Read The Lilean Chronicles - Redemption Page 2


  As Farra began the long climb back to consciousness she became aware that something felt wrong somehow with her body. At first she couldn’t work out what it was, just something that wasn’t quite normal. Sounds came, muffled and far away. She strained to hear but couldn’t catch the words. Then she heard her name called. Her mind fixed onto that familiar word and drove her upward. Her instincts told her this word was her salvation. As the feeling came back into her body she realised she felt wet all over. Even her face felt wet. It felt warm though; comforting in a strange way, womblike. She felt like she was floating. That sound again, louder now. Her name being called by a man. She didn’t recognise it as Leon’s voice though. Who could be calling her and why? She opened her eyes and for a moment couldn’t see anything but twinkling silver light. As her eyes focussed she realised why she felt like she was floating.

  “Farra, Farra, can you hear me? Blink if you can hear me.” A soft voice that made her feel more at ease. She tried to answer but no sound came although she could feel her mouth moving. Then at once it hit her, the realisation of what it was that wasn’t quite right – she wasn’t breathing. Her instincts took over and she panicked and thrashed, fighting for the air she knew she must have but wasn’t aware that she didn’t need. “Relax Farra, don’t fight it. Your body knows what to do, relax please. It hurts less if you relax into it.” That voice again, so soft and reassuring. “Don’t try to breathe Farra, you don’t need to breathe right now. Relax please.” More urgency in that voice now.

  She willed herself to obey, eyes wide with fear. It took all of her mental resources to resist such instinctive survival needs like breathing but resist it she did and she found to her amazement that although very strange, it didn’t hurt. She allowed her mind to relax and come to full wakefulness and found herself floating in a silvery thick liquid. It looked like water but Farra realised it probably wasn’t. It didn’t act like water for a start. It didn’t slop around when she thrashed or moved her arms and legs. It just sort of, wobbled like thick cream and it twinkled like crystal. It was beautiful. She noticed there were tubes and wires connected to various parts of her body that snaked up through her liquid filled environment and out to, she didn’t know where.

  “Good girl, that’s it. Hello there Farra, I’m Doctor Jam. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Another pair of kind yellow eyes to go with the soft voice, another warm smile, another set of fangs. She remembered now. She was in the Drycenian ship. She fainted or something when being introduced to the King. God how embarrassing. “You can’t answer me, so don’t try, just blink once if you can hear me and understand me okay?” She blinked and managed a smile. She had little choice but to run with it, whatever this situation was that she was in, but she had to admit it was beginning to feel okay. “You are being taken care of so don’t worry. You are in what we call the tank. The fluid that surrounds you now is doing the job that your breathing would do and is acting as anaesthetic and healing elixir to help your body heal itself. Okay? With me so far?” She smiled and blinked. “Good. I’ve fixed up your cuts and bruises and enhanced some of your senses and physical abilities and if I may be so bold, you’re now as near perfect a specimen of Earth female as it’s possible to find.” She smiled as she listened to the doctor tell her of the changes made to her body.

  “Your bones have been strengthened with a bio-metallic filament that grows within and around the cells of the bone, giving them a vastly increased loading capacity and strength. Be careful if you lose your temper now my friend, if you punch someone, you’ll destroy their face! I’ve also altered the structure of your inner ears so that your hearing should be somewhere between five and seven times as acute as it was before. I’ve enhanced the rods and cones of your retinas and added an ultra sensitive layer beneath the lens. You now have the ability to see in extremely low light conditions but because of the sensitivity of this layer to light, I’ve added a sort of extra eyelid inside to protect your sight when in normal light conditions. You can now see the UV end of the spectrum without needing those clumsy goggles.” She was amazed at what she was hearing.

  “I’ve also added a telephoto function nanochip to the lenses inside your eyes which will give you the ability to see things much further away than you ever could before. It works in a similar way to a camera lens and will bring things closer to you. The musculature around the orbits of your eyes will operate this new addition without you having to think about it. As soon as you naturally strain to see something far away, the chip in your lenses will enable you to effectively bring whatever you’re looking at, much closer so that you can see it more clearly. When going from light to dark, it will take just a second or two for your eyes to change from the normal daylight system you have naturally, to the low light or UV system. Your eyes will look different when using this low light system though, so be prepared for anyone who sees it, to comment. Don’t worry, it looks cool.” She had been listening with rising astonishment at the list of changes made to her body. She didn’t feel any different, or at least she didn’t think she did. She wondered if she looked any different. The soft voice of the doctor continued.

  “You gave us quite a scare at first. We naturally assumed you are a Lilean but as soon as we got you hooked up, your blood and bone structure proved otherwise. Not to worry, all is fine now.” That reassuring smile again. She hadn’t a clue what he meant by ‘Lilean’ but she couldn’t ask him without a voice of her own. She tried to convey her feelings by frowning and looking bemused and shaking her head but to no avail. The doctor just told her not to worry, to relax and that she’d be out in the fresh air before too long. She drifted off to sleep and it seemed like just moments later when she was awakened by a click. She started awake at once and looked around. Everything she could see was slightly distorted by the refraction of light through the fluid she floated in but she noticed someone was opening the door and entering the room. Then footsteps tapped across the floor, the swish as fabric clothed legs walked and then a small thud as a hand laid itself on top of her liquid crystal tomb.

  Wow she thought to herself, my hearing is incredible, I could hear a mouse fart a mile away, this is so cool. She couldn’t help herself, she grinned from ear to ear. She saw the familiar smile of the doctor looking down at her.

  “I see you’re feeling on top of things again. That’s wonderful because it’s time to bring you back out into the fresh air. This will probably be a little uncomfortable for you going from the liquid environment to air breathing again but just remember to try to relax while your body adjusts okay?” She nodded. “Don’t worry and don’t fight it, your body knows what to do.” He called for his assistants to aid him and together the three of them pushed buttons, switched switches and watched digital read outs. “Now Farra listen to me carefully. As the fluid that now surrounds you drains away your body will instinctively react and try to breathe in the usual way again. Because your lungs have fluid in them which your body needs to expel, you will cough and splutter and find it hard to breath for a few seconds much like a coughing fit if you swallow something the wrong way. The main thing is not to panic and struggle with it. Just allow your body to expel the fluid and fill your lungs with air again and the process will be over quickly. The more you panic and struggle, the more your airway will constrict and the longer it will all take. Okay?” She nodded. With a great rush the fluid suddenly drained through the floor of the tank and she found herself unable to breathe. Despite all of her good intentions, she panicked. Instincts like breathing are hard to control and as she thrashed, vomited and coughed, the doctor’s pleas went unheeded. Immensely strong arms held her firm, preventing her from harming herself or anyone else. That soft voice now had an authoritative edge. “Farra you must try to relax and stop fighting it. Let your body do what it knows how to do.” Then softer, the soothing returned. “Just relax, let it all come up, that’s a good girl.” Oh Go
d how her lungs hurt. She thought they would explode any second now. Gradually the pain subsided as she coughed up the last of the fluid and her lungs filled with the most glorious fresh tasting air she ever tasted.

  “Welcome back my friend, welcome back,” Doctor Jam beamed. She looked down at herself, soaking wet, hair bedraggled and covered in watery puke.


  “Hello Farra,” a female voice beside her said. She turned and looked into the brightest yellow eyes she ever saw. “My name is Elka, let’s get you cleaned up.” The nurse helped her to stand up and slipped a strong arm around her waist while she got used to being upright again. “Come with me. Let’s get you washed off and freshened up.” She allowed herself to be steered into an adjoining room where there was a raised dais in the middle of the floor surrounded by several upright metal posts. A large showerhead hung down from the ceiling. She looked at the garment she was clothed in. It was made of the thinnest veil like material she ever saw and it felt like gossamer. She ran a hand over it. “The material helps the liquid in the tank to penetrate the body,” Elka explained. “Its fibres react with skin cells to create a membrane like structure through which the fluid can pass to the cells and blood stream within. It’s a far more effective way than simply injecting the fluid into the veins.”

  “It’s amazing,” was all Farra could think of to say. As she stood there she became aware that the garment was beginning to feel different. Small threads began to untangle themselves from the fabric; curling up and falling away. “What’s happening?” She looked at Elka who smiled at her patiently.

  “On contact with air for more than a couple of minutes the garment disintegrates prompting the skin cells beneath to readjust themselves back to normal. You wouldn’t survive long if your skin remained as a porous membrane in the same way it does with this garment on in the tank. Now step up here.” She was indicating for Farra to stand underneath the showerhead. Once she was in place, Elka spoke strange words and the upright posts emitted a fine misty spray. It was warm but there was a sharp quality to it, as if the water droplets were charged with an electric current. “The mist completes the process of readjustment for the skin and makes sure that all of the fibres from the garment are removed. Any that remained on the skin could still maintain that area as a vulnerably porous membrane.”

  “What would happen to me if that happened?” Farra asked.

  “All the fluids in your body could leech out and harmful foreign particles could enter unhindered,” Elka replied flatly.

  Two hours later Farra was showered, dried and dressed and feeling fitter than she could remember. It was amazing, she felt as if she was invincible. She was enjoying the most wonderful meal in ages when Doctor Jam entered.

  “My word you look wonderful, how do you feel?” he asked as he examined her eyes, turned her head this way and that, put a probe into her ears that beeped, then stood back and smiled as if examining his handiwork.

  “I feel fantastic, better than ever, amazing actually. Thank you.” She felt suddenly aware of the inadequacy of those two words but they were all she had.

  “It’s nothing really; normal routine stuff actually but you Earth people haven’t experienced this kind of medical advancement yet. It was the very least we could do after what you have done for us and you must also be aware that anything you want done or changed, we can do for you. If there are any small changes you want cosmetically, you have only to ask.”

  “You and I are gonna be good friends Doc,” she smiled at him, mentally drawing up a list. Hair removal to begin with, then a nip here, a tuck there. Then she suddenly remembered something. “What did you mean when you said something about me being a Lilean?” The doctor looked blank for a moment.

  “Oh, yes. When we removed your clothing to get you ready for the tank we naturally assumed that you are a Lilean, we almost delayed tanking you while we recalibrated everything. It wasn’t until we got you hooked up to the DMS that we could see by your blood and bone structure that you’re from Earth. It makes a difference to how we treat you. There are some treatment techniques that have to be done differently to a Lilean than to someone from Earth. Their bodies are different in a few ways, their blood and bone structure are different. As it turned out in your case there was no need to worry though.”

  “I’m from Earth, a small island in the Northern hemisphere to be exact. What’s a Lilean?”

  “That mark on your chest. It’s the sign of a Lilean.” The penny suddenly dropped and she realised what he was on about.

  “Oh I see. This mark just appeared with the dreams,” she tailed off, suddenly unsure of whether she should continue to tell him about the dreams, her spirit friend and her special task that was so important.

  The doctor looked awestruck. “So you’re chosen? Wow,” he exclaimed.

  She looked at him surprised. Why the hell did everyone else know more about it than she did? “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Is this a recent development?” he asked kindly, suddenly aware of her lack of knowledge and understanding.

  “Just over six months or so.” She found she was relieved to be able to speak with someone who knew about it without having to fish for information as she did with Leon.

  The Doctor nodded reassuringly. “You have someone who speaks to you yet?” She nodded. “Hmm good. Do you see them?” Another nod. “You know who they are?”

  “His name is Leon, that’s all I know; apart from he’s dead of course.”

  “And you’re okay with that part of it?”

  “Sure, why shouldn’t I be?”

  “Well some people have a bit of a problem with the concept of life continuing after the physical body ceases to function,” he explained.

  “Well not me, I’ve always believed,” she said with pride, remembering her conversation with Erin.

  “No wonder it’s advanced so quickly then. How much do you know about this Leon and the reasons for you being a chosen one?” he asked her.

  “Very little actually," she replied. "He says I have an important job to do, part of which involved Toma. The rest of it has something to do with helping someone. Someone who is to save a nation that was once almost lost and who now needs my help. It has something to do with finding the truth about something or other. That’s about all I know.”

  “Ok not to worry, I’m sure this Leon with tell you what you need to know at the appropriate time. One thing I can tell you for sure though, is that he is Lilean. Only Lilean spirits do the kind of thing he’s doing with you.”

  “So Lileans are from a planet called Lilea I presume?” she asked. She hated all this not knowing; it irritated her no end.

  The doctor smiled. “Yes that’s correct. Have you ever heard stories about an army that roamed from planet to planet killing everyone who wouldn’t let themselves be brainwashed into submission?”

  “You mean the Transmortals? Yeah we learned about them in the military but I’ve never come across them personally.”

  “Yes that’s them. If true evil ever existed, they personify it perfectly. In a nutshell, they are ruled over by a being who says that everyone must allow themselves to be brainwashed. Transformation they call it. They believe that only when the whole universe has been transformed can their heaven, a place they call, The Veil, come into being and that all who resist this transformation must die.”

  “Jeez I know they brainwash people and kill others but I’ve never known exactly why.” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing but wanted to know more.

  The doctor continued. “This ruler was told by some kind of prophet that he would be killed by a man from the planet Lilea, so he took his army there and killed everyone he could, especially all the children. In his madness and desperation to fulfil what he saw as his ultimate destiny, he tried to ensure that the prophecy of his demise could not come to pass, so he had all children murdered, some of them torn from their mothers’ w
ombs and killed by his own hands.” Farra was disgusted by the imagery the kind doctor's words were bringing to her mind. As a woman, this last image was almost more than she could bear. She was moved to tears and could almost hear the screams of those violated mothers and the cries of those newborns who never got to take more than one breath. The doctor saw her distress and tried to console her.

  “Lilea and its people just about survived the apocalypse and are still rebuilding their civilisation today. Lileans are the stuff of legends Farra. A race brought to the very edge of extinction who clawed their way back by sheer will, strength and courage. They can be very single minded when needs be, they never give up. Some call them defiant but that defiance helped them survive. They can be hard to get to know on a personal level but when you’ve been through what they went through a little hesitation is understandable. If your mission has something to do with Lilea or its people, which is likely as you’d never be a chosen one unless it had something to do with Lilea, then you’re in for an exciting ride.” She was pleased that she was learning more about it.

  “How come you know so much?” she couldn’t help herself, she had to ask.

  “We make it our business to know what goes on around the galaxy,” he smiled. She realised that he wasn’t going to give away any more state secrets just yet so she let it lie. At least she knew more now, which made her feel better. It also made her feel incredibly humble and proud too. “Now come with me,” the doctor said brightly. “The King wants to know how you are.” It wasn’t until they entered into the large chamber that Farra suddenly realised she hadn’t a clue how to behave around a King. She’d never met royalty before, should she bow or something? Before she could think anything else, the King appeared before her, smiling. She bowed her head reverently, hoping that she wasn’t being insulting or anything.

  “My dear friend no,” the King said suddenly, taking her by the hand. “You bow to no one. Now tell me, how are you feeling? Better I assume.”

  “Wonderfully better yes. I feel incredible. Thank you so much,” she said but the King waved away her thanks.

  “Always a pleasure my dear. Now, do you yet know what is the next step on your journey? The doctor tells me you are a chosen one of the Lilean spirit people. Have they given you further details yet? Can we help in any way?”

  “Not yet, no. As soon as he tells me anything, I will let you know,” she promised.

  “Good, good. Now walk with me, tell me all about yourself.” King Lomas slipped an arm through hers and together, like old friends, they walked and talked for hours. Farra confided her whole life story to him and afterwards she felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders. It was so long since she was able to be so completely honest with someone and she didn't realise until now, how good it felt to have a confidante. She asked the King about Drycenians and he gave her a brief history of his race. He told her about the very earliest beginnings of the Drycenians; how archaeological excavations revealed their earliest ancestors to be a savage and barbaric race of cannibals. She thought about those teeth!

  “Those early Drycenians were little more than grunting savages, hunting each other down, killing and eating their victims. They roamed Drycenia 4 for thirty thousand years until they just vanished, seemingly overnight,” he explained.

  “What killed them?” she asked, genuinely interested.

  “No one knows. Our excavations reveal a period of approximately five thousand years without any trace of Drycenians at all. Nothing. The earth is bare during that period and then just as suddenly as they disappeared, they return changed.”

  “How changed?”

  “Their basic physiology is the same but there is no sign of the savagery evident in the older Drycenian excavations; no cannibalism and in fact there are very obvious signs of massive social integration and co-operation. Technology suddenly appears too. It’s very strange and interesting; we find site after site displaying artefacts and bones showing the older ones to be savages, cannibals. Then they disappear totally for five thousand years and when they reappear, they are suddenly socially integrated, peaceful, co-operative and have technology they didn’t have before. We can find plenty of evidence for the before, and plenty for the after, but there is nothing to show of any sort of transitional period between the two.”

  “How intriguing,” she exclaimed.

  “Yes indeed,” Lomas agreed. He went on to tell her how, after the Drycenians reappeared, their technological advances happened at an amazing rate with the consequence that they got into space before any other race in that sector of the galaxy and were able to learn about other planets and their inhabitants without having to interfere with their advancement. They took on the role of observers and kept a close eye on all that happened around their part of the galaxy. Because they were so advanced, they were usually the first race that other civilisations met when they themselves first explored space. Their knowledge and their wisdom found fertile soil in the minds of these new explorers and they became legendary across the galaxy for their technology and their habit of silent observation.

  “You see Farra, we have always been very aware of the need to not interfere with the natural order of things. Planets that are not as advanced as our own might not be able to cope with the wider ramifications of great technological advancements. It wouldn’t help at all if we waded in and gave them the secret to, say, Ultra Wave Pulse or a cure for all their diseases. The universe is a living organism you see, and everything within it happens at exactly the right moment. Interfere in one part and the effects will be felt in all other parts. One has to be holistic when dealing with such things. Everything is connected, everything has a spiritual energy and the universe knows best how to keep itself balanced and in order. We simply observe, advise and help where it is appropriate and right for the balance of all things.”

  “So that’s why you know so much about everyone,” she suddenly caught on. “You’ve been observing everyone for all this time so you’re bound to know everyone’s business.”

  “Quite,” he smiled and patted her hand.

  Doctor Jam hummed as he worked. He enjoyed fixing Farra up. It was a while since his more advanced skills were required and he was feeling quite fulfilled and happy at the job he’d done on her.

  “Hi Doc,” a familiar voice entered the medical bay.

  “Farra, hello my dear. What can I do for you?”

  “Well, you umm; you remember what you said about umm," she was losing her nerve.


  “You remember you said if there’s anything I’d like done. Err changed, y’know, cosmetically I mean?” She bit her lip, amazed at her own forwardness.

  “Oh that, yes I remember. What would you like me to do for you?” He was now all ears; he loved his work and regarded himself as an artist of the highest order.

  “Well, can you do hair removal?” she asked hopefully.

  The Doctor gaped at her. “You want your hair removed? Are you sure?” He reached out and touched her brunette hair.

  “Oh no, I mean body hair.” She laughed at the thought of waking up to find herself bald.

  “Ahh, I see. Yes that’s easy. Do you want it all removed? I mean, all of it?” The question hung in the air between them and Farra went as red as a poppy.

  “Not quite all of it no. Just the underarms and legs will do for a start,” she coughed nervously.

  “Oh yes that’s no problem at all. Remove your clothes and sit up here.” No more than fifteen minutes later she was redressed and delighted that she wouldn’t have to bother with hair removal ever again. During the short and painless procedure she gave Doctor Jam a list of what she wanted done and he assured her it would all be simple and painless. He advised her against making her breasts bigger and was able to show her what she would look like, with the aid of his Medi-H machine.

  “Step up here, that’s it. Now stand completely still. Hol
d your breath.” A beep and a flash of red light later and she was now standing gazing in awe at a life size 3D holographic version of herself with huge breasts.

  “I see what you mean Doc, they don’t look right at all.” She burst out laughing and it was the doctor's turn to blush. “Let’s stick with what we’ve agreed on,” she decided.

  “Good idea,” he agreed. “When do you want to start?”

  “Whenever you’re available.”

  “Okay no time like the present. Roll up your sleeve for me.”

  Farra looked at herself in the mirror in her quarters. She liked what she saw. She would soon have a light golden tan that would never fade and which would act as an active sun block. Wherever she went, once the sun's rays touched her skin, the new compound in her skin cells would adjust itself automatically; allowing just enough sunlight through to ensure she got enough vitamin D. She would never burn, never peel, never get skin cancer and wouldn’t have to worry about covering up her skin to keep it safe. She examined her eyes and was pleased that there would soon be no sign of the fine lines at the corners that she was all too aware of recently. She isn't old but she isn't a kid either. In her early thirties she was becoming aware of lines and loss of structure in her skin and although she was an action girl, she wanted to look good. Now, with the Hypercoll serum injection, her skin would soon look as smooth as a baby’s bottom and would age at a third the rate of normal. These two changes were achieved by a simple injection. She was fine with needles but she was worried about something.

  “How long will it last?” she asked

  “It’s permanent, no need to worry; you won’t wake up one morning and find you’ve aged forty years.”

  “But I thought injections were temporary. Doesn’t the body eventually expel anything put into it?”

  “Yes but what I’m injecting into you isn’t simply a serum. This fluid contains your own DNA with the relevant changes made to it. Once inside the body your bone marrow will start making this changed DNA, thus making these changes a permanent part of your body make up. Within a couple of weeks the changes will be complete.” He explained it all so patiently for her.

  “Wow, that’s amazing Doc.” She was deeply impressed and the doctor beamed with pride.

  “Oh it’s nothing really, very simple procedures,” he said modestly. “Now, come with me, we have to get you used to working with your new abilities.” He beckoned for her to follow him out of the room. They entered a large empty room that looked like some sort of storage area. As if reading her mind he told her that it was used for many purposes, including combat training for the troopers, entertaining and assemblies as well as storage.

  “Now let’s test your hearing first of all. You stay here while I walk up to the other end of the hall. I want you to signal me when you can hear this noise.” He showed her a small device he held which beeped when he pressed a finger to it. “I want you to hold up fingers to match the number of beeps you can here, okay?”

  “Sure Doc, no problem,” she replied and watched as he walked two hundred yards to the other end of the room. She saw him hold up his hand. She strained her ears and heard four beeps. She held up four fingers. Two beeps, three beeps, one beep very quietly. She held up the correct number of fingers each time. The doctor indicated again and she strained her ears, waiting for a beep but none came. She strained harder but didn’t hear a beep. She looked up at the doctor and shrugged her shoulders, shaking her head. To her amazement she heard his answer.

  “Well done my dear, no beep that time. Can you hear me now?” It was if he was standing right beside her, she was amazed. She gave a thumbs up and nodded and saw him smile broadly. “Good girl, now can you see what’s written on this card I’m holding?” She looked and could see that he was holding a piece of white card a couple of inches square. She couldn’t see what was written on it though despite straining her eyes. “Just relax,” he said, “don’t try to force it.” She tried to relax and just stared at the card, willing herself to see. Suddenly the whole image leapt closer and she instinctively moved back away from it, as if it was going to hit her. She heard the doctor laugh.

  “Jesus,” she exclaimed, “that was surreal. Let’s try that again Doc.” The doctor held up the card again and this time she just relaxed and gently squeezed the muscles around her eyes in as natural a way as she could. The image leapt forward again and the card was now a foot square with two words emblazoned across it.


  “You’re welcome,” she said and laughed as the doctor walked back over to join her.

  “Everything seems to be functioning very well but it will take a little while for you to become totally natural with its use. Just remember if it doesn’t work, then you’re probably straining too hard. Just relax and try again without straining.”

  “Sure Doc, no problem. This is so amazing.”

  “Now, I’m going to bring in a couple of troopers to help with the next part,” he said. He pressed a call button on the wall. Someone answered and he spoke in Drycenian. Within a couple of minutes three troopers entered the room and joined them. They were padded up for combat training and she realised that she was going to have to spar with them. She remembered that she now has stronger bones and greater strength and would need to know her new capabilities. She hoped she wasn’t going to hurt anyone.

  “Now,” said the doctor. “The first thing I want you to do is just to push and shove a bit, no punching okay? Let’s start gently.” She and the troopers moved in to the centre of the room and spread themselves out. One of the troopers came at her and she gave him a hard shove backwards. He went flying back twenty to thirty feet, arms circling trying to keep his balance, which he lost and sat down hard on his backside.

  “Shit,” she shouted, “are you okay? I’m so sorry.”

  “Yeah I’m fine,” he said rubbing his rear. “Nothing broken.”
