Read The Little Brown Jug at Kildare Page 19



  "What do you think," cried Mrs. Atchison, glowing before Jerry andArdmore on their return; "we have a new guest!"

  "In the coal cellar?" inquired her brother.

  "No, in the blue room adjoining Miss Dangerfield's! And what do youthink! It is none other than the daughter of the governor of SouthCarolina."

  "Oh, Nellie!" gasped Ardmore.

  "Why, what's the matter?" demanded Mrs. Atchison. "I had gone in toTurner's to look at that memorial church we're building there, and Ilearned from the rector that Miss Osborne, with only a maid, wasstopping at that wretched hole called the Majestic Hotel. I had met MissOsborne in Washington last winter, and you may forget, Tommy, that onour mother's side I am a Daughter of the Seminole War, a society ofwhich Miss Osborne is the president-general. I hope Miss Osborne'spresence here will not be offensive to you, Miss Dangerfield. Sheseemed reluctant to come, but I simply would not take no, and I am tosend for her at four o'clock."

  "Miss Osborne's presence is not only agreeable to me, Mrs. Atchison,"responded Jerry, "but I shall join you in welcoming her. I have heardthat the ancestor through whom Barbara Osborne derives membership in theDaughters of the Seminole War was afterward convicted of robbing anorphan of whose estate he was the trusted executor, and such being thecase I feel that the commonest Christian charity demands that I shouldtreat her with the most kindly consideration. I shall gather some roses,with your permission, and have them waiting in her room when shearrives, with my card and compliments."

  Ardmore had rarely been so busy as during the afternoon. Several morenewspaper correspondents were found prowling about the estate, and theywere added to the howling mob in the Ardsley cellars. Collins searchedthem and read their instructions with interest. They were allcommissioned to find the lost governors of North and South Carolina; anda number were instructed to investigate a rumor that North Carolina wasabout to default her bonds through malfeasance of the state treasurer.It was clear from the fact that practically every newspaper in New Yorkhad sent its best man to the field that the world waited anxiously fornews from the border.

  "It has all happened very handily for us," said Collins; "we've got thehighest-priced newspaper talent in the world right under our hands, andbefore we turn them loose we'll dictate exactly what history is to knowof these dark proceedings. Those fellows couldn't get anything out ofeither Kildare or Turner's for some time, as Paul's men have cut thewires and Cooke has operators at the railway stations to see thatnothing is sent out."

  "When we've settled with Griswold and proved to him that he's lost outand that the real Mr. Appleweight is in his jail, not ours, we'll haveto find Governor Dangerfield and be mighty quick about it," repliedArdmore. "Paul says there's a battery of South Carolina artilleryguarding the Dilwell County jail, and that they've fooled the peopleinto thinking they're North Carolina troops, and nobody can get withinfour blocks of the jail. They must have somebody in jail at Kildare. Idon't like the looks of it. I hope those men we left guarding oldAppleweight in the Mingo jail know their business. It would be nasty tolose that old chap after all the trouble he's given us."

  "They'll keep him or eat him, if I know old Cookie."

  Jerry--a pleasing figure to contemplate in white lawn and blueribbons--suggested that the meeting take place in the library, as morelike an imperial council chamber; but Ardmore warmly dissented fromthis. A peace should never be signed, he maintained, in so large a houseas Ardsley. At Appomattox and in many other cases that he recalled, theopponents met in humble farmhouses. It would be well, however, to havethe meeting on the estate, for the property would thus become historic,but it would never do to have it take place in the Ardsley library.

  "There should be great difficulty in securing pens and paper," Ardmorecontinued, "and we must decline to accept the swords of our fallenfoes."

  They finally agreed on the red bungalow as convenient and sufficientlymodest for the purpose. And so it was arranged.

  A few minutes before five the flag of North Carolina was hung from thewide veranda of the bungalow. At the door stood an armed militiaman.Colonel Daubenspeck had been invited to be present, and he appearedaccompanied by several other officers in full uniform. Word of themeeting place had been sent through the lines to the enemy, and themessenger rode back with Griswold, who was followed quickly by theadjutant-general of South Carolina and half a dozen other officers. Theguard saluted as Griswold ran up the steps of the veranda, and at thedoor Ardmore met him and greeted him formally.

  At the end of a long table Jerry Dangerfield sat with her arms folded.She wore, as befitting the occasion, a gray riding-dress and a gray felthat perched a trifle to one side.

  She bowed coldly to Griswold, whose hand, as he surveyed the room andglanced out at the flag that fluttered in the doorway, went to hismustache with that gesture that Ardmore so greatly disliked; butGriswold again bowed gravely to his adversaries.

  "Miss Dangerfield, and gentlemen," began Griswold, with an air ofaddressing a supreme tribunal, "I believe this whole matter depends uponthe arrest of one Appleweight, a well-known outlaw of North Carolina--"

  "I beg your pardon--"

  It was Jerry who interrupted him, her little fists clenching, a glint offire in her eyes.

  "It is for me to ask your pardon, Miss Dangerfield! Let us agree thatthis person is an unworthy citizen of any state, and proceed. It hasbeen your endeavor to see this man under arrest in South Carolina, thusrelieving North Carolina or her chief executive of responsibility forhim. We, on our side, have used every effort to lodge Appleweight injail on your side of the state line. Am I correct?"

  Jerry nodded affirmatively.

  "Then, Miss Dangerfield, and gentlemen, I must tell you that you havelost your contention, for Appleweight spent last night in jail atKildare, and to secure his safe retention there, we generously lent yourstate a few of our militia to guard him. The proceeding was a trifleirregular, we admit--the least bit _ultra vires_--but the peculiarsituation seemed to justify us."

  "There are not two Bill Appleweights," remarked Colonel Daubenspeck. "Iassure you that the real criminal spent last night in jail at TurnerCourt House, guarded by trustworthy men, and we are able to producehim."

  "The quickest way to settle this point, Professor Griswold, is bybringing in your man," remarked Ardmore icily.

  "On the other hand"--and Griswold's tone was confident--"as there is noreason for doubt that we have the real Appleweight, and as we are onyour territory and in a measure your guests, it is only fair that youproduce the man you believe to be Appleweight, that we may have a lookat him first."

  "Certainly," said Jerry. "Our prisoner does not deny his identity. Itgives us pleasure to produce him."

  At a nod from Colonel Daubenspeck the orderly at the door ran off towhere Cooke and the prisoner waited.

  In the interval there was a general exchange of introductions at thebungalow. The adjutant-general of South Carolina was in a merry mood andbegan chaffing Ardmore upon the deadly character of apples found in hisorchard beyond the Raccoon.

  "I deeply regret," said Ardmore, rubbing his chin, "that theadjutant-general of North Carolina is suffering from a severe attack of_paralysis agitans_ and will be unable to meet with us."

  "I deplore the fact," replied the adjutant-general of South Carolina,"for one of our scouts picked up a darky in the highway a while ago whohad on a uniform dress-coat with the initials 'R. G.' sewed in thepocket."

  "If you will return that garment to me, General," said Ardmore, "I willsee that it reaches Colonel Gillingwater by special messenger, where,upon his couch of pain, he chafes over his enforced absence from thefield of danger."

  Steps sounded on the veranda and all rose as Cooke appeared in the door,leading his handcuffed prisoner, who stood erect and glared at thecompany in gloomy silence.

  "This man," said Ardmore, "we declare to be Bill Appleweight, _alias_Poteet. I ask you, sir,"--he addressed the prisoner--"t
o state whetheryou are not known by one or both of these names?"

  The man nodded his head and grumbled a reluctant affirmative.

  "Professor Griswold," Ardmore went on, "the gentleman in charge of theprisoner is Roger Cooke, for many years in the secret service of theUnited States. He now conducts a private agency and is in my employ. Mr.Cooke, I will ask you whether you identify this man as Appleweight?"

  "There is no doubt of it whatever. I have known him for years. I oncearrested him for moonshining and he served a year in the penitentiary asthe result of that arrest. You will pardon me, sir," Cooke continued,addressing Griswold directly, "but this is undoubtedly the man you hadyourself captured at Mount Nebo Church two nights ago, but who was takenfrom you, as you may not know, by Miss Geraldine Dangerfield. She waslost in the woods and came upon the captive much to her own surprise."

  Griswold lifted his brows in amazement and turned toward Jerry.

  "If that is the case, Miss Dangerfield, I salute you! I am sorry toconfess, however, that I did not myself see the man who was captured bymy friends at the church, owing, it appears, to Miss Dangerfield'sprompt and daring action, and the regrettable cowardice of my men. Iwant to say to you, gentlemen, in all frankness, that I am greatlyastonished at what you tell me. Our prisoner is about the same height asthis man, has the same slight stoop in the shoulders, and the same shortbeard; but there the resemblance ends."

  Ardmore was trying not to show too plainly his joy at Griswold'sdiscomfiture. None of the South Carolina officers had ever seenAppleweight, as they lived remote from the scene of his exploits.Habersham's men, who had so signally failed in the descent upon MountNebo Church, had taken to the woods on the appearance of the statesoldiery along the border, and could not be found to identify the manseized at the house on the creek. Habersham had discreetly declined tosupport Griswold's venture at the last moment; to do so would, hepleaded, ruin his chances of political preferment in the future; orworse things might, indeed, happen if he countenanced and supported thearmed invasion of North Carolina by South Carolina militia. The zealousyoung militiamen who had captured the stranger in the house on the creekhad pronounced the man Appleweight, and their statement had beenaccepted and emphasized when the man was taken before Griswold, to whomhe had stubbornly refused to make any statement whatever.

  "Now that you can not deny that we have the real Appleweight," beganJerry, "who is, you must remember, a prisoner of the state of SouthCarolina, and must be returned to the Mingo County jail at once, I thinkwe may as well look at your prisoner, Professor Griswold. He may be oneof Mr. Appleweight's associates in business; but as we are interestedonly in the chief culprit, the identity of the man you hold is of verylittle interest to us."

  "If," said Griswold, "he is not Appleweight, the original blown in thebottle--"

  "Jug, if you please!" interposed Ardmore very seriously.

  "Then we don't care about him and I shall make you a present of him."

  "Or," remarked Ardmore, "I might exchange him for a ruffian I capturedmyself down on the Raccoon. He seemed quite insane, declaring himself tobe the governor of South Carolina and I locked him up in a corn-crib forsafe keeping."

  "Any man," said Jerry, lifting her chin slightly, "who would impersonatethe governor of South Carolina would, beyond question, be utterly insaneand an object of compassion. Professor Griswold, will you please produceyour imaginary Appleweight, as at this hour Mrs. Atchison usually servestea. Let us therefore make haste."

  One of Griswold's retinue ran off to summon the prisoner, who wasguarded by half a dozen soldiers near at hand.

  The company in the bungalow were all laughing heartily at some sally bythe adjutant-general of South Carolina, who insisted upon giving a lightnote to the proceedings, when hurried footsteps sounded on the verandaand a sergeant appeared in the doorway and saluted.

  The adjutant-general, annoyed at being interrupted in the telling of anew story, frowned and bade the sergeant produce his prisoner. At once aman was thrust into the room, a tall man, with a short, dark beard andslightly stooping shoulders. The strong light at his back made itdifficult for the people grouped about the table to see his faceclearly, but the air somehow seemed charged with electricity, and allbent forward, straining for a sight of the captive. As he stood framedin the doorway his face was slowly disclosed to them, and there appearedto be a humorous twinkle in his eyes. Before any one spoke, he broke outin a hearty laugh. Then a cry rose piercingly in the quiet room--a cryof amazement from the lips of Jerry Dangerfield, who had taken a stepforward,

  "Oh, papa!" she cried.

  "The Governor!" roared Colonel Daubenspeck, leaping across the table.

  "It's Governor Dangerfield!" shouted half a dozen men in chorus.

  At this moment Mrs. Atchison and Miss Barbara Osborne stole softly inand ranged themselves at the back of the room.

  The governor of North Carolina alone seemed to derive any pleasure fromthe confusion and astonishment caused by his appearance. He crossed tothe table and took his daughter's hand.

  "Jerry, what part do you play in these amateur theatricals?"

  Jerry rose, thrusting her handkerchief into her sleeve, and her lipstrembled slightly, though whether with mirth or some soberer emotion itwould be difficult to say. The room at once gave her attention, seeingthat she was about to speak.

  "Papa, before these people I am not ashamed to confess that during yourabsence from the seat of government I took it upon myself to fill youroffice to the best of my ability, finding that many important matterswere pressing and that you had gone into exile without leaving youraddress behind. I made Mr. Ardmore, the gentleman on my left in thepearl-gray suit and lavender tie, first private secretary, and then,when occasion required, acting governor, though in reality he didnothing without my entire approval. I am happy to say that nothing hasbeen neglected and your reputation as a great statesman and friend ofthe people has not suffered at our hands. We arrested Mr. Appleweight,who is standing there by the fireplace, and landed him in the MingoCounty jail as a joke on Governor Osborne, and to appease the demands ofthe press and the Woman's Civic League of Raleigh. The copies of ourcorrespondence on this and other matters will tell you the story morecompletely. And as for Governor Osborne, I have taught him a lesson inthe etiquette that should obtain between governors that he is not likelyto forget. You will find that we have not hesitated to grant pardons,and we have filled, in one instance, the office of justice of the peace,made vacant by resignation. The key to your desk, papa, is behind theclock on the mantel in your private room."

  "Ladies and gentlemen," began the governor of North Carolina, laying ahand upon the table, and with the other seizing the lapel of his rough,brown coat--a pose made familiar by all his photographs--"the jails ofNorth Carolina are more uncomfortable than I had believed them to be,and I have taken a slight cold which compels me to be briefer than thisinteresting occasion demands. You have witnessed here an exhibition offilial devotion that has, I am sure, touched us all. It is well worthwhile for me to have suffered arrest and imprisonment to realize thedepth of my daughter's love, and the jealousy with which she hassafeguarded my private and public honor."

  He felt for a handkerchief and touched it gently to his eyes; butCollins declared afterward that Governor Dangerfield was exactly likehis daughter and that one never could be sure that his mirth wasgenuine.

  "I was aware only yesterday, when I saw a newspaper for the first timein a week, that political capital was being made of my absence fromRaleigh; and that my dear friend, the governor of South Carolina, also,was being called to account for flinching in the face of imperativeduty."

  "Your friend, Governor?" cried Ardmore, unable to restrain himself.

  "Certainly, Mr. Ardmore," continued Governor Dangerfield. "That angryparting of ours at New Orleans was all for effect to get space in thenewspapers. We had confided to each other that the cares of state hadworn us to an intolerable point and that we must have rest. BrotherAppleweight had, I confe
ss, given us both a great deal of annoyance, andto be frank, neither Osborne nor I wished to take the initiative in hiscase. So we resolved to disappear, and go to some quiet place for rest.We outfitted with old clothes and came to the border. Governor Osbornehas a farm over there somewhere in Mingo County and we made it ourheadquarters; but in roaming about we came upon that charming shanty ofyours, Mr. Ardmore, down on the Raccoon. The house was deserted, andfinding the marks of the official survey running clearly through thetimber, we were amused to find that the house was partly in North,partly in South Carolina. The thing touched our fancy. A negro cookedfor us--what has become of him I do not know. We cut ourselves off fromthe mail and telegraph and received no newspapers until a packet cameyesterday, and it was only a few minutes after I saw from the head-linesof the _Vidette_ what a row was going on that I realized that strangethings may happen when the king goes a-hunting."

  As he paused, Miss Osborne stepped forward, the men making way for her.

  "If this be true, Governor Dangerfield, may I ask you, sir, what hasbecome of my father?"

  Governor Dangerfield smiled.

  "I regret, Miss Barbara, that I can not answer that question; I mustrefer it to my daughter."

  "Miss Osborne," responded Jerry, "while I should be glad, to assist youin recovering your father as a slight return for your having placed minein the Dilwell County jail and kept him there all night, I regret that Iam unable to be of the slightest help to you."

  The perspiration was beading Ardmore's brow, but he smiled as though injoy at Jerry's readiness.

  "We have taken a number of prisoners," said Ardmore, meeting thegovernor's glance, "and while I do not think Governor Osborne canpossibly be of the number, yet I shall be glad to produce them all.There's a person in the corn-crib a little way across country whom Icaptured myself. I believe he's now tied to a mulberry tree a little waydown the road, as he pretended to be the governor of South Carolina andI feared that he might do himself some harm."

  Before he ceased speaking big Paul strode in, an angry and crestfallenman following at his heels.

  "Oh, father!"

  It was Barbara Osborne's voice; but whatever of anger or joy there mayhave been in her words and tone was lost in the shout of laughter thatbroke from Governor Dangerfield. The governor of South Carolina was inno such high humor. He sputtered, swore, stamped his foot and struckthe table with his clenched hand as he demanded to know the meaning ofthe outrageous indignity to which he had been subjected.

  The more his friend stormed the more Governor Dangerfield roared withlaughter, but when he could control himself he laid an arresting arm onGovernor Osborne's shoulder, and spoke to Barbara.

  "Barbara, may I ask whether you, like my own Jerry, have been protectingyour father's fair name during his absence; and does that account for mynight spent in the jail at Kildare? If so--"

  Governor Dangerfield's laughter got the better of him, but Barbara, withdignity, turned to her father.

  "It is quite true, that finding your absence occasioning serious remark,while your attorney-general took advantage of your absence to annoy mein a most cowardly fashion, with the kind help of Professor Griswold, Idid all in my power to thwart your enemies, and to show the people ofSouth Carolina that you were not a man to evade the responsibilities ofyour office. As to the details of these matters I prefer, father, tospeak to you in private."

  "Professor Griswold?" repeated Governor Osborne haughtily. "I believe Ihave not the honor of the gentleman's acquaintance;" whereupon, to easethe situation, Ardmore presented his old friend.

  "Governor Osborne, allow me to present Professor Henry Maine Griswold,associate professor of admiralty in the University of Virginia, and theauthor of--"

  "Griswold?" The anger slowly left Governor Osborne's face. "Do Iunderstand that you belong to the Virginia tide-water family of thatname? Then, sir, without hesitation I offer you my hand."

  "Osborne," cried Governor Dangerfield, "we have every reason to be proudof our daughters. They have done their best for us; and they seem tohave acted wisely in accepting aid from these gentlemen; and now, whatis to be done with Bill Appleweight."

  "We have with us that requisition you left on your desk," exclaimedBarbara, turning to her father.

  "I'm afraid that won't help," laughed Governor Osborne, "thatrequisition, Barbara, is purely Pickwickian in character."

  "The disposition of Appleweight," said Cooke, "is a matter of delicacyfor both of you gentlemen, and you will pardon me for thrusting myselfforward, but that this affair may end happily for all, neither North norSouth Carolina should bear the burden of prosecuting a man to whom--wemay say it as between friends here--the governors of both states areunder some trifling obligations."

  The governor of North Carolina exchanged a glance and a nod with thegovernor of South Carolina.

  "Therefore," resumed Cooke, "we must hit upon a plan of action that willeliminate both states from the controversy. I will, with yourpermission, turn Appleweight over to the United States revenue officerswho are even now in this neighborhood looking for him."

  "No!" cried Jerry. "We shall do nothing of the kind! I met Mr.Appleweight under peculiar circumstances, but I must say that I formed ahigh opinion of his chivalry and I beg that we allow him to take alittle trip somewhere until the Woman's Civic League of Raleigh and thecarping Massachusetts press have found other business, and he can returnin peace to his home."

  "That," said Governor Osborne, "meets my approval."

  "And I," Ardmore added, "will give him my private caboose in which tocruise the larger Canadian cities."

  Two more prisoners were now brought in.

  "Governor Dangerfield," continued Ardmore, "here is your statetreasurer, who had sought to injure you by defaulting the state bondsdue to-day, which is the first of June. And that frowsy person with Mr.Foster is Secretary Billings, of the Bronx Loan and Trust Company, whohas treated me at times with the greatest injustice and condescension.Whether Treasurer Foster has the money with which to meet those bonds Ido not know; but I do know that I have to-day paid them in full throughthe Buckhaw National Bank of Raleigh."

  Colonel Daubenspeck leaped to his feet and swung his cap. He proposedthree cheers for Jerry Dangerfield; and three more for Barbara Osborne;and then the two governors were cheered three times three; and when thebungalow had ceased to ring, it was seen that Ardmore and Griswold werein each other's arms.

  "Surely, by this time," said Mrs. Atchison, "you have adjusted enough ofthese weighty matters for one day, and I beg that you will all dine withus at Ardsley to-night at eight o'clock, where my brother and I willendeavor to mark in appropriate fashion the signing of peace betweenyour neighboring kingdoms."

  "For Governor Osborne and myself I accept, madam," replied GovernorDangerfield, "providing the flowing frock-coats, which are the vestureand symbol of our respective offices, are still in the log house on theRaccoon where I became a prisoner."