’ Arianna explained.

  ‘So, do I get to take out your wonderful friend Devin the next time I see him?’ Andrew asked, as he took down two more people on his end of the conversation.

  ‘Devin is the only one that should have a blue ring,’ Arianna corrected. ‘And no. I’d never speak to you again if you were to harm Devin in any way,’ Arianna threatened.

  Andrew laughed. ‘I was just kidding. Thanks for the info. We’ll have this cleaned up in no time, princess.’

  Arianna opened her eyes to find only Thomas standing before her. Everyone else was going through the pile of traitors. Arianna looked around, Gabriel was gone.

  “He will meet us there,” Thomas replied, as Arianna finally saw the large black wings on his back. “If I were you I’d hold on tight.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. Arianna sucked in her breath and complied, though it felt strange to be so close to anyone besides Devin and Turner. Arianna felt her feet lift off the ground as she closed her eyes; she was afraid of heights. A moment later she was being set down on the roof. “You can let go now,” Thomas added.

  Arianna blushed, pulling her arms from around him. Gabriel was standing at the doorway waiting.

  “Mori got this open, but he will close it again once we get inside,” Gabriel explained. Arianna nodded and followed behind him. Gabriel paused in the doorway as he took one sniff of the room below. Gabriel turned back to Thomas, “Go back and tell Devin and Turner to get here as soon as possible.”

  Arianna heard the door snap shut, and the grinding of the metal protection barrier moving into place as she continued to follow Gabriel through her apartment to the staircase leading below. Arianna paused at the sweet, almost cotton candy-like, smell.

  “What is that?” she asked Gabriel in only a whisper.

  “Baku can sense death,” Gabriel replied. “In myth, baku eat dreams. That includes the dreams of people asleep, and those that lay dying.” Gabriel reached back and offered his hand to Arianna, who was still standing at the top of the stairs. “We must go help them, and not let on that we know how bad it is.” Arianna nodded and took her uncle’s hand. Gabriel led the way into the dimly-lit room below. He seemed to glide across the dining room to the two dying men.

  “Is that you, old friend?” Lord Randolph hoarsely whispered.

  “Who else could break into your house successfully, old man?” Gabriel replied. “And I brought your granddaughter.”

  “Ari?” Lord Randolph whispered.

  “Grandfather,” Arianna replied, before breaking into tears at the sight of her grandfather, who had been so strong, lying withered on the floor, unable to move, or even open his eyes. “I’m here. How do we help you?” she begged.

  “Arianna, listen to me now,” he paused to breathe. He straightened his frame slightly and opened his eyes as he spoke, showing the last flicker of the man he had been for a lifetime. “I’m an old man, and I’ve lived a long time. I’ve seen more than I ever wanted to see and lived more than one lifetime. I regret not staying to protect you, but that was never in the cards for me. I have trained Devin to do that, as he will be able to stand by you always. Follow his orders, and those of your uncle here, and you will be safe.” The regalness of the man before her faded as he slumped back down.

  “I entrust her to you now,” he spoke to Gabriel. “Now, go help Bran. The Tricity isn’t ready to be without him.” Lord Randolph pointed to a plate nearby that was smeared with his blood. Gabriel stood and took the plate across the room to where Lord Winter lay unconscious. He opened the large man’s mouth, and smeared the blood inside. Gabriel returned to Lord Randolph’s side and heard more metal clanking as the main doors to the apartment were flung open.

  Turner rushed across the room to his father and knelt beside him. Devin did the same to Lord Randolph.

  “It’s time to keep your promise,” Lord Randolph whispered to Devin. He coughed before speaking again. “Please, take her away. She doesn’t need to see this.” Devin nodded and followed this one last order from Lord Randolph.

  “He will be awake in a few minutes. He will be fine now,” Gabriel said to Turner, who was still holding his father’s hand. “Please join Devin and Arianna.” Turner stood and nodded, looking back at his father before helping Devin to pull Arianna into a standing position.

  “But,” Arianna began to complain. Gabriel tapped her forehead, and Arianna slumped into Devin’s arms.


  Arianna awoke to the commotion around her. The ballroom was filled with people rushing to help the wounded that were crying out. Devin was in one corner with an injured human, while Turner was running back to him with more bandages. Arianna stood and slowly walked through the mess of people. She could only faintly hear her grandfather’s heartbeat. He was still alive. Gabriel was near him. Arianna listened as she walked into the hallway without Devin or Turner noticing.

  “You should see it,” Gabriel said quietly. “She is magnificent. Everything we hoped for.”

  “I wish I had the chance,” Randolph replied quietly.

  “Now, with it complete, we don’t need to worry any longer. She had complete control. It’s truly amazing.”

  “Only Tiffany and Travis could make a child that unique.” Randolph paused. “I think the time is near.”

  “It’s been a good run, old man.”

  Arianna heard a shuffling sound beside her that brought her back to the situation around her. A cook was sitting on a table, the flowers that used to sit there were smashed on the floor beside it. Her leg was completely mangled, and someone had placed a tourniquet around her thigh to stop the bleeding. Arianna paused and stared at the woman, he scent was familiar. She smiled, despite her state, as people rushed between them. Two transformed dearg-duls rushed past, toward another down the hallway. All the blood was affecting the dearg-duls at the estate, but Arianna was still human. The blood didn’t affect her at all.

  “They are alright,” the cook said to Arianna.

  “Who?” Arianna asked.

  “Lilly, Dean, and Captain Lou,” the cook replied. Arianna stared at the human, wondering what she was talking about. “I talked to Lou just a few minutes ago. He recognized the smell of gas before the building blew up and took everyone out.”


  “You didn’t know yet?” the cook asked. “Sorry. I thought someone had told you—the diner blew up. No one had any contact, but Lou finally called me. He said he couldn’t get through to anyone else and that I should relay the message to you. I haven’t been in any state to find you this way.” She pointed at her leg.

  “The diner blew up?” Arianna asked, sitting beside the cook in shock.

  “Yes, the attack was planned well on all fronts. They were trying to perform a complete take-over. I think they were targeting you at the diner, and here they were going to kill both Lord Randolph and Lord Winter. At least, that’s what Lou thinks.” Arianna stared at the cook. “I suppose you don’t remember me. I’m Lou’s wife.” Arianna continued to stare at the woman. She smelled exactly the same as Lou. The cook laughed, and then grimaced at the jostle of her injured leg.

  “Don’t you need to get some help?” Arianna asked, conc
erned about the wound running from her thigh to her calf.

  “Nah. There are people more hurt than me. I can wait.” The cook pointed around the room. Many of the injured were bleeding worse than her.

  “If you wait, won’t you lose your leg?”

  “It’s not that bad. After they get to tending to the critical people, I’ll get my own little bag of dearg-dul blood and in a week or two it will be back to normal.” The cook didn’t seem to mind her leg as she waited.

  “Dearg-dul blood?” Arianna wanted to know she heard correct.

  “Yep. Haven’t you noticed how you can drink blood from humans and not leave a mark? There’s a healing ability in night human blood that can heal, not only their own kind, but day humans also,” the cook explained, leaning back against the wall. “I’m not going to die from this wound. Therefore, I sit here and wait for my turn.”

  “Can I test something?” Arianna asked the cook who nodded her head yes, although she didn’t know what Arianna was referring to. Arianna pricked her finger and dropped a drop of blood on the wound running down the cook’s leg before the cook could get out a protest. Turner came running from the ballroom with Devin and Molina close behind. Nixon and Mica came from down the hallway as Nelson ran up from the other direction.

  “What happened?” Turner asked, examining Arianna to find the source of her blood loss.

  “Nothing,” Arianna replied. “I just wanted to see if my blood worked like dearg-dul blood on humans.” The group heaved a collective sigh of relief.

  “Of course your blood works like a dearg-dul’s,” Molina replied. “I thought we’d already tested that theory.”

  “Then why don’t we use my blood to heal everyone?” Arianna asked.

  “Because your blood is much too valuable,” the cook replied, everyone looked to the now-healed cook. “Everyone made it out of the diner,” the cook reported to Devin, who nodded his response.