Read The Lily of Leyden Page 2


  On reaching the foot of the mound the burgomaster and Captain Van derElst proceeded to the Stadhuis, while Baron Van Arenberg accompaniedJaqueline in the direction of her own house. She walked on, though withgraceful step, far more rapidly than her companion wished, lookingdirectly before her without turning her head, unless it was absolutelynecessary to do so.

  "I am still not altogether satisfied as to the entire truth of thereport brought by this young captain regarding the destruction of CountLouis and his army. The Spanish troops are undoubtedly brave anddisciplined, but it seems incredible to me that they should have cut topieces in so short a time the large number of levies the Count isreported to have had with him. If they allowed themselves to be soeasily defeated all I can say is, that they deserved their fate. In myopinion it is a pity that we Hollanders should so persistently hold outagainst the troops of our lawful sovereign; far better by yielding witha good grace to bring the fighting to an end."

  "And share the fate of the unhappy inhabitants of Haarlem," answeredJaqueline, for the first time turning her head and glancing at him witha look which betokened as much contempt as her features were capable ofexhibiting. "Think of the thousands of our countrymen who have beencruelly butchered because they were determined to hold fast to ourProtestant faith rather than confess that of our foreign tyrants. Ishould say, let every man and woman perish bravely, fighting to the lastrather than basely give up their birthrights."

  "I will not venture to argue with you on that point, fair Jaqueline,"answered Van Arenberg. "I wish as much as any Hollander can do topreserve our birthrights, as well as my castle and broad estates, but Iassure you that you underrate the power of the Spaniards. Our cause,the patriot cause, is desperate; it is on account of the deep admirationI feel for you, if I may use no warmer term, that I would save you fromthe horrors to which others have been exposed."

  "I speak the sentiments held by my father and every right-minded man inour city--ay! and woman too," answered Jaqueline, in a firm tone. "Wewould imitate our sisters in Haarlem and Alkmaar and join the citizensin defending our walls."

  "But should the city be again besieged--and it assuredly will be shouldthe report of the total defeat of Count Louis prove correct--how canLeyden hope to hold out against the disciplined and experienced troopsof the king? The Prince of Orange has no force sufficient to relievethe city, and be assured that the fate which overtook Haarlem will bethat of Leyden, though the inhabitants are not likely to be treated withthat measure of forbearance which those of Haarlem received."

  "If you speak of the measure of forbearance awarded to Haarlem, that wassmall indeed," said Jaqueline. "You seem to forget that every citizenof wealth was massacred, that every Hollander who had borne arms in thesiege was put to death, while many hundreds of other citizens wereafterwards murdered by the savage Spaniards who desired to strike terrorinto the hearts of the survivors. I should say, rather than submit toso terrible a fate, let us struggle to the last, and then perish amidthe ruins of the town."

  "You are indeed, lovely Jaqueline, worthy of being a heroine of romance,and already you inspire me with some of the enthusiasm which you feel,though I cannot pretend to believe that the efforts which the citizensof Leyden may make will be crowned with success; yet believe me that Iwas prompted entirely by my earnest desire to preserve one I prize sohighly and her family from impending destruction to give the advice Iventure to offer."

  "I am well aware of the admiration in which you hold me, Baron VanArenberg," answered Jaqueline, "but whatever are your motives, even wereI certain that our cause is desperate, and I do not believe that it is(for I feel assured that God will prosper the right in the end), I wouldnot by word or act counsel my father and the citizens of Leyden to yieldwhile a single man remains alive to strike a blow for freedom."

  Gentle as Jaqueline looked while she spoke, her voice and manner werefirm and determined, while she showed that she was anxious to bring thediscussion to an end. It might have afforded more encouragement to thebaron had she endeavoured to win him over to the opinions she held, butbeyond expressing them she made no attempt to do so. The baron,however, fancied that he was too well acquainted with the female heartto despair of success; he was young, good-looking, and wealthy, and asfar as was known his moral character was irreproachable. Theburgomaster, deceived by his plausible manners, trusted him fully, andconsidering from his rank and wealth that he would be a suitable husbandfor his fair daughter, invited him frequently to the house, and hadalways received him in a cordial manner. The baron had therefore goodreason to believe that his suit would be successful.

  On reaching her father's house, Jaqueline politely, though somewhatstiffly, thanked him for the service he had rendered in escorting herhome, and the door opening, she entered without expressing the slightestwish that he would remain. He lingered, expecting that she would atlast remember what he looked upon as her neglect, but she ascended thesteps without further notice of him. He stamped impatiently as hewalked away, muttering, "It is clear that I have a rival, or the fairLily would not treat my advances so coldly, supported, as she knows Iam, by her father. Instead of feeling honoured, as she ought, at beingsought in marriage by a noble, she seems utterly regardless of my rankand personal qualifications. I am very sure that I can make myself asagreeable to women as can most men, and from her beauty alone,independent of her fortune, she is well worth winning, so I must notdespair. Still it will never do to have her cooped up in this haplesstown should it be again invested by the Spaniards; I have no fancyindeed to stay in it myself, and I must bend all my efforts towardsfinding the means of carrying her away before the siege commences.There is not a day, however, to be lost. She appears to have no fearherself, but I may work upon the feelings of her father, and induce him,for the sake of preserving her from the horrors of the siege, to entrusther to my care. I must venture upon some warmer expressions of love anddevotion than I have hitherto exhibited, and by describing the horriblefate which may be hers should she remain, and the happiness which awaitsher if she will consent to accompany me, as my wife, out of the country,I may induce her to yield more willingly than she at present seemsinclined to do." Such were the thoughts which occupied the mind of thebaron as he proceeded with leisurely step towards the Stadhuis, where hehad no great desire to make his appearance, although having beenexpressly invited by the burgomaster he could not avoid going. He foundthe chief magistrates, most influential citizens, assembled. Theburgomaster had informed them of the sad intelligence he had justreceived, and Captain Van der Elst, at his desire, had described thebattle and its disastrous termination. One circumstance alone affordedsatisfaction, it was that Count John, now the Prince's only survivingbrother, who had already done so much for the cause, although expectingto participate in the battle, had, at the urgent request of the otherleaders, left the army two days before the action, in order to obtain atCologne money to pay the troops. The young captain had just finishedhis account. The first point to be settled was the selection of amilitary chief whom all would be ready to obey.

  The burgomaster rose. After expressing his readiness to devote hisfortune, his life, and everything he possessed to the cause, heacknowledged that he had no military experience or talents, and urgedupon his fellow-citizens the importance of selecting a man who possessedthe talents in which he was wanting. "There is one," he said. "JohnVan der Does, Seigneur of Nordwyck, a gentleman of distinguished family,but still more distinguished for his learning, his poetical genius, hisvalour and military accomplishments; if we select him, the Prince I amsure will sanction our appointment."

  Without a dissentient voice the Seigneur of Nordwyck was electedmilitary commandant. The burgomaster did not conceal from them thedangers and the sufferings which perchance they would have to undergo,but he added, "Remember Naarden, my friends, we cannot too often reflecton the fate of Naarden; although the inhabitants offered no resistance,they were indiscriminately slaughtered, and such may be
our lot even ifwe go humbly forth to sue for pardon from the conquerors of Mookerheyde.Remember Haarlem, which, although defended with the heroism which oughtto have inspired respect and consideration in the hearts of theconquerors, was treated with cruelties from the bare contemplation ofwhich the mind shrinks back with horror; then let us think of Alkmaarwhich so bravely and successfully resisted, and imitate the example ofits citizens with the hope and confidence that we shall be equallysuccessful in driving back the hated foe."

  Other patriotic magistrates spoke in the same strain, and all wereunanimous in their resolution to defend their city to the last, while itwas agreed that steps should instantly be taken for that object.Unhappily much precious time had already been lost; the forts andredoubts thrown up by the Spaniards still remained, and at present thedefenders of the city had too much to do within the walls to attemptlevelling them. The new commandant urged them to strengthen thefortifications, and in the meantime to obtain such stores of provisionsfrom the immediate neighbourhood as could be collected. There were a_few_, however, who, although they did not vote in opposition to theopinions of the majority, yet spoke of the hopelessness of theundertaking in which they were about to engage. Among these was BaronVan Arenberg, although he expressed himself carefully he did his best topersuade the citizens that their wisest course would be to yield beforeproceeding to extremities.

  "I say not that such is what I advise," he observed. "But conciliatorymeasures might prove successful; if they fail let us by all meansendeavour to keep out the enemy as long as we can."

  "The Spaniards have already shown us the uselessness of conciliatorymeasures as well as the utter worthlessness of their guarantees for thesafety of those who submit," said the burgomaster. "It would besuicidal madness to trust them; let us put faith in God, who defends theright, in our own resolute courage and power of endurance, in our strongwalls, and in the assistance which the Prince of Orange will afford usat our need."

  The baron was silent; he was especially anxious not to say anythingwhich might offend the burgomaster by openly differing from him; but hisremarks encouraged others connected with certain persons, theirrelations or friends, recreant Hollanders, who had sided with theSpaniards and professed to have returned to the Faith of Rome. Thesemen were familiarly called Glippers; their object was to induce theircountrymen to follow their example. A few holding their opinionsremained in the city, either kept there by business or with theintention of creating dissension among the patriots. Although Baron VanArenberg openly professed to be a patriot, yet from the expressions helet fall many already began to suspect his designs. When those whofollowed him spoke, their opinions were received with loud expressionsof disapprobation. He saw that in the present state of the public mindit would be prudent for the future more carefully to conceal hissentiments than he had hitherto done. "I must bide my time," he said tohimself.

  Numerous matters of importance were discussed, and the persons supposedbest suited for certain duties were selected to superintend the varioustasks which had to be performed to prepare the city for the expectedsiege. One undertook to procure cattle, another fodder, a third corn;others to collect arms and ammunition. The strengthening of thefortifications was allotted to several who had some experience in suchmatters. The guns and their carriages had to be looked to, suchbuildings as were suited for storehouses were to be prepared, andhospitals fitted up to receive the sick or wounded; indeed, no point wasneglected. All these arrangements having been made, the brave John Vander Does, the newly-elected commandant, rose.

  "We have not concealed from ourselves the difficulties and dangers ofthe task we have undertaken," he said. "But, my friends andfellow-citizens, on God, on your stout arms, and on the energy of ourPrince we will rely to defend our city against all the foes who mayappear before our walls," he exclaimed, as he drew his sword; andraising it above his head, he added, "Never will I again sheathe thisweapon till the hated Spaniard has been driven from our country, and wemay henceforth repose in peace."