Read The Light of His Sword Page 2

  Chapter Two

  Waking with the dawn was a daily routine at the compound. Alyssa was shocked to discover they’d slept until almost 10am. Samantha cuddled close to her mother in the night. She lay sleeping on Alyssa’s shoulder. Alyssa wrapped her arms around her and kissed Samantha’s forehead.

  “Time to get up my darling.” She said giving her a hug.

  Samantha stretched, opened her eyes and smiled up at her mother. “This was the softest bed I’ve ever had.”

  “Yes, it is wonderful.” Alyssa agreed, “I bet grandma’s beds will be just as soft.”

  “Does she have a puppy?” Samantha frowned, as she sat up in bed.

  “I’m not sure,” Alyssa, answered softly, “She always has a dog. When I was little her dog was a sweet cuddly farm dog not a guard dog like back home.”

  Samantha considered her words then climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom. A few minutes later, she appeared with their clothes. They dressed and headed to the restaurant for breakfast.

  When they entered the small dining room, Samantha broke free of her mother’s hand and rushed to a table where Gabe sat eating breakfast. He rose as Samantha reached him and offered her hand. Chuckling, Gabe shook her hand and glanced up at Alyssa as she approached.

  “We keep running into each other.” He said with a smile.

  Alyssa couldn’t help but smile back at him as she took Samantha’s hand. He was dressed in another flannel shirt, this time it was a deep blue to match his eyes. “Yes we do.” She agreed, uncertain how to proceed she added, “Have a nice breakfast and travel safely.”

  “Thank you,” His smile softened, “Same to you.”

  She led Samantha to a table across the room. It was best they didn’t get too close to anyone right now. Gabe was very kind, but she was not used to dealing with anyone outside of the compound, and it was best to keep to themselves.

  They sat down and ordered breakfast gazing out the window at the beautiful fall day. The leaves had changed to gold and red hues. Stray leaves skittered across the parking lot to land in the grassy area at the far edge of the two-story hotel. Alyssa’s eyes followed a large leaf as it danced across the parking lot.

  “Mommy,” Samantha’s voice trembled when she spoke.

  Alyssa reached for her and pulled her near. Samantha’s eyes were wide and full of fear. Time seemed to slow as Alyssa followed her gaze, knowing what she was going to find. Her breath left her as three men walked inside. The first man was tall and thin with graying hair at his temples. It was Walton. He wore the same light gray shirt and black trousers all the elders wore. He stopped just inside the door waiting for the others to come to his side. The second man, Maxwell, was slightly shorter but more muscular with shoulder length mousy brown hair and black eyes. The third, Orson was a very large, stout man with no hair and just enough teeth to chew soft food.

  Gabe sat facing Alyssa. He saw the stricken expression on her face and turned to watch the elders walk slowly toward her. Tension filled the air. Samantha slid from the booth to hide under the table. Alyssa forced the image of Walton writhing on top of her from her mind. She wasn’t in the compound now. She was free. He could not take her if she were strong.

  Walton stopped at the edge of her table. He glared at her with open disgust. His eyes burned with anger. Alyssa felt a familiar intense fear rising up inside her. She could feel the evil emanating from him. It snaked up her nostrils. It left a metallic taste on her tongue. His very presence seemed to pull all the happiness out of the air.

  Maxwell and Orson stood behind Walton as he whispered through clenched teeth, “I thought your first little jaunt would have taught you a lesson.”

  Alyssa forced herself to hold his gaze and said, “It taught me everything I needed to know.”

  Walton’s smile dripped with fury, “Then you understand the price you must pay.”

  A whimper came from under the table as Samantha began to cry. “Make him go away mommy! Make him go away!”

  The fear in her daughter’s voice fueled Alyssa’s ire. “Leave us alone.” She said loudly, glancing at Gabe to find he was on his feet and headed their way.

  “Are these men bothering you Miss?” Gabe’s voice held a commanding air.

  Walton turned his iron gaze on Gabe. He recognized Gabe from the café. He hesitated only a moment as his face screwed into a knot of anger. Walton said in a seething tone, “This woman is my wife, and that is my child. Stay out of it.”

  Gabe ignored Walton, his gaze never left Alyssa. It was clear he was waiting for her to respond. She felt a sudden surge of energy rush through her. Gabe’s presence gave her hope.

  “I don’t want to go with them.” She said confidently reaching under the table to take hold of Samantha’s arm and pull her gently up onto the seat.

  That was all he needed to know. Gabe moved closer, standing nose to nose with Walton. His whisper dripped with venom, “You heard the lady; you can leave now, or I can help you out the door.”

  Walton’s eyes flashed with challenge. Yet he turned his back on the annoying stranger and glared at Alyssa with open hostility. His face contorted in a deeper rage than Alyssa had never seen before. Maxwell and Orson stepped between Walton and Gabe. Walton growled, “Get up you little bitch. We are going home.”

  Once again, time seemed to slow to a near stop as Walton reached out and took hold of Samantha’s arm. Alyssa watched in shock as Gabe flew into action. He punched Maxwell in the face breaking his nose. In one swift movement, he reached out to catch Orson in mid-lunge and tossed him to the floor. Orson jumped up as Gabe turned on Walton and grabbed him by the throat. Walton released Samantha as Gabe jerked him away from the table and threw him to the floor.

  “Go!” Gabe ordered Alyssa as he turned to face Orson.

  Alyssa scooped up the terrified Samantha, who buried her head in her mother’s chest. She ran out the door and raced to their car. Alyssa didn’t stop to look back at the melee; all she wanted to do was escape.

  Gabe made quick work of Orson with a few select punches to his face and groin. Walton jumped on Gabe’s back before he could turn to face him. Gabe leaned forward using Walton’s momentum against him. He pulled Walton over his head and sent him reeling into a nearby empty table. Gabe stood over the elders waiting. They did not rise to face him again.

  He turned to the waitress who stood near the entrance gawking at him and said, “I’m sorry for the damage. Have the manager add the cost of the table to my bill.” Gabe flashed a glance of warning at the elders then headed toward the door.

  The waitress nodded blankly and stared past him at the men he left behind.

  Gabe stared after Alyssa’s car as she sped off down the highway. His eyes grew dark as he glanced to the spot where her car was parked. A large oily spot stained the pavement. Her trouble wasn’t over. Moving to the only other car parked near the diner, Gabe pulled out a small pocketknife. He drove the knife deep into the two right tires. Turning back toward the diner Gabe met Walton’s glare as he stood staring out the window. Walton’s breath came in gasps as his rage swelled. He shot daggers at the unknown hero but made no move toward him. Gabe climbed into his truck and headed down the road after Alyssa.

  “Find out who he is and kill him.” Walton barked to Maxwell as he headed for the door.

  Samantha clung to Alyssa with an iron grip, unwilling to release her as they rushed furiously down the highway. Alyssa forced herself to drive faster and faster, terrified the elders would overcome Gabe and find them again. How could this happen? How could they have found her? Her mind raced. She gasped as she realized she was still on the same highway that led out of town. She couldn’t have been any easier to find. She had to get off this road and fast!

  Alyssa wrapped her arm around Samantha and pulled her close saying, “Its okay honey, mommy won’t let Walton and the bad men get close to us again. Everything is going to be fine.”

  Samantha gazed up at her through tear-filled eyes and said,
“Gabe saved us, do you think he’s okay? Is he a good guy?”

  “I think so, sweetie.” Alyssa whispered softly. She hoped there were more kind men like Gabe in the world.

  Suddenly, Alyssa’s car began to sputter and jerk. She glanced down at the gas gauge thinking she’d forgotten to fill the tank, but it was full. The car began to slow, and the sputtering became worse. Alyssa’s heart leapt to her throat as she pulled onto the shoulder and stopped.

  Her breathing came in gasps as she fought to control her fear. She glanced in the rearview mirror. No one was behind them. Alyssa sat there staring at the steering wheel desperately willing the car to move forward. She looked down into Samantha’s big eyes and smiled weakly. They couldn’t just sit there and wait for the elders.

  “I guess we are going for a walk.” She said as cheerfully as she could muster.

  The air was cool, but the bright sunshine kept them warm. They walked along the side of the two-lane highway. Alyssa tried not to glance behind them too often in fear of frightening Samantha. She had no idea how much money the credit card held. Would she be able to purchase another car? Her parents brought her to the compound on a bus. She recalled changing buses in a large city before they arrived at the compound. Perhaps the card held enough money for a bus or train. How would she find them? Panic welled up inside her. Why hadn’t she been more prepared? Why hadn’t she thought to ask her grandmother to send her information on trains and buses? Why hadn’t they thought of a backup plan should something go wrong?

  “Ouch! Mommy!” Samantha moaned, pulling on her mother’s hand. “You’re squeezing my hand too hard.”

  Alyssa released the strong grip on her daughter’s hand, not realizing her panic extended into her fingers. “I’m sorry sweetie.”

  A low hum came from behind them, and they turned to find a semi-truck coming down the highway toward them. Alyssa’s heart leapt when she recognized it was Gabe’s. He slowed when he saw them and pulled onto the shoulder just head of them. They rushed to the passenger door as he swung it open.

  “Car trouble?” He asked with a knowing smile, “I noticed after you left that you were leaking oil. Did it freeze up on you?”

  “I’m not sure; it jerked and sputtered, then died.” Alyssa said breathlessly, his blue eyes still made her heart pound.

  “Well, climb on up,” Gabe slid back into the driver’s seat. “I’ve got a bench seat in the back for Samantha. We can talk about your options while we drive.”

  Relief washed over Alyssa as they climbed into the truck and started down the highway. She glanced back into the sleeping compartment as Samantha bounced up and down on the tan bench that also served as a bed. The truck smelled like fresh pine. Alyssa looked at the gauges on the dash and found a green pine tree shaped piece of cardboard hanging from a knob on the console.

  Alyssa smiled and turned to Gabe saying, “You seem to have the knack of always being in the right place at the right time.”

  Gabe grinned, concentrating on the road and answered, “Basically it’s because there’s only one main highway heading east to Nebraska from this area, and we’re on it. I’m on my way to Cleveland via Denver and St Louis. Where are you headed?”

  Alyssa hesitated, should she share that information with him? She chastised herself for being paranoid and said, “Indiana, to my grandmother’s farm just outside of Muncie, near a small town called Bryant.”

  “South of Fort Wayne,” Gabe answered, “I know it well.”

  Alyssa gazed at his perfect skin, broad shoulders, and wavy hair. He truly was the most handsome man she had ever seen. She said, “I want to thank you for helping us. I don’t know what we would have done if you hadn’t been there.”

  “I did what any man would have done, given the situation. A young lady and her child being harassed by three men is not something people in these parts will tolerate. Besides, if you had put up enough fuss and kept resisting, they would have called the Sheriff.”

  “That’s good to know,” Alyssa offered unsure of how to answer his modest response.

  “Do you mind if I ask what your situation is?” Gabe glanced at her.

  “I left our... home to avoid abusive behavior.” She stammered.

  “I understand,” He answered softly. “Your husband has a wicked temper.”

  “He’s not my husband,” She answered quickly, and with more venom than she intended.

  “And Samantha?” He asked.

  “She is his child, but not by my choice.” Alyssa answered gazing out the window beside her.

  Gabe whispered softly. “I’m so sorry.”

  Alyssa said softly, “Rape is an everyday occurrence where I come from. I had to get Samantha out before it became part of her life. The compound is not safe for children. Walton is a cruel, heartless leader. He allows terrible things to happen there. I will never go back, and I will never allow him to take Samantha. When I get to my grandmother’s, I’m calling the police and telling them everything.”

  Gabe’s jaw clenched as she spoke, but his voice remained calm, “You’re very brave. What will you do now?”

  “My grandmother sent directions to her farm. I’ll have to find another car.” Alyssa answered with confidence.

  Gabe’s expression softened, “How are you going to do that?”

  Alyssa stared at him in silence. She glanced at Samantha then back to Gabe. “I don’t know.”

  Gabe tried not to smile at her naiveté, “Alyssa; you have no idea what the world outside the compound is like. If you continue to travel alone, the odds are high that Walton will find you. You’re running blind with no real idea of where you’re going or how to get there. I think it’s best if you girls ride with me to Indiana. I’m headed that way.” He shot her a quick glance. “That bench converts into a bed. My seat reclines so you two can have the sleeping compartment all to yourselves.”

  Alyssa turned to stare out the window.

  He continued, “If you don’t mind the side trip to Denver. I can get you to your grandmothers in a few days.”

  Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. She didn’t dare look at him in fear she would see the same wicked desire in his eyes Walton always showed.

  Gabe looked back at the road before him and added, “I’m not asking for anything in return. You don’t owe me a thing. I’m just trying to help you and your little girl. I don’t want to see Samantha end up in Walton’s hands any more than you do. That’s no way for a child to grow up.”

  Samantha stuck her head in between their seats and said, “I like this truck; there’s a kitchen back here and I like Gabe, let’s go with him.”

  Alyssa tried to smile as she turned back to Samantha. Was Gabe telling the truth? Could he truly want to help them out of the kindness of his heart? She’d never known kindness from a man. Other than her father, she didn’t think any other man could be kind. Could she trust his sincerity? Would he turn on them at night when the truck was dark and quiet?

  Alyssa gazed at Gabe, studying him. They couldn’t continue alone on foot. She couldn’t risk another confrontation with Walton. She glanced at Samantha then turned to Gabe and said, “Thank you, but if we’re going to travel together you must let me pay for your gas and your meals.”

  Gabe grinned at her and said, “Believe me; you don’t want to pay for the gas for this truck. But I’d be delighted if you’d buy me dinner each night.”