Read The Log House by the Lake: A Tale of Canada Page 4


  Towards the close of a bright summer day, several wheeled vehicles wereprogressing slowly along a broad but roughish road cut through theforest in the northern part of the peninsula of Upper Canada. Incolonial phrase, they were all waggons; but some carried luggage only,and one of them human beings, with a small amount of personalities, inthe shape of carpet bags and hat boxes between their feet. This vehiclewas a long shallow box, or it might be called a tray on wheels, withfour seats across, each calculated to hold three persons, and with a boxfor the driver. The baggage-waggons were of the same build, without theseats, and were heavily laden with chests, casks, bales, and bedding,with other household furniture. They must have been stronger than theylooked, to withstand the violent bumpings and jerks they received asthey progressed along the chief highway as yet opened up in that part ofthe country. The nature of the road varied very much, according to thecharacter of the land over which it passed: now it was of corduroy--thatis to say of trees laid across it, the interstices filled up with clayor sand. In a few places in the neighbourhood of saw-mills, planks hadbeen placed diagonally across the road, secured to sleepers beneath, andover these bits the horses dragged the vehicles at a speed which madethe travellers wish that the whole road was formed in the same manner.This they found was called a plank road. How the machines could holdtogether, or the limbs of the occupants escape dislocation, seemedsurprising as they surged over the first-mentioned style of road. Nowand then the foundation of the road was of rock; and this though evenrougher, caused no fear of its letting the carriages sink through. Hereand there gravel appeared and allowed of firm footing; but the worstparts of all were those undelightful spots called cedar swamps, acrosswhich neither plank nor corduroy had been thrown, and which caused thetravellers to doubt considerably whether they and their vehicles wouldget across or sink beneath the treacherous surface. In such cases,however, all hands uniting with ropes and poles, the waggons weredragged across.

  No one could complain that the road did not go direct for its object; onit went, up and down hill, and across bog and stream, with the samevanishing point between the dark tall thick growing trees ever a-head.Most people would have become very weary of what they had gone throughand of the prospect before them, but the travellers now proceeding alongthe road were the Ashton family; and Mr Norman had prepared them fullyfor what they were to expect, besides which they were always inclined tomake light of difficulties of every sort and kind.

  Their last day's journey was drawing to a close. As they mounted to thetop of a ridge of hills over which the road led, in the distance wasseen the blue surface of Lake Huron, while below them appeared,surrounded by trees, a small piece of water, unnoted on most maps,though covering an area as large as all the Cumberland Lakes puttogether. In the smaller lake were several wooded islands, and therewere promontories, and bays, and inlets, with hills of some height nearit, adding to its picturesque beauty. A wood-crowned height separatedthe smaller from the larger expanse of water, except in one place, wherea river, or an inlet it might be called, formed a junction, whichsettlers on the shores of the former would not fail to prize.

  "There is our future home," said Mr Ashton, pointing to the side of thesmall lake nearest Lake Huron. "Philip and Peter, with the two men MrNorman sent up, will, I hope, have made some progress by this time, andhave got a roof ready under which you may creep. We shall soon be atthe village, and from thence we must cross the lake in a boat, as theroad round is impassable, or rather there is no road at all."

  Harry, who had a small telescope slung at his back, said that he couldmake out a wide clearing and a shanty in the middle of it. His parentshoped that he was correct, though his younger sisters and brotherdeclared that they should be delighted to camp out in the bush for theremainder of the summer. It was growing dusk as the travellers enteredthe village, which consisted of a store, three or four log-huts, andhalf a dozen shanties or sheds, some the abode of man, and some ofbeast, and some shared by both. The store being covered in with planks,and having three stories, was the building of by far the greatestpretensions. One of the shanties was the future hotel of the place, atpresent, however, affording accommodation to neither man nor beast. Thelandlord stood at the door with his arms akimbo, and the air of a manperfectly satisfied with himself and his belongings, as he watched theapproach of the waggons. He was active enough when they stopped beforehis abode, hoping that some of the party would become his customers.

  "Well, strangers, you look spry after your journey. Glad to see you.We'll become good neighbours, I guess," was his familiar but not surlysalutation. Mr Ashton took it in good part. "Thank you, my friend, wehave come along very well," he answered. "Can you tell me, Have my sonand his servant been here lately?"

  "Your two young men were up here not ten minutes ago. They've gone backto the boat, I guess. They're no great hands at liquoring. If youshout they'll hear you."

  "Philip a-hoy!" shouted Harry and Charley, their shrill voices soundingclearly through the dark pine forest which shut in the settlement oneither side, and sweeping over the calm waters of the lake.

  "Ay, ay; all right!" was the cheerful reply, and Philip, accompanied byPeter, came rushing up in time to help his mother and sisters to unpackfrom their somewhat uncomfortable conveyance. "It does not do to beidle out here, and so, having our fishing gear, we were employingourselves while waiting your arrival in catching some fish for yoursupper," he said, as he helped his mother to the ground. "Mr JobJudson here did not quite approve of our proceeding, as he would ratherwe had spent the time in his bar; however, I have brought him up some ofthe proceeds of our sport to propitiate him, for he is an obliging,good-natured fellow, at bottom. I wish him a better calling."

  After all the family had alighted, and their affectionate greetings wereover, Philip exhibited the fine white fish he had brought for MrJudson, weighing some four or five pounds.

  "We have half-a-dozen similar fish for our family supper, so we shallnot starve," he said, with a tone of satisfaction. "We have notbroached a cask of beef or pork since we came here."

  "And we shall not, I hope, while a bird or beast remains to be shot, ora fish to be caught," cried Harry.

  As there was not a hut vacant in which to store the lading of thewaggons, Philip arranged to take the family across in the boat, withtheir bedding and other necessary articles, and to return at once forthe remainder. "I am sure that if D'Arcy knew it he would help, but weshall have a full moon up presently, and I would rather get the workdone now than wait for day, when the heat on the lake will beconsiderable," he observed.

  Mr Judson undertook to watch the luggage. "Not that there's much needof that," he remarked, "for the Injuns about here is honest fellows, andthere isn't a white settler who'd touch as much as a ha'porth of baccy,'cept maybe a newly-arrived Irishman, who hasn't learnt the ways of thecountry."

  The boat was of good size, calculated for the waters of Lake Huron, andfitted with mast and sails, though these were not now used. The lakewas smooth as glass, reflecting the bright stars from the clear sky, andbroken only by the fish which here and there rose to the surface,showing their size by the loud sound of the splashes they made. Theirregular borders of the lake rose clear and well-defined on every sidea-head, appearing to be of considerable height, almost mountains, in thedoubtful light of morning. Philip, with Harry, and Charley, and Peter,with a lad they had hired, pulled, while Mr Ashton steered. "Row,brothers, row," sang out Harry. "Our home is a-head, and daylight ispast. I am glad that the rapids are not near, though, for with ourwell-freighted craft it would be a ticklish job running them, I guess."

  The moon soon rose large and clear, a brilliant globe floating in aetherrather than the pale-coloured disc which it appears in England. As itshot upward in the clear sky it shed a silvery light over the scene,which became perfectly fairy-like in its beauty. "It is well worthleaving all the glare and bustle of London for the sake of enjoying sucha scene as this
," said Sophy, and her sisters echoed the sentiment. "Iremember just such an one on Como," observed Philip, who had made a touron the Continent during the last long vacation. "But even if the scenewe have left equalled this in beauty, I should prize this far more,"replied his sister. "I will tell you why. I feel that this is our own;we are at home here, and may admire it without regret, because we knowthat we may enjoy it over and over again."

  "Hillo! what boat is that?" shouted a voice from some distance, and adark object glided from behind a tree-covered islet they were passing,and crossed the bright pathway which the moon cast athwart the lake.

  "What, D'Arcy! is that you?" shouted Philip, in return.

  "It's myself, unless I happen to be changed into another gintleman," wasthe Irish-like reply.

  "All right, old fellow, come along. I want your promised aid," saidPhilip. "I have some few cargoes of goods to be transported across thelake before the moon sets, and you are the very man I was wishing for."

  "Why, Philip, are you not asking too much of a gentleman who must bealmost a stranger to you?" enquired Sophy, in a doubtful tone.

  "Not at all; we all help each other out here; I have found out that,"answered her brother. "He is a capital fellow, a gentleman to thebackbone, and knows that I will do the same for him with equal pleasure.We are fortunate in having such a neighbour, and from what he tells me,he hopes to have his mother and sisters out when he has got things alittle square."

  D'Arcy's boat was soon alongside. When he heard who had arrived, hevolunteered at once to go to the settlement to begin loading his boat,that he might assist Philip when he wanted to load his.

  "A capital idea, D'Arcy, just like you; do so, old fellow," was allPhilip said as they parted.

  In a short time the boat was alongside a small wooden pier, whichafforded a convenient landing-place.

  "The house is some way up the hill; I will steer you between thestumps," said Philip, offering his arm to his mother, while the restfollowed in their wake. A few minutes' walk brought them in front of aplank edifice of the Swiss cottage style; the defects of which, whateverthey were, were not visible by moonlight. There were four doors, and asmany rather diminutive windows. "This is but a summer house, remember,"said Philip, as they stood before the long low building. "We had tobuild our house according to our planks; your room is at one end, thencomes the sitting-room, and then ours, and the girls'. Remember, fivedays ago the foundations were not commenced. We don't take long toraise a house in this country;--but, enter."

  All were delighted, for although the cottage was but a long narrow shed,by means of three divisions and a liberal use of canvas and paper,Philip and his assistants had formed a neat sitting-room and twobedrooms, besides a rougher one for himself and his brothers. In thesitting-room was a table covered with a most attractive looking meal,though decked with neither china, glass, nor plate. A bright lamphanging from the roof lighted up the little room, and gave it much ofthe appearance of a cabin. "We have only to fancy," said Philip, "thatwe are on board ship without the danger of shipwreck, or being tumbledabout in a storm, and we may congratulate ourselves on the extent of ouraccommodation. We have twice as many cubic feet of air for each personas the passengers on board an emigrant ship, and can admit as much moreas we please. There, make yourselves at home. Father will now do thehonours, and Jem is boiling the kettle for tea in the kitchen. I mustbe off, and hope to be back soon with D'Arcy and your traps."

  Away went Philip down to the boat, whence his father with the rest hadbeen bringing up her lading. Who could have recognised in theenergetic, high-spirited backwoodsman Philip had become, the refined andsomewhat sedate and stiff young student of a year ago. By-the-bye, thekitchen of which he spoke was a lean-to of birch-bark, under which acamp stove had been placed; near it was a shed prepared for thereception of the stores, among which Peter proposed to take up hisabode. Philip's plan of fitting up the cottage was much admired. Tothe walls and roof he had first nailed some common canvas, on this hehad pasted newspapers, which he had again covered with a commoncheerful-looking paper, such as is used generally for covering walls.The table itself consisted of some rough planks nailed to tressels, andthe bedsteads were formed of rough pine poles with canvas stretchedacross them. Shelves and pegs round the rooms would enable theirinmates to keep them as neat as cabins.

  The voices of the rest of the party were heard sooner than was expected."We pressed the third boat on the lake into our service and havebrought everything," said Philip, entering with a slight young man, who,in spite of a very rough, much worn costume, looked the gentleman. "Ihave the pleasure of introducing my friend Mr Lawrence D'Arcy, myfellow labourer, who, let me tell you, made every inch of the furnitureof our mansion in a wondrous brief time. He had not begun it yesterdaymorning, for he was helping me to paper the walls till nearly noon."

  "It is the work of a self-taught artist," said Lawrence D'Arcy. "But,really, there is little to boast of in having put together a few roughpoles. The plan is the only thing to merit commendation."

  Of course everybody thanked Mr D'Arcy, and he at once felt himselfperfectly at home. Never did the finest baronial mansion afford moresatisfaction to the occupiers than did Philip's quickly-built cottage.It stood on a platform on the side of the hill, looking south over thelake, and sheltered by the ground above it from the icy blast of thenorth. There was not space on the platform for a larger building; but alittle way off was a much wider piece of level ground, and here alreadylogs were laid for a log house.

  "The cottage was an after-thought," said Philip, showing the plan of thelog house. "I knew that we could not get this fitted up in time, andplanking being abundant and cheap, I bethought me of running up a plankcottage which will serve you till you can get into the more substantialmansion. With a stove and additional banking up outside it may be madewarm enough even for winter." Never was a family more busy, or one morecontented and happy.

  "Our present abode will make a magnificent dairy when we get into thebig mansion," cried Agnes, as she saw the walls of the log house quicklyrising. "How clean and nice the pans will look arranged round the wallsand the churn in the middle."

  "Your notions are rather too grand, I fear, dear," said her mother. "Wehave only got one cow, and there will be room here for the milk offifty."

  "Ah! but the day will come when we may have fifty. That beautifulmeadow by the side of the stream to the right will feed almost thatnumber," said Agnes.

  "I should be content with four or five, so that we may make our ownbutter and cheese, and have cream and milk in abundance," observedFanny. "I should like to have time to attend to our garden, andpoultry, and pigs; and then, remember, we are not to grow into savages,so we must have reading, and keep up our music and drawing, and thenthere will be all sorts of household work to attend to."

  Sophy sided with Fanny, and Philip put an end to the discussion aboutthe dairy, by telling them that he had calculated on using up the planksof the cottage for the flooring of part of the new house.

  That building got on with wonderful rapidity. Day after day MrLawrence D'Arcy came over with his man Terry, a faithful fellow, born onhis father's estate in Ireland, who had been his servant in the army forseveral years. Philip had, for the purpose of economising heat andsaving roofing, resolved to make the house of two stories. The wallswere formed of horizontal logs; the upper part of each log was scoopedout so as to admit the round of the one above it to fit in, and the endswere deeply notched for the logs forming the walls at a right angle toit. A height sufficient for the ground floor chambers having beengained, notches were cut and the rafters placed across. Shears wereerected to raise the higher logs, and shingles, which are thin splitplanks of fir, formed the roof. The house stood on a platform to raiseit above the snow; the floor being thus some way from the ground. Averandah ran round the whole building, affording a sheltered walk whenthe inmates might not otherwise be able to get fresh air.

  Had not the settlers been
so strong handed, the work now accomplishedcould not have been performed before the winter; but it was the fable ofthe bundle of sticks exemplified. Such a building would not have beenattempted except for the sake of the ladies, as the settlers would haveemployed all their strength in preparing the ground for cultivation.That necessary proceeding was not however neglected, and six acres werechopped and burnt off before the snow covered up the brushwood.

  "Here we are, fairly settled in our log house," said Mr Ashton, as hesurveyed the result of his son's architectural skill. "Let us withgrateful hearts thank our Heavenly Father who has led us thus far insafety."