Read The Little Mermaid Marina Returns. Page 6

  Chapter 6.

  Eric is going on a trip to another kingdom to see an old friend. He packs the last of his bags into the cart and turns to Ariel and Melody. “I’ll be fine. It will be a couple of days but not too long so don’t worry.” He kisses them and then climbs into the cart. He takes the reins and sets off. Ariel shouts after him. “Be careful and come home safe!”

  “I will don’t worry!” He waves back, and then disappears down the road. Ariel turns and ushers Melody inside. “Will he come home?” Melody looks at Ariel. “Well, will he?” Ariel looks back at her. “Hopefully,” She replies putting her arm around Melody. “Yes he will.” Ariel leads Melody up stairs. “How about we go and see some old friends? How does that sound?” Ariel smiles at Melody.

  “Really do you mean it?” Melody hugs Ariel and then runs into her room to get changed. Ariel goes into her bedroom and gets changed too.

  They both go down to the beach. Ariel climbs into the boat and Melody pushes it into the water and climbs in herself. Ariel rows the boat out to sea and then Melody asks her. “Mother what if Coral turns up?” She looks at Ariel.

  “Well we’ll just have to take that chance. Now wait here while I go and tie this off to a rock.” She strokes Melody’s hair and takes the rope. She ties one end to the boat and then jumps in with the other end. Ariel ties it off to a nearby rock and comes back up to the surface. Melody jumps into the sea and they set off to Flounder’s. When they get there they hear crying from inside. “Der, der Mon everythin will be alright.” They here Sebastian’s voice. Ariel throws a rock into the entrance and they hear Flounder scream. They both giggle and then swim to the surface. Flounder and Sebastian come to the surface. “That was not nice you scared me.”

  “Oh flounder you really are a guppy.”

  “I am not, any way do you know anything about Ink spot?” Flounder’s voice quivers. “No, why?” Ariel looks at him.

  “Because Coral captured him and tortured him until he told her your weaknesses. We haven’t seen him in weeks.”

  “Did he tell her?” Ariel asks.

  “We don’t know.” Flounder replies.

  Mean while in Marina’s old cave Coral has Inn Spot at knife point. “Tell me her weaknesses or you will die.” She tells him through gritted teeth.

  “No never I will never tell you no matter what you do!” He screams.

  “Very well.” She points the knife closer to his throat. “Tell me or I’ll take your life no kidding!”

  “Alright I’ll tell you!” He sighs. “Ariel’s biggest weakness is her family and friends, she would give her life for them.”

  “Good, good now has she got any physical ones?”

  “Yes she has a pressure point on the back of her head that’s why she either keep her hand there or has her hair up.” He blabbers.

  “Well then you are no use to me now.” Coral turns to the guards “Kill him!” But before they have time to think the cave fills with ink and Ink Spot disappears.

  Back at the boat Ariel and Melody are preparing to leave Sebastian cuts the rope and they say goodbye. Just then they see Ink Spot coming towards them. “I’m so sorry Ariel, she had me at knife point. She said she would kill me if I didn’t. I don’t want to die!” He bursts into tears.

  “Ink Spot what are you on about? No-one is going to kill you.” She pats his head.

  “Coral tried to kill me she said if I didn’t tell her your weaknesses she would kill me.”

  “What did you tell her?”

  “I told her everything and then managed to escape.”

  “Oh well I’m just glad you’re safe any way we made an oath.”

  “Ok, we will see you later.” Melody says taking the oars from her mother and starts to row away.

  By this time Eric has reached the boarder of the two kingdoms. “Name?” The officer says looking at Eric from the little building. “Prince Eric.” The officer looks at him and says. “Yeah right impersonator!” He grabs Eric and pulls him down from the cart. “You’re coming with me!”

  “Wait no you can’t I order you to stop this nonsense now!”

  “I don’t take orders from traitors.” The officer hands Eric over to the jail guard, who throws Eric into a cell. “There you go scum bag!” He says locking the door to the cell. “Prince Eric is dead. Everyone knows that the prince died last year. ‘Twas Coral great sea queen who did it.”

  Three days pass and there is still no sign of Eric’s return. Ariel stays by the door not eating only sipping at a glass of water. “Mom?” Melody calls down the hall. “Mother are you still there?”


  “You look very pale.” Melody kneels down next to her. “You have to eat something or you’ll starve.”

  “Oh’ alright I’ll have a little but I will not move from this spot.”

  “Very well, I’ll have Lois make fix you something.” Melody smiles at Ariel and walks back down the hall. Then the sound of hooves on the cobbles gives Ariel the strength to go outside. But she is disappointed by what she sees. The messenger walks up to her, bows and hands her a sealed letter. It reads: ‘Has your highness taken ill as your absence from the meeting cast great confusion over my kingdom.

  Yours faithfully,

  Princess Deviour.’

  Ariel thanks the messenger and goes back inside. She goes upstairs, where she meets a maid servant. “Ready my horse and tell no-one.”

  “Yes ma’am” The maid servant rushes downstairs. Ariel washes and gets changed. She then goes down to the stables and heads off in search of Eric.

  When she reaches the boarder she spots the cart in the jail yard. She dismounts and ties the horse up outside. Ariel walks into the jail and says. “I am looking for my husband you haven’t seen him have you?” The guard looks up at her.

  “And who might you be?” He replies.

  “I am princess Ariel and my husband’s cart is outside now will you please tell me if you have seen him.”

  “Impossible Princess Ariel and Prince Eric died last year only their daughter lives now.”

  “I’m sorry sir but you are mistaken.”

  “Oh no I am not lady!” He stands up and shows Ariel to the cell where Eric is.

  “Eric what happened to you?” Ariel pokes her hand through the bars and grabs his hand in hers.“He thinks I’m a traitor.”

  “Why? Oh I think coral has something to do with this.”

  “You think?”

  “Yes.” The prison guard comes up behind Ariel.

  “Ariel, look out!” Eric shouts but it is too late the man strikes her over the head with an iron bar. Ariel falls to the floor. The guard picks her up and throws her into the cell with Eric. “Ariel wake up!” Eric cradles her in his arms. “Come on honey please don’t leave me.” He looks up at the guard. “You monster, she is a woman how could you?” Eric shouts at him still cradling Ariel. The guard opens the door and walks into the cell. “Well first I raise my bar like this...” He holds the bar over his head. Eric, who thinks the man is going to hit Ariel, leans over Ariel to protect her. “Then I do this.” He swings the iron bar down onto Eric’s head. He laughs as he picks up the two limp bodies and dumps them in a cart.

  Mean while Melody is running about trying to find her mother. “Grimsby have you seen my mother anywhere?”

  “Sorry Melody I haven’t why?”

  “She’s gone missing again.” Melody puts her jacket on and goes out the door. “I have to find them. If anything happened to my parents I don’t know what I’d do? Well stop talking to yourself would be a start.” She runs down to the beach and climbs into the boat. Melody rows out and jumps into the sea. She swims down to Flounder’s. She swims in and finds Flounder missing. She swims to the surface. “That’s odd he wouldn’t just leave. He hardly ever goes anywhere nowadays. Something is wrong and I know just where to go next.”

  Back on the cart Ariel wak
es up just as it stops at its destination. Ariel tries to get Eric off the cart and into some bushes. But the jail guard hits her on the back of the head. “Oh no you don’t you little scum bag!” He picks the two bodies up and throws them into a boat. He climbs in and starts to row out to a cave.

  Mean while Melody is slowly making her way along the coast stopping to search every beach. “Where are they and where is Flounder? I bet they have a link of some kind. I’m doing it again aren’t I?” She hits herself on the head. “That’s it Coral, Ink Spot told her some of my mother’s weaknesses but not all of them. Only two people know all of them, Flounder and my mother herself.”

  “Ur Huh so what’s kickin” Scuttle says.

  “Ah what are you doing here?” Melody steps back startled. “Scuttle I have to go.” She climbs back into the boat and sets off towards Marina’s old cave.

  At Marina’s old cave Ariel wakes up to the sound of Flounder shouting. “Flounder? Flounder is that you?” She bangs on the wall.

  “Ariel?” Flounder stops shouting.

  “”Yes, where are you?”

  “Urm I’m in a room.”

  “Are you in or out of a cell?”

  “I think I’m in one.”

  “Oh, well you were lots of help.”


  “I was being sarcastic.”

  “Oh.” They hear a door open and Coral’s voice.

  “You will tell me all of her weaknesses or you will die.” The door closes again and Coral starts to torture Flounder. Ariel leans over to Eric, who has finally woken up. “Eric I’m going to tell you my biggest weaknesses, my biggest weaknesses are the deaths of my mother and Arista.” Ariel crawls over to the door and shouts. “Coral why torture them you when you have me? My life is the one you want, so take it!” She turns to Eric. “Bye tell Melody I love her.” Coral opens the door to the cell and tells the guards to tie her up. They do this and then Coral hits Ariel on the head. “That’s the third time today.” Ariel falls unconscious. Coral tells the guards to wrap Ariel up in cloth and put her in a burning boat. They do as she says.

  Mean while Melody has given up her search for the night. She has her supper and then goes to bed. One of the maid servants comes into her room. “Miss... Urm your mother took a horse this morning and went in search of you father, I thought you might be able to use this information.”

  “Thank you.” She curtseys and leaves the room. Melody turns over and sighs. “Where are you? I hope you’re alright. I love you both.” She blows a kiss into the darkness.

  Back on the boat Ariel wakes and finds herself unable to move. She rocks the boat until it turns over and then she tries to swim for Atlantica. She gets so close she can almost feel her bed and then Ariel hears the word. “Fire!” She is hit in the side by an arrow and sinks. She lands in the arms of the statue of her mother, Ariel slips out of the arms of her mother and lands in front of Aquata, who screams. King Triton comes out to see what all the fuss is about. He sees Ariel and immediately turns her into a mermaid so she can at least breathe. He picks her up and takes her into her room and tucks her in to bed. Then he realises that he didn’t take the cloth from round her. He takes it off and then Attina asks him. “Will she be ok?”

  “I don’t know.” He swims out and calls Sebastian. “Where is Flounder?”

  “We don’t know your majesty he went missing.”

  “Well find him then, I think he knows what has happened.”

  Two hour after her arrival Ariel wakes up to find a deep gash on her side. She sits up and looks around. “How did that happen? How did I get here?” she gets out of bed and ties a bit of cloth around her waist. Ariel checks that no-one is watching her and swims through the window. She swims for the coast and towards Melody.

  When she reaches the beach Ariel hauls herself out of the water and onto the beach. She collapses onto the sand. Hours pass and then she hears a voice. “Mom is that you? Oh my god what happened to you?” Melody kneels down next to Ariel and starts to shake her hand. “Mom, mom wake up. Please wake up!” She rests her head on Ariel’s shoulder and starts to cry. “Melody what’s the matter?” Ariel sits up and cringes with pain. Melody wipes her eyes. “Mom you’re ok?” She hugs Ariel round the waist.

  “Ouch, well not exactly.” Melody lets go and looks at Ariel.

  “Why, what happened?”

  “Nothing I’ll be fine, really.” Ariel makes her way back into the sea. “Well come on then I can’t do it on my own can I?”

  “Do what?” Melody looks at her confused.

  “Save your father and Flounder.” Melody jumps into the water.

  “So what’s the plan then?”

  “Well I’ll stay outside at the entrance to the cave and you go inside. When you get to the main chamber try to free your father and Flounder. If anything goes wrong shout, Urm Flounder I’ll never leave you and I will come in to help ok.”


  When they reach the cave, Melody goes into the entrance. “Coral I want my mum and dad. What have you done with them?”

  “My sweet child I knew you would come.” Coral grabs Melody.

  “Flounde...!” Coral slaps her hand over Melody’s mouth. Melody bites her. “Flounder I’ll never leave you!” Ariel swims into the cave, she goes under water and grabs hold of Coral’s tail. Ariel pulls her under the water. “You leave them alone!”

  “No, no you’re dead, that’s impossible you’re alive!”

  “Yes I am sorry to disappoint you.”

  “Oh no Ariel this means I have the fun of killing you myself.” She swims at Ariel, who shoots up out of her way. “Melody get out of here, all of you go I’ll be fine.” Then Coral comes up behind her and put her arm around Ariel’s throat. “I will get you and you will die!” She tightens her grip, Ariel chokes and then Coral lets go. “Get her!” Two rays come out of the dark and wrap their tails round Ariel’s arms. Ariel struggles but the rays drag her down and pin her to the sea floor. “Let me go!”

  “Oh they’ll let you go when you stop struggling. Just relax.” She hits Ariel across the back of the head and she yet again falls unconscious. The rays let go of Ariel and disappear into the dark. Coral swims off and leaves Ariel thinking that she is dead. “Finally my sister can rest knowing that, that devil is gone forever!” She laughs to herself. Than Flounder comes swimming in. “Ariel! Ariel! Ariel are you ok? This place gives me the creeps, no stop your being a guppy.” He looks around trying to find her and then he sees a figure on the sea bed. “Ariel?” He swims down. “Oh no Ariel don’t worry I’ll help you. You’re alright now.” Flounder pushes himself under her and slowly starts to swim away. Then he hears. “And exactly where do you think you are going with her?” Flounder drops Ariel and turns around.

  “I’m taking her home away from you!”

  “Oh no you’re not I’ll make sure of that.” Coral claps her hands and the rays come out of nowhere. They wrap themselves around Flounder. They get tighter and tighter until Flounder cannot breathe. “Not again.” He stops breathing and goes limp. The rays drop him next to Ariel. Coral goes out and leaves Ariel and Flounder to rot. She closes the cave entrance so if they are not dead they can’t get out.

  Meanwhile on the beach Eric and Melody are looking for Ariel.

  “Right that’s it I’ve had enough. Melody you wait here and I will go and find your mother.” He looks at her. “No arguing.”

  “Ok see you later.” She waves him off. “But you didn’t say no following.” She walks slowly following Eric’s path. When Eric reaches the cave he finds it sealed off. He tries to push the rock away from the entrance. Melody pokes her head around the corner. “Oh no mom!” She jumps into the water and swims to Atlantica. Eric hears the splash and turns round. “Melody oh no I told her.” He carries on pushing at the rock.

  In the mean time Melody has made it to Atlantica. She swims up to the window of Ariel’s old bedroom and goes in. Melody swims over to Attina’s bed and w
akes her sleeping aunt. They swim to the surface. “What’s the matter Melody?” Attina asks Melody. “It’s mom she’s in trouble, so is Flounder. We have to help them but we need the trident.”

  “Why what for?”

  “Well Coral has blocked the entrance to the cave with a big rock and it won’t move. So we need it to break the rock so we can get mom and Flounder out.”

  “Oh alright, wait here.” Attina disappears beneath the waves and back a moment later with the trident. “Ok, let’s go this way.” Melody leads Attina to the cave.

  When they get there Eric has collapsed against the wall. “Dad, we have the trident!”

  “What? Oh, good.” Attina points the trident at the rock and fires. Nothing happens then they hear a laugh. “It’s no use trying that it’s indestructible even for you.” Coral comes out of the water. “They’re both dead anyway so what’s the point?”

  “No, you’re lying!” Melody screams, she tries to launch herself at Coral but Attina holds her back. “Oh and you’re the little brat who killed my sister.” On the rock Eric has finally got to his feet when he gets dragged down into the water. “Mel...”

  “Dad!” Melody turns round but Eric has gone from sight. “What have you done with him?”

  “Melody don’t let her get to you I’ll go and help him.”

  “Yes you stay here. Now that we’re alone we can talk. Well you can’t!” Coral grabs Melody around the neck. “Well now that there is no-one to save you I think it’s only fair you join your mother.” Coral opens the cave and throws Melody inside. She shuts it again. Under the water the rays finally let go of Eric and swim off with Coral Attina helps him to the surface. “Where’s Melody?” Eric asks.

  “She was up here.” Attina looks around then they hear banging.

  “Help get me out of here!” Melody bangs on the rock. “Please help me, is anyone there?”

  “Melody are you ok?” Eric shouts.

  “Yes I’m fine, but I can’t see mom or Flounder.”

  “Wait there we’ll find a way in to the cave.”

  “Dad there’s a loose rock next to the entrance turn and the big rock will...” Melody falls unconscious from lack of air because the cave is filling with smoke. “Melody it will what? Melody? Oh no!” Eric finds the loose rock and turns it the rock falls away from the entrance Attina swims in followed by Eric. “Melody.” She coughs then goes under water. “Oh no.” Eric goes under water too. They see three dark figures at the bottom. Attina swims down. “Eric come and help me.” Eric swims down next to her. They work together and manage to get Ariel, Flounder and Melody out of the cave. When they are all safe Attina turns Ariel human and Eric takes Ariel and Melody back to their palace while Attina takes Flounder back to Atlantica.

  On the way back Melody wakes up. “Dad you’re ok.” She looks at him and smiles. He smiles back. “Of course I am Melody now let’s go home.” When they get to the beach at the front of the palace Flounder turns up. Eric lies Ariel down on the sand and he and Melody talk to Flounder about what happened. “Is she ok?” Flounder finally asks Eric. Eric looks at him and then Ariel. “I don’t think so.” Flounder starts to cry.

  “It’s all my fault I should have stayed and helped her. Why am I such a big fat guppy?” “Flounder don’t talk like that.” Melody looks at him. “Mom wouldn’t like it.” She leans over and hugs him. “Go and get some rest we’ll see you tomorrow and I will tell you any changes.” They turn separate ways. Eric takes Ariel back to the palace and up into their room. Flounder goes back to Atlantica and Melody sits on the palace steps.

  Hours pass and still no sign that Ariel is alive apart from an occasional jerk as she breathes very slowly. Eric sits at the side of the bed. “Oh Ariel you’re so brave, from the first time we met. Oh no, no, no it’s my fault you’re like this. You are dying because of me!” He holds her hand and squeezes it slightly. “Why, why now?” He squeezes her hand again and her eye’s flicker. “Ariel can you hear me? Urm squeeze my hand back if you can.” Eric waits and then he feels the slightest movement in Ariel’s fingers. “Oh thank god.” Ariel opens her eyes just as Melody walks into the room. “Mom are you alright?” She runs over to the bed. Ariel manages to smile at her but then she closes her eyes again and her hand goes limp. “No! No! No you don’t honey wake up come on Ariel. Melody get out now!” Eric shouts Melody starts to cry and runs off. “Come on you can’t go now not after everything we’ve been through.” He strokes her hair and then starts to cry into Ariel’s neck. He hugs her limp body.

  Melody has curled herself up under the seat in the boat. She stops crying and gets up. “Don’t worry mom I’ll save you.” She grabs the oars and rows out to Morgona’s cave. “May be if I could find that bottle, I could help mum.” She steps out of the boat and walks over to the shelves where all the potions are. “No, no,no,no, ah ha yes!” she picks up the bottle and turns round. Coral is sat on the side of the boat. She tips the boat and it sinks. “Ooops. Well it looks like you’re trapped.”

  “Not exactly!” Melody jumps into the water. Coral jumps in after her.

  “Do you seriously think you can get away that easily? Stupid child!” She claps her hands. “You’re going nowhere.” The two rays shoot up and grab Melody, who kicks them trying her best to get them off her. Coral takes the bottle off Melody. “Ursula’s magic now what do you want with this for?” Melody glairs at her because she can’t talk. “Oh right let her go boys.” The rays let go of her and Melody swims to the surface. She pulls herself up onto the ice and rolls over on to her back. “You know why I want it Coral.”

  “Ah but Melody this isn’t magic so magic can’t help her.”

  “You’re lying again!” Melody clenches her fists. “You are lying and I won’t believe you.”

  “Why would I lie when the truth is so much more fun?” Coral smiles at Melody. “What would you say if I said you were too late?”

  “I would say that you are dead!”

  “Is that so, well I’m not dead yet am I?”

  “Oh I’ll take good care of that.” Melody throws herself at Coral. They collide and start to fight.

  Mean while in Eric and Ariel’s bed room, Ariel still hasn’t woken up. “Ariel, why do you always have to give yourself up? How can you be so brave?”

  “Eric?” Grimsby puts his head round the door.

  “Leave me alone!” Eric looks up at him.

  “Eric these things happen.”

  “But why her why did she get involved?”

  “Because she loved you and Melody.”

  “Why are you talking like she is dead?”

  “We have to face the facts Eric.”

  “I’m not giving up hope.”

  “Very well.” Grimsby goes out of the room and Eric looks down at Ariel.

  “I’m not giving up hope.” He kisses her forehead Melody’s just like you she’s brave and full of adventures.” He smiles. “Ariel I don’t want you to miss our little girl grow up.” He puts his head in his hands and then he hears a faint whisper.

  “Eric.” He looks up. Ariel looks at him with fear in her eyes. “Eric my side hurts.” He smiles at her. “You’ll be fine you’ll see.” He holds her hand.

  “No Eric, I’m so sorry.” She squeezes his hand. “Sorry.” She closes her eyes and breathes out. “Ariel no, don’t please. We need you, you can’t go.” He hugs her and then lays her back down on the bed.

  In Morgona’s cave Melody finally gets out of the way of Coral and she shouts. “Tip, Dash help me!”

  “Dash that’s Melody, come on she’s in trouble. This way.”

  “Huh ok lead the way Tip.” They set off in the direction of Melody’s cries. Coral laughs. “You really think that, that wobbling pile of blubber can help you. You really are pathetic.” She grabs Melody by the arm and ties her hands together. She throws Melody into the water and swims off. “That will give them something to do.”

  “Hang on Melody we’re coming.” Dash gets i
nto the main chamber. “Melody? Tip she’s not here.”

  “She has to be, check down there I’ll check up here.” Dash dives down he can just see Melody’s frightened face disappearing into the dark. “Oh no Melody!” He swims down fast and picks her up on his back. “Tip I’ve got her let’s get out of here!” Tip helps Dash carry Melody out of the cave. When they reach an iceberg they put Melody on a flat bit then Dash uses his tusk to cut the string round Melody’s hands. “Melody, are you ok?” Melody coughs.

  “Yeah.” She sits up and hugs them. “Thanks guys.” She stands up and sways.

  “Where are you going?” Dash asks supporting her with his flipper.

  “Home I need to do something to help my mom.”

  In the palace Eric is still trying to wake Ariel. “I hate seeing you like this. You’re normally so lively.” He strokes her hair and kisses her hand. “Why? Why you? Why now?” He hears banging down the hall. Then Melody bursts into the room.

  “Dad! Oh.”

  “Come here, come on give me a hug.” Melody walks over to Eric.

  “Dad will she be alright?” Eric hugs her.

  “I really don’t know Melody, I really don’t know.” She squeezes him back. Eric gets a cup of water and tries to get Ariel to swallow some. He pours it onto her lips but it just dribbles down her face. “Dad?” Melody puts her hand on his shoulder. He puts his hand on hers.

  Days pass and Ariel hasn’t woken up. Eric stays by her side. Grimsby comes into the room. “Eric I think it’s that time now you have to let her go.” Eric looks at Ariel and then at Grimsby. “I think you’re right.” He stands up and leaves the room.

  “Dad has mom woken up?”

  “No I don’t think she ever will.” He looks down at Melody and she stares at him.

  “You said you wouldn’t give up. You lied!”

  “Melody wait.” Eric runs after her.

  “Well I’m not giving up on her!” she opens the bedroom door. “Urm dad she’s gone.” “What do you mean she’s gone?” He pushes past Melody.

  “What I said she’s gone.” Melody goes into the room. She walks out onto the balcony and looks down. Ariel is sat lent up against the wall. She looks up at Melody and smiles. Melody turns to Eric. “I told you not to give up.” Eric walks out of the room and onto the balcony. “Ariel are you ok?” She looks at him and nods but she cringes. She throws her arms around her side. He kneels down by her side. “Come on let’s get you back inside.” He helps her up. She smiles at him. Melody follows them inside. Eric helps Ariel onto a chair. Ariel smiles at Melody. “Come here.” She hugs Melody. “Thank you.” She whispers in Melody’s ear.

  “What for?” Melody steps back.

  “For not giving up hope.” She looks at Eric. Melody giggles. “You gave up dad right at the last minute.”

  “Yes Eric I thought you cared?”

  “I do care.” He hugs Ariel and kisses her. Ariel stands up.

  “Flounder I need to see him.” She starts to stagger towards the door. Eric sweeps her up in his arms. “Come on then.” He smiles at Melody. “We need you to fetch him.” She smiles back and follows them down to the boat. Eric sits Ariel in the boat then Melody climbs in next to her. Eric pushes the boat out and then climbs in. He starts to row out. When they get far enough out Melody jumps in and comes back up a couple of moments later with Flounder. “Ariel you’re ok.” Ariel smiles at him.

  “Of course I am are you ok?” He swirls round.

  “Yup. I knew you wasn’t dead but everyone else even your father and Sebastian thought you were.” Ariel laughs and then holds her side.

  “Well, tell them that I’m fine.”

  “Ok will do bye. I’m glad you’re alive I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  When they get back to the beach, Ariel gets up and steps out of the boat. Eric runs up to her. “No I can do it on myself.” She very slowly makes her way up the beach closely followed by Eric and Melody. She gets a sudden pain in her side and falls to her knees. Eric runs to her. “Ariel!”

  “I’m...fine.” She stands up and starts to walk again. Eric puts his arm around her.

  “Now this seems familiar.” Ariel looks at him and giggles.

  “Oh stop it Eric not in front of Melody.” When they get inside, Eric calls for a doctor. The doctor comes rushing in and he looks at Ariel. He cleans the wound and sews it up. Ariel holds Eric’s hand and squeezes it when she is in pain. When it is all over Eric gets Ariel a glass of water and sits with her. “Eric I love you.” She hugs him. “I wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for you.”

  “I love you too and I’m sure you would be.”

  That night Ariel wakes with a start. “Eric.” She shakes him.

  “What?” He sits up and looks at her.

  “Eric I have just had the weirdest dream ever.” She looks at him. “It was like I was there.”

  “Ariel it was just a dream.”

  “No listen.” Eric looks at her. “Melody’s having the same dream.” She throws the covers off and gets out of bed. “Where are you going?” Eric gets up and helps her to the door. “I’m going to make sure she’s alright.”

  “Ok, come on then.”

  “No Eric I have to do this on my own.”

  “Alright but you come straight back.”

  “I can’t promise that. Don’t worry just go back to bed. I’ll be fine, you need some rest.” Ariel opens the door and goes down the hall to Melody’s room. She opens the door and goes in. “Melody.” She climbs onto the bed next to her. “Mel, Melody.” Melody sits up. “Mom!” She hugs Ariel. “I just had this dream...”

  “About Flounder, Aunt Attina, me and you.”

  “Yes how did you know?”

  “I had the same one. Come on.”

  “Why, where are we going?”

  “Atlantica!” Ariel stands up and walks to the door.

  “No mom it’s three in the morning.”

  “So I used to get up at this time every day to go on adventures.”

  “Well I’m tiered we’ll go in the morning.”

  “Ok suit yourself.” She goes out of the room. Ariel walks down the hall and down the stairs. She sneaks out the front door and goes down to the boat. Ariel rows out to sea and jumps in. She swims down and gets the attention of a guard. They go to the surface. “I need you to get someone for me.”

  “I don’t take orders from your kind.”

  “Well you do from me.”

  “And you are?”

  “Princess Ariel.” The guard salutes her. “Go and get Attina.”

  “Yes ma’am.” He goes beneath the waves. Ariel climbs into the boat and a hand covers her mouth. Then her hands are tied together and so are her legs. Ariel is dragged off.

  Coral throws Ariel onto the floor. “Now things get interesting.” She unties Ariel’s hands. “It will be a fair fight.” She throws Ariel a staff.

  “You are pathetic!” Coral looks at Ariel and shows her the sword.

  “Am I?” She swings it at Ariel and Ariel doges it.

  “And how is this fair?” Coral pins Ariel to the floor by shoving the sword through her shoulder. “Finally I have you on your own. I can kill you in peace.” Ariel smiles at her and kicks her out of the way. She then pulls the word out of her shoulder and cuts the rope. She runs out of the cave and swims back to shore. Ariel climbs up the steps to the palace and opens the door. Ariel takes one step inside and collapses onto the floor. The door slams behind her. Eric runs down the stairs. “Honey, Ariel?” He runs up to her. “Not again.” He picks her up and takes her up stairs. He lays her on the bed and she opens her eyes. “Eric.”

  “Ariel what happened?”

  “I went for a walk, I couldn’t sleep so I took the boat out. Then Coral got me and well you don’t need to know you can see what happened.”

  “Ariel it’s not safe you know that.”

  “God you sound like my father.”

  “Good, I love you Ariel
and I couldn’t bear to lose you.” He hugs her and she hugs him back. “You never will lose me I promise.”