Read The Lion of Saint Mark: A Story of Venice in the Fourteenth Century Page 13

  Chapter 13: The Pirates' Raid.

  As soon as it was daylight next morning, Francis was up and at work.His experiments of the evening before were at once confirmed. Three orfour hours' work would enable him to free his wrists, but he could makeno impression on the rivets at his ankles. After a few trials he gavethis up as hopeless, for he was afraid, if he continued, he would bluntthe edge of the dagger.

  For an hour he sat still, thinking, and at last an idea occurred tohim. Iron could be ground by rubbing it upon stone, and if he could notcut off the burr of the rivet with the dagger, he might perhaps be ableto wear it down, by rubbing it with a stone.

  He at once turned to the walls of his cell. These were not built of theunbaked clay so largely used for houses of the poorer class in NorthernEgypt, but had evidently been constructed either as a prison, or moreprobably as a strong room where some merchant kept valuable goods. Itwas therefore constructed of blocks of hard stone.

  It seemed to Francis that this was sandstone, and to test its quality,he sat down in the corner where the guard had, the night before, placedhis supply of food and water. First he moistened a portion of the wall,then he took up a link of his chain, and rubbed for some time againstit. At last, to his satisfaction, a bright patch showed that the stonewas capable of wearing away iron. But in vain did he try to twist hislegs so as to rub the rivet against the wall, and he gave up theattempt as impossible.

  It was clear, then, that he must have a bit of the stone to rub with.He at once began to dig with the dagger in the earth at the foot of thewall, to see if he could find any such pieces. For a long time he cameacross no chips, even of the smallest size. As he worked, he was mostcareful to stamp down the earth which he had moved, scattering over itthe sand, of which there was an abundance in the corners of the room,to obliterate all traces of his work.

  When breakfast time approached he ceased for a while, but after themeal had been taken, he recommenced the task. He met with littlesuccess till he reached the door, but here he was more fortunate. Ashort distance below the surface were a number of pieces of stone ofvarious sizes, which, he had no doubt, had been cut from the blocks toallow for the fixing of the lintel and doorpost. He chose half a dozenpieces of the handiest sizes, each having a flat surface. Thenreplacing the earth carefully, he took one of the pieces in his hand,and moistening it with water, set to work.

  He made little progress. Still the stone did wear the iron, and he feltsure that, by perseverance, he should succeed in wearing off the burrs.All day he worked without intermission, holding a rag wrapped round thestone to deaden the sound. He worked till his fingers ached so that hecould no longer hold it, then rested for an hour or two, and resumedhis work. When his guard brought his dinner he asked him when thegalley was to sail again.

  "It was to have gone today," the man said, "but the captain has beenlaid up with fever. He has a leech from Tunis attending him, and, weakas he is, he is so bent on going that he would have had himself carriedon board the ship, had not the leech said that, in that case, he wouldnot answer for his life, as in the state his blood is in, his woundswould assuredly mortify did he not remain perfectly quiet. So he hasagreed to delay for three days."

  Francis was unable to work with the stone at night, for in thestillness the sound might be heard; but for some hours he hacked awaywith the dagger at the rivets on his manacles. The next morning he wasat work as soon as the chirrup of the cicadas began, as these, he knew,would completely deaden any sound he might make. By nighttime the rivetends on the irons round his ankles were worn so thin, that he felt surethat another hour's work would bring them level with the iron, andbefore he went to sleep the rivets on the wrist were in the samecondition.

  He learned from his guard, next morning, that the captain was better,that he was to be taken on board in the cool of the evening, and thatthe vessel would start as soon as the breeze sprang up in the morning.In the afternoon his two guards entered, and bade him follow them. Hewas conducted to the principal house in the village, and into a roomwhere Ruggiero Mocenigo was lying on a couch.

  "I have sent for you," Ruggiero said, "to tell you that I have notforgotten you. My vengeance has been delayed from no fault of mine, butit will be all the sweeter when it comes. I am going to fetch Polani'sdaughters. I have heard that, since you thrust yourself between me andthem, you have been a familiar in the house, that Polani treats you asa member of the family, and that you are in high favour with hisdaughters. I have kept myself informed of what happened in Venice, andI have noted each of these things down in the account of what I oweyou. I am going to fetch Polani's daughters here, and to make Maria mywife, and then I will show her how I treat those who cross my path. Itwill be a lesson to her, as well as for you. You shall wish yourselfdead a thousand times before death comes to you."

  "I always knew that you were a villain, Ruggiero Mocenigo," Francissaid quietly, "although I hardly thought that a man who had once thehonour of being a noble of Venice, would sink to become a pirate andrenegade. You may carry Maria Polani off, but you will never succeedthrough her in obtaining a portion of her father's fortune, for I knowthat, the first moment her hands are free, she will stab herself to theheart, rather than remain in the power of such a wretch."

  Ruggiero snatched up a dagger from a table by his couch as Francis wasspeaking, but dropped it again.

  "Fool," he said. "Am I not going to carry off the two girls? and do younot see that it will tame Maria's spirit effectually, when she knowsthat if she lays hands on herself, she will but shift the honour ofbeing my wife from herself to her sister?"

  As the laugh of anticipated triumph rang in Francis's ears, the latter,in his fury, made a spring forward to throw himself upon the villain,but he had forgotten his chains, and fell headlong on to the floor.

  "Guards," Ruggiero shouted, "take this fellow away, and I charge youwatch over him securely, and remember that your lives shall answer forhis escape."

  "There is no need for threats, signor," Philippo said. "You can rely onour vigilance, though, as far as I see, if he had but a child to watchhim he would be safe in that cell of his, fettered as he is."

  Ruggiero waved his hand impatiently, and the two men withdrew withtheir prisoner.

  "If it were not that I have not touched my share of the booty of ourlast trip," Philippo said as they left the house, "I would not servehim another day. As it is, as soon as the galley returns, and we getour shares of the money, and of the sum he has promised if thisexpedition of his is successful, I will be off. I have had enough ofthis. It is bad enough to be consorting with Moors, without beingabused and threatened as if one was a dog."

  As soon as he was alone again, Francis set to work, and by theafternoon the ends of the four rivets were worn down level with theiron, and it needed but a pressure to make the rings spring open. Thenhe waited for the evening before freeing himself, as by some chance hemight again be visited, and even if free before nightfall he could notleave the house.

  Philippo was later than usual in bringing him his meal, and Francisheard angry words passing between him and his comrade, because he hadnot returned to relieve him sooner.

  "Is everything ready for the start?" Francis asked the man as heentered.

  "Yes, the crew are all on board. The boat is to be on shore for thecaptain at nine o'clock, and as there is a little breeze blowing, Iexpect they will get up sail and start at once."

  After a few minutes' talk the man left, and Francis waited until itbecame almost dark, then he inserted the dagger between the irons atthe point of junction. At the first wrench they flew apart, and hisleft hand was free. A few minutes' more work and the chains lay on theground.

  Taking them up, he rattled them together loudly. In a minute he heardthe guard outside move and come to the door, then the key was insertedin the lock and the door opened.

  "What on earth are you doing now?" Philippo asked as he entered.

  Francis was standing close to the door, so that as his guard entered hehad his back
to him, and before the question was finished he sprangupon him, throwing him headlong to the ground with the shock, andbefore the astonished man could speak he was kneeling upon him, withthe point of the dagger at his throat.

  "If you make a sound, or utter a cry," he exclaimed, "I will drive thisdagger into your throat."

  Philippo could feel the point of the dagger against his skin, andremained perfectly quiet.

  "I do not want to kill you, Philippo. You have not been harsh to me,and I would spare your life if I could. Hold your hands back above yourhead, and put your wrists together that I may fasten them. Then I willlet you get up."

  Philippo held up his hands as requested, and Francis bound them tightlytogether with a strip of twisted cloth. He then allowed him to rise.

  "Now, Philippo, I must gag you. Then I will fasten your hands to a barwell above your head, so that you can't get at the rope with yourteeth. I will leave you here till your comrade comes in the morning."

  "I would rather that you killed me at once, signor," the man said."Thomaso will be furious at your having made your escape, for he willcertainly come in for a share of the fury of the captain. There arethree or four of the crew remaining behind, and no doubt they will keepme locked up till the ship returns, and in that case the captain willbe as good as his word. You had better kill me at once."

  "But what am I to do, Philippo? I must ensure my own safety. If youwill suggest any way by which I can do that, I will."

  "I would swear any oath you like, signor, that I will not give thealarm. I will make straight across the island, and get hold of a boatthere, so as to be well away before your escape is known in themorning."

  "Well, look here, Philippo. I believe you are sincere, and you shalltake the oath you hold most sacred."

  "You can accompany me, signor, if you will. Keep my hands tied till weare on the other side of the island, and stab me if I give the alarm."

  "I will not do that, Philippo. I will trust you altogether; but firsttake the oath you spoke of."

  Philippo swore a terrible oath, that he would abstain from giving thealarm, and would cross the island and make straight for the mainland.Francis at once cut the bonds.

  "You will lose your share of the plunder, Philippo, and you will haveto keep out of the way to avoid the captain's rage. Therefore I adviseyou, when you get to Tunis, to embark in the first ship that sails. Ifyou come to Venice, ask for me, and I will make up to you for your lossof booty, and put you in the way of leading an honest life again. Butbefore going, you must first change clothes with me. You can sell mineat Tunis for enough to buy you a dozen suits like yours; but you mustdivide with me what money you now have in your possession, for I cannotstart penniless."

  "I thank you for your kindness," the man said. "You had it in yourpower, with a thrust of the dagger, to make yourself safe, and youabstained. Even were it not for my oath, I should be a treacherous dog,indeed, were I to betray you. I do not know what your plans are,signor, but I pray you to follow my example, and get away from thisplace before daylight. The people here will all aid in the search foryou, and as the island is not large, you will assuredly be discovered.It has for many years been a rendezvous of pirates, a place to whichthey bring their booty to sell to the traders who come over from themainland."

  "Thank you for your advice, Philippo, and be assured I shall be off theisland before daybreak, but I have some work to do first, and cannottherefore accompany you."

  "May all the saints bless you, signor, and aid you to get safe away!Assuredly, if I live, I will ere long present myself to you atVenice--not for the money which you so generously promised me, but thatI may, with your aid, earn an honest living among Christians."

  By this time the exchange of clothes was effected, the six ducats inPhilippo's purse--the result of a little private plundering on one ofthe captured vessels--divided; and then they left the prison room, andPhilippo locked the door after them.

  "Is there any chance of Thomaso returning speedily?" Francis asked."Because, if so, he might notice your absence, and so give the alarmbefore the ship sets sail, in which case we should have the whole crewon our tracks."

  "I do not think that he will. He will be likely to be drinking in thewine shop for an hour or two before he returns. But I tell you what Iwill do, signor. I will resume my place here on guard until he hasreturned. He will relieve me at midnight, and in the darkness will notnotice the change of clothes. There will still be plenty of time for meto cross the island, and get out of sight in the boat, before the alarmis given, which will not be until six o'clock, when I ought to relievehim again. As you say, if the alarm were to be given before the vesselsails, they might start at once to cut us off before we reach themainland, for they would make sure that we should try to escape in thatdirection."

  "That will be the best plan, Philippo; and now goodbye."

  Francis walked down to the shore. There were no boats lying there of asize he could launch unaided, but presently he heard the sound of oars,and a small fishing boat rowed by two men approached.

  "Look here, lads," he said. "I want to be put on board the ship. Iought to have been on board three hours ago, but took too much wine,and lay down for an hour or two and overslept myself. Do you think youcan row quietly up alongside so that I can slip on board unnoticed? Ifso I will give you a ducat for your trouble."

  "We can do that," the fishermen said. "We have just come from the shipnow, and have sold them our catch of today. There were half a dozenother boats lying beside her, bargaining for their fish. Besides theyare taking on board firewood and other stores that have been left tillthe last moment. So jump in and we will soon get you there."

  In a few minutes they approached the side of the ship.

  "I see you have got half a dozen fish left in your boat now," Francissaid.

  "They are of no account," one of the men said. "They are good enoughfor our eating, but not such as they buy on board a ship where money isplentiful. You are heartily welcome to them if you have a fancy forthem."

  "Thank you," Francis said. "I will take two or three of them, if youcan spare them. I want to play a trick with a comrade."

  As the fishermen said, there were several boats lying near the vessel,and the men were leaning over the sides bargaining for fish. Handingthe fishermen their promised reward, Francis sprang up the ladder tothe deck. He was unnoticed, for other men had gone down into the boatsfor fish.

  Mingling with the sailors, he gradually made his way to the hatchwayleading into the hold, descended the ladder, and stowed himself awayamong a quantity of casks, some filled with wine and some with water,at the farther end of the hold; and as he lay there devoutly thankedGod that his enterprise had been so far successful.

  Men came down from time to time with lanterns, to stow away thelately-arrived stores, but none came near the place where Francis washidden. The time seemed long before he heard the clank of the capstan,and knew the vessel was being hove up to her anchors. Then, after awhile, he heard the creaking of cordage, and much trampling of feet onthe deck above, and knew that she was under way. Then he made himselfas comfortable as he could, in his cramped position, and went off tosleep.

  When he woke in the morning, the light was streaming down the hatch,which was only closed in rough weather, as it was necessary frequentlyto go down into it for water and stores. Francis had brought the fishwith him as a means of subsistence during the voyage, in case he shouldbe unable to obtain provisions, but for this there was no occasion, asthere was an abundance of fruit hanging from the beams, while piles ofbread were stowed in a partition at one end of the hold. During theday, however, he did not venture to move, and was heartily glad when itagain became dark, and he could venture to get out and stretch himself.He appropriated a loaf and some bunches of grapes, took a long drinkfrom a pail placed under the tap of a water butt, and made his way backto his corner. After a hearty meal he went out again for another drink,and then turned in to sleep.

  So passed six days. By the rush of
water against the outside planks, hecould always judge whether the vessel was making brisk way or whethershe was lying becalmed. Once or twice, after nightfall, he ventured upon deck, feeling certain that in the darkness there was no fear of hisbeing detected. From conversation he overheard on the seventh evening,he learned that Corfu had been sighted that day. For some hours thevessel's sails had been lowered, and she had remained motionless; butshe was now again making for the land, and in the course of another twohours a landing was to be made.

  The boats had all been got in readiness, and the men were to musterfully armed. Although, as they understood, the carrying off of twogirls was their special object, it was intended that they should gatheras much plunder as could be obtained. The island was rich, for manywealthy Venetians had residences there. Therefore, with the exceptionof a few men left on board to take care of the galley, the whole wereto land. A picked boat's crew were to accompany the captain, who wasnow completely convalescent. The rest were to divide in bands andscatter over the country, pillaging as they went, and setting fire tothe houses. It was considered that such consternation would be causedthat nothing like resistance could be offered for some time, and bydaybreak all hands were to gather at the landing place.

  How far this spot was from the town, Francis had no means of learning.There was a store of spare arms in the hold, and Francis, furnishinghimself with a sword and large dagger, waited until he heard a greatmovement overhead, and then went upon deck and joined a gang of menemployed in lowering one of the boats. The boat was a large one, rowingsixteen oars and carrying some twenty men seated in the stern. HereFrancis took his place with the others. The boat pushed off and waiteduntil four others were launched and filled. Then the order was given,and the boats rowed in a body towards the shore. The men landed andformed under their respective officers, one man remaining in each boatto keep it afloat.

  Francis leaped ashore, and while the men were forming up, found nodifficulty in slipping away unnoticed. As he did not know where thepath was, and was afraid of making a noise, he lay down among the rocksuntil he heard the word of command to start given. Then he cautiouslycrept out, and, keeping far enough in the rear to be unseen, followedthe sound of their footsteps. By the short time which had elapsedbetween the landing and the start, he had no doubt they were guided bysome persons perfectly acquainted with the locality, probably by somenatives of the island among the mixed crew.

  Francis had, during his voyage, thought over the course he shouldpursue on landing; and saw that, ignorant as he was of the country, hisonly hope was in obtaining a guide who would conduct him to Polani'svilla before the arrival of Mocenigo and his band. The fact that thecrew were divided into five parties, which were to proceed in differentdirections, and that he did not know which of them was commanded by thecaptain, added to the difficulty. Had they kept together he might,after seeing the direction in which they were going, make a detour andget ahead of them. But he might now follow a party going in an entirelywrong direction, and before he could obtain a guide, Mocenigo's bandmight have gone so far that they could not be overtaken before theyreached the villa.

  There was nothing to do but to get ahead of all the parties, in thehope of coming upon a habitation before going far. As soon, therefore,as the last band had disappeared, he started at a run. The country wasopen, with few walls or fences; therefore on leaving the road he wasable to run rapidly forwards, and in a few minutes knew that he must beahead of the pirates. Then he again changed his course so as to strikethe road he had left.

  After running for about a mile he saw a light ahead of him, and soonarrived at a cottage. He knocked at the door, and then entered. Theoccupants of the room--a man and woman, a lad, and severalchildren--rose to their feet at the sudden entrance of the stranger.

  "Good people," Francis said. "I have just landed from a ship, and amthe bearer of important messages to the Signoras Polani. I have lost myway, and it is necessary that I should go on without a moment's delay.Can you tell me how far the villa of Polani is distant?"

  "It is about three miles from here," the man said.

  "I will give a ducat to your son if he will run on with me at once."

  The man looked doubtful. The apparel and general appearance of Franciswere not prepossessing. He had been six days a prisoner in the holdwithout means of washing.

  "See," he said, producing a ducat, "here is the money. I will give ityou at once if you will order your son to go with me, and to hurry atthe top of his speed."

  "It's a bargain," the man said.

  "Here, Rufo! start at once with the signor."

  "Come along, signor," the boy said; and without another word to theparents Francis followed him out, and both set off at a run along theroad.

  Francis had said nothing about pirates to the peasants, for he knewthat, did he do so, such alarm would be caused that they would think ofnothing but flight, and he should not be able to obtain a guide. It wasimprobable that they would be molested. The pirates were bent uponpillaging the villas of the wealthy, and would not risk the raising ofan alarm by entering cottages where there was no chance of plunder.

  After proceeding a few hundred yards, the lad struck off by a byroad atright angles to that which they had been following, and by thedirection he took Francis felt that he must at first have gone far outof his way, and that the party going direct to the villa must have hada considerable start. Still, he reckoned that as he was running at therate of three feet to every one they would march, he might hope toarrive at the house well before them.

  Not a word was spoken as they ran along. The lad was wondering, in hismind, as to what could be the urgent business that could necessitateits being carried at such speed; while Francis felt that every breathwas needed for the work he had to do. Only once or twice he spoke, toask how much further it was to their destination.

  The last answer was cheering:

  "A few hundred paces farther."

  "There are the lights, signor. They have not gone to bed. This is thedoor."

  Francis knocked with the pommel of his sword, keeping up a loudcontinuous knocking. A minute or two passed, and then a face appearedat the window above.

  "Who is it that knocks so loudly at this time of night?"

  "It is Francisco Hammond. Open instantly. Danger threatens thesignoras. Quick, for your life!"

  The servant recognized the voice, and ran down without hesitation andunbarred the fastening; but for a moment he thought he must have beenmistaken, as Francis ran into the lighted hall.

  "Where are the ladies?" he asked. "Lead me to them instantly."

  But as he spoke a door standing by was opened, and Signor Polanihimself, with the two girls, appeared. They had been on the point ofretiring to rest when the knocking began, and the merchant, with hisdrawn sword, was standing at the door, when he recognized Francis'voice.

  They were about to utter an exclamation of pleasure at seeing him, andof astonishment, not only at his sudden arrival, but at his appearance,when Francis burst out:

  "There is no time for a word. You must fly instantly. Ruggiero Mocenigois close at my heels with a band of twenty pirates."

  The girls uttered a cry of alarm, and the merchant exclaimed:

  "Can we not defend the house, Francisco? I have eight men here, and wecan hold it till assistance comes."

  "Ruggiero has a hundred," Francis said, "and all can be brought up in ashort time--you must fly. For God's sake, do not delay, signor. Theymay be here at any moment."

  "Come, girls," Polani said.

  "And you, too," he went on, turning to the servants, whom the knockinghad caused to assemble. "Do you follow us. Resistance would only costyou your lives.

  "Here, Maria, take my hand.

  "Francisco, do you see to Giulia.

  "Close the door after the last of you, and bolt it. It will give us afew minutes, before they break in and discover that we have all gone.

  "Which way are the scoundrels coming?"

  Francis pointed in the
direction from which he had come, and the wholeparty started at a fast pace in the other direction. They had not beengone five minutes, when a loud and sudden knocking broke on the silenceof the night.

  "It was a close thing, indeed, Francisco," the merchant said, as theyran along close to each other. "At present I feel as if I was in adream; but you shall tell us all presently."

  They were, by this time, outside the grounds of the villa, and some ofthe servants, who knew the country, now took the lead. In a few minutesthe merchant slackened his pace.

  "We are out of danger now," he said. "They will not know in whichdirection to search for us; and if they scatter in pursuit we couldmake very short work of any that might come up with us."

  "I do not know that you are out of danger," Francis said. "A hundredmen landed. Mocenigo, with twenty, took the line to your house, but therest have scattered over the country in smaller bands, bent on murderand pillage. Therefore, we had best keep on as fast as we can, untilwell beyond the circle they are likely to sweep--that is, unless theladies are tired."

  "Tired!" Maria repeated. "Why, Giulia and I go for long walks everyday, and could run for an hour, if necessary."

  "Then come on, my dears," the merchant said. "I am burning to know whatthis all means; and I am sure you are equally curious; but nothing canbe said till you are in safety."

  Accordingly, the party again broke into a run. A few minutes later oneof the servants, looking back, exclaimed:

  "They have fired the house, signor. There are flames issuing from oneof the lower windows."

  "I expected that," the merchant said, without looking back. "Thatscoundrel would, in any case, light it in his fury at finding that wehave escaped; but he has probably done so, now, in hopes that the lightwill enable him to discover us. It is well that we are so far ahead,for the blaze will light up the country for a long way round."

  "There is a wood a little way ahead, signor," the servant said. "Oncethrough that we shall be hidden from sight, however great the light."

  Arrived at the wood, they again broke into a walk. A few hundred yardsbeyond the wood was some rising ground, from which they could see farover the country.

  "Let us stop here," the merchant said. "We are safe now. We have placedtwo miles between ourselves and those villains."

  The villa was now a mass of flames. Exclamations of fury broke from themen servants, while the women cried with anger at the sight of thedestruction.

  "Do not concern yourselves," the merchant said. "The house can berebuilt, and I will see that none of you are the poorer for the loss ofyour belongings.

  "Now, girls, let us sit down here and hear from Francisco how it isthat he has once again been your saviour."

  "Before I begin, signor, tell me whether there are any ships of war inthe port, and how far that is distant from us?"

  "It is not above six miles on the other side of the island. That is tosay, we have been going towards it since we left the villa.

  "See," he broke off, "there are flames rising in three or fourdirections. The rest of those villains are at their work."

  "But are there any war galleys in the port?" Francis interrupted.

  "Yes. Three ships were sent here, on the report that a Moorish piratehad been cruising in these waters, and that several vessels weremissing. When the story first came I did not credit it. The captain ofthe ship who brought the news told me he had met you about halfwayacross, and had told you about the supposed pirate. A vessel arrivedfour days later, and brought letters from my agent, but he said no wordabout your boat having arrived.

  "Then I became uneasy; and when later news came, and still no word ofyou, I felt sure that something must have befallen you; that possiblythe report was true, and that you had fallen into the hands of thepirates. So I at once started, in one of the galleys which the councilwere despatching in answer to the request of the governor here."

  "In that case, signor, there is not a moment to lose. The governorshould be informed that the pirate is lying on the opposite coast, andthat his crew have landed, and are burning and pillaging. If orders areissued at once, the galleys could get round before morning, and so cutoff the retreat of these miscreants."

  "You are quite right," Polani said, rising at once. "We will go onwithout a moment's delay! The girls can follow slowly under the escortof the servants."

  "Oh, papa," Maria exclaimed, "you are not going to take Francisco awaytill we have heard his story! Can you not send forward the servantswith a message to the governor?"

  "No, my dear. The governor will have gone to bed, and the servantsmight not be able to obtain admittance to him. I must go myself. It isfor your sakes, as well as for my own. We shall never feel a moment'ssafety, as long as this villain is at large. Francisco's story willkeep till tomorrow.

  "As to your gratitude and mine, that needs no telling. He cannot butknow what we are feeling, at the thought of the almost miraculousescape you have had from falling into the hands of your persecutor.

  "Now come along, Francisco.

  "One of you men who knows the road had better come with us. Do the restof you all keep together.

  "Two miles further, girls, as you know, is a villa of Carlo Maffene. Ifyou feel tired, you had best stop and ask for shelter there. There isno fear that the pirates will extend their ravages so far. They willkeep on the side of the island where they landed, so as to be able toreturn with their booty before daybreak to the ship."