Read The Life Of Alexandria Drama Of Epic Proportion Page 16

  Chapter 16

  I walked into the back office and sat down in the comfortable chair in front of the desk waiting for Holden to be ready, I was surprised that no one was in the office even though he had told me that someone wanted to speak with me.

  "How long before this person gets here?" I asked wondering who it could be.

  "They are already here." He answered placing a laptop in front of me.

  "We're going to Skype?" I guessed.

  "No." He smiled hitting a couple of buttons on the keypad.

  The screen flickered to life with my mother in front of me as a video began to play. She looked sick indicating that she had recorded it right before she died.

  "Hello Alexandria, first let me say that I love you very much. As I am making this video I have the hope that we have began talking like mother and daughter before I died, if so let me tell you not to worry about the time we lost the time we spent together talking together was worth more than any time we were apart." She paused. "I know that you probably feel alone but trust me you are not, further more when it comes to money let me tell you that it won't be a problem so use it wisely. My funeral has already been paid for out of my earnings as well through the Morgan funeral home, all you have to do is set up the time that you want it done and get the announcements ready. Now I am sure you are wondering about the money I told you about, before your father and I were together I worked for many years, I kept a 401k and never touched the money in it. I had meant to save up money for a few years and then surprise your father with a massive gift but the longer we were married the more I realized I should keep it safe from him that is when I started taking steps to ensure you would be taken care of, I also set up my own life insurance policy and since I took care of the finances I set up the separate account for myself and you. Now that I have pasted away all of those holdings have been combined into one account that is solely under your control, assuming my calculations are correct along with the doctors timeline when I die you will have around four hundred thousand dollars." She smiled. "I told you that I would always take care of you and I always will, trust me when I say that your father won't be bothering you ever again. You have another surprise coming your way. I love you Alexandria and I am always with you."

  The screen went blank and Holden closed the lid to the laptop leaving me speechless.

  "I have the proper documents for you to sign right here." He said replacing the laptop with a small pile of papers.

  "What did she mean by another surprise?" I questioned.

  "That I don't know." He answered. "This is the first I have seen of the video and all I know about is the other things that she mentioned."

  "I wonder what she has planned." I said thoughtfully as I scrolled through the papers signing everywhere he pointed.

  "Your mother was an amazing person so who knows?" He shrugged.

  I finished signing the papers and then left the office heading home in a daze, when I got there I went into my room and opened up my laptop surfing the web looking for the Morgan funeral home, when I got the number I called and confirmed everything with the security for times and dates of the services and at the same time asked if they did announcements which they did and set that up as well.

  The two days waiting for the funeral to happen was nerve racking worse yet it landed on the same day as the trail I had to attend for the bogus charges brought up by my dad and Kevin so I was going to need to leave the funeral and head straight to the courthouse, not my idea of mourning properly for my mother. Originally the court date was set up for later in the week but after the notice came out miraculously the court date was moved, one guess on who did that.

  Hal and Katie practically lived with me for the days in between and had been the literal back bone of my support, together they kept me for breaking down more times than I can remember. The day of the funeral Hal told me he would have to meet us there because he had to take care of something, he was vague on the details of what it was which typically meant he was getting into trouble somehow or somewhere.

  I pushed that unpleasant thought from mind as Katie and I drove to the funeral home where everyone had already gathered and was waiting for me so they could start.

  More people than I ever imagined to come showed up, I had no idea that my mother was so well known and liked. Nearly everyone who came cried deeply and felt for me in an amazing way my mother hadn't been exaggerating when it came to how many friends she had made over the years while covering for my father's many indiscretions.

  When the funeral was completed I cried saying my goodbyes to my mother and apologized to the guests letting them know that I would be very late for the wake. My aunt took over for me from there as Katie, Hal and I went to the courthouse for my trail.

  With a deep breath I walked into the courthouse to meet my lawyer who was talking with an older man who had his back to me. As I walked up the man turned around and to my surprise it was the well known investigative reporter from channel four who had a reputation for getting to the bottom of things.

  "Ah Alex, so good to see you, this is James Garner from channel four news." Felix said.

  "Yes I recognized him from the television it's good to see you, how is it that I can help you?" I questioned shaking his hand.

  "As it turns out young lady I am here to help you." He smiled.


  "I was able to help with the aid of your mother, but everything will become clear during the trail. Shall we?" He questioned opening the door for me.

  Frowning for a moment I nodded at him and then entered the courtroom where my father was waiting in the seat right behind the prosecutors desk with my ex-boyfriend Kevin.

  I ignored them both as they shoot me glaring looks, Hal and Katie sat in the seat right behind me at the defense desk.

  The court case started off with the prosecution accusing me of everything except the Kennedy assassination, they had Janet and June as witnesses for the day I was at their house and some students (friends of Kevin's) for the day at school where I was made out to be the bad guy in the situation.

  When it was our turn Felix went to work cross examining the witnesses thoroughly and did a fair job of discrediting some of what they had said, after he had finished I was left with mixed feelings about how the whole thing had gone so far.

  "How are we doing do you think?" I asked.

  "Not bad so far but now when we call our witnesses is when the tables will really turn." He smiled.

  The judge called for our witnesses and to my surprise he didn't call me first instead he called Mr. Garner to the stand, Mr. Garner sat on the stand getting sworn in beaming like he couldn't wait to talk.

  "Mr. Garner what do you know about Mr. Richard Holt and the events that happened described so far in the courtroom?" Felix asked.

  "I have done an extensive investigation into Mr. Richard Holt, so I can't tell you fully about the events that happened on those occasions what I can tell you is that Mr. Holt cannot be trusted." He answered.

  "Objection your honor that is opinion and speculation." The prosecutor yelled shooting to his feet.

  "Sustained." The judge answered.

  "Your honor the witness is not stating an opinion if the judge would allow we will explain further." Felix explained.

  "Make your point quickly." The judge sighed sitting back in his chair to listen.

  "Thank you, your honor." He said. "Mr. Garner please explain the basis for your earlier statement."

  "With pleasure, you see after the unfortunate passing of Mrs. Holt I received a package in the mail containing a recorded conversation." He answered.

  "The defense would like to play the conversation and admit the conversation as defense exhibit A." Felix said approaching the bench.

  "Objection your honor Mr. Holt is a decorated and well respected member of the police force and he is not the one on trail here today." The prosecutor said angrily.

  "The defense is trying to establish creditability of the w
itness regarding the matter at hand and considering that he has spear headed this case against my client I believe this to be relevant to the case." Felix quickly rebutted.

  "Overruled." The judge announced.

  Felix walked over to the table and played the tape which to everyone's surprise had the recorded conversation that my mother had with my father the day he was looking for me in hospital. The look on my fathers face was priceless when he heard his many admissions played for him in the courtroom.

  After the tape finished Felix gave no one room to recover he was ready to go for the throat, it was time for the payback he had been waiting for.

  "Mr. Garner after you received this tape what did you do next?" He questioned.

  "I lunched a full investigation into the life of Richard Holt." He answered.

  "And what did you learn?"

  "Working in conjunction with internal affairs we learned that Mr. Holt has done several illegal dealings in fact the police set up a sting operation and are here now to take Mr. Holt into custody." He answered.

  As he finished several officers rushed my father and took him into custody listing off his many indiscretions when they hauled him away.

  "Sorry for the interruption your honor but the police department chose how and when to apprehend Mr. Holt." Felix apologized.

  "I'll take it up with the department later please continue." The judge said adjusting himself in his seat.

  "Did you find anything else out?" Felix said turning back to Mr. Garner.

  "Yes, we also found out that Mr. Holt has been sleeping with not only June Reno and but with her daughter as well Ms. Janet Reno. Mr. Holt took Janet Reno to a clinic to get an abortion but she refused to go through with the procedure, having her blood work and amniotic fluid on file we obtained a court order and had a DNA test performed, Mr. Holt is not only the father of her unborn child but he is also the one that gave her gonorrhea." He answered.

  June shoot to her feet and slapped her daughter before storming out of the courtroom with Janet trailing behind her.

  "I have heard enough given the evidence I have heard today I am dismissing all charges against Ms. Holt and this incident will be expunged from her record." He said hitting the gavel on the table.

  I couldn't believe that things had gone down like this, in the end my mother really did stay with me and protect me through out everything.

  "Congratulations Alex you are free to go." Felix said shaking my hand.

  I walked out of the courtroom a free woman with my life ahead of me, I had a good boyfriend and great girlfriend and most importantly I knew that no matter where I went or what I did my mother would always be with me.

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