Read The Legend of the Blue Eyes Page 5

  “Did Gabriel tell you anything about the baku?” he asked, and Arianna replied by shaking her head no. Devin paused again, staring at Arianna’s questioning, bright blue eyes. She wasn’t making it easy for him.

  “Do you see many horror movies?” Molina asked, interrupting Devin, who obviously didn’t know where to take the conversation.

  “Sometimes, but not much because Tish gets too scared,” Arianna answered.

  “Did you know many things in horror movies are based on partial fact?” Molina asked. Dumbfounded, Arianna stared at her. She couldn’t understand to what Molina was referring.

  “Really? Like what?” Arianna wanted to know exactly what Molina wanted her to ask.

  “Like vampires,” Molina replied, and Arianna laughed.

  “Sure, and the tooth fairy too,” Arianna said flippantly, after she stopped laughing. Devin and Molina both stared at Arianna, neither of them laughing.

  “Remember, I said we needed to talk to you about what you are,” Molina added. “Rather, what your family is? Well, that would be the answer.” Arianna turned from Devin to Molina, and then looked around the room.

  “Is there a hidden camera somewhere?” she asked, lifting up the pillows on the couch near her. “Where is the person that’s going to jump out and say surprise?” Arianna continued looking around the room. “Did Mary Ellen and Tish put you guys up to this?”

  “We’re not joking,” Devin answered. “Molina is telling you the truth.”

  Arianna’s laughter began to turn to fear. She was sitting, locked in a room, with these two people she knew very little about somewhere in her grandfather’s home. How many turns did they take to come down to this room? Could she find her way back through the halls to the outside? Could she make it out of the room before Molina and Devin caught her? She had seen them fight. They were both strong. Devin cautiously moved from the couch across from her to sit beside her.

  “You are looking for a way to escape,” he said quietly. “You may leave at any time you like; we won’t stop you. Just know this, we may sound a little crazy to you right now, but we are the safest people for you to be with at the moment. We don’t want you dead like those men that took you.” Arianna stared at Devin. His kind voice and actions made her feel safe, yet she still was hesitating. “I promise you, we’re not crazy,” he tried to assure her. “Your grandfather was going to explain everything to you this afternoon when you met him. Your grandfather, like both you and your mother, is a dearg-dul. To be exact, you are a purebred dearg-dul.” Arianna was still confused. “Or what you’d call a vampire,” Devin added. Arianna continued to stare at him in disbelief. How could he talk so calmly about such a crazy idea?

  “She still doesn’t believe us,” Molina replied. “Which part is hard to understand?” she asked Arianna. “The part about vampires existing, or that you are one?”

  “Both,” Arianna replied.

  “Well, then we’ll start with the existence of dearg-duls. I can prove that to you,” Molina replied. “Because I’m one also.” Arianna unconsciously moved towards Devin as Molina’s face slightly changed. Her features grew more refined and elegant, her dark hair lengthened, and her incisor teeth grew longer. It was the face she saw in the dark cell moments before. Devin placed his arm around Arianna as she began to slightly shake in fear. Molina instantly reverted back to normal as she could also tell she shocked Arianna.

  “You asked this morning, when you woke up, about last night. I was told not to answer those questions before you met with your grandfather, but I guess I can now,” Devin said, as Arianna finally noticed he was holding onto her to calm her down. Arianna moved away from him too, still unable to trust him. “On the eve of a dearg-dul’s sixteenth birthday, a celebration is held. It’s held then because all dearg-duls complete their transformation on that day. We were all under the impression your birthday was tomorrow, and that’s why there’s a dinner and dance being held tonight. It’s to honor you joining society beside your grandfather.”

  Arianna leaned back against the couch. She could see they weren’t crazy, but it was still too much to take in.

  “Wait,” she said as a thought came to her. “My birthday isn’t tomorrow, it’s today.”

  “Correct,” Devin replied.

  “But I’m still me,” she replied. “You guys must be mistaken about everything.”

  Molina picked up a mirror and handed it to Arianna. Arianna hesitantly took it from her. Arianna stared at her own face in the mirror. No long teeth, Arianna thought. Arianna quickly turned to Devin as she smelled the scent of his blood. Devin gently pushed her hand to position the mirror back in front of her face. Arianna dropped it when she saw the face staring back at her. Gently, she touched her own face. It was different. Her teeth were a bit longer and slightly pointed, her skin cleared to perfect peaches and cream coloring, and her features refined to that of almost perfection. She looked more like a supermodel version of herself, than her real self. The mirror was not lying. She physically changed. With the scent of blood fading, Arianna stared at the broken glass on the floor.

  “But,” she began, not knowing what to say.

  “It’s not a life I wish upon anyone,” Molina said quietly. “Like us all, you are now trapped by the need for blood. Do you remember how sick you felt last night?” Arianna nodded. “Every time, when you need blood, you will feel that way.”

  “But vampires in the movies are always evil. They kill people for blood,” Arianna complained. “I don’t want to be that.”

  Molina smiled. “I only said the movies are based on truth, not that they are true. There’s a lot we need to teach you, but we don’t have time tonight. This is why Lilly and Dean brought you here to live.”

  “To live? So, I’m not going back?” Arianna asked. She already knew the answer to her question. There was no way she could now live amongst her friends in her hometown. She finally understood why Aunt Lilly wouldn’t give her date of return.

  “You need to stay here. For now, this is the best place for you. Everyone here, humans and not, know about night humans,” Molina replied.

  “There are more?” Arianna asked, now looking at Devin.

  “I’m human,” he replied, holding his hands up in surrender.

  “I wish we had more time to explain everything, but we need to get you to the dance.” Molina replied.

  “She needs to feed first,” Devin replied, digging in the winter coat Gabriel had draped over Arianna earlier. He tossed a plastic packet to Arianna. “Drink that before we leave,” he ordered, all joking gone; he was serious again.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “You don’t want to know,” he replied, knowing she would reject his order. Arianna stared at the packet in her hands unsure what to do with it. Devin took it from her and pulled at it until a flexible tube hung from it. He handed the packet back and disappeared into the additional room with Mori and Molina.

  As Arianna pulled the top off the tube, she immediately knew what she had been handed to drink. Arianna recapped the tube and stared at it. The scent was similar to Devin’s blood, yet somehow different. Dressed in a tux, Devin returned to the room to find Arianna still holding the full bag.

  “Are you still having problems?” he asked.

  “It’s blood,” she replied, disgusted.

  “And?” he asked, impatiently.

  “I’m not going to drink blood,” she replied.

  “You already have,” he responded. “I’m sorry if this is strange to you. You can get blood from drinking it, or injecting it, but we don’t have time to set up an IV.” Arianna nodded, but still didn’t uncap the blood. “Not this again,” he complained.

  “Again?” she asked.

  “You turned last night,” he explained. “To stop the pain, I gave you my blood. You drank only enough to slightly stop the pain before you passed out. At the safe house we brought you to, you refused to take any blood given to you. I figured this should be okay since it’s fro
m your uncle,” Devin continued to explain.

  “It smells like your blood,” Arianna agreed. “Why?”

  “That would take more time than we have to explain. Please, just drink the blood,” Devin begged. “We don’t want anything to happen before you meet your grandfather.” Arianna nodded, but still hesitated. In her hands, she was holding real blood. Arianna pinched herself to find she wasn’t dreaming, but she still didn’t feel like the situation was happening.

  “Fine,” Devin replied. “We will do this the easy way.” Devin opened the cap on the bag in Arianna’s hands. Reaching down to the table, Devin flicked open a knife, and pricked his finger. The blood began to bead up on the tip of his forefinger. Arianna felt her face go warm at the scent of his blood. Without thinking, she reached for his hand. Devin gently pushed the bag in her hand to her face. Arianna felt an urge inside her long for his blood, but she was satisfied with the blood from the bag. When she finished, Devin took the bag from her and recapped it.

  “Thank you,” he said. “Was that so difficult?” he added, quieter, almost for himself.

  Arianna looked around the room. The sounds had become louder, and the colors more vibrant in the dimly-lit room. Arianna could feel her senses increase as she took in the newly-colored room. Closing her eyes, she listened to Mori click on the computer in the next room. Molina was pacing behind him. Outside the door, she could hear footsteps at the end of the hall. Beyond the hall, faint music was playing amongst the soft laughter and talking of people. Arianna opened her eyes as Devin finally stood.

  “Everything is a bit clearer now?” he asked. Arianna nodded.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Though Molina makes it sound like a curse to be a dearg-dul, there are some benefits. Your senses are much more acute than before. You see more colors, even in the dark. You hear sounds better than normal humans. Your senses of smell, sight, and taste increase tremendously, and your sense of touch…” he explained, reaching for her face as Molina returned. He quickly pulled his hand back.

  “It’s time,” she said quietly.


  Devin gently offered his arm to Arianna as they approached large, gold-and–white-trimmed double doors. Two large men dressed in matching navy blue coats greeted them as they passed. Arianna clung tightly to Devin as the array of colors twirled before her eyes. In the grand ballroom of the Randolph estate, over four hundred masked men and women had gathered to celebrate with Lord Randolph the birthday of his only surviving heir. The women, all dressed in brightly-colored, formal, floor-length dresses, were being led by tuxedo-clad gentlemen. Many people dotted the large open floor as they waltzed around the room. Arianna paused at the sight. Devin smiled as he waited. It would be the party of the year, and with their matching masks, no one would recognize Arianna on Devin’s arm.

  Arianna continued to gaze over the room as Devin kindly ushered her along the back wall. Their faces all concealed by masks, the beautiful women were dressed in their best for such a special occasion. Shifting her gaze from the dancing people on the ballroom main floor, Arianna looked around the ornate, gold-trimmed room. There was a balcony above her, on which people lounged, watching the floor below as they chatted, but the raised platform across the room caught her complete attention. Sitting in a plush chair was an old man. He immediately stood out against the male guests in his deep maroon suit with gold trim. His eagle eyes gazed over the crowd, obviously searching and observing his guests. His hair was gray from the years and his skin slightly wrinkled. She couldn’t guess his age, but she knew instantly who he was.

  “Correct,” Devin whispered in her ear. With a brief nod from Devin to her grandfather, her grandfather’s face lit up with a smile.

  “It’s been years since he’s smiled so easily in a crowd,” a large, red-bearded man said, approaching Devin. The man grinned as he shook Devin’s hand. “You haven’t been up to visit in a while.”

  “I’ve been a bit busy babysitting,” Devin replied. Arianna pulled closer to Devin’s arm as the young man who was standing behind the bearded man peered at her. Arianna could feel the young man’s gaze past the mask.

  “The old man must be proud,” the fellow replied. “To finally have his granddaughter home.” Devin nodded. “Now that you have returned as well, don’t be a stranger. Come visit any time. You and Brenton have a lot of catching up to do.”

  “As long as there isn’t more work to be done,” Devin replied.

  “I’ll have to have a talk with James. He keeps you too busy. You’re only seventeen. You should be enjoying your youth, not working.” The man laughed as he walked away. The young man behind him didn’t speak, but followed the older man as he walked on to talk with the next group of people.

  “Who is he?” Arianna asked.

  “Lord Winter,” Devin replied. “He runs the Triclan City north of here, and he is a good friend of your grandfather’s.”

  “Why did the young man with him keep staring at me?” Arianna asked. Devin didn’t reply. “It seemed like he knew who I was.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Devin replied. “If anyone suspected, it would be him. He probably does know.”

  “But we’re wearing masks,” she added. Devin shrugged again. “How come Lord Winter seems to know everyone even if they’re disguised?”

  “His sense of smell is great,” Devin explained as the music changed. Arianna turned to the orchestra. She recognized the tune as the melody began. It was the same song the jewelry box was playing earlier in her room. Somewhere in her memory, she could recall hearing the song before.

  “This song,” Arianna began, as she looked across the room to her grandfather. “It has words, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Devin replied. “Would you like to dance?”

  Arianna shook her head no. “I don’t know how to dance like that.” She pointed to the people on the floor waltzing to the song.

  “If you can remember this song, you should remember how much you loved to dance to it,” Devin replied. “Besides, it’s easy for the girl. You just follow my lead.” Arianna tried to protest more, but being unwilling to let go of Devin’s arm in the large crowd of people, she had no choice but to dance with him.

  Devin led her to the middle of the dance floor. He placed his hand lightly on Arianna waist. Arianna’s heart began beating faster. Standing so close to a cute boy who had actually asked her to dance made her a bit dizzy. Hesitantly, Arianna responded by placing her hand on his shoulder. As he whispered directions in her ear and gently directed her with his grasp, Arianna began to slowly remember dancing to the same tune many years before. Devin easily maneuvered them between the people as they joined the large group twirling around the dance floor. Though only able to catch slight glimpses of her grandfather, the happiness within him seemed to overflow as he grinned at the pair dancing.

  “You said my senses would increase,” Arianna began, as they continued dancing. “But I also seem to feel what other people are feeling now.” Devin remained silent. “Like the old man over there dancing with the woman in the tight red dress. He is overly happy to be dancing with her, and she’s bored to death. Or the balding man across the room by the hors d’oeuvres table. He isn’t hungry but trying to waste time. He is nervous about something.” Arianna paused to wait for a reply Devin would not give. “Why do I feel these things?”

  “That will take much longer to explain. Let’s just say, for now, it was something you inherited from your father’s side of the family,” Devin replied. “Gabriel could probably tell you more.” Arianna nodded, though she hadn’t gotten the explanation she wanted.

  At the end of the song, Arianna quickly turned to her grandfather who was beginning to stand. The rustle of fabric caught her attention as a girl, who could be Arianna’s long-lost twin, rose and stood beside the older man.

  “Look familiar?” Devin asked, as he stood next to Arianna, staring at the pair. Arianna didn’t have time to reply as Lord Randolph stood on the edge of the
platform, and rapped his walking stick three times on the top step. The room hushed at the sound, and everyone dancing moved closer to the platform, forcing Devin and Arianna into the crowd of people. Devin placed his hands around her waist to keep her from being pulled farther away from him. Arianna felt herself blushing, but didn’t want to be separated from him either.

  “I’d like to begin by welcoming everyone tonight to this special occasion. It has been ten, long years since my granddaughter was given to her adoptive parents to raise, but I’ve thought about her every day. I knew some day she would return, but I didn’t know how happy it could make an old man like me to see her smile.” Lord Randolph talked while the young lady next to him smiled brighter.

  Arianna stared from her grandfather to the girl. Her grandfather was standing before everyone, truthfully telling everyone of his happiness, while the girl next to him was faking hers. Though Devin wouldn’t explain why, as her five senses had increased the past two days, also had her perception of people’s feelings. How could the girl appear to be so calm when she was impersonating someone? The girl slightly swayed out of fake happiness in a pink taffeta dress to Lord Randolph’s words. Arianna smiled, secretly happy to not be wearing the awful dress.

  “It is with great pride that I welcome our newest family member into the clan,” Lord Randolph ended as applause began. Panic set into the girl’s face as the crowd began to part.

  The crowd began to murmur as a person covered in a white cape walked between the people. Arianna listened from person to person around her to try to understand in her confusion.

  “But it isn’t midnight,” the lady in the peacock mask said to the short man beside her.