Read The Light of His Sword Page 13

  Chapter Twelve

  The demon horde slithered back into the shadows of the trees as the fallen angel’s life slipped from him. Gabe staggered back toward the chapel clutching his stomach and dragging his sword behind him. Mike strode forward to meet him. Rafi climbed down inside the chapel to check on Cora and the children. Alyssa struggled to reach the top of the debris, jumped down to the grass and ran toward Gabe.

  Gabe collapsed in Mike’s arms. Mike lifted him easily and spun to head back to the chapel. Alyssa rushed up to them. “No! Please don’t let him die.”

  Mike frowned, annoyed by her outburst. “If you want to help him, go see if Rafi is done with Cora and the children.”

  Alyssa turned and ran back to the chapel screaming Rafi’s name. She climbed up the side of the debris as Cora appeared out of the rubble. “Grandma!” She gasped in surprise pulling her up on top of the debris. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes,” She said slightly out of breath from the climb. She turned around and reached down as Rafi lifted Samantha up to her.

  Alyssa reached down and helped pull Samantha up then lowered her down to the grass as Rafi climbed up with Cody clinging to his back.

  “Rafi, Gabe needs you!” Alyssa said quickly moving back to him.

  She stopped to stare at Cody, who was wide-awake and smiling. Rafi jumped down from the rubble and placed Cody on his feet then reached up to help Cora down. He offered Alyssa his hand and helped her jump down. Mike gently placed Gabe on the ground at Rafi’s feet.

  Alyssa knelt beside Gabe cradling his head as Rafi placed his hand on Gabe’s stomach.

  “Get your icy hands off of my gut,” Gabe managed a weak growl.

  “Shut up,” Rafi chided with a smile. “You almost managed to spill your guts all over the clearing. Another centimeter and the battle would have ended much sooner.”

  Mike leaned over Gabe and said, “You did well. That was Sarkus. He’s very powerful. He’ll have quite a chip on his shoulder now. You’ll have to contend with him again one day.”

  Gabe’s smile grew at Mike’s praise. “Does this mean that in the future, we will discuss the battle plan before it begins? So Rafi and I can have a larger role?”

  Mike chuckled, “Are you accusing me of hogging all the action?”

  Gabe smiled and looked up at Alyssa’s tear filled eyes. He reached out and touched her cheek. “Rafi’s touch heals quickly. I’m already out of danger.”

  Alyssa kissed him softly on the cheek. He reached up, pulled her face to him and kissed her gently. Turning, he sat up and pulled her against him. Rafi glanced at Mike whose face filled with a grimace. He turned and walked away.

  “I don’t care if you’re an archangel.” Alyssa whispered, “I won’t let you leave me.”

  Gabe smiled softly, “I wish it was that simple.”

  Rafi looked down at them and offered Gabe his hand. “We’ve got work to do.” He said pulling Gabe to his feet. “Are you up to it?”

  Gabe helped Alyssa to her feet and said, “I’m not going to miss this.”

  Mike called to them from the edge of the field. “Gabe, you’re with me. Rafi get the women and children back to the house.”

  “Where are you going?” Alyssa asked anxiously.

  “The compound,” Gabe flashed a wicked smile.

  Alyssa watched in awe as Gabe’s massive wings lifted him off the ground. Gabe and Mike flew high toward the clouds and disappeared into the darkness.

  Rafi touched her shoulder and said, “Let’s get everyone to the house. Cody is doing much better. I can finally heal the knife wound in his leg.”

  “Knife wound?” Alyssa asked following him.

  “When Cody had a choke hold your baby girl she pulled a knife out of her pocket and jabbed it into Cody’s leg. It saved her life.” Rafi chuckled slowing his pace so Alyssa could catch up.

  Alyssa frowned at him then turned to look at Samantha. She was sitting on Cora’s lap talking to Cody. “How did she get a knife?”

  Rafi shrugged his shoulders and said, “Mike’s taken quite a shine to her. He tends to be protective of those he cares about.”

  “So Mike, the high and mighty leader of the archangels, took it upon himself to give my little girl a weapon without consulting me first?” Alyssa snapped. “You do realize he’s out of control?”

  Rafi’s boisterous laughter filled the clearing. “That’s what makes Mike so incredible. He’s always on the edge; you never know whether he’s going to laugh or reign down total destruction.”

  “I don’t think there’s anything funny about that.” Alyssa mumbled.


  Gabe landed softly outside the gates of the compound beside Mike. Mike lifted his hand out in front of him. The gates exploded inward as the fence on either side collapsed. A pack of Rottweiler’s burst through the doors of the largest building. The dogs raced toward them snarling and barking. Gabe stepped forward and spread his arms wide as the dogs neared. They immediately slowed and lowered their heads submissively. Gabe slapped his thigh, and they trotted playfully toward him.

  “Good dogs,” Gabe said softly then pointed over to his right and said, “Sit!”

  The dogs trotted quietly over to the mangled remnants of the gate and sat down.

  As quickly as their wings appeared, they vanished, sliding back beneath their shirts. Gabe and Mike headed for the sanctuary. The gathering hall was dark. No one rushed to stop them or bar their way as the entered. Moving across the open area inside the hall they opened a large black door and headed down into the sanctuary. The basement smelled of incense and death.

  Mike and Gabe stood at the top of the stairs. Pulling their swords free they gazed down at the circle of elders dressed in hooded black robes. The sanctuary was nothing more than a large cement room bearing cryptic runes painted in blood across the walls. Walls lined with dog cages just big enough to hold a small child. A large onyx altar stood in the center. The altar held no runes or designs of any kind. They walked slowly down the creaking wooden stairs. The elders ignored them and continued to pray in a foul tongue that caused a fury to build inside Mike and Gabe.

  Mike broke into the circle shoving the elders aside. He strode directly to the altar. He raised his sword high and slammed the hilt of his blade down at the altars center. The altar exploded in a burst of black fire and collapsed into rubble. The elders held their ground silenced by Mike's deed. Each slowly pulled a shotgun from the folds of their robe and pointed it at Mike.

  Gabe walked into the circle to stand next to Mike. He whispered softly to the elders. “There is no need to fear us, we are your destiny.” He gazed at their hatred filled faces and added, “Fear eternity.” 

  The archangels exploded in a fury of white light as their swords struck down the elders before a single shot rang out. The walls ran red with the blood of divine justice as Gabe stepped over the disembodied corpses and moved toward the stairs.

  Mike followed trailing his hand along the stair rail. It burst into flames at his touch. Fire crept up the stairs in his wake. It followed them across the main room of the gathering hall. The flames quickly engulfed the hall as they headed toward the smaller buildings to its right.

  Lights flashed to life inside the nearest building. A woman appeared at the door. Gabe stood to one side allowing her to see the broken gates and said, “The compound is closing, please gather the women and children together quickly and wait by the front gates. Don’t be afraid.”

  They turned and walked back through the broken gates as sirens echoed in the distance.


  Samantha refused to go upstairs to bed. Alyssa leaned back on the sofa as Samantha curled up on her lap. Cody climbed up beside her, leaned against her and yawned. Cora turned the television to a children’s movie as Rafi built a fire. Alyssa glanced at his back now void of wings and wondered how they stayed hidden until needed.

  Cora turned to Alyssa and said, “I’m going to make some san
dwiches for everyone. I don’t think we’ll get much sleep tonight.”

  Alyssa smiled at Cora; the woman seemed to have a never-ending supply of energy. She was always in movement, cleaning, cooking or cuddling. Rafi turned from the fire and watched Cora walk into the kitchen. “She’s a gem.” He said softly glancing at Alyssa.

  Alyssa kissed the top of Samantha’s head as she dozed off and gazed up at him, “She’s so much like my mother.”

  “You’ve got a safe place here Samantha.” Rafi said leaning against the mantle and glancing down at his blood soaked clothing. “You can make a good life here. The kind of life that can help erase the past. A life Samantha can grow and thrive within. The people here are kind and helpful. If you allow them, they will become good friends. You don’t have to be alone anymore.”

  Alyssa locked eyes with Rafi and asked, “What if Gabe decides to stay with me?”

  Rafi answered, “It’s too dangerous, not only for him, but for you as well.”


  Moving to kneel before her, Rafi took her hands in his, “You could be targeted. Manipulating an archangel to fall would be a great victory for the enemy. It could change the course of our path toward Satan’s destruction. Unlike us, Satan refuses to accept his approaching fate. He’s always looking for a way to change the future. What if your love for Gabe gave him that opportunity, an opportunity that never should have happened? An opportunity that could delay the end of days and allow evil to extend it’s time on earth. Such an event would cause millions of people to suffer needlessly and die before their time. The chance to add another fallen archangel to Satan’s entourage would be an overwhelming temptation for him. An archangel has not fallen since the Great War.”

  Rafi squeezed her hands and added, “Mike may be our greatest warrior, but Gabe has the strongest will among us. Where Mike is wild and ferocious in the face of evil, Gabe is the voice of calm reason. Gabe is more than just a divine champion; he’s a guide, a mentor to us all, angel and humans alike. If he were to fall, his failure would be catastrophic. He can’t… we can’t afford to allow him to take that risk. Alyssa, you have to let him go. You need to concentrate on Samantha and your grandmother. Give your life to them, to your future children. Listen to Cora’s guidance and find mortal love. You cannot ask Gabe to stay.”


  Mike and Gabe flew high over the forest surrounding Cora’s farm. There was no sign of any demonic activity. Mike touched down in the small meadow where they faced the demon that possessed Cody. Gabe landed softly beside him.

  Mike walked slowly across the meadow until he reached the edge of the ravine at the far end. He turned toward Gabe and waited as he followed, coming to stand beside him. Gabe gazed into the dark hollow and listened to the sounds of crickets calling out to the night.

  Mike followed his gaze into the darkness, “This battle is only the beginning.”

  Gabe nodded, “We knew this day would come.”

  Mike turned to face him. “It’s important that we tread slowly and carefully. We must be more vigilant than ever before in the choices that we make.”

  Gabe locked eyes with Mike, “You have no right to lecture me on a relationship with a mortal.”

  Mike held his gaze and said, “You’re right; I’ve allowed myself to indulge in less than appropriate relationships during my time on earth. However, I have never allowed myself to fall in love. We both know of all the archangels; I must distance myself from these people. I cannot dispense justice when a soul stands before me if I am emotionally attached to everyone. You, on the other hand, are a messenger, a communicator. Your duty requires a close and intimate relationship with man. But, there is a line that must be drawn. A line that should never be crossed; no matter what the temptation. Gabe, there are some battles that you cannot win.”

  Gabe’s eyes narrowed, “Are you saying I’m weak?”

  Mike flashed a wicked smile that gleamed in the darkness, “I am cautioning you. I have always considered you an equal. We are both to play critical roles on the last day. I may be indulgent and reckless at times, but I would never do anything that would force me to sacrifice that honor.”

  “You don’t think your promiscuity has been frowned on?” Gabe asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “I know it has.” Mike’s grin waivered slightly. “That is something I will have to face in the end.”

  “And yet you still bed whatever mortal suits your fancy?”

  Mike’s grin vanished, “Never in the name of love.”

  Gabe sighed and glanced up as the moon peaked out from behind a large cloud. “Have you ever considered that I may be the key to Alyssa’s prophesy?”

  “I have,” Mike answered as his wings opened and began to beat. “But, what if you’re not?”

  Mike pushed off and soared across the trees. Gabe gazed silently after him.


  Alyssa carried Samantha, then Cody up the stairs and put them to bed. She sat on the end of Samantha’s bed gazing at her. She was so beautiful, so sweet. Alyssa’s head snapped up suddenly, and she went to Samantha’s side. Gently searching her pockets, Alyssa slowly pulled a small compact knife from Samantha’s front pocket. She gazed down at it in the darkness. She pushed the little button on the side and the blade popped out.

  Frowning at the three-inch blade Alyssa glanced over at Cody. The poor little guy. It must have hurt something awful when Samantha stabbed his little leg. Alyssa’s frown vanished as she turned to gaze at Samantha again. Mike had not asked her permission to give Samantha the knife, but Rafi said it had saved her life. How can she be angry with Mike for that? How could such a ruffian be an archangel?

  Alyssa headed downstairs and found Cora placing a plate of sandwiches on the kitchen table. Cora glanced up at her and said, “Rafi’s in the shower; he was beginning to smell pretty sour. I had to insist. It’s funny how he and Gabe can both fit in your grandpa’s old clothes, not Mike though. He’s as tall as a barn, and his shoulders are twice as wide. He reminds me of your uncle Patrick; he was born to play football. He would have gone professional if he hadn’t shattered his knee in his senior year of high school.”

  Alyssa smiled and went to pull a pitcher of lemonade from the refrigerator. Cora turned and headed to the stove adding, “I made some vegetable soup. Do you think the boys will be back soon?”

  The front door opened in response. Alyssa rushed into the hall to find Mike striding toward her; his wings had vanished. She leaned to the side to glance past him, but Gabe was not there. Mike walked past her without a glance saying, “He’ll be here shortly.”

  When he reached the kitchen, he asked loudly, “Woman? Do I smell chicken?”

  Walking boldly up behind Cora, Mike kissed her cheek. Cora gasped and giggled like a school girl answering, “Chicken Vegetable soup; it won’t kill you to eat a few vegetables young man.”

  “I would eat anything your magical hands produced Cora.” Mike countered grabbing the pot from the stove and holding it while she rushed to get a serving bowl.

  Walking out onto the porch Alyssa glanced up at the cloudy sky. A sudden movement on the roof of the barn startled her. She staggered backward as Gabe stepped off the roof and glided slowly down. Alyssa heart raced as their eyes met. Gabe said nothing as he moved toward her. His wings vanished slowly behind him as he walked across the gravel drive.

  Gabe moved slowly up the steps; his eyes never left Alyssa’s. He stopped before her and slipped his arms around her waist. He pulled her close so slowly Alyssa nearly lost control of her mounting desire. Her breath came in gasps as she slid her hands up his arms to his shoulders. When her fingers touched the bare skin of his neck Gabe pulled her against him and kissed her hard. She clung to him lost in the fire of his kiss, tears streamed down her face.

  When they finally separated Alyssa whispered through her tears, “I will never forget you. I wouldn’t have made it home without you.”

  Gabe’s eyes grew darker betray
ing the depth of his emotion. He brushed a tear from her cheek and said, “You’ve given me a great gift Alyssa. A gift I’ve never known before.” His voice was deep and guttural, “You and Samantha mean so much more to me than you’ll ever know. I will treasure this time. You are a special woman, so strong and brave. Samantha is lucky to have you in her life. I promise you; you will never be alone. I will always be with you. If you ever need me, just call my name, and I will come.”

  He kissed her softly.

  Suddenly a commotion came from inside. They rushed into the house to find Rafi and Mike in a heated argument in the kitchen. Rafi shoved Mike against the kitchen wall and said, “You had no right to erase him from his parents’ lives. Cody is not a threat!”

  “We don’t know that.” Mike said softly, “It’s best that he stay with us now.”

  Gabe asked, “Us?”

  Mike explained, “We’ll have to find a place for him where he can be closely supervised. I will not be responsible for unleashing the next serial killer on the world.”

  Rafi released him and stormed into the living room.

  “Gee Mike,” Gabe frowned at him, “I’d suggest a solitary convent on top of a mountain somewhere, but he’s a boy.”

  “Actually there is a monastery in Northern Utah that’s practically deserted.” Mike locked eyes with Gabe.

  Gabe held his gaze and walked slowly toward Mike as his face flushed with anger saying, “Wonderful, let’s put the poor kid in a wilderness retreat with a bunch of old men who’ve taken a vow of silence and expect him to grow up normal.”

  Mike’s eyes flashed with warning. He answered Gabe in a low seething tone, “Don’t let one decent victory go to your head. I won’t hesitate to beat the superiority right out of you.”

  Gabe stepped closer undaunted by Mike’s threat and said, “The world doesn’t work that way anymore Mike. You can’t just toss that kid in a hole and check back in ten years to see how he’s doing.”

  Mike locked eyes from Gabe as he answered, “If you don’t like my decision then perhaps we should go old school and kill him.”

  Rafi spun and raced toward Mike his face red with fury. Alyssa stepped back surprised by the depth of anger on Rafi’s face. Gabe turned and stepped in front of Rafi. He took hold of his shoulders and forced him back. They both knew Mike did not issue hollow threats. He was completely serious. Gabe forced Rafi to look at him as he said softly, “Rafi, I won’t let that happen. Let me talk to him.”

  “Yeah,” Mike snapped from behind him, “Let the archangel of communication talk to me about saving the world. That’s the uppermost thought in his mind these days.”

  Gabe turned to face him. “Don’t take your anger out on Cody. He’s an innocent young boy. Aim it at me, where it belongs.”

  Mike stepped toward him and said, “I’m not the one who’s confused, Gabe. I’m focusing on what needs to be done. I’m determined to keep us all on track.”

  “Cody is not altering that path.” Gabe held his ground. “Undo what you’ve done. He’s been through enough, taking him from his family is not what he needs right now.”

  “I’ve made my decision, he’s not going back.” Mike moved closer, his eyes burned with challenge.

  “Should we take him on a long walk into the woods then? Do you want to leave him for the wolves to raise?” Gabe growled.

  Mike laughed, “Perhaps we should create a kingdom for him. A castle made of stone with white knights and a fairy princess to wait upon him.”

  “It’s so easy for you, isn’t it Mike.” Gabe leaned menacingly closer to Mike’s face. “You’re so good at making a quick decision, and tossing the problem at someone else so you can move on to greater things. No looking back, no second-guessing. You just wave your hand and it’s done. Well this time it’s not going to work, this time you’ve gone too far. Rafi made the call, he said Cody was going to be fine. Rafi got to him as soon as he was free of the demon, there was no time for evil to grow inside him. The odds are the kid will grow up to be a normal, decent human being.”

  “I disagree,” Mike said softly, his eyes flashed with warning, “I’ve seen this before. He may seem fine now, but he’s not. He’ll turn and when he does people will die.”

  Rafi stepped up beside them and said, “Then he’s your responsibility. You must teach him how to control the evil the demon left inside him; so he’s prepared when it surfaces. You made this decision; you should accept the responsibility for his life.”

  Mike’s eyes never left Gabe’s as he said, “Perhaps Gabe should take the boy under his wing. It seems to be the direction he’s heading anyway. After all, coddling mortals has been a favorite pastime of his for a very long time. At least Cody won’t lead him toward destruction.”

  Gabe’s face suddenly went blank. He stepped back from Mike and spun to stare at Rafi. Gabe turned slowly to face Alyssa, who stood behind him taking in the scene as his face took on a sudden glow of realization.

  “Alyssa, do you believe in fate?” He asked reaching out to take her hands in his.

  “I don’t know what I believe these days. I’m actually pretty confused.” Alyssa admitted allowing him to pull her near.

  Gabe slid his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. “Very few Angels have fallen since the Great War, none of those were Archangels. It is believed that earthly love will lead to an angel’s downfall faster than anything else will. I don’t think that’s true. I believe archangels are strong enough to overcome any temptation, no matter how great. I believe I am strong enough. But, I need you to understand there will be times when I’ll be called away. Times you won’t know where I am or when I’ll return. If you can accept that, then I think we have a chance.”

  Alyssa melted against him, wrapping her arms around his neck, “As long as you promise to return, I will wait for you.”

  When their lips met, the world fell away.

  Mike stepped toward Gabe, but Rafi barred his path. He met Mike’s gaze and said, “You have no say so in this, Mike. Gabe is free to choose his own path. He’s making an honest choice; he’s not looking for mindless sex.”

  Mike’s eyes narrowed, “I won’t condone this.”

  Gabe turned to grin at him, “Perhaps not, but you just made it possible.”

  Mike turned to look at him. “Do you honestly think you can fool the enemy into thinking you are staying behind only to care for the boy?”

  Gabe flashed Mike a brilliant smile and said, “I’m willing to take that chance.”

  Mike grimaced, “If something goes wrong, I won’t offer you mercy.”

  “I won’t ask you to.” Gabe said softly.

  The end

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