Read The Light of His Sword Page 9

  Chapter Eight

  They headed deep into the low rolling landscape of Indiana. Gabe and Samantha counted the sheep on farm after farm. Then they chose to search for the scattering of cows and old Victorian farmhouses, then red and white barns. Many of the farms were run down and weather beaten from time and the economy. Her grandmother’s farm followed that path. They pulled into a wide courtyard that circled past the white two-story farmhouse toward the chicken coop. Next to the coop sat a small enclosure housing a few large black and white pigs. The drive ended in front of a large rickety red barn with white trim. The peak of the barn bore the numbers 1904 in faded white paint.

  An old pale blue pickup truck sat in front of a small-detached garage situated between the house and the chicken coop. The wind whipped around the barn and rushed into the cab of the truck as they opened the doors and climbed out. A large multi-colored shepherd bounded off the porch and headed happily toward them. The front door flew open, and Alyssa's grandmother appeared followed by a tall, lanky, dark haired man.

  Alyssa’s grandmother was short and plump. She wore a paisley pink housedress with a large white apron and dark brown orthopedic shoes. Her long, gray hair was tied neatly in a bun at the base of her neck. A small pair of reading glasses hung around her neck. The man who stood beside her met Alyssa’s questioning gaze boldly. Alyssa was startled by his silvery gray eyes and long eyelashes. His clean-shaven face held a pleasant smile. His work clothes were dusty and spotted with paint and grease.

  "Grandma Cora!" Alyssa eyes filled with tears at the sight of her grandmother, but the stranger with her made her hesitate.

  She glanced at Gabe, who came around the truck and headed quickly to the porch. Reaching out to take Samantha’s hand Alyssa watched as Gabe strode boldly up the steps. To her surprise he stopped before Cora and offered her his hand saying, “Good evening Ma’am, my name is Gabe. I’ve heard a lot about you and your farm.”

  Cora smiled and took his hand, pulling him into a hearty embrace. “Thank you for bringing my granddaughter home, Gabe!” Gabe chuckled and returned the hug. He turned to the stranger and gave him a rough hug adding, “Rafi, I didn’t expect to see you so soon. I’m glad you got my message. You haven’t changed a bit. You’re still paper thin. It looks like you’ve already settled in. How long has it been?”

  Rafi’s voice was soft and deep. “It’s been too long Gabe, far too long.”

  Cora left them and walked slowly down the steps toward Alyssa and Samantha. Tears streamed down Alyssa’s face as her grandmother neared. Cora gently embraced her, smiling through her own tears. At her grandmother's touch, Alyssa broke down and sobbed uncontrollably. Cora held her as all the fear and grief of Alyssa’s life rushed over her in a wave of uncontrollable sorrow. Samantha reached out and hugged them both. Cora’s smiled down at Samantha through her tears. She reached down to stroke Samantha’s blonde hair.

  “You’re home now,” Cora soothed Alyssa, “That’s all that matters.” As Alyssa’s sobs lessened, Cora released her and hugged Samantha. “My sweet little one, you are the spitting image of your grandma.” Her words caught in her throat as she continued, “My little Vada May would catch the wild kittens in the barn at your age. She would borrow her daddy’s leather gloves and chase them for hours until she caught one.”

  “Kittens?” Samantha gasped glancing toward the barn. “I didn’t know you had kittens!”

  “Oh yes, I have kittens and chickens, pigs and sheep, even a duck or two on the pond in the spring.” Cora wrapped her arms around her. “Now let’s go inside and have some supper.”

  Samantha gave Cora a fierce hug. Alyssa brushed the tears from her face and joined in their embrace. Gabe and Rafi watched silently from the porch. Gabe glanced toward the ground as they embraced. Rafi noticed his reaction but said nothing.


  Walton sneered at Maxwell, “I will not tolerate failure. That child should be here with me by now.”

  Maxwell found the Walton’s new attitude unnerving. His whispers held something more than the simple threat of punishment if he failed again. He locked eyes with Walton and said calmly, “You were right to call the greater demons. Once they arrive things will turn in our favor.” Maxwell dropped his eyes as Walton stepped closer. The elders encircled them watching, surrounded by the darkness of the sanctuary. Their faces were hidden within their hooded robes. Maxwell dared to glance back up at Walton adding, “I will personally supervise the attack to insure it is finished. You do realize the greater demons will not bother distinguishing between victims. They will slaughter everyone. The child could be lost.”

  Walton’s jaw was set; his hands clenched in rage. Yet his expression remained calm. “You better pray that doesn’t happen.”

  Maxwell forced back the fear that rose from deep inside him. He inhaled the intoxicating odor of rotting death of the sanctuary and offered, “I have one final suggestion that might allow us to spare the child’s life, but it is dangerous.”


  The large, white, dormered room of Cora’s second floor was lined with the beds of her now grown children. A thick burgundy curtain parted in the center dividing the room into two sections. A potbelly stove converted into a gas heater sat in the center beneath the opening allowing it’s warmth to heat both sides of the room.

  “Grandma Cora had twelve children.” Alyssa explained as she tucked Samantha into the bed nearest the heater. “She had four girls and eight boys. Three of my uncles died in the war your grandpa served in.”

  “Did grandpa know them?” Samantha asked with a yawn. She was swimming in the nightgown Cora bought for her.

  Alyssa didn’t miss the concerned expression that flashed across Cora’s face as she helped her get dressed after her bath. Alyssa knew Samantha wasn’t well fed at the compound. Her mother always managed to sneak food to them both when they came to their morning lessons. Alyssa chastised herself for thinking that was enough.

  “My mom and dad, Grandma Vada and Grandpa Joe got married right out of high school. They grew up together. Grandpa Joe knew all of Grandma Cora’s children.” Alyssa kissed Samantha on the cheek and pulled the covers up around her. “Will you be okay if I go take a shower?”

  “Will you leave the door open?” Samantha asked.

  “Yes, Gabe and Grandma are downstairs so just holler if you need anything before I come back.” Alyssa smiled and headed for the stairs. “The living room is right at the bottom of the stairs so they’ll hear you. I’ll only be a few minutes. You should take this time to relax and think about what you’d like to do tomorrow. There are so many things to do on the farm. We are going to have so much fun! Wait until Grandma learns we know how to can fruit.”

  The small bathroom sat partially under the stairs. Alyssa smiled. Her mother told her they didn’t have indoor plumbing until she was ten years old. The space under the stairs was close enough to the outside wall to make installing plumbing affordable for the family. They’d installed a small toilet under the stairs and a shower stall in the area that had once been a closet. The bathroom sink sat outside the bathroom under a mirror in what had once been a sewing room. Now it served as her grandmother’s bedroom.

  Yellowed pearly rosebud wallpaper lined the small room. Alyssa took a quick shower and stepped out of the steamy bathroom wrapped in a large pink towel. She glanced around the bathroom smiling at the fact that every single towel was pink. It was then that she realized the new clothes that Cora bought her were still sitting on the kitchen table. She peeked around the corner and down the hall toward the living room. She could hear Cora talking to Gabe and Rafi.

  Pulling the towel snuggly around her, she dashed across the hall into the kitchen and snatched the bag of clothing off the table. She spun to dash back and nearly jumped out of her skin as Gabe walked into the room.

  Gabe stopped in the doorway and stared at her, unable to move. His breath caught in his throat. Alyssa’s damp golden hair hung loosely
about her shoulders. He couldn’t help noticing how the moisture clung to her pale skin. The towel had slipped down to reveal a hint of her ample cleavage. His eyes wandered slowly down the length of her admiring her small waist and shapely legs. Gabe couldn’t help himself. He moved slowly forward and reached out to brush a strand of damp hair from her cheek.

  “Alyssa,” He whispered leaning closer.

  Alyssa froze; his touch felt like fire. She gazed into his eyes. Her lips parted slightly as his hand trailed down her throat. His fingers traced her collarbone and down her arm. He took hold of her hand.

  Alyssa leaned against him and kissed him boldly then pushed away and ran from the room. The smell of perfumed soap snaked up his nostrils as she disappeared back into the bedroom. Gabe stood silently taking in the scent, imagining the feel of her soft skin rubbing against his. Her naked form lying beneath him. Gabe’s head snapped up as he forced himself back to reality. He shook his head violently forcing the image from his mind. Indulgence was a waste of time. He couldn’t afford those kind of thoughts. They were a deadly distraction. He walked slowly to the small rounded box-like refrigerator and pulled a tray of ice cubes from the tiny freezer. Popping out a few cubes, he dropped them into his glass and filled it with water. Turning, he stared at the bathroom door for only a moment. When he returned to the living room, Cora was heading up the stairs to check on Samantha. Rafi was adding another log to the red brick fireplace. He turned and stared at Gabe. His face was flushed.

  “What’s with you?” Rafi asked, “You seem out of sorts.”

  “I’m fine,” Gabe answered sinking into the lumpy sofa covered by a large multi-colored patchwork quilt.

  “She’s very pretty,” Rafi added, nodding toward the kitchen as if he’d witnessed their encounter. “She's sad, beautiful, protective of her young daughter and has an abusive past. It would be easy to get caught up in the role of her protector.”

  “I’m just doing my job. She’s no different from the others.” Gabe snapped, “Let it go.”

  Rafi sat down in the high back chair across from Gabe and stretched his long legs out before him. He stared at Gabe’s brooding expression. Gabe ignored him and gazed into the fire.

  Alyssa came in wearing a long pink nightgown and a fuzzy white robe. She glanced around the room. “Where’s my grandmother?”

  “She went upstairs to check on Samantha.” Rafi added rising. “Why don’t you sit down and relax for a moment? Samantha is in good hands.”

  Alyssa did as he suggested. There wasn’t much time to talk at the dinner table. Cora was too busy asking about their trip to allow Alyssa to ask Rafi any questions. She wanted to know why he was here. She sat down on the far end of the sofa and gazed at Rafi careful not to look at Gabe. “How long have you been helping my grandmother with the farm?”

  “I ran into Cora at church a few weeks ago.” Rafi smiled at her. He could see why Gabe was attracted to her. She was beautiful. Her small mouth, delicate lips, high cheekbones, big blue eyes with long lashes and sun blonde hair were irresistible. He continued, “She was handing out doughnuts in the church basement. I love doughnuts.” Rafi chuckled and glanced at Gabe, who continued to gaze at the fire. “When she found out I was an independent contractor she mentioned a few repairs she needed done. I was new in town and didn’t have anything urgent on my plate. So I offered her my services in exchange for room and board.”

  Alyssa glanced at Gabe not missing the fact that he would not look at her. “I’m glad she found someone to help out.” Alyssa smiled back at Rafi, “How do you know Gabe?”

  Rafi smiled and said, “We’ve worked together in the past, we go way back.”

  “How did you two meet?” Alyssa pressed. If Gabe insisted on ignoring her, she would do the same and pretend Rafi was the only one in the room.

  Rafi chuckled and added, “Wow, that’s a great question. It seems like we’ve known each other forever. As a matter of fact, I can’t remember what my life was like before we met.”

  Gabe’s head snapped up. He turned and glared at Rafi. “We grew up together.” Gabe explained finally turning to look at Alyssa.

  As soon as their eyes met, Alyssa blushed. She was still reeling from the encounter in the kitchen. Gabe’s expression softened when he noticed the color rise in her cheeks. His eyes went to her lips. He could still feel them pressing against his. He forced his eyes from her and glanced across to find Rafi studying him intently.

  Before Gabe could respond the roar of an engine came from outside. Rafi sprang up and walked quickly to the door followed by Gabe. Alyssa rose uncertainly. Rafi and Gabe disappeared through the door as the sound grew louder. Alyssa ran to the window and looked through the glass.

  A black motorcycle driven by a man dressed in black leathers wearing a black helmet pulled up the driveway and stopped in front of the house. Gabe and Rafi rushed down the stairs as the man climbed off the bike and pulled off his helmet.

  Gabe walked up and embraced him roughly. Rafi followed suit. Alyssa frowned as they laughed and slapped each other on the back. She pulled back from the window in amazement. What was going on? Who are these men? How did they know Gabe was going to be here? Alyssa’s stomach lurched as she realized they now had three strong men on a farm with two women and a child. She suddenly felt very helpless. What if Gabe’s intentions were not as he described? What if they not here to help them, but to hurt them?

  Cora walked down the stairs and glanced out the still open front door. She smiled softly and turned to head down the hall. “He’s going to need a good meal.” She said to no one in particular and disappeared into the kitchen.

  Alyssa retreated to the stairs as the new visitor’s loud, boisterous voice came closer. She was used to Gabe; he had kind eyes. Rafi was quiet, and his deep voice was soft and caring. They weren’t threatening. But this new man was completely different. Alyssa considered rushing up the stairs as they entered, but she held her ground. This was her grandmother’s house. It was now her home; she was not going to allow this man to stay if he didn’t quiet down. He was going to wake up Samantha. His loud voice would certainly scare her.

  “When did you get a bike?” Gabe asked as he walked through the door.

  The stranger was an extremely tall man with unusually wide shoulders and muscles so large they bulged through his leather coat prominently. Alyssa was certain his jacket would explode from the intense pressure. His shoulder length blonde hair was greasy and wild. He laughed at Gabe’s question and said boldly, “I met this gal that had a fetish for bikes. She talked me into trying a Harley on for size and it fit, so I kept it.”

  “You always were a sucker for the ladies, Mike.” Rafi added following them through the door.

  Mike stopped just inside the door as he noticed Alyssa. His entire hulk filled the doorway. He ducked his head to clear the frame. Her heart raced in fear as his deep green eyes seemed to penetrate hers.

  Gabe stepped around him and said, “Alyssa, this is my friend Mike. He’s going to be staying with us for a few days.” Alyssa couldn’t move under Mike’s intense stare. Gabe glanced from one to the other and added, “It’s been a long day, why don’t you get some rest Alyssa while we get Mike settled in. We can talk in the morning.” He stepped between them and motioned toward the living room.

  Mike nodded at her and turned to follow Gabe into the living room. Alyssa glanced at Rafi and received an encouraging smile. She glared at the back of all three men’s heads as they moved to sit down in front of the fire. They certainly didn’t hesitate to make themselves at home. Her eyes bored into the side of Gabe’s head as he sat down on the sofa.

  Did Gabe just dismiss her? She couldn’t believe it. Despite the fact that she desperately did want to run upstairs and hide under the covers, Gabe had no right to order her around. Who did he think he was? Alyssa took a step down the stairs then stopped as Cora appeared from the kitchen and handed Mike a large glass of iced tea. She nearly jumped out of her skin as a boisterous laugh
rang out from the living room. She spun and rushed up the stairs.

  Used to sharing a twin bed with her daughter. Alyssa climbed into the small bed, pulled Samantha into her arms and tried to ignore the muffled voices that drifted up the stairs.

  “We’re supposed to be safe here.” She whispered to the darkness. The loud stranger made her feel anything but safe. There was an air of danger about him, something she’d never felt before. Something she found unsettling. There was comfort in holding her daughter within the safety of her grandmother’s home. Alyssa forced the foreboding the stranger brought with him away and closed her eyes. The voices slowly faded away and exhaustion washed across her petite form. She was asleep in less than a minute.


  Cora called the men into the kitchen as she placed a bowl of chicken and noodles on the table. “Bring that young man in here for his dinner.”

  Mike rose without hesitation and went to sit at the table as Cora added a bowl of mashed potatoes and a platter of green beans. Mike said, “Ma’am, this is the best looking meal I’ve seen in a long time.” He smiled at the elderly woman as she rushed around placing a plate stacked with slices of bread and a bowl of honey butter next to him.

  She answered, “I’m sure you’ve come a long way and if your appetite is anything like Rafi’s you’re going to need dessert. There’s plenty of food for everyone so dig in; there’s a peach pie in the breadbox.”

  Rafi and Gabe sat down at the table and helped themselves as Mike began to eat. Cora added, “I put some extra blankets in the barn for bedtime. I’m going to bed unless you boys need anything else?”

  Rafi smiled at her and said, “We are fine, Cora. Thank you.”

  Cora disappeared down the hall; Mike watched her go, “Nice gal,” Mike said softly, “Does she know?”

  Rafi glanced toward the doorway and then said, “Strangely enough, I think she understands perfectly.”

  “And you?” Mike turned his steely gaze on Gabe.

  Gabe met his stare boldly, “The leader has pursued us aggressively. He’s called on several greater demons for help. We encountered a group of reptilian demons and a small group of wraiths. The woman is in denial. She chose to deny Heaven and Hell to keep her daughter safe from the demons. She has no faith and refuses to accept the existence of the demons that attacked us. For what’s it’s worth, her strategy worked, Samantha is still an innocent child whose eyes are more open to the truth than her mother’s. Her grandmother secretly told her bible stories.”

  “Why are this woman and her child so important to them? Why are the demons helping this man? They don’t care about mortal schemes for power. Why has Alyssa remained unscathed?” Mike’s eyes narrowed.

  “Unscathed? She was raped at a young age and gave birth to her daughter at the age of fifteen; I’d hardly call that unscathed.” Gabe fought to keep his voice low.

  Mike glanced at Rafi then back at Gabe saying nothing.

  Gabe clenched his jaw and explained, “There’s something about their leader Walton. He reeks of darkness. Walton believes Alyssa is destined to give birth to a blessed child. He claims a prophesy dictates this child will be protected by a divine host in the days before the apocalypse. I think this prophesy protected Alyssa and Samantha from the demon rituals and elder abuse that plagued the other children. Walton raped Alyssa until she got pregnant in an attempt to control the prophesy for his own purposes.”

  Mike nodded holding Gabe’s gaze, “Did you tell her?”

  “No,” Gabe glanced down at the table, “Not directly, I told her Walton was wrong but didn’t force the issue. We were in the open. I didn’t want to risk being overheard.”

  Mike went back to his plate of food, scooping up large spoonfuls until the plate was empty. Gabe and Rafi’s plates were left untouched. When Mike was finished, he looked up at them, “A giant storm is coming, larger than I’ve seen since the veil was torn. It spirals around us like a hurricane. It grows stronger by the hour. By the time it reaches us, it will be stronger than anything we’ve ever faced before. There is a great evil involved in this. An evil I have not been able to determine. Nevertheless, the first of the horde of demons will be upon us in a matter of days. I sent word to the others, but most are too far to reach us in time. We are on our own. I need to know you’re ready.”

  “As always Michael, I will stand and fight for the innocent. How can you question my loyalty?” Gabe rose insulted at Mike’s remark.

  “Gabriel,” Mike rose as his gruff voice softened, “I would never question your loyalty. You are a better man than I am when it comes to humans. You have never given into temptation, not once. Rafael and I cannot say the same. But this time it is different. We all must look deep inside and insure we are making the right decision. Yes, we do protect the innocent, the steadfast hearts of the believers. But this time is different. This time we fight to protect a young woman who has denied God openly without hesitation. She has no faith to strengthen her, no beliefs to hold her true to the end. Never before have we fought for an unbeliever. We need to be sure the path we travel is our true course. A course that will bring us closer to the triumph that waits at the end of days.”

  “This is our true path.” Gabe stepped around the table and moved to stand before him.

  Rafi rose quickly in alarm.

  Mike smiled at Gabe as he answered, “Is it our true path or yours?”

  Gabe turned to face Rafi, his face twisted in anger, “You told him?”

  “He didn’t have to,” Mike answered calmly, “You’re dripping with it. You’re in love with her.”

  Gabe spun and took hold of Mike’s shirt. He lifted him from the ground and pulled his hulking form closer as if he were a small child. “She is an innocent we must save her. My feelings are under control and have no bearing on this decision.”

  Mike’s smile vanished, but he made to move to free himself from Gabe’s iron grip, “Here’s the real question Gabe; is our intervention needed at this time? We both know Samantha is not the child of the prophesy. Alyssa has not conceived this child yet. If we interfere in her life now are we changing the course of this prophesy or fulfilling it? What if Alyssa is destined to conceive a second or third child with Walton? What if it’s her sixth or seventh born? What if Walton is destined to be the father?”

  Gabe glared at him, but lowered him to the floor, allowing him to continue.

  “What I’m hearing you say Gabe, is that we should risk our time here on earth, perhaps our very existence to ensure Alyssa has a chance to do what? Fall in love? Lead a normal life? Gabe, no one, I repeat no one involved in a prophesy such as this has any chance of living a normal life, innocent or not.”

  Gabe shoved Mike roughly from him. His breath came in ragged gasps as Gabe tried to control his temper. Rafi moved slowly to place himself between them. Gabe forced his anger down. He turned and walked into the living room to gaze out the window. “She was raised within a coven of demon worshippers by a cruel man who raped her for his own gain. I can’t allow Alyssa and that innocent little girl to return to that way of life. It’s our duty to guide and protect the innocent. The only way I know how to protect them is to destroy Walton and all of his followers.”

  “That’s what Archangels do.” Mike said softly coming up beside him and offering his hand, “So it begins.”

  A few hours later the sound of the front door closing woke Alyssa with a start. She slid from the bed and went to the window to watch Mike and Rafi walk across the clearing and into the barn. Thank goodness, her grandmother had the sense to insist they sleep in the barn. But where was Gabe? Glancing at Samantha’s sleeping form, she pulled the covers over her, snatched her robe from the end of the bed and headed downstairs.

  Walking slowly down the steps, she glanced around the corner into her grandmother’s bedroom. Her grandmother snored softly in her bed. Moving to the kitchen Alyssa cleared the dishes off the table and placed them in the sink. She turned off the light and headed through
the living room intending to lock the front door. She noticed a pair of feet hanging over the edge of the sofa. Moving slowly toward him, Alyssa peered over the back of the sofa at Gabe’s sleeping form.

  His face was calm and serene. His hair was mussed and fell across his eyes. He was so beautiful. Alyssa smiled; she could see why Samantha thought he was an angel. He was perfect. His silky brown hair, smooth, perfect skin, sexy cleft chin and those deep blue eyes that made Alyssa’s heart race. Alyssa moved around the sofa. She reached out to turn off the small light on the end table near his head. As she touched the light Gabe’s eyes opened.

  Alyssa’s heart stopped as their eyes met. Gabe didn’t attempt to rise; he simply gazed up at her. The dim light of the lamp danced across his sapphire eyes turning them a deeper shade of blue.

  He spoke so softly she could barely hear his words, “I thought one of us should stay inside just in case. I hope you don’t mind.”

  She pulled her hand back from the lamp and said, “I suppose that is best.”

  Gabe shifted his weight and sat up. The blanket slid from his bare muscular chest as he rose. “Alyssa, about earlier…”

  “I’m sorry,” Alyssa blurted out quickly stepping back. “I don’t know why I did that.”

  “It’s all right,” Gabe added softly. “It’s a normal reaction to feel an attachment to someone who has been placed in the position of your protector.” His eyes held a depth of emotion Alyssa didn’t understand.

  “I got carried away, it was nothing.” Alyssa added quickly without comprehending his words. “I was simply swept up in the heat of the moment. I’m sorry.”

  “You haven’t known a lot kindness in your life.” Gabe’s voice grew soft with compassion. “In time you’ll discover there are many kind men in this world who will seek you out. You’re a very beautiful woman; it’s only natural. But, you need to be cautious about whom you allow in your life. Not just for your protection, but Samantha’s as well. There are men who would take advantage of your affection in the name of love. If I were to act upon your growing affection for me so soon after your escape, I would be doing just that. I’d be no better than Walton.”

  What was he saying? She stared at him in confusion. Did he think she was in love with him?

  He continued, “It will take some time for you to adjust to the world outside the compound.”

  “Adjust?” Alyssa asked as her anger grew. How dare he make assumptions? “I don’t need any time to adjust. I’m here in the safety of my grandmother’s home. There’s no adjusting to that. What adjustments I have made are learning that I’m much better off without answering to a man for my every need. I don’t know what you thought happened in the kitchen, but I can assure you I am not an innocent young girl that falls in love with every man who offers her a sweet smile and a kind word.”

  Gabe rose from the sofa and reached out toward her. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “I understand what you meant; you think I’m in love with you.” Alyssa backed further from his reach, “One innocent kiss, and you think I’m throwing myself at you. Just because I’m not married and have a child.”

  “No, Alyssa,” Gabe stepped closer.

  She held out her hands to stop him, “I may have lost my virginity as a young girl, but I have not lost my self-worth. I would never throw myself at a man, any man just because he…” Tears streamed down Alyssa’s face as her words caught in her throat.

  Gabe stepped back and lowered his hands. He whispered, “I’m sorry, I misunderstood. I didn’t mean to upset you. Alyssa, I’m only trying to help you, guide you. I’m looking out for your best interests. The last thing I want is to it hurt you.”

  Alyssa turned and ran back up the stairs, closing the door behind her. She leaned back against the door and sobbed silently in the darkness oblivious to the source of her tears.