Read The Little Ball O' Fire; or, the Life and Adventures of John Marston Hall Page 33


  It may easily be conceived that such reveries as those which occupiedme during the rest of the journey, produced a sensible effect upon myexternal demeanour. Men may conceal great schemes and mighty designs,and all those enterprises in which the mind alone is concerned may behidden by firmness, or covered over by art, but the deep feelings andintense passions of the heart almost always betray their workings bysome external sign. It was Clement de la Marke who first perceived thealteration, and, hanging upon me affectionately, he inquired what mademe so sad. Ere long it caught the attention of Monsieur de Villardinhimself; and, without the slightest suspicion of its cause, he spokeof my unusual gravity as if it had arisen from disappointment inregard to the governorship of Binches, and tried to console me bypromising to use every effort to obtain for me a just compensation.Each new instance of his kindness, far from giving me any relief, onlyserved to make me feel more poignantly, that even, did no othercircumstances exist to deprive my love of even a chance of success,gratitude to him should teach me to view it with despair. Everythought, every remembrance, showed me more and more strongly that mypassion was hopeless; and yet every feeling assured me that thatpassion was unconquerable, and could never be forgotten. My buoyantheart, which I had thought nothing could overwhelm, completely sunkunder the tide of sad thoughts and bitter feelings that overflowed inmy bosom during our journey to Paris; and, when we arrived in thecapital, I was as reckless a human being as ever despair drove to viceor to folly. What might have been the consequences I cannot tell, forno man should ever trust himself in such a state of mind, had it notbeen immediately necessary to join the army, and to quit a place inthe debaucheries of which I might, perhaps, have sought relief fromthe agony that preyed upon my heart.

  We arrived in the capital in the morning; and while I remained at ourhotel, in a state of gloomy despondency, which seemed to crush all myenergies, Monsieur de Villardin proceeded to the Court, and returned,after an absence of two hours, with a countenance which plainly showedthat he was highly gratified by the reception he had met with. He didnot mention what had occurred, however, but merely told me that itwould be necessary for me to accompany him to the royal presence thenext morning; and, as I cared but little what I did or what I leftundone, I assented with the utmost indifference, and followed him whenthe time came.

  After having remained in waiting for a few minutes, we were admittedto the royal presence, and found the King--now grown into one of thehandsomest young men I had ever seen--in company with his mother,Cardinal Mazarin, Le Tellier, and a number of other ministers andattendants, in the act of giving audience to a foreign ambassador, whowas taking leave ere his departure. Our reception was most gracious,and I soon found that the pliancy which I had shown in yielding atonce to the wishes of the Cardinal, had established my favour, notonly with that minister, but with the royal family, on a basis whichmight have been very advantageous to me had I been disposed to profitby it. As there was no hope, however, of any turn of fortune takingplace, sufficiently miraculous in its nature to render a young Englishadventurer a fit match for the heiress of two noble houses, I was veryindifferent to all the rest. I saw with more satisfaction, however,the marks of honour which the Court bestowed upon Monsieur deVillardin; and ere we took our leave, was gratified by beholding thebaton of Field Marshal placed in his hands by the young monarch, witha compliment on his fidelity and military skill, which must havedoubled the pleasure that the distinction produced.

  After having expressed his thanks, Monsieur de Villardin drew back astep, and presenting me anew to the king, he added, "I think, Sire,you were graciously pleased to intimate that you had some mark of yourroyal approbation to bestow upon my young friend, who will, I am sure,do his best to deserve it."

  "The commission has not yet received our signature," replied the King,"but it shall be sent to your hotel before your departure to-morrow.In the meantime I doubt not, Monsieur le Mar?chal, that you haveinformed the Baron de Juvigny of my intentions in his favour."

  "I did not presume, Sire," replied Monsieur de Villardin, "toforestall the pleasure he would receive from hearing your royalgoodness towards him expressed by your own lips."

  "You did well, Sir," replied the King. "Monsieur de Juvigny, thehonours we confer are always on account of past services, though wewish them to act as incitements to fresh exertion, by affording thecertainty that, as far as Heaven grants us power of discrimination,merit of any kind shall never be left without its reward. Since welast had an opportunity of signifying our approbation, you havecontinued to do well; and, in consequence thereof, as well as at thesolicitation of your friend here present, it is our intention tobestow upon you the regiment which he himself raised, and in which youhave hitherto exercised a subordinate command. The commission, as Isaid before, shall be sent to you ere your departure to-morrow."

  Long replies are never suitable to any expression of the royal will,and even thanks had better be brief as well as forcible. I had,therefore, no inducement, even if I had been disposed at the time, tobe eloquent; and, setting forth my gratitude as shortly, but aspointedly as I could, I took my leave and drew back. Monsieur deVillardin also received permission immediately to retire, and,re-entering his carriage, we drove homewards.

  If the new mark of royal favour I had received had, in the slightestdegree rekindled the spark of hope in my bosom--and I suppose thatsuch is always, more or less, the tendency of some unexpectedsuccess--Monsieur de Villardin, as we returned to his hotel,unconsciously extinguished the light altogether.

  After congratulating me upon my good fortune, which he represented,and represented truly, as opening the way to the highest honours inthe French army, he added, "You will be delighted, my dear boy, I amsure--as I know you take as much interest in my affairs as if you weremy own son,--you will be delighted, I say, to hear that I havefound for my dear Laura the very best alliance, perhaps in allFrance. Yesterday, at the palace, I met with my good friend, the Countde Laval, whose fortune and family, and high character, place himamongst the first, in the first rank of our French nobility. He atonce asked my daughter's hand, and enhanced the compliment by tellingme that he had determined upon that step two years before, and hadonly waited that I might become thoroughly acquainted both with hissituation and disposition, before he ventured to propose the alliance.I need not tell you, that I instantly accepted his proposal. But, aswe both agreed that Laura is still too young, the final arrangementsmust be delayed for a year and a half."

  Luckily it happened that the carriage was, at that moment, passingthrough one of those dark, narrow streets, which leave many parts ofParis in a continual state of obscurity. Had it not been so, I amconvinced that the agony which his words inflicted could not haveescaped the eyes of Monsieur de Villardin. It is impossible todescribe all I felt at what appeared to me to be a cold and heartlesssacrifice of the girl I loved to a man whom she had never yet beheld.

  But little, either, could I reconcile such conduct with the deep andimpassioned feelings which Monsieur de Villardin naturally possessed;though such unfortunately was, and is the universal method ofarranging all transactions of the kind in France: and Laura's father,perhaps, never considered it possible that any other plan could bepursued to render his child more happy. Little did he know, indeed,what was passing in my heart as he spoke, or a new view of hersituation must instantly have burst upon his sight, however impossiblehe might have felt it to break the engagements he had already formed.Nor did I attempt to alter his determination, well knowing that nochange therein could work a benefit to myself. I replied nothing tohis communication, except some incoherent words expressive ofsurprise; and after they had passed my lips, I remained in dark andbitter silence, revolving acts of madness and folly, which I hardlydare to think of even at this moment.

  My feelings before had been all light and sunshiny--happiness itselfcompared to those which I now experienced. I cannot, indeed, say thatI had forgot that Laura could become the bride of
another; but, evenwhile I knew and felt that she could never be mine, the image of her Iloved as another man's wife had never presented itself to my mind. Nowthat it did rise up before me, it was too painful to be endured, and,from the sensations that I experienced during that day and the twothat followed it, I gained my first full insight into all thosepassions which had torn and distracted Monsieur de Villardin himselfduring the week that had preceded the death of his unhappy wife.

  To bring about my own death, or that of the Count de Laval, were,during that time, the only thoughts continually present to my mind,and the idea of the latter was certainly predominant for some time. Ashours passed away, however, I began to remember that, even were my ownhand to rid me of the rival that had thus sprung up, I should be stillas far from hope as ever; and that, under whatever pretence I mightseek a quarrel with him, and call him to the field, the act itselfwould be nothing short of murder in my own eyes, and the eyes of theAlmighty, however the blind world might regard the deed.

  Such feelings occupied me during the whole of that evening and nightwith such intensity, that I certainly forgot all form and ceremony. Iremained silent, gloomy, abstracted; and both my little page andMonsieur de Villardin concluded that I was seriously ill. The nextmorning early I found a surgeon in my room, who, informing me that hehad been sent for to attend me, felt my pulse and proposed to bleedme. Although I knew that the malady which affected me had nothing todo with my corporeal frame, and that, unless he could give medicine tomy mind, the most skilful son of Esculapius could effect no ultimatecure upon me, yet I suffered him to do his will, and perhaps did feelrelieved in some degree from the sort of burning headache which Iexperienced, as the blood flowed from the vein, and my frame began togrow weaker from the loss of that fluid which had been flowing likeliquid fire through every limb.

  As we were to set out for the army, however, at mid-day, I went insearch of Monsieur de Villardin as soon as the operation was over;and, notwithstanding all his remonstrances, insisted upon accompanyinghim, declaring that I felt better for the bleeding, and should soon bequite well. Not long after, my commission arrived; and, having by thistime given up all thought of making the Count de Laval the victim ofmy disappointment, I set out for the camp with the stern and gloomydetermination of never returning from the field alive. I will do myduty, I thought, in every respect; and, by exposing myself on alloccasions wherever danger is to be found, I shall surely at length beenabled to gain that fate, which will set these warring passions atrest for ever.

  According to the rule which I have laid down for myself, I shall speakof the events of my military career as briefly as possible. Ourregiment had been quartered in the neighbourhood of Senlis; and, asthe inferior officers were generally steady and experienced, we foundit already in marching order when we arrived. By this time, Turennehad determined to open the campaign by an attack upon some of theenemy's towns in Flanders, and--being joined at Cond? by Monsieur deVillardin, with our own regiment and two or three others, which werenow united under his command,--that great general first marched uponTournay. Finding, however, that he had been deceived in regard to thestate of preparation of that town, he instantly fell back upon Cond?,and thence marched direct for Valenciennes, which was invested thenight of his arrival.

  Two redoubts were the only defences which obstructed our firstapproaches; and, having volunteered to attack them, I here made myfirst essay in that headlong and incautious plan of action, upon whichI had determined as the means of winning both glory and the grave.However much the first object might be gained, I soon found that fateseemed capriciously resolved to disappoint me of the second. Inforcing my way into the redoubts, through one of the most tremendouscross fires that ever I beheld, twenty or thirty of my men fell aroundme in every direction,--scarcely one of the whole storming partyescaped without some injury; but, at the end of five minutes, I, whohad been madly rash in every part of the action, found myself standingunhurt in the midst of the conquered redoubts, with nothing but deathand destruction around me on every side. When the whole was settled, Ireturned towards the camp, and was immediately admitted to thepresence of Monsieur de Turenne, who had watched the attack till theaffair was decided, and who now, in the presence of his staff, gave mehigh praises for my conduct throughout the evening. The moment after,however, he added, "I wish to show you something, my young friend,which perhaps you can execute to-morrow morning--I will be backdirectly, gentlemen," he added, turning to the other officers, severalof whom had risen to accompany him, but now paused at this intimationof his desire to go alone, and then taking his hat and cane, he led meto a little mound, at a short distance from his tent, where, beingquite without witnesses, his whole aspect immediately changed, and headdressed me with a severe and frowning brow, "You have been rash,sir," he said, "extremely rash; and what is more, I perceive you knowit. Remember, sir, that courage and temerity are as different as witand impertinence, and that however much you may choose to exposeyour own person, you have no right to expose the troops of hisMajesty."

  Thus saying, he turned upon his heel, and was leaving me; but theexpression of bitter mortification which his words had produced uponmy countenance touched him, and he came back. "Monsieur de Juvigny,"he said, "I am angry with you, because I know you can do better thanyou have done this day. I do not absolutely disapprove of a young manrisking somewhat more than necessary in his own person, but I dostrongly disapprove of his acting rashly when in a command, such asthat entrusted to you this evening. You may receive it as a mark ofpersonal regard that I did not choose to blame you publicly; but, atthe same time, do not let that circumstance deprive this admonition ofany of its force, and take care to be more prudent for the future."

  Although the reproof I had received was certainly well merited, andsunk deep into my memory, I nevertheless resolved to expose my ownperson as much as ever, though at the same time I saw the necessity ofbeing more careful of my troops. For many days, time seemed to have noeffect upon the bitter and painful feelings which had taken possessionof my heart, and despair was my constant companion. Gloomy,melancholy, and reserved, I avoided the society of my fellow officers;and at night when I was in my tent, I gave myself up to sombremeditations, which consumed in vain regrets the greater part of thosehours that should have been devoted to sleep. Not that I did not courtslumber with all my heart, for while I was asleep was the only timethat I could feel happy, though it was but the happiness of inanition.In order, however, to gain such repose, I was obliged to labourthroughout the whole day, and completely to exhaust the body before Icould calm the mind.

  From morning till night I was either on horseback, or working as avolunteer in the trenches, or, accompanied by little Clement de laMarke, visiting the different posts, and endeavouring to give him athorough and practical knowledge of the duties of a soldier. Whereverthe thickest of the enemy's fire was directed, there I was still to befound; yet as I showed myself careful of my troops, my conduct nowdrew down upon me great praise, although the motive, I am afraid, wasthe same as before.

  My little page was indeed a great comfort to me, for quick, lively,inquiring, while he was with me, he gave constant occupation to mymind, and from his prompt powers of apprehension, pleased anddelighted, while he furnished me with matter for indifferent thought,and filled the painful moments of leisure. For the first ten days,indeed, of the siege of Valenciennes, we were in no want of employment,for the garrison took every means which skill and resolution couldsuggest or execute to delay our progress or to compel us to abandonthe attempt. As the force within the walls was but small, an effortwas immediately made to throw a reinforcement into the place, and thisproving vain, means were taken to inundate a great part of the groundwithin our lines. To remedy this, the cavalry was constantly employedfor several days in carrying fascines, for the purpose of formingboth a floating bridge and a dike across the inundation, which wasnot effected without infinite difficulty and loss of time. A worseresult also ensued, in consequence of the extensive inundationwhich the enemy
had been able to effect; a violent fever broke outin the camp, and one of the first persons attacked was my poorlittle page. I loved the boy most sincerely, and I had taken a sortof sad pleasure in winning his affection by every means, and infancying that _he_ at least would regret me bitterly when I was gone.I now, however, soon saw him reduced to the brink of the grave, andevery moment that I could spare, I passed by his bedside. The poorlittle fellow, restless and delirious, still retained all hisgentleness and affection. He would receive his remedies from nohand but mine, and often in the night when he saw me watching byhim, he would beg me--in sentences confused and incoherent enough,indeed--to lie down and take my rest without minding him.

  The time I spent with him was not lost to my mind; for, whether therewas something monitory in the sight of a fellow being fluttering fordays upon the very verge of eternity, or whether my better feelingswere themselves struggling up by their own strength, I cannot tell;but I began to reflect upon my late conduct, and to view it in adifferent light from that which I had done at first. Reason soonshowed me that the rash purpose of courting danger, which I hadentertained, was, in fact, but a specious kind of suicide, a crime forwhich I had both a great contempt, and a great detestation; and aftermany a painful night of thought, I arrived at the conclusion which Ishould have reached at first, if passion had not overpowered myunderstanding. I found that I was bound by every tie to conquer thelove which had so mastered my judgment, to banish for ever the dreamthat had bewildered me; and, if I could not succeed in crushing my ownfeelings, at least to conceal them most scrupulously. I went farther:I determined to act towards Laura and her father as if such sensationsdid not exist,--neither to avoid their society, nor to let themdiscover, by any means, that a change had come over my heart. I knewand felt that the attempt would be most agonising, but I fancied thatthe human mind could perform any task which it undertook, and thus,even with better purposes, I was again led into error. I scarcely knowwhether I was not deceiving myself, and whether from the first therewas not mingling with all my reasoning the latent desire of seeing,once more at least, the being that I most loved on earth. I scarcelyknow, even now, whether it was so, or whether my designs were purelygood and firm; for, of all the things that God has created, there isnone so subtle as the human heart. At all events, this book is one ofconfessions as well as of memoirs, and the facts shall be told as theyarose. Let others judge the motives, for no man yet, in every point,has judged himself justly.

  At the end of nine or ten days, my young companion showed signs ofamendment, and the surgeon strongly admonished me to turn my cares tomy own health. It became necessary, indeed, that I should be morefrequently absent from Clement's bedside, for duties of a differentkind now called for constant exertions. By this time, the Spanisharmy, commanded by the Prince de Cond?, had approached within sight ofour lines of circumvallation, and it was evident to all who knew thatgreat general, that an attack upon our camp would soon follow. At whatpoint the assault would be made, of course, no one could tell; and,with the small force at our command, it was impossible to guard everypart of the great extent of lines. Our infantry did not amount in allto above twelve thousand men, and what with those employed in carryingon the two separate attacks, which were going on against the town, andwith those employed on other duty, a great part of our entrenchmentswere left exposed. Under these circumstances, and expecting every hourto see Cond? attempt to force our camp, Turenne employed the cavalryto watch the lines continually, while three regiments of infantry wereconstantly held in readiness to march to whatever point should beultimately assailed. All these precautions, however, were unavailing.The Mar?chal de la Fert?, haughty, presumptuous, and jealous,neglected the warnings and counsels of Turenne; and Cond?, wellknowing which of the generals he was most likely to find unprepared,determined to attack the quarters of the former. My regiment had beenon duty during the whole day, and after informing Monsieur de Turennethat I had seen demonstrations on the part of the enemy of adetermination to pass the Scheldt, and attack the Mar?chal de laFert?, I retired to my tent for the night. It was the first eveningthat Clement had risen from his bed, and after supper I went into hispart of the tent, and sat with him for about half an hour, listeningto all the gay visions which the prospect of returning health calledup in his mind, when suddenly I heard a sharp discharge of musketryfrom the side of Azin. Well understanding what it meant, I rushed out,got my men under arms, and, springing on horseback, rode towards thetent of Monsieur de Turenne, while the flashes and the report bothshowed that the enemy were already in the quarters of Monsieur de laFert?. I found Monsieur de Villardin with the general, and both ascalm as if they had been going to their beds.

  Turenne was in the act of ordering two regiments of infantry to crossthe dike and the bridge of fascines, and support the Mar?chal de laFert?, ere he (Turenne) could himself arrive with a strongerreinforcement.

  "Monsieur de Villardin," he added, "I beg that you will remain here,and attend to the safety of the lines between the river Rouelle andthe Chemin de Mons. Monsieur de Juvigny, his Highness the Prince deCond? is not a man to make this attack without securing some diversionin his favour. Lead your regiment down to support the troops ofLoraine and the household forces, and bid them be upon the alert, forit would not surprise me if Don Juan or the Count de Marsin beat uptheir quarters."

  I lost no time in obeying the orders, while the continued fire fromMont Azin showed me that the business was not yet concluded in thatdirection. Ere I had reached the quarters of Loraine, however, a fewstraggling shots from the lines in the neighbourhood of the littleriver Rouelle showed me that Turenne had not been mistaken, when heanticipated an attack on his side of the town likewise. I was at thatmoment within five hundred yards of that part of the lines; and asthere was a good open space before me for the man[oe]uvres of cavalry,I halted the regiment, and rode on to ascertain how matters went. Thenext instant I met a company of infantry hurrying up; but before theycould reach the palisade, it had been forced by the troops of theenemy at several points; and though the night was very dark, I couldplainly perceive a strong body of Spanish infantry pushing forward bythe side of the river. As the force already on the ground could offerno sufficient opposition to their progress, I felt it my duty to bringup the regiment, and make head against the enemy where first I metthem. Our own company of foot gave them one discharge, just as I wasapproaching at the full trot; and taking advantage of some smallconfusion which this produced, I charged, and with very littledifficulty drove them once more beyond the lines.

  The adversary's force was at this point but small; and probably theirobject was more to occupy the troops of Turenne, and effect adiversion in favour of the attack of Cond?, than really to attempt therelief of the town. By the time, however, that we had contrived todrive them back beyond the palisade, a regiment of infantry arrived toour support; and judging that the camp was now safe in that quarter, Iproceeded to obey my first orders, and marched forward to join thehousehold troops. As I rode on, I remarked that the firing had almostceased in the quarters of Monsieur de la Fert?, and I was led to hopethat the adversary had also been repulsed there. A moment after,however, the sound of loud acclamations from the town, and atremendous fire opened upon our trenches--which had been pushed to theedge of the fosse--showed me at once that the city had been relieved.Before I had proceeded a hundred yards farther, I met Monsieur deTurenne galloping back at the head of his guards; and he demanded,somewhat hastily, what had delayed me so long. I had never been famousfor using many words, and I now replied, in as few as possible, that Ihad found the lines by the side of the lesser stream attacked andcarried by the enemy, and that I had but paused to charge, and drivethem out.

  "You did right," replied the Marshal, with a smile; "Monsieur de laFert? has been unfortunate--the town is relieved--we must retreat; butthere is no danger," he added, in a louder tone, "if the men will butshow the calm courage of true Frenchmen."

  I must confess that a good deal of confusion now succeeded. Turenneen
deavoured instantly to withdraw his troops from the trenches; butnotwithstanding all his skill and all his coolness, an immense numberwere lost. Cond? and the forces from the town pressed upon us hard;but, nevertheless, we had sufficient time to evacuate the lines, andsecure the principal part of our baggage and artillery, without anygreat annoyance from the enemy. My first care was to get poor littleClement upon a wagon, and to see him safely out of the camp, in whichthe panic and haste of a night engagement was spreading much moreconfusion than necessary. As soon as the baggage and artillery weresecure, Turenne made no further attempt to maintain his position, but,merely presenting a bold front to the enemy whenever he saw thelikelihood of a renewed attack, he caused regiment after regiment toevacuate the lines, remaining himself till the last man had quittedthem.

  When we were once out of the camp, and in free and open ground, orderand tranquillity were soon restored; and so skilfully did Turenneconduct his march, that the enemy, though now infinitely superior toourselves in number, did not dare to attack us.

  The rest of the incidents of that campaign were certainly interestingenough to military men; but as it is my own history, and not thehistory of Europe, that I am writing, I must turn once more to thesubject of self. There now existed a continual struggle in my mind, inorder to familiarise my thoughts with the idea of Laura de Villardinbecoming the wife of another. I tried to impress upon my heart, as itwas already impressed upon my understanding, that she never could bemine, and that her hand must be bestowed upon the Count de Laval; andI fancied that, by continually keeping this image before my eyes,while I daily exercised my resolution by the contemplation, I shouldbe able to tranquillize the pain I suffered, and even to quell my loveby the certainty of its hopelessness. In some degree, I certainlysucceeded--if, indeed, I may so call it; for the object that Iattained was very different from that which I strove for. I did notremove one pang from my heart, but I learned to bear them; I did notin the least diminish my love, or for a moment forget her thatinspired it, but I learned the means of concealing it within my ownbosom, and hiding its existence, in some sort, even from myself. Whatwas, perhaps, worse than all, at least in its effect, I lulled myselfin an imaginary security; fancied that I could command both myfeelings and my actions; and determined that, however much I mightsuffer internally, I would behave in every respect as if no feelingsbut those of fraternal regard actuated me towards Laura de Villardin.The delusion was one which nothing but love could enable a man topractise on himself, especially after having marked, with keen andinterested eyes, in my early youth, the very same conduct pursued byLord Masterton, and having seen how entirely it had failed.Nevertheless, the deception with myself was quite complete; andthough, perhaps, I had that degree of apprehension in regard to my ownresolutions, which would have made me very willingly remain with thearmy, even in winter quarters, had such a thing been required, yet Ihad so taught myself to believe that it was absolutely necessary forme to act entirely as an indifferent person, that I took not theslightest step to obtain any of those small appointments, which wouldhave been granted me at once, and which would have afforded a fairexcuse for absenting myself from a place so dangerous to my peace.

  It must not, however, be thought that, on all days and at all times,during the six months we spent with the army, my feelings orresolutions remained in the same state. Quite the contrary; though Ihave detailed what was the general result, yet my mood and my thoughtswere in a continual state of fluctuation; and a thousand trifles wouldoccur, from day to day, to give a new course to my sentiments, inwhich they would remain for a few hours, and then, after calmreflection, would be overruled by my former determinations. Thus, manya time, a casual word from Monsieur de Villardin, or from littleClement de la Marke, concerning her I loved, her conduct during thepast, or her prospects for the future, would throw me back into one ofmy fits of wild despair; and, forgetting every better thought, I wouldrush into the very teeth of danger, and court death, like a madman,wherever he was to be found. Then, again, I would fall into deep andgloomy musings, which would occupy me for whole days; and then I wouldalmost be tempted to commit a greater act of madness than all, and,acknowledging my love and my despair, pour out my blood at her feet.

  All these paroxysms, however, lasted but their time; and stillreflection restored to me my former determinations, which graduallybecame more and more fixed, as, passing through the rest of thecampaign, I followed Turenne in all his brilliant movements andsuccessful enterprises, till at length, in the end of November, thearmy re-entered France, was dispersed in winter quarters in Picardy,and I returned with Monsieur de Villardin to Paris.