Read The Long Way Home Page 2

  “What? Oh, uhm, let me drive you there…”

  “No, no, no, its okay, I’ll just get a cab, but thank you.”


  “It’s okay, Blake, thanks…”

  “Okay, uhm, can I just get your number and your ym id or something? I really enjoyed talking to you, Serena. Seriously.”

  Serena smiled lightly, “Yeah, yeah, sure,” She said, and got a piece of paper and pen from her bag and jotted down her details. “There,” she said, giving it to Blake, “See you.”

  “Yeah,” Blake said, with a little smile lighting up his face, “See you.”


  Tim Mgraw

  That night, while listening to Taylor Swift’s “Tim Mcgraw”, Serena logged on to her yahoo messenger account and found an invite from someone called “iamblake” whom she assumed was Blake. She added him up and surprisingly, he was online. Soon enough, she received a message from him.


  Iamblake: hey serena 

  itsmeserena: hey you…didn’t know you liked typing with smileys..

  iamblake: well, not always. So…how are you?

  Itsmeserena: I’m good, how are u? funny how we’re asking each other this, it’s not like we haven’t seen each other forever…:D

  Iamblake: hahahaha oh well… just wanted to tell u I really enjoyed being with u this afternoon. Like, really.

  Itsmeserna:  that’s good to know. And well…I can’t believe I am saying this, but I had a good time too.

  Iamblake: really?

  Itsmeserena: do I sound like I’m joking?

  Iamblake: haha well..thanks  so…what are u doin?

  Itserena: listenin to the last few words of taylor swift’s tim mcgraw, reading some stuff online and well…just chillin’ out, it’s been a long day. And you?

  Iamblake: nothing, really. Trying to look for some decent job offers, but Idk, nothing much. u live alone?

  Itsmeserena: why? Coz u wanna go perv on me?

  Iamblake: nah, don’t be silly.

  Itsmeserena: hahahaha.. u shouldn’t.. or else! Well, I’m not living alone. Sharing this place with a friend. It’s cool, actually…kinda living away from the ‘rents. Haha ;)

  Iamblake: yeah, I know what u mean…

  Itsmeserena: u live alone?

  Iamblake: no, living with my granddad.

  Itsmeserena: oh. Why?

  Iamblake: well, the house is just…I can’t stand being there. My eldest sister brags about everything, it’s insane. And it’s better being granddad and I, we’re a team. He practically brought me up.

  Itsmeserena: well, that’s good. It’s wonderful you haven’t forgotten that. 

  Iamblake: I won’t. so tell me, aside from being the sports buff that you are, what else do u like doing?

  Itsmeserna: oh, a lot. Reading, drawing…I actually have a collection of drawings, clothes I designed, mainly.

  Iamblake: wow. That’s kind of a big 180 turn from what you’re doing now.

  Itsmeserena: actually, it’s really what I love doing.

  Iamblake: wow. Then, u must be good.

  Itsmeserena: haha. Maybe? 

  Iamblake: bet u are.

  Itsmeserena: hahaha. I sure hope so. I mean, I’ll be flying off to italy in a few weeks to study fashion so…

  Iamblake: wait. You’re going to italy?

  Itsmeserena: yah, in Tuscany. I got a scholarship grant, it’s stupid not to grab it.

  Iamblake: wow…you are actually gonna leave?

  Itsmeserena: well, if I could go there through teleportation, that would be good too.

  Iamblake: hahahaha. Fine. I just didn’t think I won’t see u soon anymore.

  Itsmeserna: huh?

  Iamblake: nothing.

  Itsmeserena: if you’re fallin in love with me and u think I’m gonna stay for u, don’t. ;)

  Iamblake: oh stop.

  Itsmeserena: hahahaha. So, what about u? what else do u like doing?

  Iamblake: uhm, nothing much, really. Surfing the net, drivin ‘round town…

  Itsmeserena: with the girl you love?

  Iamblake: oh shut it.

  Itsmeserena: hahahaha I was just joking :p

  Iamblake: oh well…yeah aside from that, I do pottery. At times, when I feel like it.

  Itsmeserena: pottery, wow, that is cool.

  Iamblake: yeah…haven’t practiced in a while though…

  Itsmeserena: why not?

  Iamblake: idk, really. Anyway…uhm…while I was driving home a while back, I saw this new sushi place just round the corner…I thought I’d uhm…you know..ask you to go there…you know

  Itsmeserena: you’re asking me out?

  Iamblake: ugh, well, yeah, I guess.

  Itsmeserena: o…kay.

  Iamblake: ok, what?

  Itsmeserena: okay, i don’t think I have anything else to do on Saturday so..yeah, sure, why not?

  Iamblake: really?

  Itsmeserena: really.

  Iamblake: sure?

  Itsmeserena: ask me again and I’d say no.

  Iamblake: hahaha ok fine. So uhm, I shall pick you up then?

  Itsmeserena: nah, I can manage. Just give me the deets and I’ll go there.

  Iamblake: are u sure?

  Itsmeserena: sure am.

  Iamblake: okay…so uhm, would 7pm be cool?

  Itsmeserena: yeah, 7’s perfect.

  Iamblake: ok, see you then.

  Itsmeserena: see you.

  Iamblake: I’re probably tired already….so uhm..yeah, see you on Saturday and…it was really nice talking to u, serena, I mean it, like, totally.

  Itsmeserena:  it was nice talking to u, too, blake. Even if you were such a jerk when I first met you.

  Iamblake: hahaha correction, u didn’t meet me then. U just saw me, at my worst, unfortunately.

  Itsmeserena: haha it was a good first meeting. Lol

  Iamblake: trust me, serena, meeting u was better. 

  Itsmeserena: yaddida. Lol goodnight, smartypants, see u on Saturday.

  Iamblake: goodnight, serena. Sweet dreams.

  Itsmeserena: same to u, blake. 

  Itsmeserena has logged off.

  Iamblake has logged off.


  No Strings Attached

  “So, you agreed to go out on a date with him?” Gina asked Serena while they were having breakfast the following morning. Serena was pouring some juice in her glass.

  “Yep,” Serena said as she put the pitcher down.

  “And it’s definitely a date?”

  “What does it matter?”

  Gina laughed, “You’ve never gone on a date in…forever!”

  Serena just shrugged.

  “You’re goin out with Blake because…because you don’t wanna grow old and alone!” Gina laughed once more, “Wow, girl, I bet this feels like something new.”

  “Shut it, G,” Serena said, “First of all, Yes, I may be going on a date with him but it doesn’t guarantee anything. And, besides, he’s single, I’m single, it won’t hurt anyone. And…we all need a little bit of fun.” She paused, “Besides, it probably would just be one date.”


  “Well, in case you’ve forgotten, G, I’m leaving, remember?”

  “Oh.” Gina muttered and paused, “Speaking of that…if you arrive in Tuscany, what’d happen between you and that chatmate of yours?”

  “He has a name, it’s Martin.” Serena answered, “And again, just in case you’ve forgotten, it’s partly because of him that I can get to go to Tuscany.”

  “It’s because of his sister…who works with your long lost cousin. Funny how everyone knows everyone in your world.”

  “Yeah, I often wonder why.”

  A pause and then Gina spoke again, “Do you like him?”

  “Him who?”


  “Why’d you ask?”

  “Come on, Serena, just answer me.”

  “He’s a nice guy,” Serena answered, “And…we’ve been friends for quite some time now…”

  “Online friends.”

  “Whatever. He’s helped me through the hardest of times.”

  Gina just took a deep breath, “Sorry.”

  “Nah, don’t be.” Serena said, “Anyway, I should get going, I need to buy some stuff…You have any requests?”

  “Oh, maybe just some almond jelly…”

  “Almond jelly it is…” Serena said, “See you later.”


  Saturday came and Serena was riding a cab on the way to the sushi restaurant. It was already 7 pm, but she thought it was okay to keep him waiting, to keep a guy on his toes for a while.

  She was done waiting for guys. Done trying to please guys, done trying to live up to their expectations. And…she thought she was done dating. She hasn’t been out on a date in…over a year or so. Well, she did go out with some boys, but she doesn’t know if those were dates. She tried to create new relationships, but nothing ever works. It’s either she lets go, or they let go. It’s either they’re into her too much, or just into her for a day and then it’s over. She got too tired of wishing and hoping that someone will stay, that’s why now, she was surprised at why she’s wiling to see this guy whom she just met days ago.

  Well, she thought, one date wouldn’t hurt. Besides, she was leaving soon, she just wanted to enjoy the rest of her time in the Philippines.

  A few minutes later, she arrived at the sushi house and got out of the taxi. She went inside and found Blake sitting by himself at a table near the windows. She walked up to him.

  “Hey,” She greeted with a light smile.

  Blake looked up at her. “Hey,” he said, stood up and gave her a peck on the cheek, “I’m glad you’re here.” He then pulled a chair out and motioned for her to sit there.

  “You think I wasn’t coming, huh?” Serena quipped.

  “Oh, no, no, not at all.” Blake said, although the truth was, by 7:15, he felt like he wasn’t waiting for anyone. He finally felt how it is to be kept waiting. To be on his toes. “I had faith in you.”

  Serena laughed.

  “So, uhm, shall we order now?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Oh just uhm…Gunkanmaki, maybe, with lots of quail eggs.”

  “Wow, good choice.” Blake smiled, “I’d have that, too.”

  Serena just smiled, “And a Mango shake, please.”

  “Mango shake, it is.”


  “This place is actually beautiful.” Serena told Blake while they were eating. “I like the whole vibe of the place, it’s relaxing.”

  Blake smiled, “I’m glad you do.” He said, “I kept on thinking that maybe you might not like it or something.”

  “And what if I actually didn’t?”

  “Then I’d still go ask you on another date.”

  Serena laughed, “Really,” She said sarcastically.

  “Really.” Blake said, “So, how was the rest of your week?”

  “Normal,” She said, “Just buried myself with work, meetings, those stuff. And you?”

  “Nothing much, too. I mostly stayed at home or in my friend, Mike’s place, he’s my man, ya know?”

  Serena laughed, “No dates?”

  “Well, unless you won’t count this one we’re having, no.”

  “You play with words too much, you know?”

  “I don’t.” Blake said.

  “Whatever you say…” Serena said. “So…tell me, why did you and your girlfriend break up?”


  “Whatever. So?”

  “I told you she cheated on me.”

  “And that’s the truth?”

  “Don’t tell me you don’t believe me.”

  “Just tell me about it.”

  Blake sighed, “It’s the truth. Gellie…she…she’s never been in a serious relationship and uhm…it was my fault. I used to be such a bad-ass. Who was I to think she wouldn’t do the same to me? It’s just bad that she did it with a friend. A friend. And now I couldn’t even call him that.”

  “Sorry.” Serena said, this time meaning it.

  “Don’t be.” He said, “Besides, it probably was bound to happen, anyway. I just thought I was different.”

  “We all had these misconceptions.”

  “People expect too much, huh?”

  Serena nodded her head, “Yeah.”

  Blake drank some mango juice and then, “So…what about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “Oh, I dunno, number of past relationships?”

  “Oh, that,” Serena said, “Two.”


  “Yeah. Well, two serious ones, and some…I don’t really know how to call them.”


  “Yeah, why, what about you? Hundreds, I suppose?” She asked sarcastically.

  “Nah,” Blake said, “Well…yeah, I had a couple, but…nothing serious.”

  “Collecting girls, eh?”

  “I’m not proud of it, okay?” Blake said, “I thought it was cool, I mean, I was just a kid, playing and all…but now looking back, It was like…that led to what happened between me and Gellie. I was a jerk, I deserved it.”

  Serena took a deep breath, “Well…we all make mistakes.”

  “I had lots.”

  “Same here,” Serena said, “Well, not mostly with boys, but…in life.”

  Blake smiled lightly, “So, those two relationships…what happened?”

  Serena took a deep breath, “The first one left me for uhm…well, someone else. They’re married now. The second one…I found out he already had a child, and that would’ve been fine, but he didn’t tell me so…”

  “That must’ve been difficult for you…” He said, “Do you still talk?”

  “No,” Serena said, “We’ve nothing to talk about…However, his son studies in the school near the university I’m working at so…I do see him sometimes, we acknowledge each other with a nod.”

  “Oh..and the other one?”

  “We talk sometimes…Just hi’s and hellos, you know, the usual.”

  Blake nodded his head, “So…what about the other stuff?”

  “What other stuff?”

  “You know, maybe your pseudo-relationships or something…”

  Serena laughed, “Don’t miss a thing, huh?” She smiled, “Well…let’s see…You’ve seen Ric, he’s…I told you he was just pretty sad, we both were, back then. He and his then girlfriend were just going through so much…and then there were some other guys…” She paused and then, “But nothing ever lasted. You know how these things go…one day, they like you, the next…they’re just gone. And then sometimes, you think you like this person and then you realize you don’t…So, sooner or later, you end up losing friends, losing the people you once trusted, and you just feel more alone than ever.” She went on, “Relationships are very messy. Or no, make that even pseudo-relationships.”

  “Yeah, I get that.” He said, “So you haven’t been in a real relationship for sometime now?”

  Serena nodded her head, “It has been too long.” She said, “Honestly, I have no idea how this dating thing works anymore, if you know what I mean. It’s just…I don’t know, weird, I guess.”

  “Are you scared?”

  “Aren’t we all?”

  Blake just looked at her pensively and smiled a little. “I can’t blame you, you’ve probably been so heartbroken a couple of times before…”

  “Oh, you have no idea.” Serena said, smiled lightly and then, “I’ve sworn off love more times than you could ever think of, but I still end up…I dunno, wishing that maybe, someday, I’ll find real love. I’ll find someone who’ll stay no
matter how hard it could get….or how hard I could get.”

  Blake nodded his head and smiled lightly, “You shouldn’t give up.”

  “Yeah? Why?” Serena said and asked sarcastically, “Because you’re here?”

  Blake laughed, “Maybe…”

  “Shut it, we’ll probably never have another date, much more a relationship.”



  “Because you don’t like me?” Blake asked, “Sorry, Serena, but given your circumstance, you probably wouldn’t have gone on a date with me if you didn’t like me…even just a wee bit.” He winked.

  “Shut it,” Serena said, “Hypothetically speaking, Blake, even if I did…it would just be nothing in the end.”


  “Because I’m leaving, remember?” Serena asked, “I’m moving to Tuscany. You can’t tell me you believe in long distance relationships because I don’t think you do.”

  “Well…moving away isn’t a reason to, you know, try to quantify things like that.”

  “I’m just being realistic.” She said.

  “Well, I don’t wanna talk about it.”


  “Serena, I don’t know…let’s just…talk about something else.”

  “Yeah, thought so…” Serena said. “Let’s talk about you.”


  “Uh-huh.” Serena said, “What are you planning to do?”

  “Uhm, order dessert?”

  “Don’t be silly, I meant…in the long run.”

  “Oh,” Blake said and took a deep breath, “Honestly, I have no idea. Well, I do..but…Okay, my uncle who lives in LA, offered me a job in the movie industry there…Backstage, you know, I’m supposed to work in a Hollywood movie studio.”


  “Yeah, wow.”

  “So you must be going?”

  “Uhm…I’m still thinking about it.”


  “I don’t know, who does?”

  Serena laughed, “You’re one crazy guy. You should go, you’d probably meet some hot young actress, go out with her and go get a Vegas Wedding.”

  “Oh, Serena, I don’t think I’d want that.”

  “But if you do, it would be cool. I’d be like, Hey, I went with that guy out one time…”