When supper was done the three put away the supper things, carried thetable back to its place in the corner, and set the candles in theirbrackets about the walls. Then almost at once the mother said it wasbath-time and bed-time.
Bath-time! Baths had been rare in Eric's life, and when they did happenwere unhappy adventures,--cold water in a hand basin in the kitchensink, a scratchy sponge, and a towel too small. So if Mrs. Freg had said"bath-time and bed-time" to him now, he might have run away. But ifIvra's mother said it, it must be. She was _his_ mother too, now, and heloved her and thought her beautifully strange.
A surprise was waiting for him. The bath was a deep basin set in thewall. There was a fountain in it that one had only to turn on to havethe basin fill with clear water. Eric slipped out of his ragged shirtand trousers and climbed up into it. The fountain came splashing down onhis dusty, shaggy head, falling in rivulets down his back and breast. Hewas like a bird taking a bath; there was such happy splashing anddipping.
But no bird had ever the gentle soft drying, or was wrapped in such awarm night gown as the mother found for Eric. It was one of Ivra's nightgowns, but quite large enough. Then she tucked him into a narrow couchfar from the fire. It was the first time Eric could ever remember havingslept alone.
Ivra was already in a bed against the opposite wall. Before the mothergot into hers, which was open and ready for her, she blew out all thecandles and opened the door and windows.
"Good night, my lambs," she said, and a very few minutes afterwards Ericcould see by the firelight that his mother and playmate were asleep.
How cold the wind felt as it blew over his face! But how warm and snughis body was, there in the soft, clean night gown between the light,warm blankets! How fine to be there so warm in bed while his cheeks grewred in the cold air and burned deliciously. How could he ever sleep? Hewas too happy!
He looked at the fire. And then he looked harder. It was not a fire atall, but a young girl, all bright and golden, sitting with her headdrowsily bent forward on her knees and her arms wrapped close about herlegs. But as he watched she slowly lifted her bright head, and lookedquietly about the room. Then she gradually and beautilully rose andstepped out of the fireplace onto the floor. Slowly she moved across tothe mother's couch and stood still as though looking down at her. Slowlyshe bent and drew the bed-clothes higher about her shoulders, and kissedthe flower-petal hair curled back on the pillow.
She moved then to Ivra's couch, still slowly and very beautifully, andEric could see her smile at the little one huddled there, half on herface, one arm thrown up over her head. Gently the fire-girl rolled herinto a relaxed position on her side, tucked in the flung arm, and kissedthe closed eyelids.
Then she stood a minute, looking away, Eric did not know where. But hisheart began to ache with wonder and longing. Would she come to himtoo--or was he only a stranger?
He lay still, watching her from his dark corner. At last she stoppedlooking away, and came across the floor to him. She brought all thebrightness of the room with her, and her feet made no sound on theboards. When she stood above him he shut his eyes, though he wanted verymuch to look up into her face. She bent down and her hands smoothed hiscovers, warmed his pillow and lay still for a minute like sunlight onhis cheek.
When he opened his eyes again, she had gone back to the fireplace, allher brightness with her, and was resting there, a drowsy, golden girl,her head bent forward on her knees and her slim arms wrapped close abouther legs.
Eric lay and watched her for many sleepy minutes while her light felldimmer and dimmer, lower and lower. When it was just a tiny flicker hedropped to sleep.