Read The Lonely Hearts Club Page 9

"Hey, Penny you look great."


  I noticed him looking down at my chest and quickly glancing back up. His cheeks turned red and he cleared his throat,

  "Yeah, so you guys seem to be having a great time tonight -- I can see why you all decided to go as one another's dates," He leaned in and put his hand on my lower back. "Although between you and me, having the best girls in school all go to the dance together makes it really hard for us guys to get a good date,"

  Please. Just your typical empty flirting per usual, I told myself.

  "Oh, you know ... gotta make you men sweat a bit." I gave him a slight punch on the shoulder in a flirtatious way but I ended up hitting him a lot harder than I thought.

  "Ow!" Ryan exclaimed, "jeez, Penny, who knew you were so strong?"

  Well, this was going well.

  We looked at each other in silence as the music changed again to a ballad.

  Ryan ran his fingers through his hair. "Ah, so, Penny do you think your dates would mind if you danced with me?"

  Before I could respond, I heard that high-pitched nasal voice, "No, but YOUR date would mind."

  Ryan was even more flustered than before. "Oh, hey, Missy, Wasn't sure when you'd be back. Um . . . you know Penny, right?"


  Missy looked me up and down in a very disapproving way. What did she have to be mad at? She put her arms around Ryan's waist, and I tried not to smile as I saw Ryan squirm a little.

  "Yeah, I've heard of you. Isn't your dad one of the Rolling Stones or something?"

  You've got to be kidding,

  "I'm named after a Beatles song -- Penny Lane!'

  Missy stared at me like I was some sort of lunatic.

  "Whatever," she said dismissively. "Ryan, I love this song -- let's dance." She grabbed his hand and dragged him out onto the dance floor. For a five-foot stick figure with no soul, she certainly had the strength of a hundred linebackers.

  Anger and resentment started bubbling up inside me. there was a part of me that wanted to cut in. Just to spite her.

  But I wasn't playing that game anymore. I was with my girls.

  Even if it seriously pissed me off that Missy had won this round.


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  "We all want to change the world ..


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  chapter eighteen

  I FIGURED THEY HAD DANCES ON Saturday nights so the drama could dissipate over Sunday and school could be normal on Monday,

  Well, as soon as I opened the door to Tracy's car on Monday morning, I knew that wasn't going to be the case.

  "Just shut up already!" she was shouting.

  I cautiously pulled the handle, hoping that whatever was going on would stop once I got in

  "You are such a loser," Mike screamed at Tracy when I got in,

  "Oh, YOU'RE such a freak," Tracy replied.

  Nobody seemed to notice that I was in the car.

  "Um, guys." I tried to get their attention, but it wasn't working.

  "It's not MY fault your little girlfriend was having more fun with us," Tracy said as she pulled out into the street.

  "Just stay away from me, and stay away from anybody I know. I'm so embarrassed that you're my sister."

  Tracy slammed on the brakes. "then get out!"

  Mike opened the door and started to get out of the car in the middle of the street,

  "Mike, don't..." I pleaded.


  He got out, slammed the door shut, and started jogging on the sidewalk.

  "Tracy, what on earth is going on? Go get him -- he can't walk."

  Tracy was gripping the wheel tightly. "No."

  "He'll be late for school."

  "Fine with me."

  "All right, stop it. What on earth is going on?"

  Tracy pulled back out into the street and stared forward while we passed Mike. "He freaked out at me yesterday simply because his stupid girlfriend spent most of Homecoming with us instead of him."

  "Really? Which one was she?" I tried to go through all the girls who'd been dancing with us, but couldn't keep track.

  "The petite brunette with that cute poofy lavender skirt."

  "Oh! She's Mike's girlfriend?"

  Tracy nodded as she pulled into the parking lot.

  "Well, I don't see why you and Mike have to get into a huge fight over that."

  "He was the one who started it. I knew he'd find a way to ruin what was an awesome evening." A smile spread across Tracy's face. "Seriously, we completely rocked that dance! Everybody kept saying their dates were such duds. Did you see one guy out there on the dance floor who was having a good time? No, they all just sat in a big group and talked about sports. . . ." She shifted into her best imitation of Mike. "Whatever, dude!"


  When we got to school, I kept telling myself that this was just another normal week, nothing to be nervous about. But my stomach kept doing somersaults every time I thought about seeing Ryan at the dance in the clutches of that fresh monster, I decided to walk a lot slower than usual. Maybe he wouldn't be there. Maybe I could just pretend that I wasn't mad. Maybe ...

  As I turned the corner to my locker, I saw him taking off his jacket. I was very very relieved to see there was no sign of She Who Would Not Be Named.

  I started to fiddle with my combination and saw him turning around. We caught each others eyes. He smiled, and started to say something --

  "Um, Penny?" I was startled and nearly dropped my messenger bag. I turned around to see Eileen Vodak and Annette Ryan, both freshmen, hovering behind me.

  "We, Um, we really think you guys are so much fun, and we had a really great time, urn, hanging out with you guys." Eileen blushed and started twirling her long auburn hair around her finger nervously.

  Were they part of our group on Saturday?

  "We just, um, really admire you. What you did was so cool."

  "thanks," I replied in a low voice, hoping Ryan wouldn't hear.

  Annette nudged Eileen with her shoulder. "Um, yeah, we were wondering if your club was for juniors only, or if you would ever consider having freshmen involved. .."


  I stared at Eileen for a few seconds while I tried to process what she was saying.

  "I mean, I know we're underclassmen, but.. ."

  My eyes grew wide as I realized what she was asking. "Of course. the more the merrier!"

  Both Eileen's and Annette's faces lit up. "Oh, thanks so much, Penny! Just let us know what you need us to do."

  I didn't even know what I was doing.

  "Okay, will do."

  I turned back to my locker as they left. Ryan closed his and leaned over. "Hey there."

  "Hi," I replied. Now if I could only stop the urge to shake him and ask him what the hell he was thinking, going with that vile creature.

  "Hey, Penny." I turned around as Jen and Amy came over.

  I smiled at Ryan apologetically, but was relieved to have the distraction. He just nodded and headed off to class.

  "A couple of the girls on the team who had dates called me to talk about the Club," Jen said. "Do you think we could add a few more members?"

  As I walked to Spanish class, I couldn't help but notice how many girls were saying hi to me.

  "Hola, Margarita," Todd, greeted me as I sat down at my desk.

  "Hola." I pulled out my Spanish book and opened to the new chapter.

  Todd, moved in closer to my desk. "Hey, Penny, what was up with your little chick parade on Saturday night?"


  "Oh, well, we had a lot of fun. I don't see what the big deal is." I was starting to feel a little defensive.

  "And what the hell is this about Diane quitting cheerleading?" He started shaking his head. "there's just too much weird crap going on."

  "It's not that weird. Anyway, how was your night with . . ."

  "Hilary," he
said angrily.

  "Oh, right, Hilary! She's really cool --you must have had fun." I tried to cheer Todd, up a little, since it was strange to not have him goofing around.

  "I wouldn't know --she spent most of her evening with you guys."

  Oh, that's right.

  Todd, opened up his notebook and pretended to be really interested in his notes. this was not normal behavior at all.

  I was sure he'd get over it soon. it really wasn't that big of a deal.

  "Why do you care what Todd, Chesney thinks?" Tracy asked as she and I headed to join Jen and Amy at our usual lunch table.

  "It's not just him -- I've been getting weird vibes from guys all day." I threw my lunch bag down on the table. "And all these girls have been coming up to me saying the nicest things."

  "I know -- isn't it great?" Tracy responded.

  "Hey, guys, is it okay if Kara joins us?" Morgan asked, with Diane and Kara right behind her.


  "Of course," Tracy said. "Good to have you back, Kara."

  Kara blushed. "Well, you said I could come back when I was ready.. .,"

  Tracy's eyes got wide, "of course! Welcome to the dark side!" She laughed. "I guess we should probably move the other table over to make room."

  Sure enough, Teresa Finer and Jessica Chambers asked to join us. Soon our table was packed with people talking about Homecoming, Teresa mentioned that her date was forty-five minutes late picking her up and the "fancy dinner" that Jessica's date had promised her ended up being a Burger King drive-thru, Kara's date spent the evening hitting on another girl.

  "You guys were right." Kara shook her head and played with her apple stem.

  "It's not about wrong or right -- it's about being with people who appreciate you " Diane said. "I'm really glad you're here, Kara."

  Kara smiled and took a bite of her apple.

  "So basically, I had the best dates there," Tracy said.

  While Diane, Jessica, and Jen discussed basketball plans for the weekend, I couldn't help but be impressed by how Diane showed absolutely no hesitation in discussing her big change. there wasn't any remorse or regret -- she knew she was making the right decision, even if she didn't end up making the team.

  It seemed like we had a team of our own now.


  chapter nineteen

  IT GOT TO THE POINT WHERE I had no idea how many girls would be meeting at my house on Saturday night. Sure, a lot of them had said they were coming. According to Tracy, Mike's girlfriend, Michelle, had even dumped him just so she could attend. He, in turn, was getting his own ride to school. I felt torn -- I didn't want Mikes heart to be broken, but if Michelle was going to dump him over something like the Club, odds were that the relationship wasn't a keeper anyway.

  "Is everything all right, kiddo?" Dad asked me, right before all the girls arrived. Morn had gone out without him since he was getting over a cold. "if you're worried that I'm going to get in your way, don't worry about a thing. I've got my tea and paper and I'll keep quiet in my room."

  "I'm fine, Dad. I'm just a little worried about how many people are showing up tonight."

  "Penny Lane, your mother and I are so proud of you, so don't worry about how many people show up. Marisa Klein was in for her cleaning today, and she was telling me what a hit you and your Beatles Club are at school."

  "Dad, I keep --"

  "I know, I know." He threw his hands up. "I'm still proud of you, kiddo."


  the doorbell rang and I headed over to open the door. "You just go upstairs and feel better," I called after him as he headed toward the stairs.

  Tracy and Diane were the first to arrive.

  "tonight is going to be so much fun!" Diane said.

  I looked past them and saw a stream of cars pulling up. Jen and Amy brought Jessica Chambers and Teresa Finer with them. Maria Gonzales and Cyndi Alexander parked behind them in Maria's truck.

  "Hey, guys -- come on in."

  We headed downstairs and the doorbell rang again -- Hilary Jacobs, Christine Murphy, Meg Ross, and Karen Brown.

  then again -- Jackie Memmott and Marisa Klein, with seniors Erin Fitzgerald and Laura Jaworski.

  And again -- Mike's now ex-girlfriend, Michelle, Eileen Vodak, and Annette Ryan -- the freshmen contingent.

  And again -- Morgan and Kara, with Paula Goldberg rounding everything out.

  I got to the basement and couldn't believe that there were over twenty girls from McKinley sitting there -- freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

  Everybody was staring at me. it hit me. they were expecting me to say something. I'd thought we'd just watch a movie or something and eat pizza.

  "All right, Penny!" Hilary shouted and started applauding. the whole room erupted. What had I started? I turned


  around expecting to see that some celebrity had walked into the room.

  "Shhhh! Let Penny speak.'"

  Who said that? I had no idea what people were expecting. I opened my mouth and prayed for the best.

  "Thanks, thanks for coming. Um, I'm a little surprised by the turnout. I'm not sure what everybody came here expecting, but. . ."

  I looked at Diane and Tracy for help, and they were smiling at me. I could tell that they had faith in me. I wished I did.

  "I really don't know why everybody decided to come this evening. I guess all I can tell you is why I'm here -- well, except for the fact that I live here." Everybody laughed as I took a deep breath, "To be honest, I'm just tired of it all. the games . .. guys .. , everything. I doubt that there is a single girl among us who hasn't obsessed about whether that guy is going to call, or if we're going to have a date to go to a party. And because of the pressure to go to this and that with a guy we settle for someone who isn't worth our time.

  "And then when we do find someone we think is special, we forget about our friends." I tried not to look at Diane. "Or we change something about ourselves to please a guy instead of doing what makes us happy or what we know is right.

  "Why do we do this? Why do we even bother?"

  I felt my nerves subside as I saw every girl in the room nodding in agreement.


  "I know some people will think that I'm being pessimistic -- but seriously, let's examine the male population of McKinley, shall we?" Laughter filled the room. "It's not like we have a huge wealth of decent guys to choose from!"

  A few people cheered, "Hear! Hear!"

  "Now, I'm not saying that we have to give up guys for the rest of our lives. I'm not that crazy. But I feel that we shouldn't settle, that I want to spend the last two years at McKinley having fun with my friends. Guys can only mess with that.

  "If you look around you, you'll see that there is an amazing group of people here tonight, a perfect support system. We can do anything if we stick together. We just have to believe in ourselves. And we deserve whatever we want. if one of us needs help with a test, we should be there for that person. if one of us wants to pursue our dreams, no matter what anybody else seems to think of it" -- I winked at Diane -- "we will be there for that person.

  "So all we're asking is that members put themselves and their friends before some guy. Every Saturday night, we have a standing date with one another. We need to be here for one another to remind ourselves how special we are.

  "And the best part? We don't have to put up with any more crap from guys!"

  Amy stood up. "to Penny!"

  "No," I protested. "This isn't about me, it's about us. To The Lonely Hearts Club!"


  The room went up in loud cheers. Diane went over to the stereo and put on the only guys allowed at the meeting: the Beatles.

  "You know, Penny" Diane said to me over the music. "Had I known that getting dumped would be such a positive influence on everyone else, I would've had Ryan dump me a long time ago."

  I started laughing. I had no idea if it was the high I was on from the Club, the music, or just Diane's sense of humor, b
ut for some reason that was the funniest thing I had ever heard.

  "What are you two dying over?" Tracy asked, rocking her hips back and forth to the music. She smacked her hips into mine, and I almost fell over. "Do you have any idea what you've started, Miss Penny Lane? We've single-handedly changed the social structure at McKinley High. You know what this means?"

  I'd never thought about it that way. "What?"

  She smiled. "Well, if we thought guys were jerks before this, you can guarantee they will be staying miles away from us now."

  The three of us looked at each other before we started laughing again.

  If this was what it was going to belike being single for the rest of my high school existence, I wasn't going to mind at all.


  chapter twenty


  I stared at the number on my phone -- why was Ryan calling me? it was Tuesday night, and I'd just seen him at school a few hours before. the fact that we'd been having surface-level conversations ever since the dance made it even stranger to hear his voice now,

  "Hello? Penny?"

  Speak! Say something.

  "Ah, yeah -- hey, Ryan, what's up?"

  "Not much. I had a question about History. I think I wrote down the wrong chapter we were supposed to read. is it chapter twelve?"

  "Hold on, let me check. ..." I had to run over to my desk to grab my book.

  "Crap" A surge of pain shot up my left toe as it slammed into the leg of my chair. This was just great. "Yep, chapter twelve."

  There was a pause on the other end of the phone. "Are you okay?"

  Apparently I was not okay. "Yeah, I'm fine -- stubbed my toe. ..."


  "Okay, thanks, Penny." Another long pause. "Actually there's something else I wanted to ask. . . . Ah, my parents got tickets to see this Beatles tribute band at the Civic Center in a few weeks, but realized they have to leave town early to attend this wedding, so they were going to see if any of their friends wanted them, but I thought it would be kinda fun to go to . . . if you're interested."