Read The Little Colonel in Arizona Page 17




  Each 1 vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative, per vol. $1.50

  =The Little Colonel Stories.= (Trade Mark)


  Being three "Little Colonel" stories in the Cosy Corner Series, "TheLittle Colonel," "Two Little Knights of Kentucky," and "The GiantScissors," put into a single volume.

  =The Little Colonel's House Party.= (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by Louis Meynell.

  =The Little Colonel's Holidays.= (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman.

  =The Little Colonel's Hero.= (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by E. B. Barry.

  =The Little Colonel at Boarding School.= (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by E. B. Barry.

  =The Little Colonel in Arizona.= (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by E. B. Barry.

  =The Little Colonel's Christmas Vacation.= (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by E. B. Barry.

  =The Little Colonel, Maid of Honour.= (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by E. B. Barry.

  =The Little Colonel.= (Trade Mark)

  =Two Little Knights of Kentucky.=

  =The Giant Scissors.=

  =Big Brother.=

  Special Holiday Editions

  Each one volume, cloth decorative, small quarto, $1.25.

  New plates, handsomely illustrated, with eight full-page drawings incolor.

  "The books are as satisfactory to the small girls, who find themadorable, as for the mothers and librarians, who delight in theirinfluence."--_Christian Register._

  These four volumes, boxed as a four volume set $5.00

  =In the Desert of Waiting=: THE LEGEND OF CAMELBACK MOUNTAIN.


  =Keeping Tryst.=

  =The Legend of the Bleeding Heart.=

  Each one volume, tall 16mo, cloth decorative $0.50 Paper boards .35

  There has been a constant demand for publication in separate form ofthese four stories, which were originally included in four of the"Little Colonel" books.

  =Joel: A Boy of Galilee.= By ANNIE FELLOWS JOHNSTON. Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman.

  New illustrated edition, uniform with the Little Colonel Books, 1 vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative $1.50

  A story of the time of Christ, which is one of the author's best-knownbooks.

  =Asa Holmes=; OR, AT THE CROSS-ROADS. A sketch of Country Life and Country Humor. By ANNIE FELLOWS JOHNSTON. With a frontispiece by Ernest Fosbery.

  Large 16mo, cloth, gilt top $1.00

  "'Asa Holmes; or, At the Cross-Roads' is the most delightful, mostsympathetic and wholesome book that has been published in a longwhile."--_Boston Times._


  Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50

  Here is a book which will grip and enthuse every boy reader. It is thestory of a party of typical American lads, courageous, alert, andathletic, who spend a summer camping on an island off the Maine coast.

  "The best boys' book since 'Tom Sawyer.'"--_San Francisco Examiner._


  Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50

  This book is a continuation of the adventures of "The Rival Campers" ontheir prize yacht _Viking_. An accidental collision results in a seriesof exciting adventures, culminating in a mysterious chase, the loss oftheir prize yacht, and its recapture by means of their old yacht,_Surprise_.

  =The Rival Campers Ashore.= By RUEL PERLEY SMITH, author of "The Rival Campers," "The Rival Campers Afloat," etc.

  Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50

  "The Rival Campers Ashore" deals with the adventures of the campers andtheir friends in and around the town of Benton. Mr. Smith introduces anew character,--a girl,--who shows them the way to an old mill, aroundwhich the mystery of the story revolves. The girl is an admirableacquisition, proving as daring and resourceful as the campersthemselves.

  =The Young Section-Hand=; OR, THE ADVENTURES OF ALLAN WEST. By BURTON E. STEVENSON, author of "The Marathon Mystery," etc.

  Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated by L. J. Bridgman $1.50

  Mr. Stevenson's hero is a manly lad of sixteen, who is given a chance asa section-hand on a big Western railroad, and whose experiences are asreal as they are thrilling.

  =The Young Train Dispatcher.= By BURTON E. STEVENSON, author of "The Young Section-hand," etc.

  Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50

  The young hero has many chances to prove his manliness and courage inthe exciting adventures which befall him in the discharge of his duty.

  =Captain Jack Lorimer.= By WINN STANDISH.

  Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated by A. B. Shute $1.50

  Jack is a fine example of the all-around American high-school boy. Hehas the sturdy qualities boys admire, and his fondness for clean, honestsport of all kinds will strike a chord of sympathy among athleticyouths.

  =Jack Lorimer's Champions=; or, Sports on Land and Lake. By WINN STANDISH, author of "Captain Jack Lorimer," etc.

  Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50

  All boys and girls who take an interest in school athletics will wish toread of the exploits of the Millvale High School students, under theleadership of Captain Jack Lorimer.

  Captain Jack's Champions play quite as good ball as do some of the teamson the large leagues, and they put all opponents to good hard work inother summer sports.

  Jack Lorimer and his friends stand out as the finest examples ofall-round American high school boys and girls.

  =Beautiful Joe's Paradise=; OR, THE ISLAND OF BROTHERLY LOVE. A sequel to "Beautiful Joe." By MARSHALL SAUNDERS, author of "Beautiful Joe."

  One vol., library 12mo, cloth, illustrated $1.50

  "This book revives the spirit of 'Beautiful Joe' capitally. It is fairlyriotous with fun, and as a whole is about as unusual as anything in theanimal book line that has seen the light. It is a book forjuveniles--old and young."--_Philadelphia Item._

  ='Tilda Jane.= By MARSHALL SAUNDERS.

  One vol., 12mo, fully illustrated, cloth decorative, $1.50

  "It is one of those exquisitely simple and truthful books that win andcharm the reader, and I did not put it down until I had finishedit--honest! And I am sure that every one, young or old, who reads willbe proud and happy to make the acquaintance of the delicious waif.

  "I cannot think of any better book for children than this. I commend it unreservedly."--_Cyrus Townsend Brady._

  =The Story of the Graveleys.= By MARSHALL SAUNDERS, author of "Beautiful Joe's Paradise," "'Tilda Jane," etc.

  Library 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated by E. B. Barry $1.50

  Here we have the haps and mishaps, the trials and triumphs, of adelightful New England family, of whose devotion and sturdiness it willdo the reader good to hear.

  =Born to the Blue.= By FLORENCE KIMBALL RUSSEL.

  12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.25

  The atmosphere of army life on the plains breathes on every page of thisdelightful tale. The boy is the son of a captain of U. S. cavalrystationed at a frontier post in the da
ys when our regulars earned thegratitude of a nation.


  12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.25

  West Point forms the background for the second volume in this series,and gives us the adventures of Jack as a cadet. Here the training of hischildhood days in the frontier army post stands him in good stead; andhe quickly becomes the central figure of the West Point life.

  =The Sandman; His Farm Stories.= By WILLIAM J. HOPKINS. With fifty illustrations by Ada Clendenin Williamson.

  Large 12mo, decorative cover $1.50

  "An amusing, original book, written for the benefit of very smallchildren. It should be one of the most popular of the year's books forreading to small children."--_Buffalo Express._

  =The Sandman: More Farm Stories.= By WILLIAM J. HOPKINS.

  Large 12mo, decorative cover, fully illustrated $1.50

  Mr. Hopkins's first essay at bedtime stories met with such approval thatthis second book of "Sandman" tales was issued for scores of eagerchildren. Life on the farm, and out-of-doors, is portrayed in hisinimitable manner.

  =The Sandman: His Ship Stories.= By WILLIAM J. HOPKINS, author of "The Sandman: His Farm Stories," etc.

  Large 12mo, decorative cover, fully illustrated $1.50

  "Mothers and fathers and kind elder sisters who put the little ones tobed, and rack their brains for stories, will find this book atreasure."--_Cleveland Leader._

  "Children call for these stories over and over again."--_Chicago Evening Post._

  =Pussy-Cat Town.= By MARION AMES TAGGART.

  Small quarto, cloth decorative, illustrated and decorated in colors $1.00

  "Pussy-Cat Town" is a most unusual delightful cat story. Ban-Ban, a pureMaltese who belonged to Rob, Kiku-san, Lois's beautiful snow white pet,and their neighbors Bedelia the tortoise-shell, Madame Laura the widow,Wutz Butz the warrior, and wise old Tommy Traddles, were really andtruly cats.

  =The Roses of Saint Elizabeth.= By JANE SCOTT WOODRUFF, author of "The Little Christmas Shoe."

  Small quarto, cloth decorative, illustrated and decorated in colors by Adelaide Everhart $1.00

  This is a charming little story of a child whose father was caretaker ofthe great castle of the Wartburg, where Saint Elizabeth once had herhome.

  =Gabriel and the Hour Book.= By EVALEEN STEIN.

  Small quarto, cloth decorative, illustrated and decorated in colors by Adelaide Everhart $1.00

  Gabriel was a loving, patient, little French lad, who assisted the monksin the long ago days, when all the books were written and illuminated byhand, in the monasteries.

  =The Enchanted Automobile.= Translated from the French by MARY J. SAFFORD.

  Small quarto, cloth decorative, illustrated and decorated in colors by Edna M. Sawyer $1.00

  The enchanted automobile was sent by the fairy godmother of a lazy,discontented little prince and princess to take them to fairyland, wherethey might visit their storybook favorites.

  =The Red Feathers.= By THEODORE ROBERTS, author of "Brothers of Peril," etc.

  Cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50

  "The Red Feathers" tells of the remarkable adventures of an Indian boywho lived in the Stone Age, many years ago, when the world was young,and when fairies and magicians did wonderful things for their friendsand enemies.

  =The Wreck of the Ocean Queen.= By JAMES OTIS, author of "Larry Hudson's Ambition," etc.

  Cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50

  This story takes its readers on a sea voyage around the world; givesthem a trip on a treasure ship; an exciting experience in a terrificgale; and finally a shipwreck, with a mutineering crew determined totake the treasure to complicate matters.

  But only the mutineers will come to serious harm, and after the readerhas known the thrilling excitement of lack of food and water, of attacksby night and day, and of a hand-to-hand fight, he is rescued and broughtsafely home again,--to realize that it's only a story, but a stirringand realistic one.

  =Little White Indians.= By FANNIE E. OSTRANDER.

  Cloth decorative, illustrated $1.25

  The "Little White Indians" were two families of children who "playedIndian" all one long summer vacation. They built wigwams and made camps;they went hunting and fought fierce battles on the war-trail.

  A bright, interesting story which will appeal strongly to the"make-believe" instinct in children, and will give them a healthy,active interest in "the simple life."