Read The Little Ball O' Fire; or, the Life and Adventures of John Marston Hall Page 1

  Produced by Transcribed by Charles Bowen from page imagesprovided by Google Books and Oxford University.

  Transcriber's Notes: 1. Page scan source: Google Books "" (provided by Oxford University). 2. The diphthong oe is represented by [oe].


  THE LAST OF THE FAIRIES: a Christmas Tale for 1848. By G. P. R. James,Esq. Foolscap 8vo, 5_s_.

  MARGARET GRAHAM: a Tale founded on Fact. In 2 vols. post 8vo, ?l 1_s_.

  ======================================================================_The Sixteenth Volume of the New and Illustrated Edition of_ THE WORKS OF G. P. R. JAMES, ESQ. Will be published on the 1st of April, 1848. ==========This new and attractive Series of Mr. James's Works is publishedQuarterly. It commenced on the 1st of July, 1844, and the followingVolumes have already appeared:--

  Vol. I. containing THE GIPSY July 1st, 1844. Vol. II. -- MARY OF BURGUNDY Oct. 1st, 1844. Vol. III. -- THE HUGUENOT Jan. 1st, 1845. Vol. IV. -- ONE IN A THOUSAND April 1st, 1845. Vol. V. -- PHILIP AUGUSTUS July 1st, 1845. Vol. VI. -- HENRY OF GUISE Oct. 1st, 1845. Vol. VII. -- MORLEY ERNSTEIN Jan. 1st, 1846. Vol. VIII. -- THE ROBBER April 1st, 1846. Vol. IX. -- DARNLEY July 1st, 1846. Vol. X. -- THE BRIGAND; OR CORSE DE LEON Oct. 1st, 1846. Vol. XI. -- THE KING'S HIGHWAY Jan. 1st, 1847. Vol. XII. -- THE GENTLEMAN OF THE OLD SCHOOL April 1st, 1847. Vol. XIII. -- HENRY MASTERTON July 1st, 1847. Vol. XIV. -- FOREST DAYS Oct. lst, 1847. Vol. XV. -- THE LITTLE BALL O' FIRE Jan. 1st, 1848.*** The Third Volume, in addition to the usual Illustration, containsa new and highly-finished Portrait of the Author.


  The following are Extracts from a few of the favourable Reviews whichhave appeared of this Series:

  "The writings of James are so well known to the readers of fiction,that it is unnecessary to call their attention to them. This editionis well got up, the type is clear, sharp, and legible, and the sizeconvenient for the reader, and appropriate for the shelves of abookcase. The book, as it is, will form a pleasing addition to thecollections of literature of the class to which it belongs.--_Times_.

  "This is a most admirable edition of the works of this popular author,convenient in size, and handsome in appearance. It, moreover,possesses the advantage of being revised and corrected by the author,--no small recommendations, since the generality of Mr. James's worksbeing connected with history, a careful perusal of his productionsincreases their value."--_Atlas_.

  "Mr. James is a writer whose vraisemblance is always so perfect, andeven what he invents so like truth, that we can never fancy we arereading fiction, nor indeed are we, in the historical portions of hispublications,--and these form the far greater division,--which are alldrawn from deep study and elaborate comparison."--_Literary Gazette_.

  "Mr. James is a pure and pleasing writer, and we are glad to see thathis Works are now to be thrown into a handy, handsome, and accessibleshape."--_Scotsman_.