Read The Lonely Hearts Club Page 13

"You do realize that this is going to change things with the Club?"


  I nodded. "I know, but there's no harm in talking about it on Saturday."

  I started to pace, contemplating for the first time in my high school existence that skipping class probably was the best option. So far, I had been able to avoid Ryan, but that wasn't going to last. When I turned the corner into World History, I saw him out of the corner of my eye. I immediately went up to Jackie Memmott, who sat two rows behind us, and started to make small talk about the Club. I pretended to be in deep conversation, but I could see that Ryan was leaning over to the right side of his desk, near where I sat.

  "Miss Bloom, can I start class?" Ms. Barnes asked, tapping her chalk impatiently at the side of her desk.

  Okay, maybe I wasn't being very stealth about it. I got to my desk and gave Ryan a weak smile as I sat down. I was going to focus on the class and take notes and buckle down and study. I was not going to let him distract me. I saw him writing in his notebook. it looked like he wasn't having any problems concentrating.

  there was a tap on my left hand, and I nearly jumped out of my seat. Ryan moved his notebook so I could see what he had written. I tried to ignore him, but he pushed his notebook so far off his desk that it was practically in my lap.

  Is every thingy okay?

  I just looked straight ahead and nodded.


  He started to write in his notebook again as Ms. Barnes droned on and on about the financial ramifications of World War II

  Ryan tapped my hand again. I looked over.

  Had a lot of fun last night.

  A smile crept over my face thinking about how much fun I'd had. Ryan lit up and sat back in his desk, clearly satisfied with my response.

  Why did I have to smile, and why was he making this so hard on me? Putting Ryan Bauer out of my mind was going to be a lot harder than I thought.

  When the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat and headed to the door as fast as possible. I felt a tug and my body slammed against the cold, hard tile floor. I tried to make sense of what had happened as a small crowd gathered around me. I got to my feet and unraveled my messenger bag strap, which was caught on a chair.

  "Whoa, Penny, are you okay?" Ryan asked, hurrying over.

  "I'm fine." the words came out harsher than I intended, but maybe that was a good thing. He tried to help me up off the floor, but I pushed his arm out of the way. "I'm fine. I'm sort of in a rush . . ."

  "Yeah, I gathered that." His tone surprised me; he was no longer amused by the situation. We both looked at each other in silence, until we heard an announcement over the intercom.

  "Penny Bloom, please come to the principal's office. Penny Bloom."


  I finished collecting my things as Todd, started making an "ooh" noise. "Looks like little Miss Thang is in trouble."

  "Shut up, Todd,!' Ryan and I said in unison.

  Ryan gave me one last hurtful look before he walked out of the door.

  I headed to the principals office as I tried to think about what I could've possibly done wrong. I saw my parents waiting there, looking concerned. I ran the rest of the way.


  chapter Twenty six

  WHAT'S WRONG?" I SAID THE SECOND I got inside the office.

  "You tell us," Mom replied. "Mr. Braddock called us in and said that it's important. Your father had to cancel a few appointments to make this."

  I was confused. I stared at my parents and could tell they were mad. "I don't know." I hadn't cheated. I hadn't been late to class. My grades, which had always been good, had been getting even better this year. . .. the door to the principal's office opened and Principal Braddock stepped out and motioned for us to come in. Braddock was a big, stocky bald man, who looked like a nice guy until he opened his mouth. As we walked into his faux-wood-paneled office covered in photos and trophies from his glory days at McKinley thirty-plus years ago, I felt my pulse start to race.

  "My apologies for calling you both in on such short notice." He motioned to my parents. "But we're having a problem with Penny that's starting to get out of hand. I'm not sure if you're aware of this little club that Penny has started."


  "Of course we are" Dad said. "they meet at our house every Saturday night. Great bunch of girls."


  Principal Braddock shifted in his seat. "Well, it's causing some problems at school."

  It is?

  "It is?" Mom asked. "What kind of problems?"

  Principal Braddock straightened his tie, "Dr. and Mrs. Bloom, the problem is that Penny is using her unfortunate experiences to turn the rest of the female population against the males at this school."

  I was dumbfounded, "the Club isn't about that!"

  Principal Braddock put his hand up to silence me.

  "Now, I'm sorry that Penny can't find a boyfriend --"

  "Excuse me!" Mom protested.

  Principal Braddock held up his hands again. "My apologies. I meant to say that I don't really think it's appropriate for Penny to be pushing her ideals on the rest of the female student body, especially the impressionable freshman class."

  "Hold on," Mom started. "Penny Lane has created an amazing group of friends. there is no hidden agenda except to spend time with her friends without the pressures of dating. Mr. Braddock, you know how messy high school romances can get, I'm surprised you aren't encouraging this." I looked at my mom and saw that her cheeks were flushed. this was going to be good.

  "Mrs. Bloom, I am not going to sit here and allow one girl to start running the school. Penny is getting way too much power at this school. Her influence with the female population is getting a little out of control."


  Mom started to tap her foot impatiently. "And I suppose you don't have a problem with the fact that, just because some jock can throw a ball far, the entire male population worships him? Let me ask you a question, Mr. Braddock. Have any of the Club members gotten in trouble for anything?"

  "Well, technically no. But her little club is unsanctioned by the school, therefore --"

  "Therefore," Mom cut him. Off, "it really isn't any of your business."

  Principal Braddock cleared his throat. "Therefore, you can understand the problem, that something not authorized by the school should not be encouraged by the school. I cannot allow this to continue."

  Mom crossed her legs. "Excuse me, Mr. Braddock, but have Penny Lane's grades slipped at all?" No .. .

  "In fact, her grades have actually improved last semester, haven't they?"

  He started to flip through my thin file. "I guess."

  "So, Penny Lane has done nothing wrong, the Club is not affecting her grades, and the Club is meeting off school grounds. Am I correct?"

  "Technically --"

  "Well, then I don't see what the problem is."

  "The problem is, Mrs. Bloom" -- Principal Braddock's face was explosive -- "that after that article came out in the Monitor, a lot of the males at this school have been complaining.


  Not only that, but I've received some troubling reports from my Student Advisory Committee."

  Watt, Ryan wouldn't. . .

  "Nothing has happened yet, but that doesn't mean that it wont. this spells trouble -- T-R-O-U-B-L-E."

  Mom got up, "Well, I don't really give an S-H --"

  "Becky." Dad finally spoke. He got up and put his hand on her shoulder. Mr. Braddock relaxed considerably, probably hoping that my dad would agree with him.

  "thank you, Dr. Bloom."

  "Penny Lane," Dad said, "we're leaving, lets go. And, Mr. Braddock, I'm sure you won't argue that we're going to take Penny with us, as I really don't think it's fair for her to have to stay here today after the way you insulted her."

  Dad grabbed his coat. I just stared at him.

  "And, Mr. Braddock, as Penny's parents, we encourage this, as you call it, 'little' club. What she has done is wonderful, and you shou
ld be putting her picture on the wall instead of chastising her. We couldn't be prouder."

  Dad hugged me and kissed me on the forehead. "Let's go, kiddo. Grab your stuff."


  chapter Twenty seven

  WORD OF MY QUICK DEPARTURE from school spread like wildfire around school. Non--Club members thought I was expelled. Todd, even told people that the police had to escort me out of the building. Of course, I texted Tracy and Diane the truth on my way home, and they spread the word to the rest of the Lonely Hearts Club members. they all thought I was a hero.

  Everybody at our next meeting was ecstatic. it was as if Braddock's condemnation of the Club somehow validated us.

  I hoped this made it a good time for an announcement.

  Diane and Tracy joined me in the front of the room, I looked over and saw Morgan was blushing. She had been thrilled when she'd found out that Tyson liked her, but thankfully didn't want to drop out of the Club.

  "All right, I want everybody to hear us out before you make up your minds or jump to conclusions." I looked at Rosanna when I said this. "I started this club because I was sick of guys. But as the Club has grown, I've noticed that it's more about focusing on ourselves, and that we're really good at that. So now I think maybe our focus shouldn't be on never dating a guy, but on keeping true to your friends. if one of us wants to go --"


  "I knew it!" Rosanna got out of her seat. "I knew it! You want to date Ryan.'" She pointed at me like I was a convicted felon.

  "if you just watt and hear --"

  "Oh, this is just great. Some leader you are!' she replied.

  I noticed that the entire room was glaring at Rosanna. "this isn't about me!' I replied.

  "Oh, really?" Rosanna rolled her eyes dramatically, "How convenient that you decide to change the rules after you go on a date with the hottest guy in school!' Jealousy was oozing out of her voice. "Maybe it shouldn't be called the Lonely Hearts Club -- maybe you should call it the Rules Will Change When Convenient For Penny Club!'

  "Oh, just shut it already.'" Tracy screamed at Rosanna, "Sit your skinny ass down and listen to what Penny has to say or get the hell out. I can tell you no tears will be shed if you leave."

  It was good to have the old Tracy back.

  Rosanna sat back downlike a spoiled six-year-old who had just been told she couldn't have a pony for Christmas.

  "thank you, Tracy," I said.

  "You're welcome, our divine leader." Tracy smiled at me.

  "This isn't about me. this is actually about Morgan." the entire room turned toward Morgan, who shrunk from embarrassment. 'I'm sorry, Morgan, for having to single you out, but everybody is going to find out eventually. See, the guy that Morgan has had a crush on for years also likes her. And the


  thing is, Tyson is a really great guy, probably one of the few at McKinley, and I don't want to be the one responsible for denying them the chance to see what could happen.

  "So, Tracy, Diane, and I have sat down with Morgan and have agreed that as long as she still attends Saturday meetings, group events, and remains the Morgan we all love, there's no reason she can't give it a try."

  Morgan stood up. "Consider me the lab rat. Plus, this may all be premature, since he hasn't even asked me out yet. . ."

  He better, I thought. Tyson had no idea how much trouble he was causing.

  I walked over to Morgan and put my hand on her shoulder. "And I, for one, will be so excited to hear all the details about your date at our next meeting."

  Rosanna started to laugh. "You've got to be joking. And when are we going to hear about your date?"

  That was it. I'd had it with Rosanna.

  "Let me make something perfectly clear to you and to everybody else." I was practically shaking I was so mad. "I have absolutely zero interest in Ryan Bauer and I never will. So to clarify to anybody who may be confused, I will never, never date Ryan." the room had gone silent. Tracy and Diane had horrified expressions on their faces.

  What had I done?


  chapter Twenty eight

  WHILE I FULLY ENJOYED TRACY'S rules for the Club, there was a very important one she missed. What happens in the Lonely Hearts Club, stays in the Lonely Hearts Club,

  I'd thought that was a given.

  If you couldn't trust a member of the Club, who could you trust?

  But It hadn't counted on one very shootworthy messenger.

  Tracy, Diane, and I were walking into school together on Monday morning, talking about Morgan and Tyson, hoping his audition had gone well and he was ready to ask her out. We were just rounding the corner when Diane's expression fell,

  "Oh, no," she said. Both Tracy and I followed her gaze and saw Rosanna talking to Ryan at his locker with a smug look on her face.

  This couldn't have been good.

  Diane quickened her pace, and Ryan spotted the three of us walking over. He gave me a hurt look before slamming his locker and walking away.

  "Let me talk to him," Diane headed after him.

  I could tell Tracy was about ready to go after Rosanna, but she stopped when she noticed the panicked expression on my face, "It's okay, Penny," she said. "She's a jerk."


  I nodded slowly. A numbness had spread over my body.

  "That's it, she's out of the Club," Tracy went on. "I'll tell her." Tracy guided me to my locker and opened it up for me. All I could do was stare straight ahead.

  "No, I'll tell her" I said. "At lunch." I could hardly get the words out.

  "Okay." Tracy got my books for me. "Do you need anything else?"

  Yes, I needed to know why, if I didn't have any feelings for Ryan, I felt so demolished.

  Diane filled me in right before lunch. "Rosanna told Ryan that basically you declared in front of the entire Club that you think he's pathetic, that you don't even like him as a friend, and that you would never go on a date with him."

  "That's not what I said!" I protested.

  Well, not the first two parts.

  "That's what I told him, but he's still pretty upset. I don't think he liked the fact that you would talk about him to the Club."

  "All right," Tracy chimed in. "Let's slow down for a second and catch our breath." She put her arm around me and looked me in the eye. "Are you sure you want to do this now?"

  I couldn't believe that at a time like this Tracy had decided to be the voice of reason. Even Diane looked at her like she was mental. Of course I wanted to do this.





  I marched into the cafeteria like a soldier off to battle, with Diane and Tracy right behind me. Rosanna was at the end of the table talking poor Eileen's and Annette's ears off. She jumped a bit when I slammed down my books next to her. the entire table went silent.

  "I have something I need to say," I was looking at Rosanna, but said it loud enough for everyone to hear. "there are certain people who are here for the wrong reasons. Certain people who aren't here because of friendship. People who are manipulative and wouldn't know how to be a good friend even if their bony ass depended on it. they're here because they want to be popular. Well, you know what? I've been used far too much in my life to stand here and let it happen to me again. It's bad enough that I've been screwed around by boys. But to be screwed around by a girl... a supposed friend ... is even worse. Underminers are not welcome in the Lonely Hearts Club any longer."

  Rosanna continued to eat her banana, while looking around as if I couldn't possibly be speaking about her.

  "Apparently, I'm not making myself clear." I leaned over so I was face-to-face with her. "Rosanna Shaw, you've taken advantage of me, of the Club, of our trust. You took something I said when I thought I was among friends, and you twisted it into a hurtful He. You're no longer welcome in the Club, in my house, or at this table. Do you understand?"

  She squinted at me. "Are you seriously going to kick me out?"

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  "I just did!" My voice started to rise. "Get out of here, you backstabbing, two-faced wench."

  "Yes!" Tracy got up and clapped, followed by Diane, then Morgan and Kara and Jen. Soon the entire table was up, cheering me on.

  Rosanna quickly got up and started to leave. Adrenaline was pumping through my entire body as I sat down. I examined the happy faces around me. I was so glad to have the old, supportive Club back.

  I turned around to see the entire cafeteria was looking in our direction. A few other tables even joined in the celebration of Rosanna's departure.

  I caught Ryan's eye at the other end of the room and gave him a smile, but he looked away.

  The camaraderie within the Lonely Hearts Club was better than ever all week. We were stronger, more united. Maybe it was Braddock's threats, or Rosanna's interference, but all the Club members seemed to have become more invested in the Club and one another.

  We all came out in full force to support Diane's debut as a member of the McKinley Ravens basketball team. With only two minutes left, Diane had yet to be put in the game.

  "Coach Ramsey has to let Diane in -- we're up by nineteen points!' Tracy said.

  I kept stealing glances over by Diane's parents, where Ryan was sitting, I guessed there was no way Todd,, or any of the


  guys, would've come to support Diane, despite how many times she had cheered them on. I had tried to talk to Ryan since Monday's debacle with Rosanna, but he wouldn't even look at me. Anytime I tried to approach him, he walked away. He had to have heard the conversation in the cafeteria; it was all anybody had been talking about the last four days.

  The junior varsity cheerleading squad took the floor. they didn't even try to display any enthusiasm for the game, like they were being punished by having to cheer for the girls' team.