Read The Lilean Chronicles - Redemption Page 7


  “Come over here, look,” Byron beckoned to Farra. She followed him over to a console. He flipped a switch and up popped what looked to her like a very high spec computer screen. To the left hand side was a small slot into which he slid a data chip. “Okay look at what I found,” he announced with pride as he tapped out a couple of commands.

  “Oh wow,” she exclaimed as she found herself looking at Vincent’s full work history, medical record, dismissal from duty report, crime report and sentencing decree. There was also a report on his escape from Cryo Stasis with a psyche evaluation chart. She was impressed. “My god, well done Byron, thank you,” she clapped him on the shoulder and he smiled.

  “No problem.”

  The earliest entry was an education report from a military training camp pre entry exam.

  Subject – Vincent R Domenico. Gender – male. Age – 17 years 3 months. Race – Lilean.

  Education history – home schooled. No official education records found.

  Further relevant details – subject can only read/write the Lilean language. Entry exam translated into Lilean for this subject.

  Results – Subject has an excellent grasp of mathematics and is able to perform mental calculations quickly. Shows an excellent aptitude for engineering skills and seems to possess a natural understanding of mechanics. Has an excellent memory and performed well in all memory tests. Seems to possess a natural in-built compass. During the survival testing, the subject seemed to know instinctively how to reach his intended destination. Officers attempted to get him lost to see how he would cope but they failed in every attempt to do so. Showed highly developed skills in the use of blades of all kinds and admitted to preferring them to other weaponry. He did however, show acceptable level of ability when tested with a range of other weaponry including handguns, TM 14’s, laser launchers and other standard issue military hardware. Subject was quiet and observant, spoke only when addressed directly and followed orders promptly. The examination panel feels this subject would be acceptable for entry and recommends acceptance.

  She scrolled to the next screen and found a medical examination report from the same military training body pre entry course.

  Subject – Vincent R Domenico – Medical Report – Pre Entry.

  Height – 6 feet 5 inches. Weight - 257 lbs. Race – Lilean. Eyes – black. Hair – black (subject shaves his head).

  Known Medical History – subject reports no major health issues other than Lilean Flu at the age of six years. Blood workup revealed the subject to be pure blooded Lilean with typical extra DNA segments that would be expected. Subject adopted at birth during the time of the Lilean tragedy and smuggled out to the Mexalon system planet 6 along with other Lilean survivors.

  Distinguishing marks – subject has the expected Lilean star shaped scar over the sternum. As with all Lileans, wounds heal without scarring so no other scars are in evidence. Subject has the expected Lilean Form Hydroxylapatite/Supercollagen alloy bone structure. EEG shows subject has the typical Lilean thalamus, giving him a greater ability to withstand pain and although the subject denies it, he will probably also have the heightened states of consciousness typical of the advanced nature of the Lilean thalamus.

  Strength test results – hand grip average – 75psi.

  Femur loading capacity – magnographic analysis shows projected capability of 32,000psi.

  Upper Body Strength – subject displayed average 1000 lbs capability during 20 minute upper body test.

  Analysis – Subject is a typical healthy Lilean specimen with typically large upper body and associated strength and endurance capabilities. As with all Lileans, this subject is suitable for endurance rather than speed.

  Blood group – Lilean group 4 sub type B with normal Lilean blood iron levels.

  Urinalysis Report – Healthy.

  Recommendation – acceptance.

  “Jeez this guy is built,” she said as she scrolled to the next screen to find Vincent’s military record. It consisted of the usual stuff, similar to what would probably be on her own record. Details of training, achievements, exercises, courses attended etc as well as several notifications for bravery and a report of his being awarded a medal for valour in the face of extreme hostility during a campaign on Regnor Prime. She was surprised to find there were several entries under the heading disciplinary actions. She didn't expect there to be any at all; he seemed like the perfect soldier so far. As she read on, it became clear that Vincent began to find the overbearing nature of his superior officers a little hard to handle. He was a model soldier until he reached his late twenties when he started questioning authority. One report told how, after being ordered to retreat to safety leaving three of his injured team mates to die in the field, he took it upon himself to return alone and rescue them. He got them back to safety but two were dead and he got a disciplinary for his trouble. He argued with his superior officers and she surmised that he probably lost all confidence in them after that. At the end of his third five year term, it was recommended that he retire from military service. She understood immediately what that meant. It means they told him either he leave quietly or he gets his ass kicked out the door dishonourably.

  The next screen showed that after resigning the military, he signed up for cleaning duties with the Moxal 3 Mining Corporation. This time there were no medical tests or entry exams, he just signed up and got to work.

  “Well that hasn’t changed,” she said to herself as she remembered her own very similar experience when she joined the company. There followed a list that verified what she saw in Vincent’s little book; just a list of his changes in grade and assignment as he got himself promoted over time. She noticed there weren’t any medical records nor any routine evaluations recorded. It was just the same list as in the little notebook. After working his way up he applied and was accepted to the Tactical Combat Centre, which is Moxal 3’s extra training facility based on its moon. It is here that those cleaners wishing to become Rangers get the chance to show they possess the capabilities for the job. They get trained in advanced weaponry and solo combat skills so if the team they are responsible for gets killed by the Uvees leaving them alone, they are able to deal with them and get out to safety alive. Vincent’s TCC record was as short and succinct as his Moxal 3 one was.

  Moxal 3 Tactical Combat Centre – Training Record for Vincent R Domenico. Cleaner grade 4.

  Weapon training – passed – 95% - issued with SB17

  Solo Engagement and Combat – passed – 98%.

  Team Handling & Organisation – passed – 75%.

  Flight Training - passed - 93%.

  Passed – honours – promoted Head of Dept, Security Enforcement.

  Assigned – Moxal 3 Mine.

  Farra noted with some interest Vincent’s percentage in his team handling was much lower than his other training grades.

  “Not a people person then Vincent?” she mused. The next thing that came up was a document showing Vincent’s new position as Head of Dept, Security Enforcement. It consisted of a simple statement of his new position, the salary and conditions and his signature and date. She scrolled again and the next screen showed another very basic report on his dismissal from employment.

  Report of summary dismissal from employment – Moxal 3 Mining Corporation. Employee Name – Vincent R Domenico, Security Enforcement Head of Dept.

  Reason for action – conviction for murder & incarceration in Cryo Stasis.

  The document was signed by McGreedle, dated and stamped with the company logo. Official and cold. No statement of what a good and honourable employee he was, no mention of his trustworthiness or loyalty, nothing.

  “Phew,” she said, “cold hearted bastards.” She wondered how he felt at the time, being treated in such a cold and official way. The next document detailed his arrest, conviction and laid out his sentence. Again it was without preamble or sentiment. Simple and straight to the point

  Report of Arrest – Inter Galactic Law Enforcement – Agency 232a.

  Prisoner name – Vincent Richard Domenico. Age – 37 years 8 months. Race – Lilean.

  Reason for Arrest – multiple murders within confines of Moxal 3 Mining Corporation. Five victims (Robert Fleming, Davey Wexton, Brad Distenza, Grover Hartley, Stephanie Lyneman).

  Witness details – Ranger Tomas Dolton. Facility Warden McGreedle.

  Evidence processed – Hellfire Pulse Laser Canon. Accused’s DNA was found on aforementioned weapon. 2 x witness statements detailing accused threatening 2 of aforementioned victims on multiple occasions. 2 x witness statements detailing seeing accused running from scenes of crimes in possession of aforementioned weapon.

  “That’s a crock of shit?” she yelled at the screen. “A gun with DNA on it and the say so of two other employees? For fucks’ sake anyone can get your DNA. You have to give a sample when you take any job or travel anywhere off world. Jesus.” She looked up to find Byron looking at her.

  “You okay Farra?” he asked, concerned. “You want a drink or something?”

  “Sorry, I’m fine. It’s just so ridiculous. Anyone with half a brain can see the holes in that.” She looked at him and felt impotent to do anything about it.

  “I know, and we do know it was a frame up, a concoction. We know that, we just have to get it to Donaldson so that he can know it too.”

  “Yeah, let’s hope he’s more approachable this time than when Vincent went to him for help.” She turned back to the screen and finished reading the document.

  Trial summary – Witnesses took the stand & gave their evidence succinctly and without hesitation. Both displayed evidence of integrity and honesty. No cross examination was requested.

  Jury reached unanimous verdict – Guilty on all counts. Accused retained in custody for sentencing.

  Due to the nature of the accused and the very real possibility of his attempting to escape custody, sentencing to be brought forward by emergency review board. Sentencing will be heard in 24 hours.

  “My god,” Farra couldn’t believe what she was reading. “Accused, judged and sentenced all in 24 hours.” She looked at Byron.

  “Yeah I know, I thought that part would interest you," he remarked. The document continued with the notification of sentence and it was as without warmth as the rest of it had been.

  Emergency Review Board – Agency 232a – Sentencing Panel.

  Accused – Vincent Richard Domenico.

  Crime of which convicted – Multiple (5) Murder.

  The Emergency Review Board, having been convened to pass sentence on the aforementioned accused, Vincent Richard Domenico, hereby decrees that he shall forthwith, be taken by the most appropriate means and be given over for incarceration in Cryo Stasis.

  Sentence length – indefinite.

  “Indefinite? Shit.” Byron was looking over her shoulder. “I didn’t read that far down earlier. My god, indefinite?” He was as amazed as Farra was and they both exchanged glances and exclamations. She scrolled to the next page.

  Cryo Stasis Confinement Facility – Intake Report number 730257291-12/32D

  Prisoner – 730257291-12/32D Vincent Richard Domenico.

  Age at Intake – 37 years 8 months.

  Race – Lilean.

  Sentence – Indefinite Confinement.

  Pre Confinement Psyche Evaluation Report.

  Prisoner continuously asserts his innocence despite evidence and witness statements proving guilt. Refused to make eye contact throughout interview and was obstructive when questioned about his background/childhood/upbringing. Displayed a tendency to use distraction techniques to avoid answering direct questions and often replied in riddles. This prisoner has a tendency to use role reversal techniques during questioning in an attempt to gain dominance. Expertly switched roles during the interview on several occasions whereupon the Psychiatrist found himself the one being questioned. Continuously refuses to accept guilt. It is the opinion of the interviewing Psychiatrist that Prisoner 730257291-12/32D is suffering from delusional psychosis and paranoia. There are no apparent conditions that would deem cryo stasis unsuitable in this case.

  Recommendation – Immediate confinement.

  It was signed by a Doctor Robert James Mordlingham.

  “Delusional Psychosis? What does that mean?” Farra asked.

  “It means that the patient has delusions," Doctor Jam answered. "Strange beliefs that aren’t true but which he believes in completely. The fact that Vincent kept asserting his innocence together with his err, slight lack of social and interpersonal skills made the diagnosis somewhat inevitable I’m afraid.” He looked at her apologetically and she sighed sadly. She had to admit it; Vincent didn’t do himself any favours that day.

  The last document Byron found was an Inter Galactic Law Enforcement Memo concerning the Cryo Stasis Facility and Vincent’s escape.

  The Cryo Stasis Confinement Facility was based on an uninhabited moon of the Steran System. This location was chosen due to its lack of inhabited planets in the system itself. The Steran System has 2 suns so the facility used solar energy as its power source. A system of back up generators was put in place which was continuously topped up itself by solar energy so that when the moon entered its regular three yearly eclipses the system didn’t grind to a halt and unfreeze all the inmates. Every six months a team was sent to check and test the whole system and it was during one such visit that a rookie technician made a fatal mistake and caused a small explosion which burned out the main back up system generators. Unfortunately for them, the technical team’s only pilot was badly burned in the explosion and was unable to fly them out of the facility in order to obtain spare parts from the storage facility on Steran 7’s second moon. One of the facility’s own pilots was brought in as an emergency but he was unaccustomed to the controls on the technical team’s ship and crashed it on take off, killing himself and two of the engineers. Another of the facility’s employees was brought in to make the journey in one of the facility’s own ships, which took off without trouble. During the three day round trip, the Steran system’s primary sun gave off a gigantic solar flare that caused permanent and irreparable damage to the facility’s solar energy cells, which stopped operating. Due to there being no back up system working at the time, a meltdown occurred.

  The occupants of the facility were kept in underground bunkers, layered in 17 underground levels, each level holding 20,000 inmates in coffin sized cells. The cryo system worked from the deepest level up, so that in effect the cells at the lower levels got frozen first and the higher levels last. The whole system had to work harder to pump to the higher levels, than it did to the lower levels. When the system failed, it was the higher levels that thawed out first. As inmates began to regain consciousness and break out of their cryo cells, the facility staff became overwhelmed and unable to contain thousands of rapidly awakening murderers, violent psychotics and other assorted dangerous prisoners. The effects of Cryo Stasis take a while to wear off and for the first hour or so after thawing, most prisoners are very disorientated. This gave the facility staff a valuable window of opportunity in which to escape in their last remaining ship before their prisoners gained their senses and became dangerous. As they made their way to the hangar to abandon the facility and the moon, they found an escaping prisoner already boarding the craft and preparing to take off. They failed to get to the craft before the prisoner escaped and were stranded on the facility. In the ensuing riot, all the facility staff were murdered by the awakened inmates.

  Once control was restored by an emergency team one month later, it was discovered that the Cryo Stasis procedure used by the facility was not as safe as it was thought to be. Many of the inmates were found dead in their cryo cells and forensic analysis showed they died during the cryo freezing procedure and had effectively been executed by freezing to death. Security film footage of the riot showed the escaping
prisoner who was easily identified by the prisoner ID number printed across the back of his overalls. The identification was confirmed later by digital comparison of the video film footage and the prisoner’s intake ID photograph. It was Vincent Richard Domenico. He became a wanted man across the whole galaxy and gained himself the legendary status of being the only man to escape the Cryo Stasis Facility.

  At the bottom of the report were 2 photographs, one of which was Vincent’s intake ID photo and the other was an image taken from the security footage. It was clearly him in both shots, no doubt. Farra looked at the photograph and tried to get a handle on the man. Those large black eyes that looked so defiant but at the same time seemed to shout “help me” bored into her soul. She had to admit, bald looked good on Vincent. She’d never given much thought to whether she liked baldness in a man or not, but she knew now that this guy suited bald completely. He had quite full lips that looked fairly feminine and were almost a perfect cupid’s bow, if quite a large one. She was entranced by those lips. Wow, she thought to herself, those lips are just aching to kiss me.

  “Byron, I don’t suppose you have the security footage as well do you?” she smiled sweetly.

  “Well, as a matter of fact I do, here.” He tapped on the console and up came thirty seconds of grainy video footage showing the Cryo Stasis Facility hangar containing just the one ship. It was late afternoon and the shadows were long making it difficult to make out everything in the shot. It was a static camera but it gave a fairly wide field of view of ninety percent of the hangar area and part of the connecting passageway from the main facility administration block. This passageway was a simple covered walkway, just a roof held up by stone piers every thirty yards or so. After ten seconds of nothing, there appeared a running figure coming down the walkway. A very big man clothed in the standard issue inmates coveralls. He was bald headed and carried a holdall in his left hand. Once or twice he looked over his shoulder as he ran along the walkway, as if he was aware that someone was following him. As he got to the end of the walkway, he turned to his right, towards the camera and headed straight for the one remaining ship in the hangar. It was clearly Vincent, there was no doubt. One hundred and fifty yards or so of open space across which he ran like the wind and he was at the ship’s nose. At this point more figures came into view along the walkway, five men in all. Three were dressed in white lab coats, obviously staff members and the other two also wore inmate’s coveralls. One of the lab guys stumbled and fell and was set upon by the two inmates who could be plainly seen bashing him with their bare fists. Vincent looked back towards the walkway and hesitated for a moment. It was as if he was deciding whether to go and help or not. He glanced back at the ship, then back to the walkway where the remaining two lab guys were still trying to outrun the two inmates who were quickly gaining on them. Another glance back towards the walkway and then something extraordinary. Vincent dropped his holdall and took four or five steps back towards the walkway. He was going back to help! All at once the two inmates caught up with the remaining lab guys and set upon them. Vincent went back to the ship, picked up his holdall, climbed in and took off.

  “Did you see that?” Farra looked at Byron, astonishment clear on her face. “He was going back to help them. Did you see that?”

  “Yes I saw it, it’s obvious that’s what his intention was and this piece of footage will be added to the data cube you give to Donaldson. It will add a bit more weight to his case.” He moved to the console and tapped a few more times. “We also found out about McGreedle, the Facility Warden at Moxal 3. See here? These documents are audits. Every year independent auditors would visit the Moxal 3 mine to check the books and all their records. It’s standard practice in mining where valuable ore is being produced, to try to avoid fraud and racketeering. These documents show a steady decrease in the company’s financial solvency over the past fifteen years. At the same time the amount of ore being brought out of the mine was remaining pretty constant so there is a big question mark over why the money was going down when the product wasn’t. About two years ago the auditing body made a secret recommendation to the Mining Constabulary; the body that governs all mining operations, to have McGreedle pensioned off and replaced but nothing was ever done about it and he stayed there. There’s even a document signed by a guy at the Mining Constabulary saying that no further action was needed as there was no evidence. And, get this, this was after Vincent would’ve tried to give Donaldson his evidence. Remember Vincent left there just over five years ago, and this happened two years ago. There was evidence but no one acted on it. This will be a valuable addition to the data cube evidence. Your friend Vincent is going to be cleared or I’ll eat my hat," he smiled at her triumphantly as he delivered all this news to her. She was open mouthed.

  “Jesus,” was the only reply she could think of. “Have you found Donaldson?” she asked suddenly, aware that this was her next appointment. She hoped he was somewhere nice.

  “Yes that was easy and very interesting. We discovered that he is stationed near to the Terramora system. We know that Terramora was at one time a victim of the Transmortals, nearly forty years ago and now they’re rebuilding and are starting to get things going again and they’re in the process of setting up governments, deciding who runs what and so on and so forth. Donaldson and the ANA are there in their official role as arbitrators to ensure fairness and make sure everything is done properly, cleanly and transparently.”

  “Okay so you say he’s stationed near there? That means he’s on a ship not on the planet?” She suddenly realised it wasn’t going to be a case of simply walking up and ringing the doorbell.

  “Yes, he’s on one of the ANA Liners. It’s basically a battle cruiser with its defence mechanisms hidden from sight so that it can be called a Liner. Because the ANA are supposed to be neutral, they need to be seen to be non confrontational, so no weaponry must be apparent. Believe me though, the ANA liners are no push over. They can defend themselves if needs be.”

  “So how do I get to him? Does he ever come down to the planet's surface?” She was already planning how to hijack a ship and possible methods of gaining covert entry to the ANA liner.

  “The meetings they oversee are all done in public, in accordance with their policy of openness and transparency," he explained. "Anyone who wants to attend has to register their interest and wait to be called. Each person can attend only once per 3 months, so that the meetings aren’t filled with the same people each time.”

  “So it could take months to get in,” she was disappointed but decided she’d still investigate covert methods of getting to Donaldson if the proper way failed.

  “Well it could, yes. There is another way though, I don’t know how you’ll feel about it.”

  “There’s no way I’m fucking my way in, if that’s what you’re thinking,” she said adamantly, glaring at Byron for even thinking of mentioning it.

  “No no no, for heaven’s sake. Part of the ANA strategy of being seen to be neutral and open, is that they always employ people from the local area as staff for the duration of their stay. Cleaning staff, cooks, waiters, porters, flight attendants, booking staff and even mechanics. All of these types of jobs are available to members of the public from the local area where the ANA is in operation. You could try to get a job aboard the liner if you don’t get in the other way quickly.”

  “Oh, good idea, thanks Byron.”

  “There is also something else that gives you a great opportunity to get to him. He’s agreed to go down to Terramora for three days for the celebrations to mark the twenty fifth year since rebuilding began. He’s going to be doing visits, making speeches and baby kissing, the usual stuff so you may very well find plenty of opportunities but if you don’t, you have the other two options,” he smiled and she nodded. “Now let’s get some lunch. Want some fruit extract?” he grinned as he ducked and expertly avoided the slap she aimed at his ear.

/>   “By the way,” she asked, “what is tapshots?”

  “It’s a game using two pairs of dice,” he explained. “Why?”

  “Vincent talks about it in his notebook. I just wondered what it was. Did the Doc find out where that leather came from?” she asked, suddenly remembering how soft it was. Byron nodded.

  “Yes he did, let’s ask him.” They walked to Lomas’ quarters where they’d been invited to spend their lunch time, chatting and joking with each other on the way. She was beginning to like Byron. He was clever and funny, a good combination in someone she’d love to have as a brother. She hoped he wasn’t getting the wrong idea and misreading her friendliness as something more. As they passed along a long corridor she noticed photographs hanging on the walls. Landscapes interspersed with star maps. She stopped at one landscape that showed a mountain underneath a lilac coloured sky.

  “Beautiful,” she murmured. The next photograph was a star map with one of the stars on it was coloured red. She frowned, puzzled.

  “The red dot is the location of the landscape you just admired," Byron explained. "Each pair of photographs is a landscape and a map of its location in the cosmos.” She took more notice of the photographs as they walked along the corridor. There were mountains, oceans, deserts, snowscapes, volcanic eruptions, cities and jungles, each accompanied by its star map with its little red dot indicating its position in the heavens. The next photograph made her gasp. It was a country scene with a narrow lane and small dwellings on either side, with the shadow of a village in the background. What caught her attention though was that the lane was lined with trees. White trees that swayed in the evening breeze.

  “My god, that’s Lilea isn’t it?” she gasped.

  “Yes it is,” he answered surprised, “how did you know?”

  “I err, I dreamed of it,” she lied.

  “Those trees are only found on Lilea. Nowhere else has trees like that," he smiled. They’re beautiful aren’t they, so serene. They’re called Whispering Trees because the Lileans believe that the sound they make as they sway back and forth in the wind is the tree spirits talking.”

  “Yes they’re beautiful and I’m going to see them soon,” she smiled as they walked. Just as they got to the end of the long corridor, she felt a throb in the centre of her chest and she stopped walking.

  “What’s up? Are you okay?” he asked, concerned. She closed her eyes and waited, she knew this was the signal from Leon that he wanted to speak to her.

  “Yeah I’m fine, it’s Leon,” she assured him. As she allowed her mind to go inwards and leave the outside physical world behind, she heard Leon’s familiar reassuring voice.

  “Go back to the star maps. Go and look at the stars, please,” he asked her gently. She turned and went back to the last star map, the one of Lilea. No response from Leon so she continued to the next, and the next and so on down the corridor until he told her to stop at one particular map. “Put a finger on the map and close your eyes child, trust me,” he coaxed and she obeyed without hesitation. She put her right index finger on the map, closed her eyes and let her mind float. She noticed her arm begin to feel tingly from the elbow down to the tip of her finger. It wasn’t distressing in any way, just strange. “That one, stop there,” Leon suddenly announced and she opened her eyes to find her finger pointing at a system way off in the top right corner of the photograph. She closed her eyes again. “That is where my son is, where he has found save haven for the past five years. He is struggling with his past but Syra is with him and he is awakening. It is painful for him and he is so alone. He is moving towards fulfilling the prophecy given so many lifetimes ago. This is where your friends must go to find him. Tell them child.”

  “What is that planet called?” she asked Byron, who squinted to see the tiny dot high up in the photograph.

  “Well let’s have a look," he replied. "See these numbered markers around the borders of the photograph? They’re a reference system so we know the location of all the dots in each photograph. Now let’s see.” He put one hand on the marker across the top of the photograph and the other hand on the marker down the side. “Fifty two by twenty seven, chart number 734501.” He wrote the details down on the back of his hand. “Why?” he asked.

  “Leon says that is where you will find Vincent.”

  During their lunch Byron used the console in King Lomas’ quarters to call up the reference number he got from the star map in the corridor. After a minute or two of bleeps and clicks he looked up at them triumphantly.

  “He’s in the Vinbuk system.”

  “Vinbuk?” said Lomas. “Good choice of hideout if I may say so. There’s only four planets in that system and only one is inhabited and then only by very primitive humanoids; rather like the stone age man of your Earth Farra. None of the other planets are of any interest to anyone; there are no precious ores to be gained from them. They’re totally ignored as far as we know. Byron, how long will it take us to get there, find Vincent, get him aboard and get back?”

  Byron scratched his chin and thought aloud. “About three days to get there. Say a day to look for him, locate him, persuade him to come with us and another three days to return to Terramora. Say a week to be safe Sir.”

  Lomas nodded and looked at Farra. “Okay so once you get to Terramora you have no more than one week to get the book and cube into Donaldson’s hands. It’s up to you how you achieve that and of course it goes without saying that we will equip you with everything we can think of that may aid and assist you in that task.” He got up and went to the panel on the wall near the door, tapped a button and waited.

  “Yes Your Majesty,” a voice said.

  “Lay in a course for Terramora, we must travel covertly.”

  “Yes Sir, right away.”

  “Oh and Perry?”

  “Yes Sir?” the voice which Farra assumed must belong to Perry said.

  “Show us the meaning of haste.”

  “Of course Your Majesty.”

  Lomas turned back to the little group and sighed. “Friends, we will soon be upon our task. Farra, you will be alone for your part in all this but we will do our best to ensure you have everything you need to provide you with safety, security and success in your endeavour. Never believe for a second that you are forgotten or lost.”

  Toma came up to her and hugged her. “I wish I could go with you but my position as the King’s only heir forbids it. I will be with you in my thoughts.”

  “Okay young lady,” Doctor Jam said. “There are things that I need your attention for. I have my own ways of helping you on your mission. Come with me please, we have little time and this is important.”

  “Okay Doc,” she smiled as she allowed herself to be led out of the room. “By the way did you find out what creature that leather came from?”

  “I did indeed and that’s most interesting. It comes from the skin of a bird found only on Lilea. A giant bird called Malota. Lileans call them soaring angels because they fly so high and are so big,” he informed her.

  “That’s nice,” she smiled.
